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    Beck has this absolutely right.

    Read more at Glenn Beck…

    Hat Tip: BB

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    American Heritage Girls

    By: Cliff Kincaid
    Accuracy in Media

    Al-Jazeera, once considered the voice of Osama bin-Laden and known for anti-American and anti-Semitic rhetoric, has announced the purchase of Al Gore’s low-rated cable channel, Current TV, in a transparent attempt to buy access to the U.S. media market for operatives of the pro-terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. Gore has reportedly made $100 million from the $500 million deal.

    The Arab government-funded TV channel, labeled “Jihad TV” by Judea Pearl, father of slain journalist Daniel Pearl, says the purpose of the unprecedented acquisition of Current TV is to create a channel called “Al-Jazeera America” and reach a potential audience of 40 million U.S. homes. It claims this will bring Al-Jazeera “into closer competition with American news channels like CNN, MSNBC and Fox.”

    Current TV features liberal programs hosted by such figures as former Democratic governors Jennifer Granholm and Eliot Spitzer. These programs will presumably go off the air as the channel takes on the Jihadist leanings that characterize Al-Jazeera’s Arabic and English channels.

    But it is not at all clear that the new “Al-Jazeera America” will be able to hang on to Current TV’s existing contracts with cable television providers.

    As noted by writer Henry Blodgett, “…Al Jazeera wanted access to America’s TV viewers—specifically, the cable distribution contracts that enable Current to be watched in tens of millions of American households.”

    But Current TV co-owner Joel Hyatt, in a Wednesday memo to employees, revealed that one of Current’s distributors, Time Warner Cable, did not consent to the sale to Al-Jazeera and as a result “Current will no longer be carried on TWC.”

    Even after Time Warner dumped Current because of the sale, Current TV is available in about 30 million American households, notes Blodgett. But the cable distributors into those remaining households will have the same right as Time Warner to drop the channel as its programming changes. Whether they do this or not will depend on public opinion and reaction to the blatant power grab by the regime in Qatar and its attempt to manipulate the U.S. media market.

    Many observers are watching the cable giant Comcast, which owns about 10 percent of Current TV, for its next move.

    AIM originally raised awareness on the issue in 2006 with the documentary, Terror Television: The Rise of Al-Jazeera and the Hate-America Media, and was instrumental in defeating the channel’s efforts to seek carriage in U.S. markets.

    Jeff Timmons, a communications lawyer, told AIM that there are federal restrictions on foreigners owning the means of communication but not the programming itself. As a result, he foresees no successful legal challenges to Qatar’s acquisition of Current TV.

    But Florida broadcaster Jerry Kenney, a strong critic of Al-Jazeera’s attempts to enter the U.S. media market, says, “If this doesn’t fall under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, nothing does.”

    Kenney had previously filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice alleging that Al-Jazeera and other foreign propaganda channels are violating the law by not disclosing in their broadcasts that they are agents of foreign powers. Other foreign channels operating in the U.S. include Moscow-funded Russia Today (RT), Iranian Press TV and the Chinese regime’s CCTV.

    According to Kenney, “Al-Jazeera America” should be required to register under the law and identify its broadcasts on the air as foreign propaganda.

    But will conservatives in Congress challenge Qatar’s media power play?

    The “Emir” or dictator of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, financially sponsors Al-Jazeera and postures as a friend of the United States. His regime spends lavishly on public relations and lobbying in the U.S., including Congressional junkets to Qatar, visits to Al-Jazeera studios, and fancy media conferences with representative of terrorist groups at expensive hotels.

    Although Al-Jazeera has been portrayed by some in the U.S. media as an exercise in freedom of press and speech, it can be a crime to criticize Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani in Qatar itself. Bloggers and others who do criticize the regime sometimes disappear at the hands of the security forces. A recent case involves a Qatari poet who received a life sentence after a secret trial for a verse of poetry said to be insulting to the emir.

    Al-Jazeera’s most famous media personality is the anti-American and anti-Semitic cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. He returned to Egypt from his base in Qatar to supervise the transformation of that one-time U.S. ally into an Islamic state after the Obama-backed revolution there.

    Last October the Emir of Qatar made a massive $400 million donation to Hamas, an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood, making the Qatari regime in effect a state sponsor of terrorism even while hosting a U.S. military base. Obama himself hosted the Emir in 2011, calling him “Your Highness.”

    Al-Jazeera was regarded by the Bush Administration as hostile to American interests after the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 when information surfaced showing that the channel’s managing director, Mohammed Jassem al-Ali, had been acting as an agent of the Saddam Hussein regime.

    The Obama Administration, however, has praised Al-Jazeera, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saying the channel had provided “real news” coverage of the Middle East riots and revolution that ushered in a Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt and the rise of Islamists in such countries as Libya and Syria.

    Although the channel masquerades as an independent “news” operation, the U.S. State Department’s own human rights report on Qatar notes that “the government exercised editorial and programmatic control of the channel through funding and selection of the station’s management.”

    As such, the assumption is that the Obama Administration encouraged the sale of Current TV, since it financially benefits not only Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, the other co-owner who is also a prominent Democrat, but the Muslim Brotherhood and its backers in Qatar.

    We noted in a 2008 column, “Al-Jazeera for Obama,” that the channel promoted Barack Obama’s candidacy for the presidency and that one of its reporters actually contributed financially to the Obama campaign.

    A website associated with Glenn Beck confirms that Glenn Beck and TheBlaze TV, a television network owned by the former Fox News personality, tried to purchase Current TV and were rejected. “Had TheBlaze successfully purchased Current TV, the current lineup of TheBlaze TV would have replaced the existing progressive programming in 59 million homes in the United States,” Beck’s website reports.

    Hyatt reportedly wanted to turn over Current TV to an entity aligned with his own “point of view” and rejected Beck on that basis because of Beck’s conservative outlook.

    For many years, mostly because of vigorous opposition from Accuracy in Media, Al-Jazeera failed to get widespread carriage in the U.S. media and has been viewed as an organ of enemy propaganda in an ongoing terrorist war that began with al-Qaeda attacks on September 11, 2001, that claimed almost 3,000 lives in New York City and the Pentagon. The 9/11 commission report noted (on page 90) that Qatar had been protecting terrorists, including the mastermind of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

    Al-Jazeera became known after the 9/11 attacks as a reliable outlet for the propaganda statements and videos of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Al-Jazeera’s Kabul, Afghanistan-based reporter Tayseer Allouni conducted interviews with Osama bin Laden and was later convicted of being an agent of al Qaeda and sentenced to seven years in prison in Spain.

    On the other hand, Al-Jazeera promoted conspiracy theories that Muslim terrorists were not really behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

    Despite the bad image, controversial programming, and terrorist connections, Al-Jazeera Arabic gave rise to an Al-Jazeera English channel that desperately tried to get access to the American media through cable giants such as Comcast by claiming that it was fair and impartial in its programming.

    The high-powered campaign suffered a major setback when former ABC Nightline correspondent Dave Marash quit his anchor job at Al-Jazeera English, citing anti-American bias and saying that the “standard for journalism on Al-Jazeera in the United States didn’t seem consistently to be as good as their standards elsewhere.”

    Comcast has refused to carry the channel on a national basis, although Al-Jazeera’s programs are carried on some of its cable systems in cities such as Washington, D.C. In addition, Jerry Kenney has documented how Al-Jazeera and other propaganda channels are getting access to the U.S. media market through dozens of taxpayer-supported public television stations that carry their programs in violation of Federal Communications Commission rules. The Virginia-based taxpayer-supported broadcaster MHz Networks is the vehicle for these questionable transmissions on behalf of regimes in Qatar, Russia and China.

    Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at

    The Watcher’s Council

    The Council has spoken, the votes have been cast and the results are in for the first Watcher’s Council match-up of 2013!

    Even taking into consideration the normal high level of quality in both the Council and Non-Council entries, this was a tough call with some exceptional pieces to choose from, and the close vote tallies reflect it.

    It’s been said that one of the most deadly weapons on earth is a U.S. Marine and his rifle, but as this week’s winner, The Mellow Jihadi shows us with Corporals of the United States Marine Corps, some of them are pretty deadly with a pen in hand as well, especially when speaking truth to our pompous, self aggrandizing elites! Here’s a slice:

    The Navy, in its infinite wisdom, sent me and 66 of my ruffian cohorts to the Marine barracks. We had run out of room in the Navy building.

    I got all the guys together and told them from that day forward we would solve all our own problems. No one whines to the quarterdeck until he gives us (me and four of the older guys) a chance to straighten things out.

    For a year, this worked perfectly. (One minor exception, but we forgave the guy for blabbering to the JOOD. He was sleep-deprived and ate only Willy Wonka candy. A story for another time…)

    In the Marine barracks, once my Marine friends made Corporal, they were a breed apart from us. It was a major step up from Seaman and Lance Corporal. They were men. Take this letter Corporal Joshua Boston wrote to Diane Feinstein. Without any fuss, the Corporal makes his point. And it ends with this beauty:

    I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.

    I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.

    We, the people, deserve better than you.

    Respectfully Submitted,
    Joshua Boston
    Cpl, United States Marine Corps

    Nice group, Corporal Boston, and right on target… Semper Fi!

    In our non-Council category, the winner was veteran humorist Bob Owens with What You’ll See In The Rebellion submitted by Rhymes With Right. It’s his view of what might happen in the event there’s an attempt at a federal gun grab.

    As a lagniappe, here’s a link to Owens being interviewed on the subject over at PJTV by Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds.

    Okay, here are this week’s full results. Gay Patriot was unable to vote, but was not subject to the mandatory 2/3 vote penalty.

    Council Winners

    Non-Council Winners

    See you next week! Don’t forget to tune in on Monday AM for this week’s Watcher’s Forum, as the Council takes apart one of the provocative topics of the day and weighs in… don’t you dare miss it. And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter… ’cause we’re cool like that!

    Banned on Facebook

    For those of you who follow me on Facebook, I have been banned a minimum of two days and possibly permanently.

    I post headlines and links over there and on Twitter. What got me banned was this:

    Obama releases pictures of himself getting news on Sandy Hook shooting–surviving-students-return-class-time-massacre.html
    It’s all about him – Obama porn.


    It looks like censorship is alive and well.


    Update: I have been ‘unbanned’ evidently. :)

    Hat Tip: SurvivalBlog

    Hat Tip: SurvivalBlog

    By: Lloyd Marcus

    My late Mama instructed, “Never put your business in the street.” Due to the extremely serious situation in which we find our country today, I must share my personal testimony (put my business in the street) to save America.

    In 1993, I quit my 15 year position at an ABC affiliate TV station in Baltimore to pursue a new career in music. At that time, callers on the Rush Limbaugh show were losing their jobs to down-sizing. Rush encouraged them to view it as an opportunity to pursue their dreams. Inspired and with Mary’s blessings, I quit my position, despite being in line for department head.

    In short, Mary and I lost everything – home, cars and savings. On numerous occasions, we were financially down-for-the-count with no hope in sight. Every time, God came to our rescue with just enough to keep us going. During our several years of “wilderness experience,” Mary and I grew in character, wisdom and gratitude. But most of all, we learned to trust God.

    So, while I am in solidarity with the frustration of fellow patriots across America regarding the reelection of Obama, the surrender of the Republicans, the transformation of what it means to be an American and the deterioration of our culture, I MUST continue fighting to restore/take back America!

    I cannot and will not join in your hopelessness and surrender.

    My firm resolve and optimism are rooted in the Word of God. Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

    I can not tune out the news and allow an evil, Godless, liberal Administration and mainstream media to treat the Constitution like toilet paper and ravish our culture. Edmund Burke said, “The only thing needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.”

    Patriots, along with myself, you are good men and women whom God has prepared for such a time as this – to save America. You fought valiantly over the past four years. I totally understand and share your disappointment, anger and sadness for our country.

    However, sticking your heads in the sand is not the answer. For me to do so would feel like me telling God, “I no longer trust You. Thus, I will not continue the mission you called me to fulfill.” For me, such a decision is impossible.

    I am Chairman of a new PAC, Conservative Campaign Committee, to fight back with TV ads and etc.

    Brother and sister patriots, come back – get back into the battle. America is too extraordinarily precious to do otherwise. We cannot simply allow them to “have it!”

    Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
    Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

    Conference on Sovereignty

    Arlene from Israel

    This past Tuesday, here in Jerusalem, the Women in Green — joined now by some other groups — sponsored their third annual conference: Application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.

    The turnout was incredible. Not only did it exceed numbers for the previous two conferences by a good deal, planners had to move the venue because registration was so robust. And even in that larger venue the hall was packed. This provides strong evidence for what I have been saying — that the Israeli populace is moving right, and is, indeed, weary with notions of a “two-state solution.”

    What I would like to do here is provide an overview and then touch on highlights.


    If there was an over-arching message delivered by speakers (many, not all) it is that sovereignty is something that has to be approached in stages. It is simply not realistic to imagine that the Israeli government is going to get up one fine morning and declare all of Judea and Samaria annexed and fully part of Israel.

    What is important, first of all, is the stimulation of public discourse on the issues. People just do not understand, do not have solid information.

    It falls to those of use who do understand, and do wish to promote sovereignty, to create the atmosphere for dialogue. And that dialogue must be advanced rationally, via the sharing of facts, and not emotions.


    And then, there are measures that might be taken to move the process along. Speakers differ on exactly what those measures should be: application of civil law to all of the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria; annexation of area C; etc..


    Yuli Edelstein (Likud), Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs, suggested that without initiatives such as the current conference, the issue would not arise on the government’s agenda.

    Credit: Israelfrontline

    Edelstein warned that application of sovereignty would not automatically resolve international challenges couched in legal language. But sovereignty would send the world a message, none-the-less.

    It is easier to face the international community when we are united by a consensus, he observed. The problem now, however, is that the government sends an ambivalent message instead of stating clearly that we have rights over our land.

    He sees several scenarios being pushed: The far left is ideological and sees the need to relinquish land to the Arabs for ethical reasons. The pragmatic left concedes that we have rights to the land, but says that in the current international climate we have no choice but to concede it.

    An optimistic scenario to the right of these positions says that we must approach the situation in stages, and this is what he supports. To the right of this are groups not content with stages and pushing for immediate sovereignty as an expression of our rights.


    Yari Levin (Likud), Chair of the Knesset House Committee, warned that we must not confuse historical merit in terms of our claim to the land, which is solid, with a legislative process, that is going to take time.

    Credit: Indynews

    What we can do, says Levin, is apply Israeli law to all those Jews living in Judea and Samaria, put in place laws that permit Jewish development in Judea and Samaria, and pass other constructive legislation that will apply to all of Judea and Samaria.

    (As to laws that permit Jewish development in Judea and Samaria, there is a great deal to say — I have already touched upon this in several contexts but expect to be revisiting it in greater detail with regard to the Levy Report. The bias against Jewish development is currently horrendous.)

    Levin is adamant in his opinion that there should be no singling out of major settlement blocs. Any legislation put in place must apply to all Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.

    Following this, there should be an attempt to apply full Israeli law to all of Judea and Samaria. But now we must advance plans by building another school and another house.


    Moshe Feiglin heads the Jewish Leadership faction in Likud and is currently on Likud’s list.

    Credit: gavrielsanders

    Feiglin made an extremely important point, and one we cannot afford to lose sight of: We have to pay attention to places where we are supposed to already have sovereignty, but are losing it. This is true in communities such as Lod, where there are neighborhoods that Arabs have taken over.

    And it is particularly true on Har Habayit — the Temple Mount. The attorney general has said that Israeli law applies on the Mount, and the High Court has said Jews have a right to pray there. But the police have determined that Jewish praying on the Mount will foment Arab violence and thus have forbidden it.

    Earlier on the day of the conference, Feiglin went up on the Mount, as he regularly does, bowed down and began to pray, and was promptly arrested by the policeman who had been following him.

    Every time I write about this sort of incident, I find myself ashamed to the core. This is not how a Jewish government should be managing matters on the site that is the holiest to the Jewish people simply in order to appease or avoid confrontation with Arabs. And, indeed, perhaps we need to raise our voices and promote activism on this issue before we talk about annexing Judea and Samaria.

    It’s all of a piece, of course. A government that does not have the courage to protect sovereignty on the Mount is not going to promote legislation for sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.


    Adv. Alan Baker, an international lawyer, former Israeli ambassador to Canada, and a member of the Edmund Levy Committee, which issued the Levy Report, spoke about that report.

    Credit: lawubc

    What he had to say was exceedingly important. His presentation touches upon so much however, that I want to return to examine it in greater detail on another day.

    The mandate of the three-person Levy Committee was to examine the status of Judea and Samaria and to recommend ways to deal with the land.

    This was with regard to considering the highly ambiguous situation that pertains there, not with an eye to legalizing illegal construction. An important point must be made, however: Former prime minister Sharon had mandated Talia Sasson with examining the situation in Judea and Samaria, as well. Her report was never formally adopted by an Israeli government. But she made a list of outposts that had been constructed without full authorization — they were “unauthorized” — and changed the term to “illegal” (which is not the same thing). The concept of “illegal outposts” was then adopted by the international community.

    For a long time, there was a freeze on construction that prevented the issuance of permits. There was no possibility of continuing construction with full authorization (with all proper signatures). Construction done in this manner was termed “illegal.”

    The over-riding question is whether Israel has rights in Judea and Samaria on the ground. Is Israeli presence there “illegal”?

    The committee examined the idea that public lands — not privately owned — in Judea and Samaria were automatically Arab and rejected this approach. Ottoman, Jordanian, Israeli and international law were considered in depth.

    We do not have “occupation” in the sense implied by international law because we did not move onto the land of a legal sovereign. Our situation is sui generis, which means one of a kind — without precedent or basis in international law.

    The committee rejected completely application of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

    We are the indigenous people in this region. After examining the legal history, the committee concluded that the Jewish people has well established rights that cannot be negated or denied. We are talking here about San Remo, the Balfour Declaration and more. These declarations are treaty statements.

    Instead of apologizing, we should state our rights. People simply don’t know.

    The land is not Palestinian — there is no document that gives the Arabs the right to the land. What we are dealing with is “disputed” land, not “occupied Palestinian territory.”

    The committee hopes the next government will relate seriously to the Levy Report.

    More to follow, including on the Levy recommendations.


    Ze’ev Elkin (Likud), Chair of the Coalition and Chair of the Knesset Eretz Yisrael Committee, alluded to two historical periods here in Israel since 1967.

    Credit: Wikipedia

    From 1967 until 1992 or 1993, the trend was preserving the status quo in Judea and Samaria. Communities were built there, and there was an assumption that matters would unfold on their own as facts were established on the ground.

    From 1992 [with the advent of Oslo] until the present, there has been a back-stepping. We are in a state of confusion now and he hopes this second period is coming to an end. He believes (there is not consensus on this yet) that what Abbas did at the UN has brought the Oslo period to a finish.

    Israel postponed the discourse on sovereignty and now we need a new approach. We must apply sovereignty to the maximum possible at any given moment. Slowly we can change the public discourse.


    Dr. Moti Kedar, Middle East expert and lecturer at Bar Ilan University, was asked to speak on the Arab reaction to sovereignty.

    Credit: sassywire

    But, asked Kedar, did Arabs ever agree to sovereignty over Tel Aviv or Haifa? Have Egypt and Jordan — both of which have peace treaties with Israel — ever recognized Israel as the state of the Jewish people?

    Kedar said that we urgently require an international television station that broadcasts in English and Arabic and that simply tells the truth. People have access to CNN and a host of other stations biased against Israel, while Israel is simply missing from that broadcast discussion.

    He further observed that the courts should have nothing to do with determination of borders. This is a political issue, for the Knesset. The courts should be involved strictly with legal issues, which he believes calls for a change in Basic Law.

    Kedar, an expert on Muslim/Arab culture, said that only those who are victors can secure their place in the Middle East. Those who seek peace are seen as vanquished and get kicked.


    Caroline Glick, columnist, senior editor at the Jerusalem Post and senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs for the Center for Security Policy, was one of four persons on a panel that discussed the issue of the status of Arabs after the application of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.

    Credit: sassywire

    People are afraid of the demographic issue, she said — the fear that if we incorporate Judea and Samaria into Israel fully we will be demographically overwhelmed. Birthrates are shifting, however, and the public needs to be educated on this. She sees a population 2/3 Jewish and 1/3 Arab.

    The precedents that exist on this issue were with Jerusalem and the Golan, and there were no problems encountered in either of these areas. Every Arab would be given the opportunity to request citizenship, provided he or she met the criteria established by the Ministry of the Interior — with regard to renouncing terrorism and accepting Israel as a Jewish state.

    Glick says we are now entering a period that is historically revolutionary. To proceed the issue must happen in the context of a larger change in the Israeli public, and changes in the Israeli legal system will be required. People are tired of the way things currently operate, specifically with regard to the High Court (B’gatz).

    She noted the fact that Habayit Hayehudi is expected to be part of the next coalition (from her mouth to Heaven!) and it is advocating annexation of Area C. This represents a huge change.


    Other participants on the panel included MK Arieh Eldad, Adv. Elyakim Haetzni, and Dr. Martin Sherman.

    You can see the entire conference dubbed in English here (skip the first five minutes, as that is a film of last years conference):

    In a few days Women in Green will be providing links to each speaker separately, in English and Hebrew.

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