March 31, 2011

March 31, 2011

  ~~ via MoonBattery » Organized Labor or Organized Thugs? AFSCME Openly Threatens WI Businesses Union threats that were somewhat isolated a couple of weeks ago are now gaining in popularity among union bosses in Wisconsin. From the comments: government workers who can use the power of government capriciously to shut down your business for alleged [...]

March 30, 2011

March 30, 2011

  » Wisconsin Stops Withholding Unions Dues As Of Today How many Wisconsin employees are looking at their paystubs and just now realizing how they’ve been screwed by their unions? Michael Yon delivered a rhetorical butt-kicking to the sedition-minded, moonbat fools of Rolling Stone » Calling BULLSHIT on Rolling Stone Imagine the 23rd Psalm being read by [...]

March 29, 2011

March 29, 2011

  » Regime Change for Sissies The President said we were against regime change in Libya, but made clear that regime change is the goal. He wants to be engaged without being engaged. He says we are passing the whole operation off to NATO as if we’ll suddenly become only involved in an ancillary capacity. This [...]

March 28, 2011

March 28, 2011

  » The Left’s Economic Terrorism Plans for America It’s absolutely clear that the communist revolutionary bloodlust runs very deep through the veins and psyche of many union leaders and socialists in America. Their hatred for democratic free-market economies, unbridled greed for the wealth and property rights of individuals, and desire for chaos and revolution can [...]

March 27, 2011

March 27, 2011

  » Schumer Bill Includes Steps Toward Federal Gun Registration . . . And More S. 436 proposes that virtually all private transfers, regardless of location, be subject to National Instant Criminal Background Check System checks. The exceptions would be extremely narrow; in many cases, even lending someone a firearm would be subject to federal regulation. [...]

March 26, 2011

March 26, 2011

  » Yes, Violence Can be the Answer Hey, kid, don’t you know you should just cower and curl up into a ball? And, for sure, violence is never the answer…except with the Nazis, Mussolini, and Napoleon; during the American Revolution, the Barbary Wars, and the Battle of Tours; and when stopping the criminals during the [...]

March 25, 2011

March 25, 2011

  » Presence of Malice: Against the Conservative Portrait of the President A man with a much more reactionary bent to his thinking, such as myself, would note that 21 months is an extremely long time to have a rogue ego and malicious mind actively guiding and making the day-to-day, life and death, decisions of the [...]

March 24, 2011

March 24, 2011

  » The Second Time as Farce For years American liberals accused George W. Bush of being dumb and unserious– only to elect a man who actually is dumb and unserious. Who announces a war in between his NCAA picks and a trip to Rio. Who has spent more time playing golf, than directing the war [...]

March 23, 2011

March 23, 2011

      Lemme Summit Furya: Public sector unions are making plans to crash the nation’s economy. They’re not just making plans that will result in financial crises; Financial crises – total economic failure is the goal. The results could be that YOU lose everything you own, YOU get to live in full survival mode [...]

March 22, 2011

March 22, 2011

  » Unrepentant Terrorist Bill Ayers to speak at NJ university on Education & the New Activism Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) is sponsoring a session with Bill Ayers at Montclair University in Montclair, NJ this Thursday 3/24. The topic is “Education & the New Activism” Email the president of Montclair State, Susan Cole: [...]