Squadron VC-66 Veterans 1943-1944

Remembering the members of US Navy Squadron VC-66

Squadron VC-66 Photo Gallery

News Articles

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The following post was submitted by VC-66 T-1 and T-2 FM Wildcat pilot DeLoach Cope of Arcola, Mississippi.  It describes an incident that occurr...

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This VC-66 (T-1) sea story is courtesy of TBM pilot LTJG John "Jack" Dwight who passed away on 14 July 2010 at the age of 90.  Jack wrote to me o...

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     On Christmas Eve 1943, Composite Squadron 66 (T-1) detached from the USS TRIPOLI (CVE-64) and reported to NAS San Diego to sp...

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Former VC-66 TBM Pilot, Dick Krost, advises: "On August 15, 1945 I was attached to Squadron VC-66-T2. On August 4th we boarded the USS Altamaha (CVE-...

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As soon as their ASW training was completed and with little prior notice, on 30 March 1944, VC-66 was directed to report for duty aboard the USS AL...

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Thanks to former VC-66 pilot DeLoach Cope for submitting the following sea story: When VC-66 moved from Barking Sands on Kauai to Ford Island on Oahu...

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The following history of VC-66 Tour Two (T-2) was compiled by former VC-66 (T-2) pilot Joe A. Mussatto.   Composite Squadron VC-66 T-2 was re-f...

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THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON   The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION to t...

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