Friday, 11 January 2013


The ultimate full moon shot. Dean Potter walks a highline at Cathedral Peak as the sun sets and the moon rises.

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Why Yosemite Is A Photographer's Nirvana

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For over a century Yosemite Park has been a destination for families and everyone who enjoys the outdoors. With over 750,000 acres of stunning beauty, it doesn't matter what time of year you are there, everything is beautiful. Enjoy these 26 photos of Yosemite and see what it's a top destination for photographers.

Curious Things That Fall From The Sky

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Rain and snow aren't the only things to fall from the sky. Throughout history rare occurrences have been recorded of other less expected and surprising forms of deluge. In 2001, parts of India were showered with mysterious red particles that were thought to contain alien microbes. Here are some more examples of this bizarre phenomenon.

Every National Anthem At Once

What does it sound like if you played every national anthem in the world at once? This monster was created by taking recordings of every national anthem in the world and playing them beside each other, so that they all end together (or, to be more exact, so that they all end with their final crescendoes occurring simultaneously, in one giant mega-crescendo).

(thanks Cora)

World's Fastest Drive-Thru Service

The world's fastest drive-thru service ever!

YouTube link

(thanks Miss Rare)

Friday Cartoon By Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson is a professional cartoonist from the Chicago area. His cartoons have been published in Reader's Digest, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Woman's World and the Saturday Evening Post, to mention just a few. Among his clients are GM, General Electric, FedEx, Microsoft, and IBM.

How Big Would A House On The Moon Need To Be To See It From Earth?

In the future some of us will be living on the moon. Or maybe not! We just have to wait and see. But if we could build a house on the moon, could you see it from Earth? And how big would our Moon home need to be for someone standing on Earth to see it with the naked eye?

(thanks Sally)

A Sound Engineer's Hard Work

Be nice to your sound engineer.

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)

Thousands Of Unknown Ancient Structures Seen From Space

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Thousands of huge ancient structures made of stone are clearly visible from the air. Their age is estimated to thousands of years and their purpose remains unknown. These puzzling wheel-shapes, and straight lines, stretch all the way from Syria to Saudi Arabia. Some call this area the Middle East's own version of the Nazca Lines.

It is only recently, with help of satellite images, that archaeologists have been able to explore this region in more detail. As a result, the resolution of available images is now generally high enough to conduct reliable, general archeological surveys.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

How Blind People Use Instagram

Tommy Edison, who has been blind since birth, demonstrates how to use Instagram on the iPhone 4S. He uses the Accessibility setting on the phone which allows him to navigate the touch-screen and some applications.

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Science Puts Wrinkled Fingers To The Test

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Science may be getting closer to explaining those prune-like fingers and toes we all get when we sit in a hot bath too long. UK researchers from Newcastle University have confirmed wet objects are easier to handle with wrinkled fingers than with dry, smooth ones. They suggest our ancestors may have evolved the creases as they moved and foraged for food in wet conditions.

How KKK Rally Image Found New Life 20 Years After It Was Published

A powerful image of race relations in the southern United States was nearly lost. In fact, it almost wasn't published at all. And in the 20 years since, this emotionally complex photograph of a Klan-robed toddler playfully touching the riot shield of an African-American state trooper has gone uncelebrated and largely unknown.

Now the photo has been granted a second life through social media, where each viewer seems to read something different into the image. Is it disturbing? Hopeful? Humorous? Touching? Heartbreaking? Many who have shared the photo online admit they know little about its origins, which is understandable. Aside from a few basic details, the full story behind this photo has never appeared online until today.

(thanks David)

10 Programmers Who Were The Brains Behind Social Media

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When it comes to the Internet, the possibilities and opportunities for innovation and creative thinking are seemingly endless. The visionary programmers and software engineers listed here used their technological know-how and looked at things differently, revolutionizing the world of social media.

This roll call of techies is sure to inspire would-be programmers. Some of the names on the list are millionaires, others are practically unknown, but they've all made their mark – and most of them did it in code.

Dolphin Stampede Overtakes Dolphin And Whale Watching Boat

A huge pod of about 1,000 Common Dolphins stampeded off the coast of Dana Point, California, like a herd of wild horses. The line of wild dolphins could be seen from miles away churning up the water and, to the delight of whale watching passengers and crew aboard Captain Dave's Dolphin and Whale Safari, the dolphins turned and stampeded directly over to the boat.

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)


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Louis 'Satchmo' Armstrong
is best remembered for his gravelly voice, for his intrepid trumpet, and for introducing the world to jazz. Get to know the man Wynton Marsalis calls 'the embodiment of jazz music.'

Images Of Decaying World War Two Bunkers The Netherlands, France And Belgium

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Second World War bunkers are still crouching on the landscape as echoes of the biggest conflict in history. Photographer Jonathan Andrew scoured the wartime territory of The Netherlands, France, Belgium and even Scotland to take these eerie images. He has captured the stern beauty of structures once meant to withstand the fury of war.

(thanks Cora)

Top 30 Biggest And Best Comedy Movies Of 2013

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Let's take a look at the biggest and best comedy movies of 2013. Funny this year comes in the form of Steve Carell as a magician, Seth Rogen facing the apocalypse, the return of Ron Burgundy, a third Hangover, and Gerard Butler as a foul-mouthed leprechaun. That and so much more. Here's the rundown of every significant theatrical release.

(thanks Sheridan)

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

8 Abandoned Arctic Islands

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There are something less than 100 inhabited islands, which are located within the Arctic Circle. All other islands are uninhabited, mostly because of the harsh climatic conditions. However, some of these uninhabited islands were once populated, but were abandoned due to various reasons.

(thanks Bosko)

Firefighting In Highland Park, Michigan

This video is to show people what it is like to fight fires, and what firefighters across the nation do every day. Firefighter Scott Ziegler took it upon himself to show what it's like for a firefighter on the job, pulling together clips from a year on his own front line taken with a camera affixed to his helmet.

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)

The Kaleidoscopic Colors Of Karijini National Park

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Karijini has been called Mother Nature's own adventure world, but the description underplays the spectacular beauty of this national park in Western Australia. Here, deep, multi-hued gorges, which hold some of the world's oldest rocks, are banded with iron and precious stones.

Sparkling waterfalls feed inviting pools of crystal green, and cliffs and plateaus are topped with lush vegetation. Karijini is one of Western Australia's most alluring places to explore.

Emergency Meow

Emergency Meow will certainly come in handy in a meow emergency.

(thanks Cora)

10 Most Inaccurate Military Movies Ever Made

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It's well known that Hollywood take artistic license when it comes to retelling history. As for war movies, the day-to-day lives of soldiers, the humdrum truths and the hard facts don't always translate well onto the silver screen. Modern audiences are hungry for fast-paced action and entertainment, and this is reflected in what they're served up. Moreover, in some cases, incorrect reporting and political agendas can twist reality even further.

Nevertheless, watching so called 'realistic' military films that are 'based on a true story' can leave us with a distorted view on history. Here's a list of the 10 most inaccurate military movies ever made.

Inside DayGlo: The World's Most Colorful Factory

Take a look inside the busy factory of DayGlo Color Corp., where you'll find huge, grinding, belching and all around intimidating industrial machines coated head to toe in fluorescent pink and blaze orange hues. Dayglo's fluorescent pigments and dyes have worked their way into countless commercial products all around the world like traffic cones, shirts, soaps, toys, bottles, paints, inks, signs, boxes, magazines - you name it.

YouTube link

(thanks Kirk)

Inside Chernobyl's Abandoned Hospital, 27 Years After Nuclear Plant Meltdown

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Twenty seven years since the world's worst nuclear accident at the Chernobyl power station, an abandoned hospital is still barren after it was left to fall into ruin. Once a modern care facility, the site stands untouched as it was decades ago after the accident, containing damaged furniture, broken beds, and unwashed mattresses in different rooms.


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The Self-Driving, Ultra-Connected Car Of The Future

What will the car of the future look like? Will it drive itself and communicate with other vehicles in order to avoid traffic accidents? Will it be loaded with advanced sensors and have greatly reduced emissions compared to today's cars?

No matter which technologies are used, the car of the future is likely to be smarter, safer and more efficient. Check out how it compares to today's cars.