Search Marketing Expo – SMX Advanced 2014

Thank you to everyone who attended SMX Advanced 2014. We’ll be back in Seattle June 2-3, 2015 – mark your calendars!

SMX Advanced is the only search marketing conference designed exclusively for experienced internet marketers. Sessions are fast-paced, Q&A-packed, frequently controversial, always informative…and don’t stop to cover the basics. Fluent in search engine marketing? Come to SMX Advanced and engage with others who speak your native language.

Be a leader among the leaders in search marketing by attending. Influencing industry developments is an essential mission of SMX Advanced, which connects search marketers, decision makers from the search engines, and other key industry stakeholders. You’ll participate in conversations orchestrated to debate thorny issues and move the industry forward.

And there will be plenty of learning and sharing. The most accomplished search marketers in the world will present cutting edge tips for driving traffic and increasing conversions from paid search advertising, SEO, social media marketing, and more.

Google’s Matt Cutts You&A Keynote

Matt Cutts

Google software engineer Matt Cutts will be returning to SMX Advanced in 2014. As the head of Google’s web spam team, Matt’s been dealing with webmaster issues for Google since 2000 and is well known to many advanced search marketers from his blog and public speaking.

Matt will participate in an always popular and engaging "You&A" format keynote, in which he’ll address questions from the SMX Advanced audience. So bring those questions, and don’t miss out on this SMX Advanced tradition!

Convenience is an SMX Advanced Hallmark

  • Need to stay connected? Our session rooms have Wifi. For free. For everyone.
  • Want to meet others attending? Use our private SMX Facebook group to connect pre-show. Attend the many networking events and reserve your place at birds-of-a-feather lunches.
  • And don’t worry about finding something tasty and nourishing to eat. Breakfast, hot lunches, snacks and beverages are all included.

Finally, SMX Advanced is intentionally intimate, so you’ll be certain to meet the people you want to meet. This conference sold out each year since it started in 2007. We could relocate and sell more tickets, but the ingredients — the content, networking, and energy — are too precisely formulated to change.

Content You Can Count On: Program by Search Engine Land

Danny Sullivan

Conference co-chairs Danny Sullivan and Chris Sherman are the founding editors of Search Engine Land and Marketing Land, the leading news and analysis sites covering search and internet marketing.

For more than a decade, they have been organizing cutting-edge search marketing events where the information presented is so good that attendees frequently start implementing solutions discussed at sessions during conference breaks! Click here to read more about what you can expect from an SMX conference.

Chris Sherman

Danny is a frequent keynote speaker at SMX. He founded the first site on search marketing in 1995, and has been helping webmasters, marketers and everyday web users understand how search engines work ever since. He is the Chief Content Officer of Third Door Media, the parent company of Search Engine Land and SMX.

Chris has analyzed and influenced developments in search marketing for more than a decade. He is Vice President of Event Editorial and the creative force behind Search Marketing Expo events around the world. He is also the author of several books on search marketing and technologies.

Look Who Attended SMX Advanced Last Year

Want to know if SMX Advanced is for you? Here are the titles of just a few of the people who attended SMX Advanced last year:

Corporate Management
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
Chief Revenue Officer
Vice President, Internet Sales & Marketing
Vice President, Business Development

Marketing Staff
Marketing Analyst
Media Buyer
Media Planner
Online Marketing Specialist
PPC Analyst
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist
Search Marketing Associate
User Experience Designer

Marketing Management
Brand Manager
Creative Director
Director, Business Analytics
Director, Search Marketing
E-Commerce Director
Internet Marketing Manager

IT/Web Management
Chief Science Officer
Chief Technology Officer
Development Manager
Executive Director, IT
IT Project Manager
Software Engineer
Web Developer

…and hundreds more. Don’t miss out. Come to SMX Advanced and see what your peers have been learning.

What Participants Have Said About SMX Advanced

Here’s what attendees of previous SMX Advanced said:

SMX Advanced was the most worthwhile conference I have been to. Between the value I obtained from hands on sessions to the amazing networking opportunities, every minute spent was worth its weight in gold. I hope I can carry on attending SMX Advanced for many years to come and continue obtaining high caliber search marketing insight.

- Jonathan Hurst-Sneh, Digital Marketing Manager, GlynnDevins Advertising & Marketing

SMX Advanced is the most informative and accessible search marketing event I’ve attended…ever. Danny and team put on an awesome event at a great venue that the SEO community has come to rely on every year. Everything from the speakers to the networking opportunities (even the food!) is top notch.

- Andrew Lipstein, Thomson Reuters

Working in Search and Online Marketing for over 14 years, SMX Advanced is one of the only conferences I can attend and still walk away from with new learnings and actionable takeaways.

- Jody Resnick, President & CEO, Trighton Interactive

SMX Advanced was filled with incredibly experienced and friendly digital marketers which led many valuable networking opportunities, including great conversations with attendees and vendors about the latest trends in search, marketing and analytics industries. Moreover, the speakers and SMX staff were some of the most helpful and gracious people with whom I’ve had the opportunity to work at a conference.

- Thomas Ciszek, Co-founder & Product VP, Cojoin

SMX Advanced is what conferences should be. My goal for conferences is to leave every session with at least two “must do” actions, and SMX Advanced doesn’t disappoint. Sessions were both informative and actionable. And the bright, like-minded people you’ll meet at SMX Advanced take the experience from just a conference to an amazing networking event. There’s nearly as much to learn in the evenings as there is during the sessions.

- Rachael Gerson, SEER Interactive

See more reviews of SMX Advanced

Sponsor/Exhibit at SMX Advanced 2014!

Grow your business by sponsoring or exhibiting at Search Marketing Expo – SMX Advanced! The SMX audience is made up of senior decision makers involved in buying media, tools and services for their business.

For more information, please contact the SMX sales team.

ready to go? register now!

Bell Harbor Int'l Conference Center


June 11: 9am - 6pm

June 12: 9am - 4:30pm


June 10: 8:30am-various


June 11: 10:15am - 7pm

June 12: 10am - 2pm

See what participants say about SMX Conferences