Video Feature...

Watch TMLC’s ’One Nation Under God’ video to learn more about our important work
fighting the culture war.

What Leaders Say About TMLC

"A superbly-talented group of professionals upholding the highest traditions of religious liberty and faith-based values through advocacy in the courts and media. Its staff of lawyers stand in defense of the Constitution and religious institutions threatened by the rising anti-religious tide of our times."
- Hugh Hewitt, Conservative Columnist and Political Commentator
"The Thomas More Law Center is a crucial element on a crucial front of the Culture War."
- Pat Buchanan, Conservative Political Commentator, Author, & Syndicated Columnist
"One of the very strongest voices for us to be able to express our beliefs, is in fact, the Thomas More Law Center."
- Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests For Life
"America's enemies -- Western Civilization's enemies -- are not just terrorizing us. They are trying to intimidate us into surrendering our principles, and the courtroom is their preferred battlefield. But Western Civilization has the Thomas More Law Center on its side, and that means we have a fighting chance."
- Andrew McCarthy, Former Federal Prosecutor - 1993 World Trade Center bombing trial

"The Thomas More Law Center in its efforts...on the issue of life is again, irreplaceable."

- Bernard Nathanson M.D., Former Abortion Doctor turned Pro-Life Activist

"The ACLU has been busy harassing people, and these people [Thomas More Law Center] will help you counter that."

- Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Radio Host, Conservative Commentator & Author

"God Bless the Thomas More Law Center."

- Ken Conner, Family Research Council

"The Thomas More Law Center is fast becoming one of the nation's leading civil rights organizations."

- William A. Donahue, The Catholic League

"The Thomas More Law Center is a Christian answer to the ACLU. They are fighting for our Christian faith in the courts, and they are winning."

- The late Dr. D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries

"The Thomas More Law Center is the one turning over the tables in the temple."

- The late Bowie Kuhn, Former Commissioner - Major League Baseball and Outspoken Catholic
"[T]he Thomas More Law Center, this is a cutting edge agency in the culture war for the soul of America... Christians need warriors in the courts where the culture war is being fought and the Thomas More Law Center is a crucial element on the crucial front of that culture war."
- Pat Buchanan, Conservative Political Commentator, Author, & Syndicated Columnist

"It is such a blessing to have the Thomas More Law Center actively involved in so many aspects of the pro-life movement's efforts to end the senseless killing of innocent preborn children."

- Judie Brown, American Life League

The Thomas More Law Center has been effectively fighting the culture war being waged against families by abortionists, pornographers, those against school prayer, those against the Ten Commandments, those against God... they are the only shield we have left in some cases.

- Dr. Michael Savage, The Savage Nation

"The Thomas More Law Center is on the forefront fighting the Islamic cultural jihad attacking America."

- Brigitte Gabriel, ACT! for America
"The Thomas More Law Center is the antidote to the ACLU."
- Bill O’Reilly, The O’Reilly Factor
"The Thomas More Law Center is a team of highly skilled, Christian attorneys defending the religious freedom of Christians, time-honored family values, and the sanctity of human life without charge.  They are battling on behalf of Christians like you and me, and are proving to be very effective…I strongly urge you to lend whatever support you can to this vital ministry."
- The late Dr. Bill Bright, Founder, Campus Crusade for Christ
"Today many of the important battles over Christianity in America are taking place in the judicial system. The fight is happening right now and we must be willing to take our issues to the courts and defend them successfully. The Thomas More Law Center is using their skills as litigators to fight on behalf of Christians... I urge you to get behind them and support this vital work for our future and the future generations of Christians in America.”
- The late Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr., Founder of the Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University