Using Kids For Propaganda – A Time Honored Tradition

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Rick Perry Calls Out Obama’s Disgusting Behavior

the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally. The second amendment to the Constitution is a basic right of free people and cannot be nor will it be abridged by the executive power of this or any other president

Office of the Governor Rick Perry – [Press Release] Statement by Gov. Perry on President Obama’s Executive Actions

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Obama’s Goal For America

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h/t to Erick Wodarz

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Reducing Magazine Sizes To Seven

New York law now makes it illegal to have a gun, and your illegal gun is only allowed to have a magazine size of seven.

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Citizens Against Senseless Violence

Must watch video of world class leftie hypocrites exposing themselves.

h/t to Blade

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Possession Of Any Weapon Is Now Illegal In New York

Cuomo rushed the law through before anyone could read it. It is now illegal to posses any weapon in New York, including a slingshot.

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h/t to Dave G

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No Trend In January Temperatures In The US

East coast lunatics believe that winter is a thing of the past, but the US shows no trend in January temperature since 1895.

ScreenHunter_407 Jan. 16 09.01

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