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A Big Win for Romney in Iowa

Published in Wall Street Journal on January 5, 2012

Not long ago few thought Mitt Romney could win both the very conservative Iowa caucuses and then the quirky, slightly contrarian New Hampshire primary.

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Political Predictions for 2012

Published in Wall Street Journal on December 29, 2011

As New Year's approaches, here are a baker's dozen predictions for 2012.

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On the Air

Aired on The O'Reilly Factor on January 04, 2012

Karl weighs in on the Iowa Caucus and what the results mean for the direction of the Republican race.


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What Karl's Reading

By Adam Nicolson

This is a remarkable book. It goes behind the scenes to explore why James Stuart, upon rising to the British throne upon the death of Queen Elizabeth, made it a priority to prepare a new version of the Bible, one grounded in the earliest sources scholars could find but expressed in the richest and most passionate words possible.

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Key Indicators Graph

The graph represents the average poll rating for President Barack Obama in the present month and three previous presidents at the same point in their administration. Much can change over the course of a year, so stay tuned for monthly updates to see how Mr. Obama is positioned for reelection compared to his predecessors based on these key indicators.

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