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Jacquelyn Martin/AP
4:19 pm ET -

Some aspects of the fiscal cliff deal are well-known – such as rising tax rates on the rich. But, actually, everyone will be paying more taxes. Here's a look at the deal's details.

Judge dismisses case involving targeted killing of Americans overseas

7:25 pm ET - The ACLU and New York Times had sought access to government documents explaining the legal justification for a US drone strike that killed Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen and suspected Al Qaeda operative in Yemen.

One million workers get pay boost as 10 states adjust minimum wage

6:43 pm ET - Nine states adjust minimum wage yearly to account for inflation and a tenth passed a new law raising minimum wage. Experts still debate minimum wage's impact on the economy.

Pennsylvania suing NCAA over Penn State sanctions. Does it have a case?

6:25 pm ET - Gov. Corbett says the NCAA sanctions against Penn State in the Sandusky case irreparably harm Pennsylvania. One hurdle for the lawsuit: The university did not challenge the punishment.

Hollywood's record haul: why 2012 was a great year for movies

6:19 pm ET - Hollywood set a box-office record in 2012, raking in $10.8 billion. Franchises like James Bond and 'The Avengers' ruled a year that signaled some important trends in the industry.

Quadrantid meteor shower: Will moon wash out the show?

5:16 pm ET - Quadrantid meteor shower-watchers will have to deal with a three-quarter-full moon, but the event peaks overnight Wednesday, meaning the show will go on.

Under pressure, Boehner is said to promise votes on hurricane Sandy relief (+ video)

4:34 pm ET - Rep. Peter King says Boehner made the promise to Republicans from the affected states. Earlier, President Obama joined a bipartisan chorus seeking immediate action on Sandy from the House.

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New school, new routines: what awaits Sandy Hook students Thursday

3:51 pm ET - The students of Sandy Hook Elementary will return to school – in a different building – Thursday morning. Many things have changed since the Dec. 14 massacre that killed 26 students and staff, but the school is trying to create as much continuity as possible for kids.

In South Korea, Kim Jong-un's New Year speech generates surprise - and doubt

10:01 am ET - North Korean leader Kim Jong-un called for economic reform and expressed a wish to improve relations with South Korea, departing from the usual North Korea rhetoric.

For Egypt's satirists, Morsi's power is no joke

2:14 pm ET - Bassem Youssef, whose Daily Show-inspired satirical program propelled him to stardom, is the latest target of Egypt's attempts to silence government critics.

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5 female teachers killed: Pakistan aid work imperiled

1:17 pm ET - The daylight killing of the five teachers and two health workers stokes worries that public health campaigns will suffer and lead to a resurgence of diseases like polio.

Is Russia trying a dead whistle-blower because of a US law?

12:30 pm ET - The US recently enacted legislation targeting those Russian officials involved in the 2009 death of whistle-blowing lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, spurring an angry reaction from the Kremlin.

Myanmar launches airstrikes on Kachin rebels

10:43 am ET - The Myanmar government has carried out airstrikes this week against ethnic rebels in northern Kachin state, raising fresh concerns about reforms and a fragile peace processes.



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