Thursday, February 16, 2012

In December, we launched a new version of Twitter. It’s been available for mobile phones, via the mobile web, Twitter for iPhone and Twitter for Android, and we’ve been rolling it out steadily to Now, everyone has access to it. A few of the highlights:

  • Click any Tweet in your timeline to expand it to see photos, videos, retweets, favorites, and more. shortcut: You can quickly close all expanded Tweets by pressing “L” (as in Larry) on your keyboard.
  • Connect is your way to keep conversations going. It’s the place to see who has followed or mentioned you, or retweeted or favorited one of your Tweets. shortcut: Type “GC” (as in “Go Connect”), to jump to the Connect tab.
  • Discover lets you tap into a stream of useful and entertaining information, customized just for you. When you use Discover, you’ll see results reflecting your interests. These are based on your current location, what you follow and what’s happening in the world. shortcut: “GD” (as in “Go Discover”) takes you to the Discover tab. If you want to go directly to Activity, enter “GA”.
  • Embed Tweets on your website by copying and pasting one line of code.
  • Take a tour of the new experience.
  • Check out the new Twitter brand pages from accounts like @NPRNews, @Audi and others.
By the way, you can see more shortcuts by typing “?” when you’re on