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This blog is the product of an undocumented journalist.
January 2013
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Food for Thought – 4 January 2013




Today in History – January 4

1847 – Samuel Colt sells his first revolver pistol to the United States government.

1863 – Four-wheeled roller skates patented by James Plimpton of New York. Anybody remember “skate keys”?

1885 – The first successful appendectomy is performed by William W. Grant on Mary Gartside. Before this, you just died. Slowly and painfully.

1925 – French psychologist Emil Coue’ brings his self-esteem therapy to US “Every day in every way I am getting better and better”. Yeah! “I’m getting better and better” while I’m letting my country slide down the tubes.

– During Korean conflict, Chinese forces recapture Seoul. We take it back on March 14. Seoul has changed hands four times in less than a year. It went from a population of 1.2 million to 200,000 and was essentially leveled. Made post-Katrina New Orleans look like an urban paradise. Today? wow!

Sputnik 1 falls to Earth from its orbit. It went up October 4, 1957. That’s a whole four months.

– United States President and notorious lying bastard Lyndon B. Johnson proclaims his “Great Society” during his State of the Union address. If you want to see how great it is, look at the areas that receive the most government dollars.

1968 – Duck hunter accidentally shoots endangered whooping crane in Texas. Tastes like a fishier version of spotted owl.

1971Congressional Black Caucus organizes. Functions include acting outraged, protecting crooked politicians and demanding money to get themselves re-elected. They have succeeded mightily.

1989Second Gulf of Sidra incident: a pair of Libyan MiG-23 “Floggers” are shot down by a pair of US Navy F-14 Tomcats during an air-to-air confrontation.

2007 – The 110th United States Congress convenes, electing Nancy Pelosi as the first female Speaker of the House in U.S. history. Can you say “Pandering Socialist B*tch”? I KNEW you could…

The World Turned Upside Down

One of my co-workers just walked into the office and we got onto the subject of guns and ammo.

Folks, don’t look at the prices of ammunition right now. Stuff that I bought a mere three months ago had TRIPLED in price.

Silly .223/5.56 is going for almost buck a round if you can find it at that price.

Food for Thought – 3 January 2013



Today in History – January 3

1823 – Stephen F. Austin receives a grant of land in Texas from the government of Mexico. Clearly, Mexico would have benefited from tighter immigration controls.

1834 – The government of Mexico imprisons Stephen F. Austin in Mexico City. This disturbs many Texans.

1919 – At the Paris Peace Conference, Emir Faisal of Iraq signs an agreement with Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann on the development of a Jewish homeland in Palestine and an Arab nation in a large part of the Middle East.

1921 – Turkey makes peace with Armenia after killing more than a million Armenians in something that has yet to be called a genocide. Turkey is Muslim. the Armenians were Christian. got any clues?

1924 – English explorer Howard Carter discovers the sarcophagus of Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings, near Luxor, Egypt, providing fodder for a great Steve Martin bit.

1925 – Benito Mussolini announces he is taking dictatorial powers over Italy. Twenty years later they’ll be hanging his naked carcass from a lamp-post. This is a suitable finish for many politicians.

– The Hamilton Watch Company introduces the first electric watch. The extension cords turned out to be troublesome.

1959 – Alaska is admitted as the 49th U.S. State.

– The SL-1, a government-run reactor near Idaho Falls, Idaho, leaks radiation, killing three workers. These are the ONLY nuclear reactor fatalities in the US.

– Apple Computer is incorporated. Two guys working out of a garage, neither of whom was a college graduate.

Food for Thought – 2 January 2013



Today in History – January 2

1492Reconquista: the emirate of Granada, the last Moorish stronghold in Spain, surrenders.

1890 – Record 19′ 2″ alligator shot in Louisiana by E. A. McIlhenny. He’s the son of the McIlhenny that brought Tabasco pepper sauce to the world.

1905 – Russo-Japanese War: The Russian garrison surrenders at Port Arthur, China. The Japanese mis-read the reasons for this event and get cocky. In forty years their perspective will be corrected.

1974 – President Richard Nixon signs a bill lowering the maximum U.S. speed limit to 55 MPH in order to conserve gasoline during an OPEC embargo. It is used as a form of revenue enhancement nationwide and develops a nation full of scoff-laws.

– A brutal snowstorm smashes into the Midwestern United States, causing 14 inches (359 mm) of snow in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and 19 inches (487 mm) in Chicago, where temperatures plunge to -13°F (-25°C); 68 deaths are reported. Da*n global warming!

New Year’s Day

And a nasty, rotten day it is. Started raining at midnight, a harbinger, perhaps, and is still raining on and off, grey and dreary.

I contemplate return to work after the longest contiguous string of days off I’ve had since I got out of the army in 1977.

Ah, dinner… Tradition requires that I consume both black eyed peas and cabbage (some say ‘greens’) on New Year’s Day to bring luck and good fortune for the upcoming year. I did black-eyed peas with tasso and a cabbage casserole using the elements I would normally have used for more traditional cabbage rolls, the advantage being that I didn’t stand there rolling the stupid things. It turned out pretty darned good.

Now I’m desperately searching for something good on TV, a losing proposition of late.

Food for Thought – 1 January 2013





Starting Your Year Off Right

Here’s a picture of a cat.


Today in History – January 1

1773 – The hymn that became known as “Amazing Grace“, then titled “1 Chronicles 17:16–17″ is first used to accompany a sermon led by John Newton in the town of Olney, England.

1804 – French rule ends in Haiti. Haiti becomes the first black republic and second independent country in North America after the United States. Right now they’re so ‘independent’ that if outside aid stopped, they’d descend into disease, death and anarchy in a matter of months.

– Ferdinand de Lesseps begins French construction of the Panama Canal. And like so many things in the 20th Century, some thing the French start, the Americans come behind and finish.

1908 – For the first time, a ball is dropped in New York, New York’s Times Square to signify the start of the New Year at midnight.

1934 – Nazi Germany passes the “Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring“. this didn’t make it into ObamaCare because it would deprive the Left of a major source of dimmocrat votes.

1959 – Fulgencio Batista, dictator of Cuba, is overthrown by Fidel Castro’s forces during the Cuban Revolution. Cuba, freed of the oppression of Batista, goes on to become a beacon of fairness and opportunity in the Western Hemisphere.

1983 – The ARPANET officially changes to using the Internet Protocol, creating the Internet, Al Gore curiously absent.

1999 – The Euro currency is introduced in 11 countries – members of the European Union (with the exception of the United Kingdom, Denmark, Greece and Sweden). I wonder how much longer it will last.

Happy New Year!

So it’s close enough form me to feel safe about thinking I’ll be here for it.

From down here in southwest Louisiana, let me and my seven cats wish you a Happy New Year!

It’s a thought. Might be like shaking hands and patting your buddy on the back and saying “Good Luck!” while standing on the deck of the Titanic, but it’s the thought that counts.

Food for Thought – 31 December 2012


Today in History – December 31

1687 – The first Huguenots set sail from France to the Cape of Good Hope. Does the name “du Toit” ring a bell?

1695 – A window tax is imposed in England, causing many householders to brick up windows to avoid the tax. Don’t give the ‘takers’ any ideas!

1759 – Arthur Guinness signs a 9,000 year lease at £45 per annum and starts brewing Guinness.

1805 – End of the French Republican calendar; France returns to Gregorian calendar like the rest of the civilized world. If you EVER want to see what happens when the Left takes control of government and implements all its “enlightened” ideals, study the French Revolution.

1879 – Thomas Edison demonstrates incandescent lighting to the public for the first time. 2012 – Incandescent bulbs are essentially outlawed by ignorant legislation.

1961 – The Marshall Plan expires after distributing more than $12 billion USD in foreign aid to rebuild Europe. Then we stayed there for the next thirty years making sure the commie hordes didn’t come take the place, and they treat US like crap!

– The European Exchange Rate Mechanism freezes the values of the legacy currencies in the Eurozone, and establishes the value of the euro currency. And right now, Europe is seriously reconsidering the wisdom of that move…

2007 – The Massive Big Dig construction project in Boston, Massachusetts ends as it starts filling itself in…