February 28, 2010

February 28, 2010

Michael Yon, bringing home the ground realities of the wars. A crew from the United States Air Force spent Saturday night and Sunday morning airlifting different groups of wounded soldiers from Kandahar to Camp Bastion to Bagram, back to Kandahar, then back to Bagram, and back to Kandahar. These patients were from Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, [...]

February 27, 2010

February 27, 2010

» While You Are Distracted by the Summit, Obama Democrats Are Targeting the CIA The Obama Democrats have outdone themselves. While the country and the Congress have their eyes on today’s dog-and-pony show on socialized medicine, House Democrats last night stashed a new provision in the intelligence bill which is to be voted on today. [...]

Dont Feed the Moonbats : February 26, 2010

February 26, 2010

Here’s a short list of new release movie DVD’s currently available retail – that you might want to avoid. The Informant, starring Moonbat Matt Damon The Box, starring Moonbat airhead Cameron Diaz Zombieland, starring UberMoonbat Woody Harrelson If you have a problem with putting your money in the pockets of liberals, socialists or moonbats in [...]

February 26, 2010

Summing the Summit First, (I’m sure there are articles about it on the internet, I just haven’t looked for them.) Did you hear Rush Limbaugh yesterday, at about 1:40pm, announce and proclaim that he was wrong? He had said previously that the Republicans were making a mistake in participating in Obama’s ‘trap’ . Rush admitted [...]

February 25, 2010

February 25, 2010

» John Brennan Involved in Obama Passport Breach » Obama’s New Investment Tax A sneaky Medicare levy on dividends and capital gains. If Americans need another reason to oppose ObamaCare, or more evidence of its destructiveness, here it is. » Lawmakers in 44 states warn Congress Lawmakers in 44 states have introduced measures warning Congress not to trample [...]

On Adam Kokesh: Open Letter from Gathering of Eagles

February 24, 2010

An Open Letter to the Republican Party Regarding Adam Kokesh We are writing to you, to express our grave concerns about Adam Kokesh, who is aspiring to become the Republican nominee for US Congress from New Mexico’s 3rd district. Mr. Kokesh has an extensive and well-documented history of affiliations with radical leftist groups. In concert [...]

All Theory, No Conspiracy

For Pete-amus Sake-amus, haven’t we got enough real government treachery, liberal treasons and islamic jihad without making up new stuff to worry about? The internet is flooded with complaints, panic and indignations over the new Missile Defense Agency logo. Some claim it’s a version of the Obama logo, while others claim it’s a version of [...]

February 24, 2010

» Celebrate Diversity Unto Death “Diversity” is not a virtue; it’s morally neutral: A group of five white upper-middle-class liberal NPR-listening women is non-diverse; a group of four white upper-middle-class liberal NPR-listening women plus Sudan’s leading clitorectomy practitioner is more diverse but not necessarily the better for it. » Business as usual Of course we [...]

February 23, 2010

February 23, 2010

» Borderline Dereliction Of Duty The 2006 Secure Fence Act mandated the “possible” construction of a long wall to protect our frontier. Four years later, no wall, just a new seven-year delay. This is an embarrassment. Knowing the potency of popular sentiment, the government hasn’t had the nerve to seek to repeal the fence outright. But [...]

February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010

» Warfighting 101 I have been on military bases across the nation, and without fail I am most impressed by the young uniformed Patriots who are the foundation of our military might. Simply put, their dedication, talent and spirit are second to none. Among other operations around the world, these young people, and those in their [...]