Click Kayaking for the non-political stuff…

If anyone would rather not wade through the political posts, click on photos or kayaking on the sidebar…

By the by, since I don’t self-host this blog, some videos stop working when the link is broken. Do me a favor and add a comment when you encounter “a lost vid” while browsing here, thanks.

Incidentally…Wordpress does not allow comments to post immediately if the commenter is not logged in.   Apparently, nothing I can do about this other than stay on top of approvals.

Thanks for your understanding.

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Criminal Experts agree!

Remember Doug’s post on the World’s Largest Army? (link)


Ex-Burglars Say Newspaper’s Gun Map Would’ve Made the Job Easier, Safer

“That was the most asinine article I’ve ever seen,” said Walter T. Shaw, 65, a former burglar and jewel thief who the FBI blames for more than 3,000 break-ins.

“What they did was insanity,” added Shaw, author of “License to Steal,” a book about his criminal career.

“They just created an opportunity for some crimes to be committed and I think it’s exceptionally stupid,” said Bob Portenier, 65, a former burglar and armed house robber turned crime prevention consultant.

Frank Abagnale, who was portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in the 2002 film “Catch Me if You Can,” and is perhaps the most famous reformed thief to ever earn a legitimate living by offering the public insight into the criminal mind, called the newspaper’s actions “reprehensible.”

“It is unbelievable that a newspaper or so called journalist would publish the names and addresses of legal gun owners, including federal agents, law enforcement officers and the like,” said Abagnale, who noted that he grew up in the suburban New York area served by the Journal-News. “This would be equivalent to publishing the names of individuals who keep substantial sums of money, jewelry and valuables in their home.”

Liberals look at that map and go Tsk, Tsk! Conservatives look at that map with pride, here are some quotes to go with the criminal experts…


no_gun_control  gun-control-is-racist.jpg w=255&h=417 1ywmj8 pray for a gun



Story from Minnesota State trooper
I made a traffic stop on an elderly lady the other day for speeding on Minnesota State highway 210 at mile marker 197 just east of Macgregor Minnesota.
I asked for her driver’s license, registration, then proof of insurance.
The lady took out the required information and handed it to me.  In with the cards I was somewhat surprised (due to her advanced age) to see she had a concealed carry permit.  I looked at her and asked if she had a weapon in her possession at this time.
She responded that she indeed had a 45 caliber automatic in her glove box.  Something, body language, or the way she said it, made me want to ask if she had any other firearms.  She did admit to also having a 9 MM Glock in the center console.  Now I had to ask one more time if that was all.  She responded once again that she did have just one more, A 38 special in her purse.  I then asked her what she was so afraid of.
She looked me right in the eye and said, ” Not a Fucking thing!”

Posted in All the News not fit to print., Blogbits, Crime, Time to talk a little treason, When Progressives Attack | Tagged , | 2 Comments


Pibgorn by Brooke McEldowney

how did they get that one part the censors

How did they get that one by the Censors???

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Caught my eye.

Best of 2012: PlaceRaider: The Military Smartphone Malware Designed to Steal Your Life

In September, the US Naval Surface Warfare Center created an Android app that secretly records your environment and reconstructs it as a 3D virtual model for a malicious user to browse

I’m not completely sure what that means, but I’m afraid.

Teller is the silent majority.

I’ve been thinking about taking up Yoga this winter…

The rise of the yoga competition

article-2255674-16B439E7000005DC-694_306x451 article-2255674-16B439F0000005DC-648_306x365 article-2255674-16B439CB000005DC-601_306x365

Maybe not..

580832 609864 reagan says theo3 theo3 a New Year's resolution

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Tit for Tat, Counter punching the Journal News.


The Journal News is the paper that (in print and on-line) decided to print the names and addresses of all legally registered gun permit holders in its area.

New York Journal News Publishes Gun Owners’ Names In Westchester, Rockland Counties

ABC News reached out to the Journal News for a statement. The paper told ABC that its readers “are understandably interested to know about guns in their neighborhoods,” after the tragic shooting in Newtown, Conn.

The Journal News is owned by Gannett.

Well, the left doesn’t own all the media anymore. From a New Rochelle Blog..

Map: Where are the Journal News employees in your neighborhood?

Heh, heh, heh! It’s a turning world brother. Continue reading

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I ask the question, where are the autopsy reports on Benghazi?

I search the Web and I can find very few people asking why three months after the attack and murders in Libya there are no autopsies published for the four American dead. One of the few I have found, from Florida.

Benghazi debacle still puzzles

Every TV newsperson should be falling all over themselves trying to be the first to get an exclusive interview. Yet we hear nothing, see nothing and know nothing. We still don’t have a public autopsy report on Ambassador Stevens or the three other Americans who were murdered that Sept. 11 in Benghazi. Why?

The columnist makes a good point, why no interviews from ANY of the American survivors? There are they, why aren’t they talking? Now that the election is over and its too late to do Obama any damage, why are the facts still being covered up.

Of course, Obama hasn’t really stopped campaigning, is still collecting money and still has his MSM cronies covering up for him.  Is that because he intends to continue ruling by executive decree and bureaucratic fiat?

At last report, Hilliary’s “concussion” has developed a blood clot. Life threatening? Wow! What does she know? 580832



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Non-Government Poll to deport Piers Morgan.

The cause celeb for those who don’t want to have to sign-in to  (I certainly don’t…)

Piers Morgan (A British Citizen), exchange with Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America.

Pratt:  Your [Great Britain] violent crime rate is higher than ours as is the violent crime rate in Australia.  America is not the Wild West that you are depicting.  We only have the problem in our cities, and unhappily, in our schools where people like you have been able to get laws put on the books that keep people from being able to defend themselves.  I honestly don’t understand why you would rather have people be victims of a crime than be able to defend themselves.  It’s incomprehensible.

Morgan:  You’re an unbelievably stupid man, aren’t you?

Pratt:  The Second Amendment means what it says, and meanwhile, you want to continue laws against self-defense.  Laws that prohibit self-defense.  Laws that prohibit teachers and other faculty, other members of the administration in schools from being able to defend themselves if they have a concealed carry permit.  The laws prohibit them right now.  We have been lobbying against those laws since they were put on.  We will continue to do so, pointing out that this is where the problem is.  And for you to support them means that you’re really blind to the role that that plays in enabling murderers to operate with impunity.

Morgan:  Yes, I know — I know why sales of these weapons have been soaring in the last few days.  It’s down to idiots like you

Agree, or Dis-agree.

Piers Morgan, “Be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.”

Then he can go home and make insulting remarks about the Queen, if he dares.


Posted in All the News not fit to print., Blogbits, News and opinion, When Progressives Attack | Tagged , | 2 Comments


Vietnam Veterans for Kerry, as Secretary of State… Continue reading

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