The 2014 Senate Elections

Dear Readers,

Here are your marching orders: Take back the Senate in 2014.

Election 2014 Election Map

Election 2014 Election Map

There are 33 seats involved in the 2014 cycle. 20 Democrat seats and 13 Republican seats are up for reelection. This list is subject to change and will be date stamped. Here’s the breakout (below).

  • Hot races are in Red.
  • At Risk in Green.
  • Once we have all the challengers, I’ll likely replace this list and link to an excel chart instead.
  • As of this update all candidates have stated they are running except for: IL, IN, MI, MISS, NJ, WVA, SD.
  • Last Updated: DECEMBER 28, 2012

DEMOCRATS  (20 seats)               

  1. Max Baucus (Montana)
  2. Mark Begich (Alaska)
  3. Chris Coons (Delaware)
  4. Richard Durbin (Illinois)
  5. Al Franken (Minnesota)
  6. Kay Hagan (North Carolina)
  7. Tom Harkin (Iowa)
  8. Tim Johnson (South Dakota) – Challenger: Mike Rounds
  9. John Kerry (Massachusetts; Special Election If Confirmed SOS) - Challenger: Ed Markey (D)
  10. Mary Landrieu (Louisiana)
  11. Frank Lautenberg (New Jersey) – Challenger: Corey Booker
  12. Carl Levin (Michigan)
  13. Jeff Merkley (Oregon)
  14. Mark Pryor (Arkansas)
  15. Jack Reed (Rhode Island)
  16. John Rockefeller (West Virginia) – Challenger: Shelley Moore Capito
  17. Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire)
  18. Mark Udall (Colorado)
  19. Tom Udall (New Mexico)
  20. Mark Warner (Virginia)
  21. Seat Vacated in Hawaii – Sworn In: Brian Schatz

REPUBLICANS (13 seats, Hot races in Red, at Risk in Green)

  1. Lamar Alexander (Tennessee)*
  2. Saxby Chambliss (Georgia)*
  3. Thad Cochran (Mississippi)
  4. Susan Collins (Maine)*
  5. John Cornyn (Texas)*
  6. Michael Enzi (Wyoming)*
  7. Lindsey Graham (S. Carolina) – ResignedTim Scott (R) Appointed by Gov. Haley
  8. James Inhofe (Oklahoma)
  9. Mike Johanns (Nebraska)*
  10. Mitch McConnell (Kentucky)*
  11. James Risch (Idaho)*
  12. Pat Roberts (Kansas)*
  13. Jeff Sessions (Alabama)

Here is a list of Senate seats that will be part of the 2014 election cycle. Find your state and get to work. This post will be updated as challenger information is added or relevant information comes along, so bookmark it and come back to it as need be.  It is imperative we take back the Senate, folks.

Useful Links:

In The News:

11/26/12 – Republican 2014 Senate prospects get a boost

12/2/12 – West Virginia Emerges as First 2014 Senate Race to Watch

12/20/12 – Frank Pallone Considers US Senate Bid In 2014

12/21/12 – Booker eyes Lautenberg’s Senate seat

12/27/12 – Markey to Run for Kerry’s Seat

12/28/12 – Biden swears in Schatz

Posted in Government, Senate | Tagged

ICYMI: Not All Occupiers Are Violent Extremists…

I have a post up on Wizbang about the Bomb Mom of Greenwich Village, Morgan Gliedman, and her alleged Occupy Baby Daddy, Aaron Greene.

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#BENGHAZI: “Sloppiness” and Susan Rice – Again.

I’m beginning to think this President is at worst, a pathological liar or at best, Bipolar. A month ago, he was barking like a junkyard dog in defense of Susan Rice, after admitting he sent her out to lie to the nation.  Now we get this from Obama on Benghazi (via MSNBC):

GREGORY: In the politics, in the back and forth in this, do you feel like you let your friend Susan Rice hang out there to dry a little bit?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: No. First of all, I think I was very clear throughout that Susan has been an outstanding U.N. ambassador for the United States. She appeared on a number of television shows reporting what she and we understood to be the best information at the time. This was a politically motivated attack on her. I mean of all the people in my national security team she probably had the least to do with anything that happened in Benghazi. Why she was targeted individually for the kind of attacks that she was subjected to is– is– was puzzling to me. And I was very clear in the days after those attacks that they weren’t acceptable. So, you know, the good thing is– is that I think she will continue to serve at the U.N. and do an outstanding job. And I think that most Americans recognize that these were largely politically motivated attacked– attacks as opposed to being justified.

Politically motivated? Mr. President, you admitted YOU sent her out there. We all now know that both of you knew at the time you set her out to the talk show circuit that what she was telling the nation was a lie. The criticism of Rice was not about politics, it was about LYING. It still is about lying.

The Blamer-in-Chief just prior to these remarks on Rice said this about our Embassy security, emphasis added is mine:

Some individuals have been held accountable inside of the State Department and what I’ve said is that we are going to fix this to make sure that this does not happen again, because these are folks that I send into the field. We understand that there are dangers involved but, you know, when you read the report and it confirms what we had already seen, you know, based on some of our internal reviews; there was just some sloppiness, not intentional, in terms of how we secure embassies in areas where you essentially don’t have governments that have a lot of capacity to protect those embassies. So we’re doing a thorough-going review. Not only will we implement all the recommendations that were made, but we’ll try to do more than that. You know, with respect to who carried it out, that’s an ongoing investigation. The FBI has sent individuals to Libya repeatedly. We have some very good leads, but this is not something that, you know, I’m going to be at liberty to talk about right now.

Again, Mr. President — you’re trying to install an unsupported narrative here. This embassy was vulnerable for at least the 6 months prior to the attack on September 11th; it had been attacks twice prior.  The security of this consulate was already at a dangerously low level.  There were warnings three days before the attack, which were ignored. Even the Ambassador himself asked multiple times for more security. Instead of granting those requests, his security was actually cut back. (Related: State Department withdrew 16-member special forces team from Benghazi one month before 9/11/12 terrorist attack)

This is not about sloppiness. Sloppiness implies security was implemented, but did it in a manner leaving things in a state disarray. Mr. President, you didn’t implement anything, you removed it and in doing so, thereby leaving your Ambassador Stevens and his staff wide open to attacks. Attacks this administration was warned about from several sources. What transpired wasn’t sloppiness, it was criminal.

By the way, Nakoula was unavailable for comment.

Related Reading from LL1885:

Posted in 9/11, Foreign Affairs, Obama | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Putin’s Tit-for-Tat: Transmitting to Obama and American families “NO FLEXIBILITY”

Post Written by  Liberty Speaks original can be found HERE

The Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012 (HR 6156)  was signed into law by Pres. Obama on Friday, December 14th of this year.   The law is  designed to punish those officials in Russia responsible for Sergei Magnitsky’s death in 2009.  He was a “whistle blower”  Sergei exposed massive fraud involving millions of dollars, whose  testimony implicated the Russian police, the judiciary, tax officials, bankers and the Russian Mob.    Instead of opening an investigation on the police the Russian authorities opened one on Sergei.  He was  accused of colluding with the same people and organizations he exposed.  He  was arrested, put into prison and was held without trial for eleven months.    According to the Russian Helsinki Group he had been beaten and tortured by members of the Russian Ministry, he had also developed health complications while in prison and was denied medical treatment.   Treatment that would have saved his life.   The law that is in his name…

  Directs the Secretary of State to publish and update a list of each person the Secretary has reason to believe:

(1) is responsible for the detention, abuse, or death of Sergei Magnitsky, participated in related liability concealment efforts, financially benefited from Sergei Magnitsky’s detention, abuse, or death, or was involved in the criminal conspiracy uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky; or

(2) is responsible for extrajudicial killings, torture, or other human rights violations committed against individuals seeking to expose illegal activity carried out by Russian officials, or against persons seeking to promote human rights and freedoms.  Makes an alien on such list ineligible to enter or be admitted to the United States. Revokes any visa issued for such person.  Authorizes the Secretary to waive such prohibition if in the U.S. national security interest.   Requires congressional notification of any such waiver.

Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to freeze and prohibit U.S. property transactions of an individual who is on the list or who acts as an agent for a listed individual.  Authorizes the Secretary to waive such actions if in the U.S. national security interest.  Requires congressional notification of any such waiver.  Subjects a person who violates, attempts to violate, or causes a violation of such prohibitions to specified penalties.

In response to President Obama signing  this bill,  in a retaliatory action , the Russian Duma put forth an outrageous and egregious new bill of their own called   the Dima Yakovlev List.  It imposes  Visa and financial sanctions  on Americans who have violated the rights and freedoms of Russians.    Under one provision of the law, US citizens are banned from adopting Russian children.  It was named after a Russian born adopted child who died while in the care of his American adoptive father Miles Harrison  in 2008.  The father was acquitted in the case in 2009.  It was a tragic story of a child unintentionally left out in a hot car.  We have heard the story many times, how ever in this case the adoptive father was found not guilty.  Russian officials were furious over the verdict and wanted to open an investigation of their own and called for restrictions on adoptions of Russian Children by US parents.  1996 and 2009,  14  Russian born adopted children had died of abuse, however,  to give some context since 1991 there have been  over 60,000 Russian children adopted by US citizens.

In a statement to the New York Times released after the verdict in the Harrison case, then United States ambassador to Russia, John Beyrle, said it would be wrong to severely restrict adoptions by Americans because of the case, which he called  “a terrible tragedy……”

        “….We should keep in mind the tens of thousands of extremely successful adoptions by Americans of Russian children, children who in many cases maintain a connection with their Russian roots,” he said. “and we should think of the thousands of Russian children who do not have parents and who currently live in state-supported institutions.”

Unfortunately, President Vladimir Putin, signed in to law the Dima Yakovlev list  yesterday.  This effectively destroyed the hopes of 52 Russian children who were already in the system to be placed in the homes of American families who will now remain in Russia.  Many of these children had already spent time with their soon to be adoptive parents, many of whom, with out the chance of adoption will now face the heartbreaking reality of a very uncertain future.  Many of Russia’s orphans it is estimated that  50-to 90% will  find themselves suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction when they grow up and an alarming high number of them turn to suicide.  It is estimated that there are   800,000 and  some reports say up to 2.5 million orphans if you include  street children in Russia today.

Senator John McCain (R) made the statement  to Fox News on Friday,…   “Our law singles out and punishes individual Russian officials who are corrupt and complicit in gross human rights abuses,”  Senator McCain goes on to say…”Russia’s barring of adoptions broadly punishes the neediest, most defenseless, and most innocent members of its own society.” 

President Vladimir Putin,  who now is the human rights violator in this story?  The most innocent, not the violators of human rights are being punished.     Exploiting your own country’s children as political pawns is reprehensible.   DO what a Leader of a country should do…punish those  within the  Russian Government who are responsible for the torture and killing of Sergei Magnitsky.  Bring them to their deserved justice regardless of party.  Revoke the Dima Yakovlev list LawTens of thousands of Russian children have been brought to our country  by legal adoption over the last two decades.   Those adoptive parents do this with unconditional love and desire for a child with the intent to offer a loving family.     Please do not shatter the dreams of your children for a better life than what they are condemned to in your orphanages in which they sadly call home.

-Liberty Speaks

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#BENGHAZI: Psych! No Real Resignations.

As I stated last week via the NY Times article, it looked to me like these folks were being paid off by being put on administrative leave. Emphasis added:

Oh hey, look…Some resignations! With the Accountability report also came four resignations. Four is a nice round number to take the blame for what was ultimately the role, responsibility and fault of the President and Hillary Clinton. Perhaps the number if more symbolic – four resignations for four murdered Americans.  NY Times:

Eric J. Boswell, the assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, resigned. Charlene R. Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary responsible for embassy security, and another official in the diplomatic security office whom officials would not identify were relieved of their duties. So was Raymond Maxwell, a deputy assistant secretary who had responsibility for North Africa. The four officials, a State Department spokeswoman said, “have been placed on administrative leave pending further action.”

I want to know who the other official they would not name is.  The article says they resigned or were relieved of duty, yet they are placed on administrative leave as well? Does that mean they’re being paid  for their trouble of playing the part of scapegoats?

The NY Post confirms my suspicion:

The four officials supposedly out of jobs because of their blunders in the run-up to the deadly Benghazi terror attack remain on the State Department payroll — and will all be back to work soon, The Post has learned.

The highest-ranking official caught up in the scandal, Assistant Secretary of State Eric Boswell, has not “resigned” from government service, as officials said last week. He is just switching desks. And the other three are simply on administrative leave and are expected back.

The four were made out to be sacrificial lambs in the wake of a scathing report issued last week that found that the US compound in Benghazi, Libya, was left vulnerable to attack because of “grossly inadequate” security.

Someone in the three-ring circus of Congressional Committees better fire up the Subpoena machine and get Hillary before she can plead the 5th. By the way, where are all the survivors of Benghazi?


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