On the Case
A Video Case Study – Translational Genomics Research Institute
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Susan Nunziata
Susan Nunziata, Director of Editorial
1/24/2013 -
Customer expectations are creating new demands on retail IT infrastructure to deliver real-time, on-demand information to employees and customers alike, online and on the shop floor.
Curtis Franklin Jr.
Curtis Franklin Jr., Executive Editor
1/23/2013 -
Paying for a purchase is getting easier. Figuring out a strategy for accepting payments is getting more complicated. Welcome to the 21st century.
David Wagner
David Wagner, Managing Editor
1/23/2013 -
Hey, CIOs, lean manufacturing is starting to pay attention to you. Really! And I'm not just talking about ERP. Actual process changes on the floor are being driven by technology -- even at ...
Andrew Froehlich
Andrew Froehlich, Network Engineer & IT Consultant
1/23/2013 -
Big-data will gain momentum in 2013 thanks to the maturing of advanced databases and semantic technologies. While the business side is dreaming of the riches big-data promises in the form ...
Pablo Valerio
Pablo Valerio, International Business & IT Consultant
1/23/2013 -
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is set to publish a new set of HIPAA rules this week, including stringent privacy and security provisions on how to treat patient ...
Message Boards
Friday January 18, 2013 4:03:34 PM
Friday January 18, 2013 4:03:26 PM
Have a good weekend everyone!
Friday January 18, 2013 4:02:49 PM
Have a great weekend -- we'll see you Monday!
Friday January 18, 2013 4:02:46 PM
see you during next week
Friday January 18, 2013 4:02:26 PM
good day to all :)
Friday January 18, 2013 4:02:23 PM
Have a good weekend evryone!
Friday January 18, 2013 4:02:15 PM
Thanks for the plus, Susan. :)
Friday January 18, 2013 4:01:45 PM
Would love to stick around and continue this chat. Gotta run. But I leave you with this. Enjoy the weekend!:  Ladies and Gentlemen! I am proud to announce that Dave's Geekend on FB Graph Search is now live!! Please check it out...
Friday January 18, 2013 4:01:37 PM
This is my thing. Sports are barely better than gladiator events. We ask people to perform phsyically for money and sacrifice themselves for doing it. Even when totally without steroids they risk their lives and their long term health for doing...
Friday January 18, 2013 4:01:07 PM
@Dave: Agree.
Friday January 18, 2013 4:00:45 PM
@eethtworkz, I didn't until (I'll admit it) Armstrong was racing. Some of his wins in the mountain stages were incredibly thrilling.
Friday January 18, 2013 3:59:59 PM
@Dave, I agree with that.
Friday January 18, 2013 3:59:55 PM
@Dave-I never found cycling the least bit exciting on TV.It was boring.
Friday January 18, 2013 3:59:47 PM
Money and greed with lust for fame...
Friday January 18, 2013 3:59:39 PM
@Susan- I wouldn't ever ban anyone for ever. It is a dumb penalty.
Friday January 18, 2013 3:59:20 PM
@Susan, I think the assumption that all the riders were doing it is why they're not awarding a win in any of the races where Armstrong finished first. If you were in the lead peloton, you were probably doing something wrong during those yea...
Friday January 18, 2013 3:59:13 PM
@Susan- In cycling, I think they all were doing it. But honestly i don't care. I watch people risk their lives fo rmy entertainment. Every time a football player puts on a helmet and rams into someone he could day. Should I be crazy enough...
Friday January 18, 2013 3:59:09 PM
@Dave: I dont' agree with you, but following your train of logic: Why do players who use performance enhancers get banned from the sport forever?
Friday January 18, 2013 3:58:36 PM
David bit it not right what LA did and get away...
Friday January 18, 2013 3:57:55 PM
@Dave: But doesn't that eliminate all fairness from the sport? or are we to assume that all the riders were doing it and therefore ti's all fair and square?
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Tempy Wright
Tempy Wright, Senior Segment Marketing Consultant, Dell SecureWorks
11/14/2012 -
In the past few years, targeted cyberthreats have emerged as one of the biggest information security issues for enterprise companies. Targeted threats are designed to infiltrate and harm a ...
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Dell's Efficiency Modeling Tool
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On the Case
TGen IT: Where We're Going Next

7|11|12   |   08:12   |   10 comments

Now that TGen has broken new ground in genomic research by using Dell's storage, cloud, and high-performance computing solutions, the company discusses what will come next for it and for personalized medicine.
On the Case
Better Care Through Better Communications

6|6|12   |   02:24   |   12 comments

The achievements of the TGen/Dell project could improve how all people receive healthcare, because they are creating ways to improve end-to-end communication of medical data.
On the Case
TGen IT: Where We Are Now

5|15|12   |   06:58   |   5 comments

TGen is breaking new ground in genomic research by using Dell's storage, cloud, and high-performance computing solutions.
On the Case
TGen IT: Where We Were

4|27|12   |   06:45   |   10 comments

The Translational Genomics Research Institute wanted to save lives, but its efforts were hobbled by immense computing challenges related to collecting, processing, sharing, and storing enormous amounts of data.
On the Case
1,200% Faster

4|18|12   |   02:27   |   12 comments

Through their partnership, Dell and TGen have increased the speed of TGen’s medical research by 1,200 percent.
On the Case
IT May Improve Children's Chances of Survival

4|17|12   |   02:12   |   8 comments

IT is helping medical researchers reach breakthroughs in a way and pace never seen before.
On the Case
Medical Advances in the Cloud

4|10|12   |   1:25   |   4 comments

TGen and Dell are pushing the boundaries of computing, and harnessing the power of the cloud to improve healthcare.
On the Case
TGen: Living the Mission

4|9|12   |   2:25   |   3 comments

TGen's CIO puts the organizational mission at the heart of everything the IT staff does.
On the Case
TGen Speeding Up Biomedical Research to Save More Lives

4|5|12   |   1:59   |   8 comments

The Translational Genomics Research Institute is revamping its computing to improve speed, storage, and collaboration – and, most importantly, to save lives.
On the Case
Computing Power Helping to Save Children's Lives

3|28|12   |   2:13   |   3 comments

The Translational Genomics Institute’s partnership with Dell is enabling them to treat kids with neuroblastoma more quickly and save more lives.
E2 Editors
IT & Business Are Equal Partners

1|23|13   |   1:19   |   1 comment

The CIO of Fort Bend County, Texas, says IT needs to be an equal partner with the business, including in government agencies.
E2 Editors
Mobile Education & the Digital Divide

1|22|13   |   2:47   |   1 comment

At the Georgia Institute of Technology, the VP of technology is trying to bridge two digital divides. Faculty and students widely differ in computer literacy, and the school’s many low-income students dearly need mobile learning but can’t all afford mobile devices.
Tom Nolle
Three Sure Paths to the Cloud

1|21|13   |   2:08   |   2 comments

My survey shows that businesses find three things are most likely to contribute to a successful cloud deployment, and none of them is technical! See what it really takes to make a good cloud app.
Curtis Franklin Jr.
OEMs Change Roles

1|18|13   |   1:55   |   3 comments

OEMs can change markets – here's why IT should have a say in the decision.
E2 Editors
Tech Makes Clean Dogs

1|17|13   |   2:37   |   1 comment

This small pet grooming company learned that when growing a business, technology should come first.
E2 Editors
Tulane’s Network Transformed

1|15|13   |   2:58   |   1 comment

Tulane University’s new network makes registration easier and greatly enhances support for remote researchers.
Tom Nolle
We Don't Know How to Fail

1|14|13   |   2:10   |   2 comments

An opportunity I had to review the project post-mortem report of a company that wanted to understand why so many of its projects failed to achieve its goals offered an important reason: It didn't include how to handle failures to meet goals in its project plans.
Tom Nolle
One Size Collaboration Doesn't Fit All

1|10|13   |   2:16   |   No comments

My recent user survey shows that virtually all buyers think that collaboration tools should be specialized by vertical market, and about half think their own needs are unique within their verticals. Does this mean we should be giving more weight to customization capabilities in UC/UCC?
E2 Editors
For Bank, Scalability Leads to Speed

1|9|13   |   1:23   |   1 comment

For this financial institution, highly scalable networking and storage capacity enable rapid, cost-effective development.
Tom Nolle
Empowerment & the Office Franchise

1|7|13   |   2:10   |   No comments

Forbes is asking whether Microsoft's Windows and Office franchises are durable, and what may determine that for Office is how businesses deal with the complex problem of empowering mobile workers who aren't always able to be online.
Sara Peters
President Uses Autopen to Remotely Sign Law

1|4|13   |   3:04   |   1 comment

If autopen technology is good enough for the US president to sign emergency legislation from thousands of miles away, then surely it’s good enough for your business.
Tom Nolle
The Shifting Network/IT Balance of Power

1|3|13   |   2:12   |   2 comments

Networking has always been a tool of overall IT policy, but until recently it's been fairly autonomous. Now the cloud is making the network an explicit underling. Network types think that's bad, but it may actually be better for them overall.
E2 Editors
County Uses Virtualization for Efficiency & Security

1|2|13   |   3:14   |   1 comment

The government of Hamilton County in Indiana is using virtualization to improve efficiency and security and help the county hold on to talented IT staff.
E2 Editors
Still Innovating After 237 Years

12|26|12   |   2:53   |   1 comment

The oldest financial services organization in North America is preparing for rapid growth and better service for the banked and unbanked customers of the future.
Ivan Schneider
Board Games About Banking

12|18|12   |   2:53   |   4 comments

Join Ivan for a random walk through Board Game Geek's gallery of board games having to do with the topic of banking. Dividends of fun for the whole family!
Tom Nolle
EMC Is Taking Over the Cloud

12|17|12   |   2:10   |   3 comments

EMC may be taking senior-partner role in cloud computing from VMware through its Pivotal Interface and integration of storage and data functions into a PaaS. This may be further sign of a transformation of the cloud from the transitional IaaS market to mature PaaS.