InBox: Time to take a Hero fishing

April 30, 2012

Hello folks, I am contacting you again because you have helped us in the past and I hope you will help us this year to take a HERO fishing. This year has been especially tough raising funds for MAD 7 due to the economy. Nevertheless, the dedicated folks that call themselves MAD are going to [...]

April 30, 2012

  » May 1: When The Answer For ‘Y’ Is ‘Me’ The Occupiers plan on getting their point across on May 1. They are the selfish, the self-absorbed… they are the youth. …. These are young people who are empty inside. In the coming days, weeks, and months, we will all see the humanity blocking streets, [...]

April 29, 2012

April 29, 2012

  The Science that was Settled just got revised. So now it’s settled. » Drats! Down the warmhole the warming went Climate scientists at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have discovered that particulate pollution in the late 20th century created a “warming hole” over the eastern United States—that is, a cold patch [...]

April 28, 2012

April 28, 2012

  » Sultan Knish: Friday Afternoon Roundup – Builders and Destroyers The entertainment industry did not tell Martin what would happen if he assaulted an adult man who was concerned about the neighborhood, while Martin was concerned about getting the “Respect” that gangsta culture told him he was entitled to by virtue of his posing. Martin [...]

April 27, 2012

April 27, 2012

  » Feinstein continues to misrepresent Mexican gun tracing numbers This column predicted yesterday that “What we will no doubt hear the loudest after the fact will be…that the biggest problem Mexico faces in re arming cartels is the private ownership of guns in the U.S.,” and Feinstein’s release exceeds expectations, especially since reading down deeper [...]

April 26, 2012

April 26, 2012

  » Greenies Trash Park on Earth Day Nothing could be more emblematic of the irresponsibility, self-indulgent slovenliness, and hypocrisy of moonbats than the aftermath of their sanctimonious Earth Day festivities. » Liberals Litter on Earth Day » What’s the Senate Thinking? April 29 marks the third year in which the U.S. Senate has not passed a budget [...]

April 25, 2012

April 25, 2012

  » The United Nation’s Useless Genocide Trials How effective is the United Nations at tackling genocide? When it happens or is about to happen, its peacekeeping forces usually find a good reason to be somewhere else. And the Security Council and General Assembly find some pressing Israeli matter to concentrate on. But what about after [...]

April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012

  » Communist Party leaders at convention: Socialism an ‘imperative’ for America » The Savage Lands of Islam Saudi Arabia, the heartland of Islam, still tries and execute witches. What sort of religion can come out of a place that marries off ten year old girls and murders old women on charges of witchcraft? Exactly the sort [...]

April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012

  » Earth Day, Lenin’s Birthday, and the Socialist Ties That Bind It was not coincidental that the first Earth Day was on the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin. There are no real coincidences when it comes to Socialism. …. “We have about five more years at the outside to do something,” ecologist [...]

April 22, 2012

April 22, 2012

  » All the Morals of a Bulldozer To be genuinely outraged about something, you need to actually believe in something. Without principles, outrage is just tactical anger, or bullying in plainer language. Principles, values and codes are universal. That is if you are angry about a dog being mistreated by riding on top of a [...]