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Representative Elijah E. Cummings

Representative Elijah E. Cummings
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  • Government Official
    I am proud to serve the people of Maryland in the United States House of Representatives.

    If you would like to comment here, I would be happy to read your thoughts. Please keep comments rated PG. Anything offensive or off topic will be removed.
  1. Please tune-in to MSNBC’s Martin Bashir at 4:10pm today to hear me discuss yesterday’s foreclosure settlement, today’s news on the potential AIG lawsuit against the government, and the fiscal cliff.
  2. Please tune in to MSNBC today at noon as I will be discussing the impending fiscal cliff and what we hope to accomplish when the House reconvenes tomorrow evening.
  3. Tonight at 8pm, I will be on MSNBC's the Ed Show with guest host Michael Eric Dyson. We will be discussing the fiscal cliff.
  4. Please tune-in to MSNBC at 10 am this morning as I discuss the fiscal cliff and the ongoing gun control debate.
  5. I joined Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC today to discuss gun control and the NRA's call for armed guards in every American school.

    Having lost my nephew to gun violence, I know what it is like to lose a loved one to senseless violence. We must do better. The time to act is now.
  6. I will be on MSNBC’s The Ed Show tonight at 8:15pm to discuss the latest with the fiscal cliff negotiations. I hope you will tune in.
  7. I stand with my fellow CPC members in strongly opposing any move toward chained CPI that would greatly reduce the long-term benefits of every single Social Security recipient and their families. These are our family members, our friends and neighbors who worked hard, played by the rules, and paid their fair share. Now the government must uphold its end of the deal and protect their Social Securit...y benefits.

    It is fundamentally unfair to ask our most vulnerable citizens – our elderly and our poor – to shoulder the burden for our country; it is morally wrong and unacceptable. We must do better.

    The Center for Economic Policy and Research estimates that, for the average worker retiring at age 65, a change to chained CPI would mean a cut of about $650 each year by age 75 and a cut of roughly $1,130 each year at age 85.

    Calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index, or “CPI,” is often referred to as a cost-of-living estimate. Chained CPI changes the formula used to calculate inflation by taking into account changes in spending patterns, not just the price of goods, over time. This different calculation lowers the annual cost-of-living adjustment Social Security recipients receive therefore reducing their total benefits over time.
    See More
  8. Whether you're a parent, a high school student, or already enrolled in college, take a few moments to view these videos from the panel discussion at my annual scholarship fair, which I held last week.

    Knowledge is key to ensuring that you have every resource at your disposal to finance your education.
  9. I am profoundly saddened by the news of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. My prayers go out to the families of those who have lost loved ones, and those trying to make sense of this horrible tragedy.

    It is easy to detach ourselves from such tragedies when they feel so far away, but the sad truth is that this could have very easily been my community or yours. So I urge each of you to take time throughout the course of this day, and as details continue to be revealed, to pray for peace – peace for the Sandy Hook Elementary School family and for one another.
  10. Last week, I was honored to join my mentor and friend, Larry Gibson, in celebrating the release of his book, "Young Thurgood: The Making of a Supreme Court Justice."
    Photo: Last week, I was honored to join my mentor and friend, Larry Gibson, in celebrating the release of his book, "Young Thurgood:  The Making of a Supreme Court Justice."

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