Navy Medicine: Saving Lives on Land and Sea

The Medical Service Corps

The Medical Service Corps is one of the most highly diversified Corps within the Navy Medical Department. An integral part of Navy medicine, the Medical Service Corps is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of commissioned Naval officers in clinical, scientific, and administrative health care fields. The Medical Service Corps now has approximately 2,669 officers on active duty in the grades of Ensign to Rear Admiral. Health care scientists and clinical care specialists make up about 60 percent of the total Corps, serving in 22 different specialties, while health care administrators comprise the remaining 40 percent. Medical Service Corps officers serve in more than 250 Naval and medical commands throughout the world. About 65 percent serve in facilities delivering direct patient care and 35 percent serve in operational units, training and research commands, occupational and preventive medicine units, materiel and logistic support commands, and headquarters commands.