Dont Feed the Moonbats : Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan

November 30, 2012

Would you like to donate some money to Charlie Sheen? No? Then stay away from this film. A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan will be available for boycott on February 8th, 2013

Dont Feed the Moonbats : Gangster Squad

If a bum came up to you in the WalMart parking lot and asked for $20 to finance a trip to a Central American, 3rd world quasi-communist state; so that he could get in line to kiss a Marxist dictator’s butt ….. would you shuck a 20 plus a 10 and ask for popcorn? If [...]

November 30, 2012

» Does Government Want To Drain Americans’ 401(k) Plan? As Washington debates what to do about the fiscal cliff that it foolishly created, many potential sources of new revenue will be thrown on the table. One of them is likely to be 401(k) plans. Retirement is an American’s reasonable expectation. We put money into investment plans [...]

Dont Feed the Moonbats : Delhi Safari

November 29, 2012

Dont Feed the Moonbats : LUV

There’s only one thing I know about the film LUV, and it’s all I need to know. It lists Danny Glover as a member of the cast. Glover is not just a run-of-the-mill liberal moonbat. He’s one of the screechers. He’s not just an Obama supporter, but a supporter of practically every leftist anti-American movement [...]

November 29, 2012

» When Work Is Punished: The Tragedy Of America’s Welfare State …. just stick head in sand, and pretend all is good. Self-deception is now the only thing left for the entire insolvent entitlement-addicted world …. I sense a 50% correction in the population of T-Bill bubble babies coming on… ~~ Clearly, an agenda in [...]

November 28, 2012

November 28, 2012

Any film that makes the liberal critics recoil at pro-America, anti-communism messages is a film that’s worth your time and money to see. » ‘RED DAWN’ THEN AND NOW: CRITICS RECOIL AT PRO-AMERICA, ANTI-COMMUNISM MESSAGES The soft-handed, commie-licking Liberals of the 80s pitched a hissy fit back when the original Red Dawn became a hit cult [...]

November 27, 2012

November 27, 2012

» Citizen’s Petition to Rein in the Environmental Protection Agency ;The Heartland Institute is circulating a “Citizen’s Petition to Rein in the Environmental Protection Agency.” …. The toll EPA is now taking on our country is staggering, putting hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work at a time when millions of people are unemployed and [...]

Declaration Entertainment : There is an Alternative

November 26, 2012

Declaration Entertainment Declaration Entertainment

Dont Feed the Moonbats : Retraction and Apology

Back in August 2010, I did a “Dont Feed the Moonbats” post on actress Hayden Panettiere. I did so in error. Just recently I was reviewing old posts to correct for broken and missing links when I realized that the reference YouTube video on Hayden Panettiere no longer existed. When I went looking for a [...]