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            Friday, January 04, 2013

Win fame

Res Ipsa Loquitor


            Beat My Caption Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/04/2013 09:43:00 PM | PERMALINK Back Link (0) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

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Made U Laff

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            Bet I made you laugh Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/04/2013 08:58:00 PM | PERMALINK Back Link (1) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

Not fair, you cheat.
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Res Ipsa Loquitor

Consumer Reports did a study on today's practice of food downsizing.  I know there are others, but so far the only food product I can name that has not reduced quantity is Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, a fact they advertise on their tubs (Still a Pint!).  Another practice designed to fool the consumer is over packaging.  I take 60 grams of protein every morning as part of my regimen to run marathons.  MoSup came home yesterday with a GIANT (trust me) tub of "Six-Star Pro Nutrition."  Wow, this should last twice as long as the last one. Take a look. 

By the By, another effect of downsizing content is skewing the USDA Food Cost index.  They report that "Over the last 12 months, the all  items index increased 1.8 percent before seasonal adjustment."  My guess is that it's more like 10-12%.

The first thing I bought were these 3600+ calorie energy bars. 


For the last month we've been using 23 Critical Items needed for your Proper and Survival Bunker as a guideline, along with Thoughts On Urban Survival

While checking around for sources, I discovered the mother lode.  Walmart.  Did you know that Wally will ship damned near anything to your front door, including ice cream?  No shipping cost on cumulative orders over $45!  And no tax!

Yesterday I opened the door to get the paper on there on my doorstep— 100 pounds of Gold Medal All Purpose flour.  Think about buying 100 pounds of anything; carrying it to your car, then up the stairs—oh my freaking back!  By the way, I will rotate these foods into our daily larder and replace them so as to keep stuff fresh. Here's my latest buy.

Res Ipsa Loquitor
If I owned any guns, which I do not, they would be also properly ammo'd up too.  Next on my list—a Geiger counter. PS- don't forget that your water heater is filled with fresh water.

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            Surviving the Mayans, Obama and Mother Nature Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/04/2013 11:28:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (11) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

No guns? And you run marathons too? I never would have guessed either one dude.

i was immediately attracted to the 3600cal energy bars and went to order a case of 20 but the shipping was $53! for a $90 ITEM...hmmm.

You've posted the survival tips from that guy in Argentina a couple times and it's been a great guide for me. He speaks from experience-thanx for that Rog
Anonymous - The 3600 Cal Ration Bars have free two day shipping under Prime.
That's right MM, I got rid of all my guns because they scare me to even touch them.
I'd eat a shit sammich before I bought ANY thing from Ben & Jerry.

My dumbass hippie neighbor from across the street told me he didn't need to own a gun because if he ever needed one, he'd come borrow one of mine. I told him that actually, I had already crossed over to his side and sold all of mine.

He bought it. We had a pleasant chat about how the Donks were taking care of everybody and how morally superior we were, did a fist bump and he wandered off smiling.

Hey, I did say he was a dumbass.....

Sir H the Comet
Sir H, your neighbor is the reason beer bottles say 'open other end' on the bottom.
Sir H,

Yet another example of leftard entitlement mentality - of course you'd give him one of your guns when the SHTF, because it's soooo much more important for you to protect him, as opposed to protecting yourself and your family.

And I bet he'd expect you to show him how to use it right then, too.

Please tell me you made him up!!!
Good thinking with the neighbor Rodger, If you have to eat him one day, it'll be easier if he's off guard.
...guns....which I do not
The B-52..my GAU 8 tailgun - please say it's on consignment to the Barn Army or something.. I don't want to become an Uhbamunist and go on unemployment and ...
Oh OPSEC, sorry ;>)
Still yer tailgunner when the tocsin sounds.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
i lie a lot
Leelu, nope, he are real. Ask anybody who knows me, I don't have that good an imagination.

Sir H the Comet
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Oh My

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            Prelude Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/04/2013 09:20:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (4) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

The violent deaths of a few brown people mean nothing to the Demos if it does not further their political purposes.
Well, this is by definition either untrue or a distraction, since it's unreported by the mainstream media. And unhelpful, don'tcha know. Really, intentions were good. Couldn't be helped. Oh, look, a shiny object!
We need to be very careful what we wish for in the coming battles over increased gun control. Republicans seem to be advocating two options: allowing teachers to arm themselves (or providing armed guards), and identifying mentally unstable people so as to limit their access to firearms.

I'm totally on board with the first option--I think that is the best way to deal with the problem. As for option 2, do we really want to give the federal government the power to decide who is mentally unstable and thereby prohibited from owning firearms?

Since 0babmcare is now the law of the land, the federal government controls both the doctors who diagnose you as well as the criteria by which you would be diagnosed. And that's a recipe for disaster.
Snackeater is dead-on!
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Best Picture From 2012 Candidate #3

Thongs a Lot
Res Ipsa Loquitor

I'll be posting these this month and then we'll have a vote.


            Thongs a lot! Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/04/2013 09:14:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (3) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

I'm starting to see a pattern....
Hopefully, before we get to vote, we'll be able to get a poster size collage of all the asses xxxx errr candidates. One suitable to save as wallpaper for the 'puter, of course.

Yesterday "Piss Cutters" , today "Turd Cutters" . I can't wait for a nice set of "Ear Muffs" ! Keep em coming Boss ! ; ) > SMIBSID
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Hitler's Mustache               

Operation Canned Goods II
Sandy Hook Mass Media Psyop: Outtakes and Bloopers

More Examples

But to justify his unwarranted attack, he needed to convince the world press and the German people that his attack on Poland was provoked. He had the SS develop a phony incident that would appear as if Polish soldiers attacked a German radio station.

Though a faked attack on a small German town's radio station may seem trivial enough to warrant only a footnote in history, the operation epitomizes the brutality, deceit, and atrocious nature of Hitler's Third Reich. [Operation Canned Goods]

I'm not suggesting that Obamunists staged the Sandy Hook tragedy, although I do believe with all my heart that they would in a heart-beat if they thought it necessary. 

The NRA is right by saying that outrages like Sandy Hook are a predictable result to a rancid society that's  been shaped by Hollywood and the media.  You know what I mean. So, what's happened here is the Obamas know that incidents like this will continue to occur, and they have a infrastructure in place to make the most of it.

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Heads-up from thor~

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            Operation "Canned Goods II?" Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/04/2013 08:51:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (5) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

As tempting as it may be to believe otherwise, this is BS. These same people also claim that Caylee Anthony's death was faked and the child is still alive.
Chuck is a bright guy, who am I to disagree with our Barn Army JAG officer? But are you refering to op canned goods or canned goods II? The subsequent annotations that didn't make it into the final post are pretty good, but I am on my phone, so look up "crisis actors" and maybe "Sandy hook crisis actors" but it comes up with out using the name of the school.

I checked Snopes who equivocated with a "Partially True," and then went into gobbledygook mode.
Whoops, I was on my phone and the link to the website plus youtube video didn't show up. My bad.

with a Partially true from snopes = 100% true in bizaro world.

The more I look into this, the weirder it gets, kinda "loose change-esqe" I think there might have been some truth in the beginning but the agents provocateurs and the weirdos have gotten a hold of it and now it doesn't mean what it is.

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Res Ipsa Loquitor

You just know that the Brady clown posse who thought this one up first began "A RAPE ONLY LASTS THIRTY SECONDS" until  poor Jame's Brady protested with a series of "gak-gaaaaaaak-onk" sounds.

Okay, fun's over.  This  began as a snarky comment on Facebook and has been disavowed by the gakkers. LOL.  They are however more than capable of it.

Ron M

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            The Brady Bunch Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/04/2013 07:58:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (9) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

Gotta love the abuse of words. Self defence is not murder!
"Jame's Brady protested with a series of "gak-gaaaaaaak-onk" sounds. "

well done ! rotflmao !
How about this, instead?

"A rape can leave a lifetime of mental scars, but killing the potential rapist with your handgun only takes 30 seconds."
Or maybe this?

"Guns are not the answer. Guns are the question. The answer is YES!"
Or this famous one.

I yield to no man in my hate for Sarah Brady and Diane Feinstein. But I'm pretty sure those posters are fake, done by somebody on our side to make the Brady's look bad.
Too many people commenting (all over the place) without reading posts to the last drop. Had you done that here, you'da known. :)
Anonymous,the fact most people accepted this poster as genuine Brady Bunch at first speaks volumes.

Equal or more hate for Sarah and DiFi? Discussion for a later date.
"Guns are not the answer, just as lawnmowers are not the answer. Both are inanimate objects.
But guns in the hands of good citizens are the answer to a bunch of things."
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
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            Thursday, January 03, 2013

Res Ipsa Loquitor

A dapper gent in his mid eighties walked into an upscale cocktail lounge freshly groomed and scented with expensive after-shave.  With a boutonniere in the lapel of his charcoal double-breasted suit, he presented quite the debonair image.

Seating himself next to a lovely younger lady in her mid seventies, he offered to buy here a drink and inquired,  “So tell me dear, do I come here often?"

Tom Mann


            Smooth Mover Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/03/2013 11:16:00 PM | PERMALINK Back Link (15) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

As a child of an Alzheimer's parent, this lame joke falls flat.
As a 63 year old who is already suffering BAD short term memory loss, I also find that it falls flat. It's about as funny as a Maxine cartoon that discusses bodily functions. Rodger: you're better than this.
Well, I'm a 72-yr-old who is startled by that stranger's face in the mirror each morning and often finds himself in a room without the slightest friggin clue as to why.

And I am not in the least offended by the joke. Rather, I applaud the guy's sense of pride in appearance, adventure, sociability, and optimistic approach toward life.
Don't sweat the small stuff Homogenit, you'll forget it in a minute! Sorry for your trouble though, I can't be trusted around a stove myself so I know a bit of what you're talking about.
Ohforcrapsake. As a current sufferer of CRAFT* [not alone in my circle], I've found that laffing at it keeps it at bay: if ya can't larf at it, it's already gotcha. If ya laff at it with others it hides in a corner and forgets what it was doing.

*what's CRAFT stand for?
I forget...

Remember -- pooping yer pants is only bad when you forget who did it.

As a 63 year old who is already suffering BAD short term memory loss, I also find that it falls flat. It's about as funny as a Maxine cartoon that discusses bodily functions. Rodger: you're better than this.
# posted by Anonymous Celebrate Homogeneity
Hey, my parents were Altzheimers too and I could probably relate some funnier stuff that that from experience.
The rest of you need to grow some skin.
As a 63 year old who is already suffering BAD short term memory loss, I also find that it falls flat. It's about as funny as a Maxine cartoon that discusses bodily functions. Rodger: you're better than this.
# posted by Anonymous Celebrate Homogeneity

Actually that's every dang day down here in Florida. I have to put up with people slamming on the brakes in the middle of intersections who then look around trying to figure out which way they were going. I've had people stop me in the grocery store asking how to get to the front door (then they get in their cars and drive into traffic. Eeeek!)
...I see the pc progs are ramping up. If you don't have a sense of humor about even the darkest thing, you become angry, bitter, and soon crazy.

I also suspect that this sort of faux outrage results frm something like "You don't know how I suffer every day, watching mom/dad.", which tells me it's not about mom or dad, but about the child "me".

Take my advice - forget about it.
Oh, and "Celebrate Homogenety"... I suggest you celebrate differences. When the universe becomes homogenized, it will be nothing but a warm, grey goo. It's the differences that keep life interesting.
Wow, the weather report *did* state an 80% chance of Concern Trolls. I should have brought my umbrella.
I've never met anyone with Alzheimer's or dementia who was dapper.
Concern trolls seem to be out in force today. Third site I've been to today and all of them have been overrun. Maybe their checks (for being what they are) were delayed because of the holiday?? Think I've found one of the reasons obama is still asking for donations...

With all that being said, what time does Wheel of Fortune come on?
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   At The Cinema                           

I am so embarrassed, but ...

~cheap thrills~

We watched Knight and Day last night (cable) and, erm...— Oh what the heck!— we enjoyed the hell out of it.  In fact, it was maybe the most fun thing we've watched in months.  No language, lots of mayhem and killing,  but of the James Bond variety-no real gore. 

Cruise and Cameron Diaz appeared on Top Gear together to promote this movie, and were actually quite engaging.  Yes, I think Tom Cruise is a jerk, but you take your wins where you find them these days.  Rotten Tomatoes gave Knight and Day 3 Stars, and so will I.  But it gets 5 stars for keeping you glued. to it.


            Knight and Day Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/03/2013 09:52:00 PM | PERMALINK Back Link (7) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

I saw it, myself. IIRC, my own thoughts of it at the time was that it was a "good little mid-list movie that they (the marketers) are trying to promote like a blockbuster," which it wasn't.

Hollywood actually has a lot of watchable movies in the midlists, so I don't say that to denigrate it in any way. Just that it's one of those movies that probably would have been loved a lot more if it hadn't been overhyped.

(incidentally, I had to cycle through six different capcha images before both the word and the picture were readable. The new capcha set is pretty bad)
I don't watch ANY TV commercial, or pay attention to new movies, so this was just a stumble upon flick.
for me.

captcha is entirely run by Blogger (Google). The only control I have is to turn it on or off. I had it turned off for more than a year, but of a sudden I was getting swamped by Chinese (by the sound of their fractured lingo) spammers. I mean like 50-60 a day. Had to go back to captcha. Sorry.

No worries on the capcha: they say puzzles keep the brain working!
I'm no great Cruz fan either, but you simply must go see Jack Reacher. It's the only film I've seen with an even semi-realistic portrayal of sniping. Some of the lines that Reacher speaks had to have been written by TRKoF. It's an excellent screen adaptation of a wonderful pro-American book. I'm surprised they ever got Cruz to agree to play the part it's so shamelessly pro military and pro American.

Armageddon Rex
"I'm no great Cruz fan either, but you simply must go see Jack Reacher"

The books are entertaining and you grow to like Reacher a lot. I've read two in the past few weeks including One Shot. I don't think anyone that's read one of those books will sit still for two hours watching cruise try to act like a man, especially that kind of man.

Also I'm told they took the first part of the book out of the movie because of all the killing. That was the set up and without it the movie must suck out loud. It will be on tv in a few weeks. Read the book instead.

Cruz may be a jerk but, since he does not talk about Terrestrial politics and I do not watch TV, I have not been exposed to enough of his ideas so that they prevent me from suspending disbelief while enjoying one of his movies. I find Diaz's big mouth, politically speaking, more problematic.

Freddie Sykes
Hey, we just found one on NetFlix that is pretty hysterical in all sorts of weird ways. "Iron Sky". Made by Australians, Germans, Finn's and not sure who else. In 1944 some Germans escaped to build a base on the moon. Now it's 2016 and Madam President is running for re-election (she's a hunter from Alaska.)

Fairly apolitical, but very very funny. In a weird way.
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Res Ipsa Loquitor

Senator Dianne Feinstein,

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.  (Full Letter from Joshua Boston, Cpl, United States Marine Corps, 2004-2012 via Doug M)

The best thing we can do to help Cpl Boston (who's about to have a ton of  get-even dumped on him) is to defend him massively in on-line news comments of the New York Times  ilk who print this story. 

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            Somebody buy Cpl Boston a beer! Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/03/2013 08:20:00 PM | PERMALINK Back Link (1) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

Get off the internet and form up.

-Cpl. Punishment
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Category: Home Brew
Best Picture From 2012 Candidate #1

Res Ipsa Loquitor

I'll be posting these this month and then we'll have a vote. There are two categories Home Brew and everything else.


            Roasting Nancy Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/03/2013 08:02:00 PM | PERMALINK Back Link (4) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

I hope that's plugged into an outlet with at least a 20A non-GFCI breaker.
Don't want the test to fail.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
Boiled shrimp.101
Boiled Turd 101
Add Diane Feinstein and you'd have a threesome worthy of the name, wot?

Sir H the Comet
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Al Jazeera takes over Current TV as the Arab news network looks to expand American audience ... and Al Gore will serve as adviser Res Ipsa Loquitor
I'll guess that most will see this as I do; giving aid, comfort, and access to the enemy. And what's with letting this douchbag stay on as an advisor?  I mean, he screwed the whole deal up from the get-go.   "Oh habby day Algore..yanny .. we liking that you stay and show .. yanny ... how to be bogramming with you excellence."

Glenn Beck Tried to Buy Current TV But Was Rejected

There you have it.These pricks would rather deal with al Qaueda than with  Americans who don't toe the liberal line.

Tim O'Brien

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            Gore sells out to Al Jizza Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/03/2013 08:56:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (6) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

And Time Warner just announced that it will no longer carry Current TV because nobody asked them if they approved the sale. Al Jizzera may have a problem now though from my understanding they are more honest about their agenda than MSNBC.
Isn't there supposed to be some kind of congressional oversight when networks change hands? Oh wait, Republicans are still in there, never mind. We'll just have to wait until the Democrats have total power so they can protect us from Islam and ratbastardcommies.
Actually, on the relatively few occasions I've checked out al Jazeera on the web, I've found them to be surprisingly professional and non-partisan. Certainly, much more so than MSNBC .
The money comes from Qatar. So the Evergreen ManBearPig is getting fat offa fossil fuels. Rich is the irony.
Perfect timing, just when cable might go à la carte. Let's hope that they lose as much money on the deal as Gore did running it... at least up to the time he unloaded it on the other al.

Freddie Sykes
This skunk was almost President. Gives me the trots just thinking about it. Then there was Jon Edwards, almost vice president. Then there was Barack Obama...oh wait.
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*Smacks Head*

Res Ipsa Loquitor

I'm not trying to be intentionally crude here, but ...

Literally millions of American servicemen have served their country wearing what was/is  universally called the "Cunt Cap."  I don't even remember what the proper nomenclature is, but a common directive from the Master Sgt. was "Fall-in in 20 minutes.  Dress will be khaki and  cunt cap."  I never actually understood why it was called that— until just now.

 I'm guessing that GIs coming home from deployment in some European country, who had contact with our Russian allies,  started it even though the two are not at all technically similar.  Ours should have been called something like "soda jerk" cap.


            The "Cap" Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/03/2013 08:27:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (17) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

A garrison cap. I figured it was called that because officers and chiefs wore them in the Navy.
It was also callled a piss cutter.
Omigod! That brought back memories!!! I remember sitting in a hangar at a maintenance meeting back in 1976 (it was a helicopter detachment with about 45 guys and 1 female mechanic) and the commander was telling us about a formation we needed to attend.

Someone asked him what the uniform was and he said blues with short sleeved shirt, tie, ribbons and cunt cap.

You could have heard a pin drop if it weren't for the sudden intake of breath and then the lone female asking, "did you just say "cunt cap?"

Needless to say we had fodder for conversation for days afterward.

True story!!

And no one filed charges against him, either.

That was back when common sense existed and people realized sometimes we all suffer a slip of the tongue.

Today he'd have been counseled, forced to attend sensitivity training and probably never gotten promoted again.

Overseas cap is what we called it.
When women are present, courtesy dictates it be called a 'Labia Lid.'
Doughboys in the AEF got them in France in WW1. It replaced their Stetson as more convenient for 40 and 8 boxcar travels.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
What Tim said. Piss Cutter was the commom navy slang in my day. A little more refined don't you think?
Yea Esteve what we need is an Army of refine grunts...why when I was in basic I learned things about my dear mother and her behavior that would chill even Hillary. Least that is what D.I. Kirchner informed me.
For us the official, secondary name was the flight cap.
Can't figure out why it was called a "cunt cap" or a "piss cutter"!? Really? Have you eveer really examined one?
Er...yes you ARE being intentionally rude...!

...and your efforts are, as usual, sincerely appreciated!

Big Bad Jim
Look at the cap again. Major & minor labial flaps. CC

- the gist of the article was that *until I saw the Russian hats I didn't understand.*
It's the stupidest item of headgear ever devised.
Hot in summer
Cold in winter
Doesn't keep the sun out of your eyes.
Doesn't keep the rain off your glasses or your neck.
Costs money.
Can't wash it - cheaper to replace it than to dry clean it.
Ugly as hell.

It's only redeeming feature is to be relatively easy to store and transport and not get screwed up like a nice stetson or outback hat would.

Had one redeeming feature: It was easy to carry two of them. That way, you could come to work, flip one into your "IN" basket and then go on your merry way.

"He's around the hangar somewhere, his piss cutter is still on his desk."

This was deemed "unprofessional behavior" just before I made Chief.

Went well with and was more convenient than a ball cap when wearing a flight suit. Wearing a Dixie Cup with a flight suit however...
I never liked wearing one but it was easy to take care of.
Thanks for reminding us of the old "hat trick".

I've even heard of it being done with a brimmed cover where the extra was kept in a desk drawer.
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Res Ipsa Loquitor

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            How Obama Captured Democrat Minds Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/03/2013 08:01:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (1) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

Got rats? Get a ferret.
ignore amos
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            Wednesday, January 02, 2013


“I got sick in a good place"

Praising Cuba’s health care system (a model for Obamacare) , he said that biopsies had not detected any signs of a “malignant” illness.

Obama loses his BFF


            Weekend at HUGO'S Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/02/2013 08:23:00 PM | PERMALINK Back Link (6) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

Tell Teddy Kennedy hello!
Her filthyness should check in...
Where's Sean Penn? Hmmm? Shouldn't he be there too?

Sir H the Comet
It couldn't happen to a nicer man.
Sean Penn is working on the eulogy he will be asked to deliver. Accompanied by POTUS of course.
Coma or no, I hope he's hurting like a bastard.
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            Republicrats Cave Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/02/2013 11:37:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (7) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

Waldo, dildo; there's no real difference any longer.
Wait, wait, wait, "Christie Lashes Out Against Boehner After Vote On Sandy Aid Scrapped." And King does the same? Wow. Looks like solid, big government RINO fight to me.
oy vey ole'
This damn thing is crammed with 50 billion in pork but, you won't see fat boy bitch about that will you? Fuck you Christie - we are tired of having shit rammed down our throats with no say in the matter. I am not a big Boehner fan but, in this case, he is right. The "emergency" amount is 9 billion and THIS is what should be passed quickly and the pork be shoved up the dems fat asses....sorry for the profanity but, I am so gd mad since November that I need to vent.

And that $60 billion to people who built in flood zones will exactly cancel out the new revenue Uhbama is touting to be generated by the 'millionaires and billionaires paying their fair share' the Congress just passed.
BTW, there are billions in that bacon sandwich going to 'Climate Change' prevention and green energy scams.
What a bunch of shameless, greedy, lying, stealing, self-serving motherfucking, arrogant pricks we have in that bunch.
Bolivar is right.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
The sad thing is that what isn't going to pork projects will end up in the hands of unions who rule the northeast and who will control all Sandy restoration and skim the majority of the money into their greasy pockets. King and Christie only care about looking good and getting votes-their feigned outrage disgusts me.
I'm with Bolivar.

And, besides, they in Congrefs should not get paid lessen they do their job. No more raises until the economy improves and the budget is balanced. No new 'projects'. Smatter of face, LIFO works for me. Start peeling back the budget, newest things first to go. That way, the libraries and parks won't get closed first, the usual tactic to weasel more taxpayer money.
Don't forget, reducing taxes doesn't COST the government anything as the whiners like to complain, it SAVES the TAXPAYER some money. They forget who earned the money in the first place.
I think I mentioned this before but I've slept since then. 94% of incumbents seeking re-election to Congress, a body with a 9% approval rating, were re-elected. Seems to me we're getting exactly the body politic we want, or, at the very least, deserve. -- Skyhawkder, Doug
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Hefner Finds True Love at 86

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Hefner was previously engaged to Crystal Harris, 26, but she bailed days before their scheduled 2011 nuptials. Harris couldn’t turn down all that fame and fortune despite the thought of marrying her grandfather, so the two were re-engaged this year.

“Today is the day I become Mrs. Hugh Hefner. Feeling very happy, lucky, and blessed and super rich,” Harris tweeted the day of the wedding.

Durung the reception Hefner went up to Crystal, intoduced himself, and asked if she  would  consider posing nude for $25,000?  He gave her the business card of Playboy's art director and then ate a handful of cocktail sauce.  {more}

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            Hefner Marries Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/02/2013 10:58:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (9) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

Good for him
Very scary wedding night.
Correction - she married her great-grandfather.
Gotta love the twenty dollar captains hat. Just not sure why he didn't get the commander's style.
c.umulus n.imbusi iii
He's always looked like a geezer.
You know, walkin' around in a robe all the time.
He sweetened the pre-nup deal, betcha.
"Very scary wedding night."

I think the scary part was gettitng to the "I do" before he croaked. Her book will confirm it.
If you care to look behind the curtain at the mansion... it's tawdry, and more than a bit disgusting: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1342643/Hugh-Hefners-Playboy-mansion-like-squalid-prison-say-Playmates.html

Quote:Durung the reception Hefner went up to Crystal, intoduced himself, and asked ...

Was this at THEIR wedding reception? He forgot what she looked like already..?

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MosheKasher on Hippies
One utterance of the "F" word


            Moshe Kasher on Hippies Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/02/2013 10:36:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (1) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

One of my favorite videos by the great Steve Taylor who using Morrison's own musical style poked at the hollowness of Morrison and the hippies years ago.


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Best Picture From 2012 Candidate #2

Gun Girl

I'll be posting these this month and then we'll have a vote.


            Gun Girl Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/02/2013 09:58:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (3) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

"I'll be posting these this month and then we'll have a vote."

Fergeddaboutit. We're done.
Russian is great for some kinds of literature and poetry. Very evocative and capable of much emotional subtlety. But in this case, the Russian slug for the video just kinda lays there.
"Very sexual," indeed!
PvtCdr(SS) MichigammeDave
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Hitler's Mustache               

2013: Welcome to Very, Very Scary Times

Res Ipsa LoquitorOn the One Hand…

These should not be foreboding years. The U.S. is in the midst of a veritable energy revolution. There is a godsend of new gas and oil discoveries that will help to curtail our fiscal and foreign policy vulnerabilities — an energy bonanza despite, not because of, the present administration.

Demographically, our rivals — the EU, China, Russia, and Japan — are both shrinking and aging at rates far in excess of our own.

But ....
These are the most foreboding times in my 59 years. The reelection of Barack Obama has released a surge of rare honesty among the Left about its intentions, coupled with a sense of triumphalism that the country is now on board for still greater redistributionist change.

Victor David Hansen
In terms of farming, the United States is exporting more produce than ever before at record prices. Americans eat the safest and cheapest food on the planet.

As far as high-tech gadgetry, the global companies that have most changed the world in recent years — Amazon’s online buying, Google search engines, Apple iPhones, iPads, and Mac laptops — are mostly American. There is a reason why Mexican nationals are not crossing their border into Guatemala — and it is not because they prefer English speakers to Spanish speakers.

Militarily, the United States is light years ahead of its rivals. And so on…

"surge of rare honesty among the Left about its intentions ... greater distributionist change ...." 

Say it man!   Adherence to Constitutional law is trumped by a rogue president who assumes the right to rule by executive order, and damned the torpedoes.  Nationalsozialistische amerikanischen Arbeiterpartei !!

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            Nationalsozialistische amerikanischen Arbeiterpartei Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/02/2013 09:38:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (1) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

I rarely read Hansen anymore, it's like reading my own writing. I always agree 100%.
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Up Yours Tax Bastards!

CAUTION- Obscene Rollover

Hang Two!

Tim W

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            BingOOOOOOO Posted by Rodger the Real King of France | 1/02/2013 08:34:00 AM | PERMALINK Back Link (4) | Send This Post | HOME


Start a petition for California to secede and you'll get hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of signatures. Unfortunately, all of them will be from other states. --e~C

Ms. Diane Choksondik, my fourth grade teacher, from when I lived in Southpark CO.
CF in CO
Talk about a waste of a diamond bracelet.....!
Aw, c'monnn …
throw 'er some beads already!
Of course, being Catholic, I had to send that to all my buddies that work Bingo @ the church. I'd love to see the look on their faces when they open it.
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