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UK Textbook Wipes Israel Off the Map

UK Textbook Wipes Israel Off the Map gatestone ∞ 138

The San Antonio Theater Shooting the National Media Ignored newam ∞ 225

The Palestinian Authority's Inconvenient Truths gatestone ∞ 222

The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2012 (10th Annual)

The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2012 (10th Annual) rwn ∞ 108

Army may work with Palantir on intel software armytimes ∞ 69

Americans for Tax Reform : Farewell to Lisa Jackson a.k.a. Richard Windsor atr ∞ 66

Meet the New Class: The Senate Swears in a Historic 20 Female Senators

Meet the New Class: The Senate Swears in a Historic 20 Female Senators abc ∞ 73

(Video) Daughters of American Revolution Removes All References to God & Jesus Christ From Official Literature hysci ∞ 56

UPDATE: BOEHNER REELECTED – Watch the House Live as the 113th Congress begins scoop ∞ 55

Al Gore cashes in on sweet, sweet Big Oil money, tries to avoid paying ‘fair share’; Twitter cashes in on laughs

Al Gore cashes in on sweet, sweet Big Oil money, tries to avoid paying ‘fair share’; Twitter cashes in on laughs twitchy ∞ 65

Shocking Time Magazine Cover: After 40 Years, Abortion Activists Losing: The mainstream media will get ... #Prolife lifenews ∞ 47

Global warming causes Al Gore to sell Current TV to oil-backed Al Jazeera: **Written by Doug Power... #svrgn_nation malkin ∞ 46

Muslims burn 1,200 cars on New Year’s Eve in France

Muslims burn 1,200 cars on New Year’s Eve in France creeping ∞ 56

Al Gore Pockets Estimated $100M on TV Sale to Arab Oil-Backed Al Jazeera hysci ∞ 40

Des Moines Register Editorial Calls for Killing Gun Owners: The right to bear arms isn't required only to defend mb ∞ 40

Heckuva job, Barry! Obama ‘signs’ fiscal cliff bill from Hawaii via Autopen sparking auto-mockery

Heckuva job, Barry! Obama ‘signs’ fiscal cliff bill from Hawaii via Autopen sparking auto-mockery twitchy ∞ 45

Patriotic Group Told to Stop Praying in Jesus’ Name fox ∞ 39

Subsidized Stupidity rsm ∞ 39

16 Percent Of Customer Support Enquiries Now Come Via Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC] - AllTwitter

16 Percent Of Customer Support Enquiries Now Come Via Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC] - AllTwitter mediabistro ∞ 44

Jewish Man Murdered by Muslim woman he was dating, "if you were involved in killing a Jew, you did a good deed" atlas ∞ 35

Meet your new IRS withholding tables hotair ∞ 35

White House War on Women Escalates

White House War on Women Escalates beacon ∞ 37

‘Fiscal Cliff’ Fight Ended in a Draw cfif ∞ 32

Right-to-Work Gives Teachers a Choice [Mackinac Center] mackinac ∞ 32

ALLEN WEST Receives Votes For Speaker of the House …Update: Boehner Wins Reelection

ALLEN WEST Receives Votes For Speaker of the House …Update: Boehner Wins Reelection gateway ∞ 36

Boehner Out as Speaker? hysci ∞ 32

Social protest leaders hope to shake up Israel ballot reuters ∞ 32

Import ban on animal-tested products goes into effect

Import ban on animal-tested products goes into effect timesofisrael ∞ 36

National crisis averted: House to vote on pork-filled Sandy relief bill by January 15, Peter King to support Boehner for Speaker hotair ∞ 31

Swiss gunman kills 3 people, had troubled history ap ∞ 31

Fiscal cliff bill subsidizes Hollywood films

Fiscal cliff bill subsidizes Hollywood films redalert ∞ 32

Obama Wasted $3.6M On Fiscal Cliff Statement s&l ∞ 30

Tech at Night: Sales tax deal is dead. Silly video privacy law gone. Obama makes life harder. redstate ∞ 30

Jewish Odysseus: THE OATH.

Jewish Odysseus: THE OATH. jodyss ∞ 32

Al Jazeera Bails Out Al Gore – Buys Current TV aim ∞ 28

Al Jazeera Seeks a U.S. Voice Where Gore Failed rcp ∞ 28

Senators Voting for Fiscal Cliff Bill Had 3 Minutes to Read 154 Pages – Voted Without Reading – Pledge to America Trashed Again!

Senators Voting for Fiscal Cliff Bill Had 3 Minutes to Read 154 Pages – Voted Without Reading – Pledge to America Trashed Again! magnote ∞ 30

Should Hagiography Wait Until The Subject Has, Regrettably, Passed? rsm ∞ 27

Uproar Over Bloated Sandy Aid Package cfp ∞ 27

Wind farms vs wildlife

Wind farms vs wildlife specuk ∞ 30

N.C. Police Lieutenant warns of Martial Law in Early 2013 western ∞ 25

Argentina's Fernandez pens Falklands letter to Cameron usa ∞ 25

Hamas, PA reportedly refuse to take in Palestinian refugees from Syria

Hamas, PA reportedly refuse to take in Palestinian refugees from Syria timesofisrael ∞ 28

Report: Syria fitting fighters with chemical weapons: Syria's air force has retrofitted MiG-21 fighters with rem deftech ∞ 24

Members say DAR stripped Christ from official guide book cdn ∞ 24

Al’s Jazeera: Gore Rejected Glenn Beck Bid for Current, Deemed Him ‘Not Aligned’ With Views

Al’s Jazeera: Gore Rejected Glenn Beck Bid for Current, Deemed Him ‘Not Aligned’ With Views nwsbstrs ∞ 26

via @C4Palin Byron York | Obama's `messianism' makes economy a secondary concern: Byron York |... cn4palin ∞ 24

The TJ Thompson Show – Jan. 2nd, 2013 cdn ∞ 24

John Boehner Re-Elected Speaker of the House by @MadeleineBlaze Why do I keep expecting change? Sigh

John Boehner Re-Elected Speaker of the House by @MadeleineBlaze Why do I keep expecting change? Sigh human ∞ 25

Good Riddance to Rottenest Congress in History - Bloomberg blmbrg ∞ 23

The Banking Elite are Not Only Stealing Our Wealth, But They Are Also Stealing Our Minds zh ∞ 23

Newsbusted Anchor Jodie Miller REFUSES To Testify At Benghazi Hearing

Newsbusted Anchor Jodie Miller REFUSES To Testify At Benghazi Hearing lid ∞ 24

Roll Call Casualty List: 113th Congress rollcall ∞ 21

School suspends 6-yr-old for making gun gesture with hand scoop ∞ 21

Joshua Boston USMC to Dianne Feinstein: Proclaiming the Evils of an Inanimate Object Which Your Bodyguard Carries

Joshua Boston USMC to Dianne Feinstein: Proclaiming the Evils of an Inanimate Object Which Your Bodyguard Carries magnote ∞ 24

UPDATE 1-Three women killed in Swiss village shooting trib ∞ 21

Icelandic girl fights for right to her own name ap ∞ 21

DOJ Brags About Holder Burning 3,000 Racist Bankers At The Stake: In an end-of-year press release posted under

DOJ Brags About Holder Burning 3,000 Racist Bankers At The Stake: In an end-of-year press release posted under wz ∞ 24

Say Anything Obama Crony Warren Buffett Raking It In From Transporting Bakken Oil By Rail sab ∞ 20

Next: Opening the Immigration Floodgates, Confiscating Guns: Disarmed and hopelessly outnumbered in what was onc mb ∞ 20

Latest Website Updates
Brady Campaign says its totally better to get raped than shoot someone. Or something.

Brady Campaign says its totally better to get raped than shoot someone. Or something. nakedDC ∞ 120

Egyptian Magazine: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration ipt ∞ 156

Obama's Leadership Failure rcp ∞ 100

Calling Ceasefire on the Boehner Bashing

Calling Ceasefire on the Boehner Bashing cdn ∞ 80

Da Tech Guy's Blog datechguy ∞ 64

Americans for Tax Reform : Democrats stuff wind PTC and other energy-tax policies in fiscal cliff bill atr ∞ 60

Senator Rubio Pushes Forward on Immigration Reform With New Staff Hire

Senator Rubio Pushes Forward on Immigration Reform With New Staff Hire shrktank ∞ 72

Illinois Dems advance ban on most modern firearms fox ∞ 50

If this isn't fake, every donor should cut off the Brady Campaign right now nakedDC ∞ 48

The culture war is over, and conservatives lost - The Week

The culture war is over, and conservatives lost - The Week theweek ∞ 59

Google settles on patents, other antitrust claims ap ∞ 43

Astronomers find possibly livable planet - SFGate sfgate ∞ 43

Egyptian magazine boasts that Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated Obama Administration

Egyptian magazine boasts that Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated Obama Administration jihad ∞ 54

Morning Bell: Hurricane Sandy Relief Package: Uproar Over Bloated Bill foundry ∞ 40

The Union News.: WH Confidential: Boehner Will Not Do This unionnws ∞ 40

Awesome pic: Texas sign welcoming guns shows why you don’t mess with Texas

Awesome pic: Texas sign welcoming guns shows why you don’t mess with Texas twitchy ∞ 45

Six-year-old Suspended for Firing Assault Finger thinker ∞ 39

Wilbon says Skins-Seahawks is NFC title game wapo ∞ 38

Obama DHS Takes New Step to Make It Much Easier for Illegal Immigrants to Stay in U.S., WashPost Buries Story on A15

Obama DHS Takes New Step to Make It Much Easier for Illegal Immigrants to Stay in U.S., WashPost Buries Story on A15 nwsbstrs ∞ 41

Thank Bipartisan Committee Work for Corporate Welfare in Tax Bill redstate ∞ 35

IPhone 6 already being tested? ibd ∞ 35

Video: Why are some afraid to know about Islam?

Video: Why are some afraid to know about Islam? creeping ∞ 37

Church Leader That Hosted Controversial Muslim Convention: Evangelical Zionism is Evil: On December 15, All wrldthrt ∞ 32

Brave Sandy Hook students return to classroom for first time since Newtown school massacre nypost ∞ 32

Protect the nuclear deterrent, reduce entitlement costs

Protect the nuclear deterrent, reduce entitlement costs cdn ∞ 36

Viral photo shows baby grabbing doctor's finger while still in womb fox ∞ 31

Glass Half Missing? What About Healthcare Premiums? What's the Hit to GDP? mish ∞ 31

Responding to Russia’s Adoption Ban

Responding to Russia’s Adoption Ban redstate ∞ 35

Americans for Tax Reform : The Democrat Evolution on Middle Class Tax Rates atr ∞ 30

Alternate Headline for Current TV Deal rsm ∞ 30

Global Warming Could Wipe Out Govt.

Global Warming Could Wipe Out Govt. judicial ∞ 32

Top 10 social media moments of #2012 jpost ∞ 30

Israelis to plant 3,000 trees for Newtown victims jpost ∞ 28

Rocklin teen allegedly drugs parents to stay on Internet longer

Rocklin teen allegedly drugs parents to stay on Internet longer abclocal ∞ 31

With safety measures in place, returning Sandy Hook students attend 'safest school in America' fox ∞ 28

FTC ends long Google probe with mild reprimand reuters ∞ 27

Smart Parenting? Mom Gives Son An iPhone…but It Comes With These 18 ‘Must-Follow’ Rules

Smart Parenting? Mom Gives Son An iPhone…but It Comes With These 18 ‘Must-Follow’ Rules blaze ∞ 30

Morsi 2010: Israelis are "blood-suckers who attack the Palestinians, these warmongers, the descendants of apes and pigs jihad ∞ 27

Hitler's Jewish neighbor pens memoir jpost ∞ 26

Study: Environmentally Friendly Lightbulbs Cause Cancer

Study: Environmentally Friendly Lightbulbs Cause Cancer breitbart ∞ 29

Minimizer Launches Mobile Web Site & Revamped Social Media Strategy - SFGate sfgate ∞ 25

'Tennessee Waltz' singer Patti Page dies at age 85 fox ∞ 25

NBC's Lauer Hypes: GOP 'In Throes of a Civil War' Over Sandy Relief Bill

NBC's Lauer Hypes: GOP 'In Throes of a Civil War' Over Sandy Relief Bill nwsbstrs ∞ 27

Orszag: Yeah, the White House has less leverage in the spending fight now hotair ∞ 24

Unhinged Liberal Calls For New Agenda On Guns, Proposes Violence Against Gun Owners: In Atl... pircove ∞ 24

Time Warner Cable Dropped CurrentTV as Soon as It Was Sold to Al Jazeera - Business

Time Warner Cable Dropped CurrentTV as Soon as It Was Sold to Al Jazeera - Business atlantic ∞ 26

Authorities charge 5 in New Delhi gang rape ap ∞ 24

FOMC Minutes - Expectations And USD Implications zh ∞ 23

Obama & Congress Giving Fighter Jets, Tanks to Muslim Brotherhood

Obama & Congress Giving Fighter Jets, Tanks to Muslim Brotherhood creeping ∞ 25

Government Debt – Does America Need a Constitutionally Defined Debt Limit? freework ∞ 22

Viral Letter: Marine Tells Would-Be Gun Grabber Dianne Feinstein 'No Ma'am' Independent Journal Review ljreview ∞ 22

2013 Means Higher Taxes, More Uncertainty from Health Care Law

2013 Means Higher Taxes, More Uncertainty from Health Care Law freeent ∞ 24

MILLER: Obama's checkmate - Washington Times times ∞ 21

UK rebuffs Argentina on negotiations over Falkland Islands hotair ∞ 21

Camelot – It Is A Silly Place

Camelot – It Is A Silly Place saints ∞ 24

How to Reduce the Debt Burden for Future Generations amer ∞ 21

Some Comfort in German, Spanish Jobs Data wsj ∞ 21

Deja 'Exuberance' Vu Or Different This Time?

Deja 'Exuberance' Vu Or Different This Time? zh ∞ 23

January 14th Conservatives Converge On North Dakota's Capitol #NDPol sab ∞ 20


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To visit the comments page for any article, click on the small , or permalink, symbol that follows the headline.
Al’s Jazeera: Gore Sells Current to Network with ‘Aligned’ Views?

Al’s Jazeera: Gore Sells Current to Network with ‘Aligned’ Views? mrc ∞ 120

Homeless veterans rescue Ohio robbery victim armytimes ∞ 81

If I Were The Speaker Of The House boortz ∞ 72

FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year Than Rifles - Gun Rights - Fox Nation

FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year Than Rifles - Gun Rights - Fox Nation fox ∞ 79

Saudi Islamic police detain dozens for "plotting to celebrate Christmas" atlas ∞ 57

Gun Control and the Politics of Ignorance rsm ∞ 57

President Barack Obama signs defense bill, notes regrets

President Barack Obama signs defense bill, notes regrets politico ∞ 69

If Dear Leader can't run again why does he still need a re-election campaign?: To disseminate propag... wyblog ∞ 48

And now the “rich” will pay… qando ∞ 48

Europe in 2013: A Year of Decision

Europe in 2013: A Year of Decision stratfor ∞ 58

Transocean to Pay $1.4 Billion to Settle Claims in Gulf Disaster wsj ∞ 41

And for the record, unbridled faith in Cantor is foolish, too. Flashback malkin ∞ 41

Twitter Now Valued At ‘More Than $11 Billion’, Eyes 2014 IPO - AllTwitter

Twitter Now Valued At ‘More Than $11 Billion’, Eyes 2014 IPO - AllTwitter mediabistro ∞ 50

Obama's Staff Uses Autopen to Sign 'Fiscal Cliff' Legislation wklystd ∞ 40

Post to expand video content online with politically focused programming wapo ∞ 39

Obama’s Former Budget Director: Obama Will Have to Negotiate Debt Limit With Less Leverage - By Nathaniel Botwinick - The Corner

Obama’s Former Budget Director: Obama Will Have to Negotiate Debt Limit With Less Leverage - By Nathaniel Botwinick - The Corner nro ∞ 44

Report Suggests U.S. Should Base Size of Nuclear Arsenal on Russia foundry ∞ 37

LEFT dsn't worry that giving people massive subsidies destroys individualism, the work ethic & sense of accomplishment pjmedia ∞ 36

The Administration Really Doesn't Want to Talk About the Drone That Killed an American Citizen - National

The Administration Really Doesn't Want to Talk About the Drone That Killed an American Citizen - National atlantic ∞ 41

Obama's Ties To The Muslim Brotherhood western ∞ 34

Al Gore sells Current TV to Al-Jazeera, nets reported $100 million fox ∞ 34

Secret Report: Devout Muslims 'radicalizing' Canadians at ‘a large number of venues’

Secret Report: Devout Muslims 'radicalizing' Canadians at ‘a large number of venues’ atlas ∞ 36

With New Year Comes New Obamacare Taxes redstate ∞ 32

Alleged OWS Activitst, Aaron Greene, Caught With Bomb Making Materials: Media Bias and Denials Ensue: One thing hideout ∞ 32

Religion of rape: Saudi 'religious leader' calls for gang rape of Syrian women

Religion of rape: Saudi 'religious leader' calls for gang rape of Syrian women matzav ∞ 36

Daughters of American Revolution Removes All References to God & Jesus Christ From Official Literature (Video) gateway ∞ 31

Morsi in 2010 says no negotiations with Jews, “the descendants of apes and pigs” scoop ∞ 31

Two Covers To Commemorate The End Of The 112th Congress

Two Covers To Commemorate The End Of The 112th Congress zh ∞ 33

Just a reminder, Boehner does not need 218 votes to win the speakership Only majority of votes cast for a candidate fas ∞ 30

Al-Jazeera Buys Al-Gore's Current TV: Among the people scrambling to unload assets before the descent of Obama's mb ∞ 30

Senate Intelligence Committee to probe contact between CIA and “Zero Dark Thirty” filmmakers

Senate Intelligence Committee to probe contact between CIA and “Zero Dark Thirty” filmmakers redalert ∞ 32

New High: 51% Think U.S. Needs Stricter Gun Control Laws rasmussen ∞ 28

Obama Promised Not to Use Signing Statements, but Released One Last Night wklystd ∞ 28

Most FOMC Participants Saw QE3 Ending in 2013 - Bloomberg

Most FOMC Participants Saw QE3 Ending in 2013 - Bloomberg blmbrg ∞ 30

Coming soon: The Hillary Is Totally Awesome Movie? hotair ∞ 27

Green Energy Underpants Gnomes rsm ∞ 27

American yeshiva student brutally beaten by Muslims in Venice

American yeshiva student brutally beaten by Muslims in Venice matzav ∞ 30

Car bomb in Iraq kills 20 Shiite pilgrims washexam ∞ 26

Tick By Tick Research Comment - 13 Economic Tales To Take You Into 2013 zh ∞ 26

If demography is destiny, good news for Texas, North Dakota, and DC - Politics and Public Opinion

If demography is destiny, good news for Texas, North Dakota, and DC - Politics and Public Opinion aei ∞ 28

VIDEO: Senator Jim DeMint on the Future of Conservatism foundry ∞ 24

Pat Condell On Patronising the Palestinians (Video) hysci ∞ 24

The Spending Cliff - Michael Tanner

The Spending Cliff - Michael Tanner nro ∞ 26

Al Gore hoped to sell Current TV before fiscal cliff tax increases caller ∞ 24

Interactive Maps You Won't See: As a special service to thieves and as part of the mainstream media's campai mb ∞ 24

Graze cattle such as bison to restore British countryside

Graze cattle such as bison to restore British countryside telegrph ∞ 26

The federal government has approved California's plan to run its own health insurance market. abclocal ∞ 23

Too Much Government, Too Little Spectrum redstate ∞ 23

Current Breaker - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot

Current Breaker - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot nro ∞ 25

Firearm Sales Jump 39% In December, 19% In 2012 cnsnews ∞ 22

Law Enforcement Calls Obama Felon, Imposter western ∞ 21

Divided Republicans Will Bring Socialism to Our Door

Divided Republicans Will Bring Socialism to Our Door sentinel ∞ 24

Rubio v. Ryan (Reader Poll): It's the fight the media is waiting and hoping for. legalins ∞ 21

Ted Cruz to be sworn in as Texas' first Hispanic US senator chron ∞ 21

Gun Ban? Stop Empowering the Left [Video]

Gun Ban? Stop Empowering the Left [Video] rtplanet ∞ 24

U.S. Needs a 12-Step Program for Spending: It's as addictive as crack cocaine and even more dangerous. PajamasMedia pjmedia ∞ 21

Father of gang rape victim calls for hanging of guilty reuters ∞ 21

Spain And Italy Were Both Best And Worst In 2012

Spain And Italy Were Both Best And Worst In 2012 zh ∞ 23

AGW Bombshell? A new paper shows statistical tests for global warming fails to find statistically significantly anth wuwt ∞ 20

Hollowing Out the U.S. Navy aim ∞ 20

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