December 31, 2011

December 31, 2011

  » Pentagon Report Reveals Financial Terrorism Suspected in 2008 Economic Crash …. fateful September day in the midst of the 2008 Presidential elections “$550 billion was being drawn out [of U.S. money markets] in a matter of an hour or two.” …. an “electronic run on the banks.” …. could “have collapsed the entire economy [...]

December 30, 2011

December 30, 2011

  » ATF management to treat Gunwalker crimes as personnel policy violations I am going to write those people up so bad it’ll feel like a suspension! » Mullah Ron Paul Rep. Ron Paul’s defense of Iran’s nuclear weapons program should surprise no one. The same resentment motivates Ron Paul and the Iranian leadership — a paranoid [...]

December 29, 2011

December 29, 2011

  Personal ignorance does not a government conspiracy make. Stop laughing. It aint funny. This is a serious strain of stupid going around, and it ain’t coming from tainted water. Just ask your local Alex Jones fan. » An Unacceptable Squeeze on Defense Modernization The implications of the coming squeeze on defense modernization under the existing [...]

December 28, 2011

December 28, 2011

  The Slight Mumbling Figure » The Paul Pot and the Paulestinians The left has no shortage of Ron Pauls in Congress, cranks and loons like Shirley Jackson Lee and Pete Stark. When they want to run the chief loon of their side who thinks that the government is beaming radio waves into their brain at [...]

December 25, 2011

December 25, 2011

  » Obama Derangement Syndrome? Yes. Two please. Thank you. The point is not that there won’t be conservative deranged equivalents to Moore, but to watch whether such demonic figures are fully embedded within the conservative political establishment. If one were to substitute Obama for Bush in Michael Moore’s rants, would he then be invited as [...]

Crystal Ball

December 24, 2011

Here’s a few headlines taken right off the top Drudge this morning: Black Eye Friday: Shoppers throw punches over new Air Jordans Rowdy shoppers eager to get the latest Air Jordans clash with police Mall Gunfire Over New Jordan Shoes Shoppers Waiting For Shoe Release Riot, Break Into Mall WITNESS: Fight breaks out at Jefferson [...]

December 24, 2011

  » NYT silent on shocking Hollywood pedophilia charges This might, perhaps, explain why, occasionally, a movie will come out of Hollywood that seems to seek to normalize adult-child sexual relationships — movies like 2008′s “The Reader” or 2004′s “Birth.” To some in Hollywood, child exploitation evidently is normal. …. P.S. Paging Lady Gaga … Wouldn’t [...]

December 23, 2011

December 23, 2011

  » DHS Spent $9.8M to Store $44M of Steel It Bought But Did Not Use to Build Mexico Border Fence Of interest: Although the report does not name the prime contractor who was awarded the SSCM task order, the CBP reported that it “teamed up with The Boeing Company” of Chicago, Ill. to “support and [...]

December 22, 2011

December 22, 2011

  » EU Green Policies And ETS In Crisis » The Sun Continues To Set On Solar Power » U.S. Army Makes Soldiers “Culturally Literate” About Islam At the end of each section there is a question that’s supposed to stimulate “critical thinking.” At the end of the jihad section the question is: “How can the concept of [...]

December 20, 2011

December 20, 2011

  » Unlimited Muslim Entitlement Mia Farrow and Russell Simmons have called for a boycott of Lowe’s until the home improvement giant apologizes for not advertising on a Muslim show with bad ratings. Now that Lowe’s has lost Mia Farrow’s business it may have to listen, apologize and acknowledge that advertising on failing shows is a [...]