May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012

  » The Patriotism of Palestinianism Senator Leahy, who could not discover a national interest in the Balanced Budget Amendment, drilling for oil in ANWR or detaining Muslim terrorists, all of which he voted against; finally discovered a binding national interest 5,500 miles away in Jordan, where “refugee camps” like Baqa’a (pop. 80,000), which are virtually [...]

Adam Kokesh: Can He Get Some Attention Over There?

May 30, 2012

At the top of this morning’s post is a link to a short post at This Aint Hell. It’s about a comment made in regard to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes hullabaloo. I didn’t have much to say about it this morning, and it’s been munching on my soul ever since. I have to say something. I [...]

May 30, 2012

  » Kokesh; more IVAW input on the Chris Hayes comment That’s Adam Kokesh, darling of the anti-war, American-hating leftists of, ANSWER, IVAW, CodePoink … and RonPaulies. » Is the Constitution a Republican Plot? It’s one of the clearest, easiest-to-understand provisions in the Constitution …. The Origination Clause in Article I, Section 7 states: “All Bills [...]

May 29, 2012

May 29, 2012

  MSNBC host, Chris Hayes made apology for his on-air incident of soul-searching oral diarrhea. “In seeking to discuss the civilian-military divide and the social distance between those who fight and those who don’t, I ended up reinforcing it, conforming to a stereotype of a removed pundit whose views are not anchored in the very [...]

May 28, 2012

May 28, 2012

  » Pics From The Front… Perhaps we’ll find a few moments between burgers and naps to review a few photos from the Afghan front … where better men than us are spending their holiday doing the same thing they do every day …. fighting and killing America’s enemies. I desperately want to post some excerpts [...]

May 27, 2012

May 27, 2012

  » Imagine there’s no country. It’s easy if you try. We know central planning fails. We need only look at the “five-year plans” issued endlessly by the Soviet Union, by Cuba, by Venezuela, by North Korea, by Zimbabwe, and by Democrats in this country, that have failed, utterly and completely. » Here’s the REAL DEAL NO [...]

May 26, 2012

May 26, 2012

  I’ve linked this one before. I’m linking it again. Has you seen it before? See it again. Can o bull Progressive progression into utter madness. » Moonbat Freakazoid Serves His Own Genitals to Dinner Guests As screechingly bizarre and depraved as that sounds, the worst part is that the ‘guests’ paid – big – to [...]

May 25, 2012

May 25, 2012

  Ashley Edens Jason Edens 22, of Franklin, Tenn. was assigned to 1st Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss, Texas. He died April 26 in Bethesda, Maryland, of wounds sustained April 15 in Laghman province, Afghanistan… First Degree Dhimmitude » Arabic mandatory at city public school An upper Manhattan [...]

May 24, 2012

May 24, 2012

  Last Wednesday I posted a image story board here: How It Happened, according to …. saying “I received this set of images via email. I have not been able to determine who originally created them. If and when I do, I’ll make amends … somehow.” Now I know who created the images and here’s [...]

You Get What You Tolerate : Brett Kimberlin

May 23, 2012

It’s true, ya know. You get what you tolerate – for just as long as you tolerate. The faucet drips till it’s tightened. The hinge squeaks till it’s oiled. The mosquito bites till it’s swatted. The pimple on the butt of humanity festers till it’s popped. The name of today’s butt pimple is Brett Kimberlin. [...]