Four Years

I know your first thought is immediately “That’s how much longer we’re stuck with the clown circus in the White House”, but it’s also another marker for how long it’s been since the “idiot” Harry Reid and his gang of thieves passed a budget:

Tuesday marks the 1,350th day since the Senate passed a budget. The law requires Congress to pass a budget every year, on the grounds that Americans deserve to know how the government plans to spend the trillions of taxpayer dollars it collects, along with dollars it borrows at the taxpayers’ expense. But Majority Leader Harry Reid, who last allowed a budget through the Senate in April 2009, has ignored the law since then.

There’s no mystery why. The budget passed by large Democratic majorities in the first months of the Obama administration had hugely elevated levels of spending in it. By not passing a new spending plan since, Reid has in effect made those levels the new budgetary baseline. Congress has kept the government going with continuing resolutions based on the last budget signed into law.

While Reid has forbidden action, the House has passed budgets as required. Senate Democrats have been highly critical of those budgets, designed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan. But under Reid’s leadership, Democrats have steadfastly refused to come up with a plan of their own.

The situation is deeply frustrating for many Republicans. Sen. Jeff Sessions, ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, has conducted a virtual crusade on the issue, loudly and consistently and unsuccessfully demanding that Reid obey the law and pass a budget. Now, with a fight over the debt ceiling approaching, Sessions wants to try something new.

Quote of the Day

Sadly, Harry Reid has again revealed himself to be an idiot, this time gravely insulting Gulf Coast residents,” Vitter, the ranking Republican of the Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee, said Monday.

Oh, spot ON, Senator Vitter.

Play it again, Dave!

“I’m Not Your Servant”

In Case Anyone’s Keeping Score

I’maDinnerJacket’s a solid “aye!” in the Hagel column:

Iran hopes Hagel confirmation will bring U.S. policy changes

DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday it hoped the appointment of Chuck Hagel as the next U.S. defense secretary would lead to “practical changes” in Washington’s foreign policy.

After that rousing endorsement, oh, gosh yes! He sounds just like the guy we need another one of.

“He Has No Credibility”

That should put paid to any lingering doubts our friend Greg has:

Current situation: Staffers talk about first meeting with Al Jazeera

Just call him Al Gorezeera.

Yesterday morning, the still shell shocked staff at Current TV was called to an all hands staff meeting at its San Francisco headquarters, which was teleconferenced to their offices in LA and NYC, to meet their new bosses.

That would be two of Al Jazeera’s top guys: Ehab Al Shihabi, executive director of international operations, and Muftah AlSuwaidan, general manager of the London bureau.

Ominously missing was the creator of Current, the self proclaimed inventor of the Internet and savior of clean energy, Al Gore, although his partner, Joel Hyatt, stood proudly with the Al Jazeera honchos.

“Of course Al didn’t show up,” said one high placed Current staffer. “He has no credibility.

“He’s supposed to be the face of clean energy and just sold [the channel] to very big oil, the emir of Qatar! Current never even took big oil advertising—and Al Gore, that bulls***ter sells to the emir?

Then you really have to ask yourself, “What took those moops so long to see through that pretentious asshat?” The ability of the Left for convenient self-delusion and righteous indignation when the bulb finally is switched on never, ever ceases to amaze me.



THAT was a thumpin’.

Yeesh ~ Does This Mean They Asked Al Gore His Ownself

how popular he and his vanity network was?

Al Jazeera’s New Channel Struggles for US Distribution

Al Jazeera’s announced plans to establish a new U.S. cable news channel via the purchase of Current TV isn’t even 48 hours old and already it finds itself in a vicious battle to retain distribution rights.

Al Jazeera’s acquisition of Current TV is basically a pay-for-distribution play. The Qatar-backed network plans to replace Current TV in the more than 40 million homes where it is currently distributed with its own news network, tentatively dubbed Al Jazeera America. The new network’s success is predicated on maintaining, if not increasing, that level of distribution.

One person with knowledge of cable TV deals said pay-TV operators will definitely seek more favorable terms from Al Jazeera since,

no one wanted to carry Current TV and they want to carry an Al Jazeera channel even less.

Al Gore NOT POPULAR, say WHAT?!?!?!

Oh, man ~ that’s GREAT.

Well, in Denny’s Defense

…it was Illinois.

Police Banned From Denny’s Restaurant After Manager ‘Harassed’ Detectives Over Guns

Fair and Balanced Reporting

…from the CBS Evening News, no less.

As Calif. gun sales go up, number of gun-casualties goes down

LOS ANGELES – Gun sales in California are booming. More than 600,000 were sold in 2011. However by last year, sales had jumped to 817,000. That’s an increase of 36 percent. But we noticed the number of people wounded by gunfire is dropping.

Business has been hectic for Aristotle Rogel, who works at a gun store in Burbank, California. Walk-in business is up 20 percent this month. Many customers are buying more than one gun.

Asked if his customers are buying now because they are afraid they won’t be able to buy later if there are new gun laws, Rogel answered: “Well, absolutely. Stock up and see hopefully nothing happens.”

California gun sales have steadily risen from 350,000 in 2002, to last year’s record. Recently, some gun owners became worried that President Obama’s reelection and the Newtown shooting will lead to more gun control. Military style weapons have become popular for target practice and self-defense.

Yet despite the rise in gun sales in California, there has not been a corresponding rise in gun deaths or gun injuries. Hospitalizations for gun injuries have actually dropped nearly 28 percent and gun deaths by 15 percent.

Of course, then the LA Police Chief moans and groans on cue about his “people having to face those weapons”, when, in fact, it’s CRIMINAL GANG WEAPONS his officers run up against.

But CBS did such a bang-up job (and I’ll post the video the second it goes up…IF it does…) on this piece, they deserve credit where it’s due, especially considering the current climate.

Can’t find the individual clip, so fast forward to 11:50:

A Little Motivational Film Break

Oh, yes.

Sgt. Schultz

i see nutting!

I see nutt hing!

How ‘BOUT Them Gators SEC, Eh?


A certain weatherman of national prominence and I have had a couple go-rounds about the vaunted SEC (I have a hard time writing that even now about schools that have DivII teams as part of their “schedule”. That’s BCS worthy, REALLY? O_o) and our beloved Notre Dame’s being on the same level STRENGTH OF SCHEDULE-wise.

Blew him out of the water and the SEC ain’t what she used to be, but what she USED to be was ALWAYS known for those mid-season DIV II patsies.

Way to back up that trashtalk, Louisville!

More on the Illinois Gun Grab

Truly horrific, you all. Via Real JeffS yesterday:

…This is very serious. We are at DEFCON 1 in Illinois, folks.

MESSAGE FROM COMMITTEE DEMOCRATS: “Eliminating law-abiding gun owners is a good ‘first step’ towards a ‘civil society.’”
UPDATE: From a comment in another post:

There will be a floor vote on these issues as early as tomorrow. HB1263 (assault weapons ban) and HB 815 (magazine ban) have been passed out of committee and will be brought to the floor for a general vote by tomorrow morning. As written, the ban will outlaw not only most rifles and shotguns used for hunting and sporting purposes, but also most handguns used for home and self defense. There is very little time to contact your legislators and express your outrage at this blatant gun grab

ths update: More from Fox:

Illinois Dems advance gun control bills, firearms group warns of ‘no exemptions’

Illinois Senate Democrats advanced legislation late Wednesday to restrict semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity magazines, pressing forward with new gun control measures in the waning days of the session over the objections of firearms groups.
Amid the developments, the Illinois State Rifle Association issued an “urgent alert” to its members warning them that Democratic legislators were trying to push through last-minute anti-gun legislation.
“There would be no exemptions and no grandfathering,” the group stated in its alert. “You would have a very short window to turn in your guns to the state police and avoid prosecution.”
A Senate committee approved two bills, one dealing with the weapons and the other with magazines. Democratic supporters could face a tough sell in the full Senate.
One measure would ban the possession, delivery, sale and transfer of semiautomatic handguns and rifles. People who currently own such weapons could keep them but would have to register them. The bill would allow semiautomatic weapons to be used at shooting ranges, but those facilities would be regulated.
National Rifle Association lobbyist Todd Vandermyde told lawmakers the bill would restrict about 75 percent of handguns and 50 percent of long guns in circulation today. He also said it would treat law-abiding gun owners like criminals, and is in conflict with Second Amendment rights upheld by the courts.

I’ve never seen a piece of legislation that tramples on so many court decisions,” Vandermyde said.

It Could Be a Black Friday This Week in Illinois

…if Fat Pat signs THIS:

BREAKING: Illinois Bill to Ban All Modern Firearms

…“Based on what we know about Cullerton’s bill, firearms that would be banned include all semiautomatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns. Pump action shotguns would be banned as well. This would be a very comprehensive ban that would include not only so-called ‘assault weapons’ but also such classics as M1 Garands and 1911-based pistols. There would be no exemptions and no grandfathering. You would have a very short window to turn in your guns to the State Police to avoid prosecution.”

ths update: Via Ebola, this is starting to get play on bigger NEWS sites:

Illinois lawmakers pondering gun ban in defiance of voters’ will

The NRA reports that, with Governor Pat Quinn cheering them on, Illinois legislators might try to ban so-called “assault weapons” (and, given Quinn’s involvement, presumably “high capacity” magazines, and .50 caliber firearms and ammunition, as well) over the course of the coming week (the last week of the session):

Fat Pat Says:

Quinn: Much to Be Accomplished In Illinois Lame-Duck Session”

Oh, yeah. I’ll be he does.

First Hateful Conspiracy Question of 2013

Does anyone else have a sneaky suspicion Hilary’s clot might be one of those guys trying to bust out in confident song?

I know, I know ~ inexcusable.

But now YOU’RE wondering, too, right?

Just Because

I’m disgusted by Washington and how they (with sadly We The People’s Seal Of Approval™) are running this country in to the ground.

So I’m going to bore y’all with our Christmas dinner







and to go along with the Pah I made



nomnomnomyumyumyum *hic*

I hope and pray that you, Our Dear Friends, have a most joyous, safe and healthy New Year.

And that you have laid in sufficient stores of alcoholic beverages to numb you to the world around you.

I’m Shocked

Really, just shocked that they sold out for nothing

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the last-minute fiscal cliff deal reached by congressional leaders and President Barack Obama cuts only $15 billion in spending while increasing tax revenues by $620 billion—a 41:1 ratio of tax increases to spending cuts.

When Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush increased taxes in return for spending cuts—cuts that never ultimately came—they did so at ratios of 1:3 and 1:2.

“In 1982, President Reagan was promised $3 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax hikes,” Americans for Tax Reform says of those two incidents. “The tax hikes went through, but the spending cuts did not materialize. President Reagan later said that signing onto this deal was the biggest mistake of his presidency.

“In 1990, President George H.W. Bush agreed to $2 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax hikes. The tax hikes went through, and we are still paying them today. Not a single penny of the promised spending cuts actually happened.”

Well, not really of course.

What a pack of useless turds.

Happy New Year’s Eve!

You’ll notice I’ve written zilch on the douches in D.C.

I’m keeping it that way.


ths update QUICK! Change your TV channels…to HGTV or something.

You’ll NEVER GUESS who is swallowing yet more GREAT GULPS of airtime acting like the sole adult in the room, while blaming everyone and El Niño for his total lack of competence.

Chancy’s Girl WINS the FIGGY PUDDING for Identifying the Mystery Bird

She sends:

“I am assured that it is Scaly-breasted Munia, sometimes known as the “Cinnamon Mannikin”, a popular bird in pet stores and amongst bird fanciers…”

And indeed it is so.

It seems there’s an escapee colony taken up residence in South Florida, and either three stout companions got drunk on fermented berries and flew NORTH for the winter, or they’re as sick of the traffic in Tampa as anyone else and just want OUT.

But BRAVO YOU, CG!! And thanks loads!

How ‘BOUT That Pensacola Shout Out on the Sunday Night Game Last Night?!?!?!

Whoa, DAWG and yeah buddy! All over for me when that map hit the screen.

The Redskins ~ meaning RGIII and OUR PENSACOLA HOMETOWN BOY, Alfred Morris (WOOT!WOOT!) ~ weren’t too shabby their ownselves, neither, of course… :)

…Certainly, Sunday night was mostly about the new. Morris had touchdown runs of 1, 17 and 32 yards and was so dominant that the Cowboys – missing their five best run defenders due to injuries – fell hook, line and sinker nearly every time the Redskins faked the ball to him. He finished with 1,613 yards for the year, topping Clinton Portis’ 1,516 in 2005.

“I’ll tell you what: Alfred Morris became a star tonight,” Redskins tight end Chris Cooley said. “He deserved it. He’s a phenomenal football player.”

To which Morris answered: “I’m never a star. I’ll never be a star. Other people might think I’m a star, but I’m just Alfred.

Surrender, Yes They Will Probably Surrender

Accept higher taxes, higher government spending (of course) and some vague promise to cut spending “in the future.”

What a pathetic bunch.

There Should Be Mandatory Background Checks To Obtain Handguns…

Via cop wrestling

Three officers were shot Friday morning inside the Gloucester Township Police Station, and the suspected shooter has been shot and killed, officials say.

One male officer was shot twice, including once in the abdomen below his bullet-proof vest. He underwent surgery but is now out and reported to be in stable condition at Cooper University Hospital.

Injuries to the other two officers, a man and a woman, were said to be “very minor,” according to police. A hospital spokeswoman said they were being discharged Friday morning.

Police said the shooting occurred around 5:30 a.m. when a suspect, who was under arrest in connection with a domestic violence-related incident, got into as violent struggle with officers at the station.

The suspect “obtained a firearm” during the struggle, police said. Officers then returned fire, killing the suspect.

I demand a Federal Wrestling Cooling Off Period.

Spam Of The Day

The devout cowboy lost his favorite Bible while he was mending fences out on therange.Three weeks later, a cow walked up to him carrying the Bible in its mouth. The cowboy couldnt believe his eyes. He took the precious book out of tows mouth, raised his eyes heavenward and exclaimed, Its a miracle!Not really, said the cow. Your name is written inside the cover.

General Schwarzkopf Is Gone

Hard to imagine someone so much larger than life, who slipped so gracefully from life’s spotlight and did so gladly.

What a man.

Quote Of The Day II

A rather revealing statement from Hawaii Governor Abercrombie

“Of course Senator Inouye’s views and his wishes were taken into account fully,” Abercrombie said. “But the charge of the central committee and by extension then myself as governor, was to act in the overall best interest of this party.

Of course the best interest of the Party trumps the best interest of the People of his state.

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