Judge hears jurisdictional argument in ATI v. EPA (human testing lawsuit)

Federal Judge Anthony Trenga listened to about one hour of argument today in American Tradition Institute v. EPA, our lawsuit to end ongoing illegal scientific experiments involving human beings conducted by the EPA. At the conclusion of argument, Judge Trenga took the case on advisement. Stay tuned for his decision on the jurisdictional matters in dispute.

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Yale alarmist advises Obama to lie in State of Union

From an upcoming interview with Comrade Bill Moyers. Continue reading

NYTimes: An Antidote for Climate Contrarianism

A book by MIT’s Kerry Emanuel — who JunkScience.com outed as being on the insurance industry payroll last year. Continue reading

Stone Age hunters used the environment to improve standard of living

But we’re not allowed. Continue reading

LFNs – a serious issue for wind power?

Scares over technology aren’t restricted to unsound fears of EMFs emanating from electric lines or automated natural gas meters. Now wind farms are being blamed for making families and children sick because of low-frequency sound waves, harmonics, to the point some famililes in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, abandoned their homes near wind turbines. It prompted a study… Continue reading

Bad weather prompting more British farmers to favour GM use

Global warming causes biotech food? Continue reading

Cruz Sworn In As Texas’ First Hispanic US Senator, Will Introduce Bill To Repeal ‘Obamacare’

“Cruz could become a rising star among Capitol Hill conservatives following the retirement of tea party leader U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina” — of course, DeMint didn’t even bother to vote on the fiscal cliff deal. Continue reading

Wind tax credits extended in fiscal cliff deal

But Xcel Enery (which uses wind for 17%  of its electricity, more than four times the national average, according to the Denver Post) is reconsidering its support for the wind industry for not benefiting customers. Continue reading