March 31, 2010

March 31, 2010

» North Carolina Studying Offshore Energy Production RALEIGH — An advisory committee to North Carolina’s General Assembly is studying whether the state should develop offshore energy. A major issue is how the state would bring oil, natural gas, or wind energy onshore and deliver new resources to consumers. Shall we hold our breath? pfffft. Advisory committee. [...]

Constitutionally Protected Monsters?

March 30, 2010

Albert Snyder, of York Pa. lost his son. Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, killed in Iraq, was buried in 2006. There was a massive turnout for the funeral. Also present was the Phelps family of Topeka, Kansas: the infamous Westboro Baptist Church. In case you’re not familiar with the Phelps, they travel the nation looking [...]

March 30, 2010

» Government’s Case Against 3 Navy SEALs Accused of Giving Terrorist a Boo-Boo May Be Falling Apart » A Closer Look at the Capitol Steps Conspiracy William Douglas, an African-American reporter for the liberal McClatchy Newspapers, seems to have broken the story at 4:51 PM on Saturday, March 20, just hours after the alleged incident took place. [...]

March 28, 2010 : Afternoon Post

March 28, 2010

» Is It Go Easy, Mr. President, Or For Broke? Not one opposition member voted for his health care reform. That, along with tawdry buy-offs for fence-sitting members of the Senate and a reconciliation process that avoids another Senate vote, has made a mockery of Obama’s former healing campaign rhetoric. In reaction, will the president now [...]

Dont Feed the Moonbats : March 27, 2010

March 27, 2010

On the Boycott list of Patriots: The Men Who Stare At Goats starring: Moonbat George Clooney Uber Moonbat Kevin Spacey, Award-Winning Chavez Butt Kisser. and Jeff Bridges, who is not on the same level of moonbattery as Spacey and Clooney … but only because he’s usually too stoned or drunk to run his stupid mouth [...]

Dont Feed the Moonbats : George Clooney (2)

Dont Feed the Moonbat in Up In The Air starring: Moonbat George Clooney If you have a problem with putting your money in the pockets of liberals, socialists or moonbats in general, leave this selection on the shelf.

September 27, 2010

I told you so … I told you so … I told you so … » Communist, Pro-Terrorist Groups Sponsor NAACP’s ‘One Nation’ Rally Their Supporters Tell Who They Are: The NAACP, in an effort to validate their false claim that the Tea Party is “racist,” is promoting a rally that, ironically, demonstrates who they really [...]

March 27, 2010

If you were not in D.C. on March 21, you probably didn’t see this. » Tens of Thousands Rally for Immigration Reform I was there. I saw it. South and Central America was empty as thousands of illegal aliens stomped around the streets of our capital – demanding their rights. What rights? you ask. The rights [...]

MM+CC = BS (September 26, 2010)

March 26, 2010

No science, fake science, and the deliberate destruction of the nation Americans and people worldwide have been deluged with fake science based entirely on computer models whose results have been deliberately skewed to produce results that affirm CO2 as a primarily factor affecting the Earth’s climate. It is not. To sum up, Cap-and-Trade and any [...]

March 26, 2010

» The coming of an American Reichstag? A federal intelligence source reported in an interview last evening that the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have been called in to “actively investigate incidents of violence and threats” made to at least ten Democrats and one Republican lawmaker since Sunday. Their involvement was reportedly requested by [...]