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Helen Lewis Hasteley

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Gavin Kelly

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Exclusive report: Are the media racist?

Is it actually a symbol of racism, or is it just a sign that there are not a lot of non-white members of staff? In order to verify the former over the latter, you would have to do some research...

From David, 11 January 16:40

In this week's New Statesman: Forget Obama

Mussolini WAS a socialist. He directed socialist newspaper "Avanti!" since 1912 till 1914. Fascism roots are very clear, indeed. As for the rest, Mussolini was a fierce opponent of capitalism...

From Giorgio Loi, 11 January 16:27

Why the Tories must shed their "party of the rich" image

"@DK, damn straight, what if?" Yes how exciting, a society where nobody had any aspirations.

From Mr Danger, 11 January 16:25

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