February 28, 2011

February 28, 2011

  » What Would Free Men Do? Yesterday I had a lot of time to think. I stood for two hours on the street across from the NC Capital and watched the circus. This was not Barnum and Bailey. This was a street performance by SEIU, SEANC, Teamsters, etc. and their progressive, socialist and communist organizers. [...]

February 27, 2011

February 27, 2011

  » America as a Free Fire Zone :: A Critical Examination of Gun Culture Rationalizations I was once asked by an advocate of citizen disarmament what I thought of “gun control,” and then, as I framed my answer, he added, “Give me the short answer.” “Okay,” I answered, “if you try to take our firearms [...]

February 26, 2011

February 26, 2011

  » Mission Accomplished “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, [energy prices] would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it — whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was… [t]hey [...]

February 25, 2011

February 25, 2011

  I can’t hardly wait to get on the road to work this morning, I so enjoy watching the gas station price signs flicker as the number clicks higher – at a pace slightly quicker than the right-most digit of my odometer. It’s a constant reminder of that one nation on earth – sitting on [...]

February 24, 2011

February 24, 2011

  » The New Executive/Judicial Branch… This story details the latest confusion in our government concerning executive overreach and constitutional mis-understanding. “The Obama administration says a federal law that bans recognition of same-sex marriage is unconstitutional and has directed the Justice Department not to defend the law anymore in court cases across the country.” Silly me. [...]

February 23, 2011

February 23, 2011

  If we make to this weekend without a complete global economic crash … it’ll be a stroke of luck. » Obama: I will ‘paint the nation purple with SEIU’ » Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) exemplifies moral bankruptcy of pro-abortion movement This is truly moral bankruptcy at its absolute worst, no matter where you stand on the [...]

NC Senate Committee Passes Strong Castle Doctrine

February 22, 2011

GRNC Alert 2-22-11: Under guidance from Grass Roots North Carolina, the Senate Judiciary II Committee today passed SB 34: “Castle Doctrine” in a stronger version which could ultimately create the most comprehensive such law in the country. Thanks to the efforts of Sens. Buck Newton (R-, GRNC ****) and Andrew Brock (R-Davie/Rowan, ****), an amendment [...]

Obama’s Friends and Enemies

February 22, 2011

  From heatherradish’s photostream at flickr » But That’s What Community Organizers Do President Obama need not worry about budget deficits in the manner of Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Unlike state officials, he can print money, and raise fees and taxes. The nation’s more affluent, unlike blue-state refugees seeking red-state low tax sanctuaries, cannot flee [...]

February 21, 2011

February 21, 2011

  » Suffice it to say that the Union hacks and the Democrats — but I repeat myself — aren’t math majors » A Brief, Illustrated History of the Public Sector Unions That, Together With The Democrat Party, Are Waging War on the Taxpayer » Wisconsin Blues Tomorrow, they will condition you to understand that they can’t throw [...]