Spanish police confiscate Muhammad filmmaker’s residence card, say he’s illegal immigrant

via Vlad Tepes.

This just came in email from Imran:

As you all know that my refugee status was revoked by the Spanish ministry of interior for the reasons that my activities against Islam are a risk for the national security of Spain. I was given a month for filing an appeal, which I am in process of doing so. But the persecution doesn´t end here. All what the Spanish authorities have done against me in order to make the Muslim world happy is not yet sufficient for them.

This evening I got a call from the police station. I was ordered to come to the police station and return back my residence card. I told them that look, I am in the process of filing an appeal and you can´t do that to me. I need to have my identity until the high court gives the final word on my status. I refused to go to the police station.

But as usual the Spanish authorities are in so much hurry for deporting me to Pakistan that they by themselves came to my home at 21:00 pm and ordered me to return back my residence card. I was also threatened that from now on I am not anymore a legal resident of this country and that I am an illegal immigrant who can be caught or deported anytime.

Losing my residence card means I am a stateless person now without any identity. Anytime any policeman can put me behind the bars for being an illegal immigrant. I can´t even work as my work permission has also been revoked by the Spanish authorities. They have made me handicapped. They didn´t even wait for the judgment from the high court on my appeal.

You know why this all is happening to me? For criticizing Islam. My status in Spain has not been revoked because I have committed a crime according to the Spanish law, but I am being persecuted because of my opposition against Islam. Now expressing our view on Islam in the western world has been declared as an official crime. Spain is feared by the Islamic world. The Spanish authorities have given a message to the Muslim world that Spain has lost its dignity and that Spain is going to live like the Muslim world wants. Do you think; in this manner the Islamic terrorism and injustice can be stopped? Of course not. This encourages Muslims more to continue the path they have been following and not to be changed.


I am sad and shocked. Where is my right of freedom of expression? Why instead of being protected, I am being persecuted by the Spanish authorities? Is it a crime now to speak the truth about Islam? Am I going to die because of my opinions on Islam? I need the world´s support. If I get deported to Pakistan (which is highly probable now), then never anyone will dare to fight publicly against Islam´s violent ideology and the world will have to submit to Islam. Please raise your voice for me and help me to be protected. Thank you very much.

Below, an interview that was translated for us by Hermes:

From Digital Alert:


Do you confirm that the Spanish government is in the hands of Islam?

Yes, absolutely. On one hand, we are talking about freedom of speech, and on the other, when somebody wants to express an opinion, then one is persecuted in order to be silenced. I have been revealing Islam’s filth for 7 years, and nothing happened during that time. Besides, it was because of having criticized Islam that I was granted the refugee status in Spain. Why do they want to pressure, persecute and deport me, and revoke my asylum rights? The reason is clear: fear from the muslim world. We have lost our rights and western values due to fear for the economic relations with the oil-rich Islamic countries and the unjustified violence of muslims.

- So you fear for your life? Does this revoke of your refugee status a sure death sentence?

I would have never dared criticizing Mohammed or Islam if I had been scared for my life. Jesus has given a special purpose to my life. God and truth are with me, and this makes me have no fear of anything or anybody. I will fight for my rights till the last breath, and I will continue fighting in order to make known that islam is a danger to western society. Look, in any other circumstance, if a citizen warns the country which embraces him about the danger that a visible enemy poses to the coexistence, peace, security and freedom of that country, then that person would be praised.

Full Video: The Innocent Prophet

Terror TV, al Jazeera, Pays Al Gore $100 Million for U.S. Media Access

Time Warner responds by dropping Current Terror TV. via Terror TV Pays Al Gore $100 Million for U.S. Media Access.

Al-Jazeera, once considered the voice of Osama bin-Laden and known for anti-American and anti-Semitic rhetoric, has announced the purchase of Al Gore’s low-rated cable channel, Current TV, in a transparent attempt to buy access to the U.S. media market for operatives of the pro-terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. Gore has reportedly made $100 million from the $500 million deal.

The Arab government-funded TV channel, labeled “Jihad TV” by Judea Pearl, father of slain journalist Daniel Pearl, says the purpose of the unprecedented acquisition of Current TV is to create a channel called “Al-Jazeera America” and reach a potential audience of 40 million U.S. homes. It claims this will bring Al-Jazeera “into closer competition with American news channels like CNN, MSNBC and Fox.”

Current TV features liberal programs hosted by such figures as former Democratic governors Jennifer Granholm and Eliot Spitzer. These programs will presumably go off the air as the channel takes on the Jihadist leanings that characterize Al-Jazeera’s Arabic and English channels.

But it is not at all clear that the new “Al-Jazeera America” will be able to hang on to Current TV’s existing contracts with cable television providers.

As noted by writer Henry Blodgett, “…Al Jazeera wanted access to America’s TV viewers—specifically, the cable distribution contracts that enable Current to be watched in tens of millions of American households.”

But Current TV co-owner Joel Hyatt, in a Wednesday memo to employees, revealed that one of Current’s distributors, Time Warner Cable, did not consent to the sale to Al-Jazeera and as a result “Current will no longer be carried on TWC.”

Even after Time Warner dumped Current because of the sale, Current TV is available in about 30 million American households, notes Blodgett. But the cable distributors into those remaining households will have the same right as Time Warner to drop the channel as its programming changes. Whether they do this or not will depend on public opinion and reaction to the blatant power grab by the regime in Qatar and its attempt to manipulate the U.S. media market.

Many observers are watching the cable giant Comcast, which owns about 10 percent of Current TV, for its next move.

AIM originally raised awareness on the issue in 2006 with the documentary, Terror Television: The Rise of Al-Jazeera and the Hate-America Media, and was instrumental in defeating the channel’s efforts to seek carriage in U.S. markets.

Jeff Timmons, a communications lawyer, told AIM that there are federal restrictions on foreigners owning the means of communication but not the programming itself. As a result, he foresees no successful legal challenges to Qatar’s acquisition of Current TV.

But Florida broadcaster Jerry Kenney, a strong critic of Al-Jazeera’s attempts to enter the U.S. media market, says, “If this doesn’t fall under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, nothing does.”

Read it all.

Egyptian Magazine: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration

via The Investigative Project on Terrorism.

An Egyptian magazine claims that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.

The Dec. 22 story published in Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine (read an IPT translation here) suggests the six turned the White House “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The story is largely unsourced, but its publication is considered significant in raising the issue to Egyptian readers.

The six named people include: Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

Alikhan is a founder of the World Islamic Organization, which the magazine identifies as a Brotherhood “subsidiary.” It suggests that Alikhan was responsible for the “file of Islamic states” in the White House and that he provides the direct link between the Obama administration and the Arab Spring revolutions of 2011.

Elibiary, who has endorsed the ideas of radical Muslim Brotherhood luminary Sayyid Qutb, may have leaked secret materials contained in Department of Homeland Security databases, according to the magazine. He, however, denies having any connection with the Brotherhood.

Elibiary also played a role in defining the Obama administration’s counterterrorism strategy, and the magazine asserts that Elibiary wrote the speech Obama gave when he told former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to leave power but offers no source or evidence for the claim.

According to Rose El-Youssef, Rashad Hussain maintained close ties with people and groups that it says comprise the Muslim Brotherhood network in America. This includes his participation in the June 2002 annual conference of the American Muslim Council, formerly headed by convicted terrorist financier Abdurahman Alamoudi.

He also participated in the organizing committee of the Critical Islamic Reflection along with important figures of the American Muslim Brotherhood such as Jamal Barzinji, Hisham al-Talib and Yaqub Mirza.

Regarding al-Marayati, who has been among the most influential Muslim American leaders in recent years, the magazine draws connections between MPAC in the international Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure.

Magid heads ISNA, which was founded by Brotherhood members, was appointed by Obama in 2011 as an adviser to the Department of Homeland Security. The magazine says that has also given speeches and conferences on American Middle East policy at the State Department and offered advice to the FBI.

Rose El-Youssef says Patel maintains a close relationship with Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna, and is a member of the Muslim Students Association, which it identifies as “a large Brotherhood organization.”

Excerpts from The Investigative Project on Terrorism‘s translation – A man and 6 of the Brotherhood in the White House! by Ahmed Shawki- that you need to read in full (and presumably there are more articles to come). We added links to previous posts and pics so you can see the enemy inside the gates.

Perhaps the most famous story the American media dealt with months ago was ‘Huma Abidin’ Clinton’s special adviser and her close friend, but what many people do not know is that there are 6 other personalities tied to the Brotherhood on the American political street .. We survey in this investigation information which has not been published before about these six personalities in the entire Islamic world, but there remains a question we cannot answer yet, but we are on the way to it. Are these six personalities tantamount to a turning point for the Obama administration from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood in the world as well?

The answer is of course yes, as we told you back in 2008, Obama embracing and legitimizing the Muslim Brotherhood.

Arif Alikhan – whom we told you about in 2009.


The relationship Arif Alikhan with the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood comes from his being one of the founders of the World Islamic Organization directly subsidiary of the international Brotherhood organization. Some point out that he is one of the main reasons for the meeting of the American administration leaders with the Muslim Brotherhood since the events of September and so far, and that he is the link between them during and after the revolutions of the Arab Spring in 2011.

Mohammed Elibiary - many posts as far back as 2008.


An Islamic activist from Texas, born in Alexandria Governoreate in Egypt. He grew up in Dallas in the United States. He is a founder of the American Freedom and Justice Organization, a non-profit founded in 2012, after years of refusal to coordinate between the American government and the Muslim community in the state of Texas and one of the main defenders of the ideas of Sayyid Qutb, the famous Brother, in the United States.

Janet Napolitano and Elibiary were questioned before the Federal Bureau of Investigation to reveal evidence of a direct relationship is between Elibiary and the Brotherhood in Egypt by the Egyptian Freedom and Justice Party’s financing Elibiary’s organization of the same name. The most important evidence against him was his officially speaking in many celebrations, which concerned organizations of the Muslim Brotherhood and its international organization within America, but the investigation did not result in anything. He was let off despite recognition of some officials within the Department of the probability of these important documents being diverted to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Obama chose him to write all his speeches addressed to the Arab and Islamic world. It was Elibiary who crafted Obama’s speech to Hosni Mubarak during the revolution of January asking him to step down and leave his office.

Rashad Hussain - dozens of posts here.

oic rec rashad

He began advising Obama on issues related to Islam after joining the Obama team and being appointed as legal adviser to the White House in January 2009, and Obama entrusted him to draft speeches on foreign policy,and he formulated Obama’s speech in Cairo.

In June 2002 Hussein was included as part of a team of Congress aides at the annual conference of the American Islamic Council CAMC) headed by Abdulrahman Al Amoudi a Muslim Brotherhood leader in the United States currently imprisoned after being accused of masterminding a plot to assassinate Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. He was also part of the organizing committee of the conference of the Critical Islamic Reflections (CIR) organization with elements of the American Muslim Brotherhood, Jamal Barzanji, Hisham Taleb, and Yaqub Mirza. He has also been linked to the SAFA organizartion and a network of Islamic organizations located in Northern Virginia whose headquarters was raided by the federal government in March 2002 which confiremd their relationship with the international organization of the Brotherhood whose senior leaders are Tariq Ramadan, Jamal Badawi, and Taha al-Alwani

Salam Marayati - dozens of posts here.


Executive Director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council MPAC an Islamic institution within the United States, which was established in 1986. Marayati is considered a founder. The Council is linked to the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood as American authorities security reports confirmed in 2004 when they raided the home of a member of the Islamic current and arrested him in the background of the events of September 2001. They found inside the house documents which [c]onfirm the dependency of this Council on the Islamic current within North America; this current which is managed and dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood through its world organization.

Salam was nominated in 2002 to work with the National Security Agency.

Imam Mohamed Magid-  many posts.

far right

far right

Imam Mohamed Magid does not require of much research and investigation to prove his relationship with the Brotherhood, with Islamic Society of North America which he heads being a Brotherhood entity the Brotherhood recognizes as its subsidiary at least in the past through its official positions. Known leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood there began to withdraw gradually from the Society to avoid drawing attention to it, and so that it not be connected to the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Eboo Patel - posts here and his tweets give his allegiance away.


Eboo Patel has a very strong relationship with Hani Ramadan, one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and the grandson of Hassan al-Banna and the son of Said Ramadan the brother is law of al Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe and the United States, in addition to his relationship with Siraj Wahhaj, a known American Brother, and his membership in the MSA in America: a large Brotherhood organization.

He writes for the Washington Post, the Huffington Post, and USA Today. He is a member of the Religious Advisory Committee’ of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the National Committee for the Aga Khan Foundation, and a member of Advisory Board of the Duke University Centrer for Islamic Studies, and a Fellow of the Ashoka Foundation. He works as a consultant in the Department of Homeland Security and is a member of Barack Obama’sAdvisory Board.

Europe’s Lemming-Like Rush to Become an Islamic Paradise


Islam is a complete code, system, or way of life. It only believes in a single state, culture and law, guided by the Quran, prophetic tradition and Sharia. All else must go. While Christmas doesn’t symbolize the same old religious significance any more, it still is the signature cultural festive event in secularized European tradition. While Muslims are evidently making vigorous push for its obliteration from the Western tradition, the native populace, particularly the politicians, are as willing to let go of it. And when Muslims are projected to become the majority in Brussels by 2030 according to sociologist Felice Dassetto’s book, “The Iris and the Crescent”, that is going to become a reality in double quick time in the iconic European city of Brussels, the headquarter of the European Union. Given the situation are even worse in places like the Swedish city of Malmo, and Muslims dominated areas in Oslo, the rest of Europe is all set to follow suit.

Year 622 CE. The Prophet of Islam had tirelessly preach his religion in Mecca for 13 long years. With only 150-200 converts, mostly from amongst the lowest of lows in society, Muhammad’s prophetic mission was all but a failure. It was a stroke of luck that he found refuge in Medina at about this time, where he moved to with all his disciples.

The rest is history!

Within two years, he put himself in a position to be terrorizing force in Medina, the city that gave him refuge at his time of difficulty. He expelled the Jewish tribe of Banu Qainuqa in 624, and Banu Nadir a year later, and eventually exterminated the Banu Quraiza tribe in 627 via mass slaughter of their men and enslavement of the women and children.

Thus he became the untouchable force in Medina, terrorizing everyone on his way. What a remarkable difference just a few years can make?

Well, that’s all just history, one may think. Many more remarkable things have happened in history. Not any more.

It seems, when it comes to Islam, the same is as much possible as it was ever. If one has kept eyes wide open at the world, especially toward the West, he/she would see many signs of Muslims moving toward achieving similar remarkable things. Major Muslim-dominated areas from Norway and Sweden to the UK and France have already becomes inaccessible to non-Muslims. Rife with disproportionate violent crimes, yet ambulances do not dare enter many of those areas without armed police protection. With Muslims growing much faster than rest of the population, 10 times faster in the UK (2006 estimate), thanks to unfettered breeding amongst them, such no-go zones are on a path to fast expansion.

In Islamic doctrine, the Universe is a property of Allah (Q 24:42, 34:1):

“And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the destination.” (24:42)

“[All] praise is [due] to Allah, to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth…” (34:1)

And Allah has made Muslims, the only followers of the true and righteous path (i.e. Islam), the owner and ruler of the earth (Q 6:165, 24:55):

“And it is He who has made you successors upon the earth and has raised some of you above others in degrees [of rank] that He may try you through what He has given you…” (6:165)

“Allah has promised those who have believed among you and done righteous deeds that He will surely grant them succession [to authority] upon the earth just as He granted it to those before them…” (24:55)

As a result, the ultimate goal of Islam is to bring the control and ownership of Allah’s world to the hands of Muslims. And Allah has commanded Muslims to wage incessant war against the infidels (non-believers of Islam) and commit mass slaughter and enslavement in order to attain the control of the entire globe, and establish Islam over its every nook and corner in the process. For example, Allah says:

“…fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah (alone)…” (Q 2:193)

“And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah…” (Q 8:39)

…some ye slew and ye made captive some. And He [Allah] caused you to inherit their land and their houses and their wealth…” (Q 33:26-27).

The divine commandment and design of the Almighty Allah can never fail. It will be achieved in one way or another. The Prophet’s exploits for establishing the rule and supremacy of Islam in Medina was basically a precise application of the above-outlined design of Allah, and he did it with stunning skill and success leading to establishing the first Islamic State in history.

In extension of Muhammad’s above protocol for realizing Allah’s dream of establishing global Islamic dominance and supremacy, Muslims had achieved numerous further successes – from the shores of the Indian Ocean and Africa to the heart of Europe. Indeed, at one point, it seemed the entire known world would submit to the feet of Islam. But, thanks to some strokes of luck, Christian Europe, despite conceding much of its territory and sustaining terrible wounds, was able to hold its own and eventually beat back the Islamic invaders from within its shores.

But for Islam and Muslims, that was only a temporary set-back.

Read it all.

Obama & Congress Giving Fighter Jets, Tanks to Muslim Brotherhood

via Fighter Jets for Muslim Brotherhood | Middle East Turmoil, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ.

With a continuing moral crisis in America, the fight over whether we continue to spend taxpayer money we don’t have, it is unthinkable that the Obama Administration would be willing to spend $213 million to give arms to Egypt.

Yet, the United States is poised to give the Muslim Brotherhood-led government of Egypt 200 M1A1 Abrams battle tanks and 20 F-16 fighter jets. These represent some of America’s best, most sophisticated weaponry – used today by our men in women in uniform. This gift will increase Egypt’s M1A1 tanks by 20% and represents nearly a 10% increase in Egypt’s F-16 fighter jets.

This is not an insignificant award of firepower or finances, costing American taxpayers $213 million for the fighter jets alone. But it is also extremely important to know to whom we are giving these highly sophisticated weapons.

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, recently declared himself above the law. While he claims to have partially backed down from this power grab, he then declared martial law in order to secure the passage of a new radical Shariah law based constitution put forward by the Muslim Brotherhood. Morsi’s martial law decree allowed the military to detain opponents of the proposed constitution until after the results of the national referendum were announced. The Muslim Brotherhood waged a significant intimidation campaign to keep Christians from voting against the radical Islamic constitution. Islamists took to the streets shouting, “Islamic, Islamic, despite the Christians.”

As a result of these Islamist intimidations tactics, the new radical Shariah law-based constitution passed overwhelmingly, ushering in what Morsi called “the second republic.”

The newly passed constitution significantly expands the role of Shariah law and Islamic clerics’ role in interpreting it.

Secularists, women, and Christians had protested by walking out of the panel drafting the new Shariah law based constitution.

The last thing that the U.S. government needs to be doing is borrowing more money from China to pay for sophisticated weaponry to give to this new radical Shariah government that readily suspends the rule of law over its own people.

via Fox:

Florida Rep. Vern Buchanan, who recently called for ending foreign aid to Egypt altogether, told last month the Muslim Brotherhood-backed Morsi government has been sending increasingly troubling signals to Washington, and giving it state-of-the-art fighter jets is a dangerous idea.

“American tax dollars must not be used to aid and abet any dictatorial regime that stands with terrorists,” Buchanan said.

No American dollars to any regime. Period. It’s not why we pay taxes and it’s not what the Founders intended.

Related: Egyptian Ambassador Says Egypt Will Pursue Relationship With Hezbollah

Video: Why are some afraid to know about Islam?

And why are those who do know about it afraid to admit the truth? via

The history of Islam in Europe and how it effects us to this day. This is a history based on numbers and facts that you may not see anywhere else and explains why we may be afraid to see Islam for what it is based on its own doctrine and practice.

We haven’t had time to watch so leave comments.

Saudi cleric issues fatwa allowing Islamic rebels to rape Syrian women

Obama calls them rebels and sends your tax dollars to fund and arm them. The Saudi cleric calls them mujahideen. Hat tip @TarekFatah


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