K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs
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K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs

K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs
22,250 likes · 39,341 talking about this

  1. Moses Comfort Dog getting ready to meet lots of new friends at a cancer support group tonight in Nebraska.
    I am going to meet lots of new friends and provide lots of comfort at a cancer support group tonight at St Feancis Hospital in Grand Island, Nebraska.
    Photo: I am going to meet lots of new friends and provide lots of comfort at a cancer support group tonight at St Feancis Hospital in Grand Island, Nebraska.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on K-9 Parish Comfort DogsSee All
    • Lisa Lattanzio Sheridan
      I can't even begin to tell you how much you are going to be missed in Newtown! Thank you so much for all you have given. I can't tell you how many times I was able to calm an upset student by saying, "Lets go pet a dog." For that matter, I found myself looking for excuses to go to guidance just for a quick cuddle. I picked up my own daughter from Reed one day and we ended up staying for an extra hour just to hang with the dogs. You are forever in our hearts. Safe travels home!
      6 · 9 hours ago
    • Renee' VanWert
      are there organizations like this throughout the country? I live in PA
      9 hours ago
    • Jenny Tansley
       Hi! I'm Jenny from www.facebook.com/paws4braydon I really love your page and your message. Braydon's Autism Service Dog has been very important in managing his symptoms. Thank you for letting me share! :)
      1 · 11 hours ago
    • It is hard to find words to express the admiration and respect I have for the work you and the dogs are doing - an extreme example of using unconditional generosity of heart to bring comfort to those whose have been shaken to their very cores. I am proud that you are from our community.
      1 · 11 hours ago
  3. Chewie Comfort Dog with his friend Lily!
    Chewie and his best buddy Lily!
    Photo: Chewie and his best buddy Lily!
  4. Ruthie Comfort Dog, Luther Comfort Dog, and Shami Comfort Dog at the Danbury Fair Mall in Connecticut on Sunday.
    Had a nice time at Danbury Fair Mall today. Saw a lot of my friends from Newtown. My friends Luther and Shami came with. Early night tonight, can't wait to see my friends at Newtown H.S. and Sandy Hook tomorrow!
    Photo: Had a nice time at Danbury Fair Mall today. Saw a lot of my friends from Newtown. My friends Luther and Shami came with. Early night tonight, can't wait to see my friends at Newtown H.S. and Sandy Hook tomorrow!
  5. Chloe Comfort Dog's business card which was handed out in Newtown.
    I've been in Newtown 10 of the last 21 days. My handlers and I have distributed 3 boxes of these business cards during that time. So many new friends!
    Photo: I've been in Newtown 10 of the last 21 days.  My handlers and I have distributed 3 boxes of these business cards during that time.  So many new friends!
  6. Kye Comfort Dog, Luther Comfort Dog, Ruthie Comfort Dog and their handlers will be at Sandy Hook Elementary today.
    Photo: Kye Comfort Dog, Luther Comfort Dog, Ruthie Comfort Dog and their handlers will be at Sandy Hook Elementary today.
  7. Some of the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs getting a play break last week in Newtown, Connecticut!
    Play break with my friends!!
    Photo: Play break with my friends!!
  8. Let Surf dog Ricochet, the SURFice dog! and her Facebook friends know how much you appreciate the Guardian Angel Bears they sent to the students in Newtown, CT by LIKING her page - let her know the Comfort Dogs sent you! She's pretty "PAWsome", as she would say, and likes to "PAW it forward".
    Send a NEW fan to Surf dog Ricochet, the SURFice dog! by 10pm PST tonight & get one of my paw it forward wristbands! The fan must be new, must LIKE my page (not this comment) & needs to leave the name of who sent them under this pic. If you send more than one fan, you'll get pawtograph stickers & trading cards equal to number of fans you sent. Ready. Set. Go! Last one to my page is a rotten egg!
    Photo: Send a NEW fan to Surf dog Ricochet, the SURFice dog! by 10pm PST tonight & get one of my paw it forward wristbands! The fan must be new, must LIKE my page (not this comment) & needs to leave the name of who sent them under this pic. If you send more than one fan, you'll get pawtograph stickers & trading cards equal to number of fans you sent.  Ready. Set. Go! Last one to my page is a rotten egg!
  9. A drawing of JoJo Comfort Dog from one of the students at Sandy Hook.
    One of my friends at Sandy Hook drew a picture of me. I am light in the darkness!
    Love you! Xoxo :)
    Photo: One of my friends at Sandy Hook drew a picture of me. I am light in the darkness! 
Love you! Xoxo :)
  10. Some of the Comfort Dogs are planning to be at the Danbury Fair Mall in Connecticut today from 1-3 pm. Would love to see you there!
  11. Ladel Comfort Dog sleeping soundly back home after her trip to Connecticut!
    Have to admit, it is nice to be home in my own bed. Ahhhhh....
    Photo: Have to admit, it is nice to be home in my own bed.  Ahhhhh....
  12. Five of the ten Comfort Dogs that were in Newtown, CT arrived safely in Illinois this afternoon. Five Comfort Dogs and handlers remain in Newtown so they can return to Sandy Hook Elementary School and Newtown High School on Monday. Please... keep Moses Comfort Dog and his handlers in your prayers as they continue their journey home to Cairo, Nebraska. Please continue prayers for the community of Newtown and their journey of healing.See More
  13. Some of the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs and their handlers are currently traveling back to Illinois while some remain in Newtown, CT to continue providing comfort to those who need it. Prayers for a safe trip back and strength for those remaining would be greatly appreciated.
    Photo: Some of the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs and their handlers are currently traveling back to Illinois while some remain in Newtown, CT to continue providing comfort to those who need it. Prayers for a safe trip back and strength for those remaining would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Just two of the Comfort Dogs that will be staying in Newtown into next week. Good night everyone, see you soon! Oh, and don't worry, they do have their own VERY cozy beds to sleep on tonight!
    "What do you mean we can't sleep on the bed?"
    Photo: "What do you mean we can't sleep on the bed?"
  15. Sandy Hook Elementary School and Newtown High School have asked that the Comfort Dogs continue to visit with the students, parents, faculty and staff of their schools. Several Comfort Dogs and handlers will remain in Newtown into next week. We are blessed to be a part of the healing process and appreciate the outpouring of love and support for the town.
  16. Moses Comfort Dog and Addie Comfort Dog having "recess" at Newtown High School earlier today. The K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs were playing with kong air dog balls that were donated by a family from Newtown.
    Moses and Addie Comfort Dog having 'recess' at Newtown High School with kong air dog balls that were donated by a special family from Newtown. Thank you Thank you!
    Photo: Moses and Addie Comfort Dog having 'recess' at Newtown High School with kong air dog balls that were donated by a special family from Newtown.  Thank you Thank you!
  17. On Thursday, some of the Comfort Dogs and handler went to visit the students, faculty and staff at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Danbury, CT.
    Photo: On Thursday, some of the Comfort Dogs and handler went to visit the students, faculty and staff at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Danbury, CT.
  18. The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs are spending their last day in Connecticut today, comforting the students of Sandy Hook and Newtown High School. Please continue to pray for the city of Newtown.
  19. Seven K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs and their handlers covered the morning shift at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the remaining three Comfort Dogs and handlers covered the afternoon shift. We thank everyone at the school for inviting us to join them on this very special day.
    Photo: Seven K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs and their handlers covered the morning shift at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the remaining three Comfort Dogs and handlers covered the afternoon shift.  We thank everyone at the school for inviting us to join them on this very special day.
  20. The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs are at the new Sandy Hook Elementary School today, greeting and comforting the students/parents/staff as they return to class.

    To make a donation to the K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs Travel Expense fund, please visit:
    Photo: The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs are at the new Sandy Hook Elementary School today, greeting and comforting the students/parents/staff as they return to class. 

To make a donation to the K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs Travel Expense fund, please visit:
  21. The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs stopped by Kevin's Community Center in Newtown, Connecticut yesterday. Kevin's Community Center is a free medical clinic which provides "free health care for individuals over the age of 18 who are uninsured or under insured and have limited financial resources". For more information about this great organization, please visit:

    Photo: The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs stopped by Kevin's Community Center in Newtown, Connecticut yesterday. Kevin's Community Center is a free medical clinic which provides "free health care for individuals over the age of 18 who are uninsured or under insured and have limited financial resources". For more information about this great organization, please visit:

  22. On Thursday, December 20, 2012, one of Newtown High School's school counselors talked to Tim Hetzner, president of Lutheran Church Charities. The K-9 Comfort Dogs visited the school that week. Ms. Croce talked about that visit and the imp...act on the students, faculty and staff. She is pictured here with the K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs currently serving in Newtown.
    Watch the video here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfFHFfxEb8A
    See More
    Photo: On Thursday, December 20, 2012, one of Newtown High School's school counselors talked to Tim Hetzner, president of Lutheran Church Charities.  The K-9 Comfort Dogs visited the school that week.  Ms. Croce talked about that visit and the impact on the students, faculty and staff.  She is pictured here with the K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs currently serving in Newtown.
Watch the video here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfFHFfxEb8A
  23. Welcome to Facebook, Addie!
    Addie (Addison) is a trained Comfort Dog for Lutheran Church Charities. She interacts with people at churches, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, events, and in disaster response situations. A dog is a friend who brings a calming influence, allowing people to open up their hearts and receive help...
    Page: 1,154 like this
  24. Addie Comfort Dog, currently serving in Newtown, Connecticut, is new to Facebook. Welcome her by "liking" her page!
  25. Some of the Comfort Dogs are going to the Lutheran Home of Southbury, CT in an hour.
    Photo: Some of the Comfort Dogs are going to the Lutheran Home of Southbury, CT in an hour.
  26. The K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs are going to be at the Danbury Fair Mall today. If you are in the area, stop by and say hi!
  27. The K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs have arrived at Newtown High School and are greeting the students.
    Photo: The K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs have arrived at Newtown High School and are greeting the students.
  28. Moses Comfort Dog says "good night" from Newtown, Connecticut. The K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs have a very busy week planned.
    Hard day of traveling, I am so tired. Maybe my handlers wont notice me on the bed.
    Photo: Hard day of traveling, I am so tired.  Maybe my handlers wont notice me on the bed.
  29. We are honored to help distribute the guardian angel bears provided by some of the 113,000+ Facebook fans of Surf dog Ricochet, the SURFice dog! Visit Ricochet's page and LIKE her - she has such an awesome story! Thanks Ricochet and friends!
    Our FURiends at K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs have arrived back in Newtown today. This is their president Tim Hetzner holding one of our guardian angel bears. They will be coordinating with the school counselor on how best to distribute them to t...he kids. The counselor will also receive one, as will the first responders. If you haven't liked their page yet, please do! They are so incredibly kind to help us with this project. Thank you comfort dogs!!See More
    Photo: Our FURiends at K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs have arrived back in Newtown today. This is their president Tim Hetzner holding one of our guardian angel bears. They will be coordinating with the school counselor on how best to distribute them to the kids. The counselor will also receive one, as will the first responders. If you haven't liked their page yet, please do! They are so incredibly kind to help us with this project. Thank you comfort dogs!!
  30. The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs have arrived safely in Connecticut. Thank you all for your prayers!
    Photo: The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs have arrived safely in Connecticut. Thank you all for your prayers!
  31. Look closely at the cards!
    Playing games through Pennsylvania.
    Photo: Playing games through Pennsylvania.
  32. The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs just got into Pennsylvania en route to Connecticut. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for our team of dogs and handlers.
  33. A crew of 10 K-9 Comfort Dogs and 20 handlers headed out early January 1, 2013 to Newtown, CT. — at Lutheran Church Charities.
    Photo: The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dogs stopped by Kevin's Community Center in Newtown, Connecticut yesterday. Kevin's Community Center is a free medical clinic which provides "free health care for individuals over the age of 18 who are uninsured or under insured and have limited financial resources". For more information about this great organization, please visit:

    Photo: The caravan - one RV and two vans - leaves the Lutheran Church Charities offices about 3 am on January 1, 2013
    Photo: Hmmmm - this little guy is new...
  34. Newtown, CT - here we come! What an all-star team of K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs and handlers ready to serve! They hit the road shortly after 3 am CST so should be in Newtown about 5 pm EST. Prayers for safe travels.
    Photo: Newtown, CT - here we come!  What an all-star team of K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs and handlers ready to serve!  They hit the road shortly after 3 am CST so should be in Newtown about 5 pm EST.  Prayers for safe travels.
  35. Isaiah Comfort Dog is new to Facebook! Welcome him by "liking" his page!
    Isaiah is a Comfort Dog in training for Lutheran Church Charities. He interacts with people at churches, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, events, and in disaster response situations. A dog is a friend who brings a calming influence, allowing people to open up their hearts and receive help for wh...
    Page: 2,310 like this
  36. This is the last day for the Lutheran Church Charities '12/31 Remember Us Last Appeal'. Lutheran Church Charities does Dollar In - Dollar Out funding of needs where every dollar given for a cause goes to that cause or need. The transaction ...costs are covered by LCC not from a percentage of the donation so that your contributions aren't diminished by a single penny. Once a year LCC asks you to make a gift to the '12/31 Remember Us Last Appeal' as the only fundraiser to cover their administrative costs.See More
  37. Barnabas Comfort Dog visiting a friend in the hospital.
    Visiting a friend in the hospital. Put a smile on her face
    Photo: Visiting a friend in the hospital. Put a smile on her face
  38. Thank you, Sean, for sharing this great drawing of Magic Comfort Dog!
    Just a very small thank you to the K-9 Comfort Dogs and their handlers for all the work they do, and ask nothing in return but a pat a scratch and some love. I hope you enjoy my drawing of the dog.
    Photo: Just a very small thank you to the K-9 Comfort Dogs and their handlers for all the work they do, and ask nothing in return but a pat a scratch and some love. I hope you enjoy my drawing of the dog.
  39. On Friday, December 21 K-9 Parish Comfort Dog Tillie Comfort Dog and her handler, Dick Bernard, visited the residents of Tamarack Senior Center in Palatine, IL. The folks were thrilled to see Tillie and enjoyed this special pre-Christmas visit!
    Tillie is a trained Comfort Dog for Lutheran Church Charities. She interacts with people at churches, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, events, coffee houses, and in disaster response situations.
    Page: 900 like this
  40. We thank each and every one of you for becoming our new friends! We were blessed to hit 20K likes today because of you. God bless you all!
  41. Barnabas Comfort Dog playing in the yard!
    Playing in the yard this morning. Hoping for more snow.
    Photo: Playing in the yard this morning. Hoping for more snow.
  42. Once a year and only once a year, Lutheran Church Charities makes an appeal to cover their administrative expenses. Throughout the rest of the year they pass through donations 100% dollar-for-dollar to the needs that are specified. They don...'t take any administrative expenses out of those donations. They even cover all bank charges, credit card fees and other expenses related to handling donations. To make a donation to the LCC '12/31 Remember Us Last Appeal', please visit http://www.razoo.com/story/12-31-AppealSee More
  43. Moses Comfort Dog, Ruthie Comfort Dog, JoJo Comfort Dog, Luther Comfort Dog, Isaiah Comfort Dog in Training (pictured), Kye Comfort Dog, Addie Comfort Dog in Training, Shami Comfort Dog, Chloe Comfort Dog, and Ladel Comfort Dog will all be ...traveling to Newtown, Connecticut to welcome the children back to school on January 2nd. To donate to the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs travel expense fund, please visit: http://www.razoo.com/story/Lcc-K-9-Comfort-Dogs-Travel-ExpensesSee More
    Photo: Moses Comfort Dog, Ruthie Comfort Dog, JoJo Comfort Dog, Luther Comfort Dog, Isaiah Comfort Dog in Training (pictured), Kye Comfort Dog, Addie Comfort Dog in Training, Shami Comfort Dog, Chloe Comfort Dog, and Ladel Comfort Dog will all be traveling to Newtown, Connecticut to welcome the children back to school on January 2nd. To donate to the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs travel expense fund, please visit: http://www.razoo.com/story/Lcc-K-9-Comfort-Dogs-Travel-Expenses
  44. Chloe Comfort Dog will be one of the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs traveling to Newtown next week. Please continue praying for Newtown and all those affected.
    Interacts with people at churches, nursing homes, hospitals, events, and disaster response situations.
    Page: 1,999 like this
  45. The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs spent the past two days comforting the staff at Rockford Memorial Hospital after several staff members lost their lives following a helicopter crash a few weeks back. Please pray for all those affected.
  46. K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs shared Dawn Smith Rexrode's photo.
    Beautiful drawing of a photo of Magic Comfort Dog comforting a student. Thank you, Dawn, for sharing your gift with us.
    I was so inspired by what you all do that I wanted to created a drawing from one of your photos. I'm not sure which one of your dogs this is. God Bless you all, your work is amazing.
    Photo: I was so inspired by what you all do that I wanted to created a drawing from one of your photos. I'm not sure which one of your dogs this is. God Bless you all, your work is amazing.
  47. The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs are going to return to Newtown, Connecticut. They are leaving early January 1st to be there for the opening of school on January 2nd. The comfort dogs will be there to greet children as they return to school. Please keep everyone in Newtown and Sandy Hook in your prayers!
    Photo: The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs are going to return to Newtown, Connecticut. They are leaving early January 1st to be there for the opening of school on January 2nd. The comfort dogs will be there to greet children as they return to school. Please keep everyone in Newtown and Sandy Hook in your prayers!
  48. ABC 7 Chicago's Diane Pathieu was in Addison, Illinois at the Lutheran Church Charities office to do a story on the K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs! It is slated to run during the 5 pm (Central) news today.
    Photo: ABC 7 Chicago's Diane Pathieu was in Addison, Illinois at the Lutheran Church Charities office to do a story on the K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs! It is slated to run during the 5 pm (Central) news today.
  49. The Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs are visiting with staff at Rockford Memorial Hospital today. There was a helicopter crash when going to transport a patient and several staff members lost their lives. Please keep their families and the staff in your prayers.
  50. From Lutheran Church Charities and all of our comfort dogs, we hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! God bless!
  51. On Thursday, December 20, 2012, one of Newtown High School's school counselors talked to Tim Hetzner, president of Lutheran Church Charities. The K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs visited the school that week. The school counselor talked about that ...visit and the impact on the students, faculty and staff.

    To learn more about the K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs, please visit http://www.K9Comfort.org/

    To donate to the K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs ministry, please visit http://www.razoo.com/story/Lcc-K-9-Comfort-Dogs-Visit-To-Connecticut
    See More

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