December 31, 2010

December 31, 2010

» The Five Best Arguments Against Sharia in the United States Those who oppose Sharia in the United States often argue their point by highlighting how misogynistic, backward, cruel and discriminatory Islamic law can be under most interpretations. And while all that may be true, it is the wrong argument to make. » Time Magazine Confirms: Liberal [...]

December 30, 2010

December 30, 2010

» Islamic Supremacists Envision a Takeover of the Internet It was hardly noticed at the time, but its consequences could be catastrophic. Late last September, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which assigns internet domain names, approved a huge change in the way it operates. Europe and North America will now have five [...]

December 29, 2010

December 29, 2010

Regulation takes over when legislation is defeated. » The Immortal Tyranny Of Climate Change … a year after the Climagate scandal decisively exposed the fraud of global warming, and acting in the face of a new Republican House that does not look kindly on climate change flim-flams, the Obama Administration is preparing to enforce their ideology [...]

December 28, 2010

December 28, 2010

» Senate Democrats Poised for Power Grab They are angry that they could not railroad through the Senate legislation imposing Card Check, a Public Option for ObamaCare and Climate Change. Now it is pay back time. These liberals intend on making it harder for Republicans to participate in the legislative process. They are also setting the [...]

Reverse Profiling?

December 27, 2010

The United States of Wussies I’m sorry, you don’t look like a muslim. Show me your junk. If Paul Revere was alive today, he’d being riding through the towns and villages screaming ” The wussies are us! The wussies are us!” Pitiful. Disgustingly, shamefully pitiful.

December 27, 2010

» Allahu Akbar and Ho, Ho, Ho in the winter of 1997 there was an Islamic star and crescent at the World Trade Center. And another one at the park in front of the White House. No one in the media thought it at all odd, that a man who had a long record of blatantly [...]

December 26, 2010

December 26, 2010

» Unaccountable, Unelected Fourth Branch of Government: Screw Congress, We’re Going to Ration Energy Consider that environmental “czar” Carol Browner is a self-admitted socialist who, until assuming her role in the administration, served on a commission for the radical group Socialist International. Forget, for a moment, that the United States is the only country on Earth [...]

December 24, 2010

December 24, 2010

» Court: FCC Can’t Regulate On Net Neutrality » Objective Islam, Subjective Islam You can sort the written and spoken words about Islam into two categories — negative and apologist. Closer observation shows that the negative camp and the apologist camp use different logic, as well as come to different conclusions. … All of the doctrine of [...]

Dont Feed the Moonbats : December 23, 2010

December 23, 2010

Posted on September 19 at NewsRealBlog 8 Examples of Celebrity Political Idiocy, Part 1 Standing by for Parts 2,3,4,5,6,7 …. 1. Matthew Modine Wants To Hug It Out. With Osama Bin Laden 2. John Cusack Takes on the “Tofuti Cuties” of Twitter 3. Rockin’ the Vote: Now With More Skank! If The Vote’s A-Rockin’, Don’t [...]

December 23, 2010

» News Flash: Christmas is “Evil”, “Depraved” and “the Path to Hellfire”, According to Ultra-Tolerant British Muslim Group » Eighteen Injured in Mosque Shootout over Who Would Lead Prayer » beaten and branded a prostitute by her brother after dating man ‘who was not a Muslim’ » Penn State Student Posts Jihadist Musical Tribute to Swedish Suicide Bomber » Muslim [...]