Al Gore media ally Al-Jazeera having a b-day party for child murderer

Yup, Al is in good company


Turning Off The Faucet To Haiti

Ottawa surprises ambassadors; Minister says it is freezing aid to Haiti

In his interview with La Presse, Mr. Fantino said Haitians have to take charge of their own problems, and was quoted in French saying Haitian aid is “on ice at the moment.”

Mr. Fantino decried the fact that Haiti is still in dire condition even though Canada had provided $1-billion in aid since 2006. “Will we continue to do things the same way? I don’t think so. Because we are not getting the results that Canadians have a right to expect.


Muslim Brotherhood Shill Poo Poo's CSIS Islamist Radicalization Report

Reaction to CSIS report on Canadian Islamists

Even so, the Council on American-Islamic Relations Canada takes a more measured view of the assessment.

"In terms of judging CSIS's conclusions or not, that's very difficult to do," said the council's executive director Ihsaan Gardee. "They're obviously operating with a lot more information than we are."

Gardee says studying radicalism is important, but he's worried the CSIS assessment could "lead to a general re-emphasizing of stereotypes and myths that people hold against people from a Muslim background."


The fight against firearms falsehoods

Author John Lott joins Ezra on the mainstream media's assault on him for reporting the facts about firearms


Hillbilly Heaven In The News Again

You'll remember Cameron Bailey...

Hamilton restaurant draws controversy with a hostile help-wanted ad

"Hillbilly Heaven owner Cameron Bailey took out some hostility on people who don’t show up for interviews when he posted an ad on Kijiji Thursday asking for servers and counter staff at the downtown location.

In rhetoric that has the undertones of Seinfeld’s “Soup Nazi,” Hillbilly Heaven took a shot at people on social assistance.

“We know that Ontario’s overly generous unemployment and OW (Ontario Works) systems make it seem pointless to accept a job but we want people that are better than that,” Bailey wrote. “It’s that simple.”


Hockey Night In Turkey


Abbas Salutes Hitler-Supporting Mufti, Terrorists in Anniversary Address

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas paid tribute to World War II era Hitler-supporting Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini as well as several known terror leaders responsible for the deaths of Israelis at a rally in Gaza City Friday that marked the 48th anniversary of the political party Fatah


You don't see this very often: Postman taken to court for being too efficient

A dedicated German postman who figured out the quickest routes between postal depots to speed up his work has escaped criminal charges and managed to keep his job with just a reprimand for not working to rule.


Make sure these people never get Nuclear Weapons...

Martin sent this our way


Spengler: Insoluble Syria

"...If you create artificial states with substantial minorities, as British and French cartographers did after the First World War, the only possible stable government is a minority government. That is why the Alawites ran Syria and the minority Sunnis ran Iraq. The minority regime may be brutal, even horribly brutal, but this arrangement sets up a crude system of checks and balances."

Swedish Syrians Rebels....  h/t Martin


The Socialist Mind Game: A Brief Manual

We are being played; it's time we learned the game.

Conservatives have their Constitution. Progressives have their Narrative. The current battle for America is between these two concepts, and each side uses different rules to fight it.

h/t TripleX


Morsi in 2010: No peace with descendants of apes and pigs

Israeli-Palestinian negotiations are "a waste of time and opportunities" as Arabs and Muslims get nothing out of engagement with "the descendants of apes and pigs," current Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi asserted in September 2010, according to newly translated interviews published this week by the Middle East Media Research Institute

h/t MP


Harper Caves To Chief Honey Boo Boo Will Meet With Chiefs

Harper to meet First Nations chiefs Jan. 11

Prime Minister Stephen Harper's office said today he will attend a "working meeting" with a delegation of First Nations chiefs on Jan. 11, an announcement made as Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence's hunger strike continued for its 25th day.


California Appeals Court Overturns Rape Conviction, Rules State Law Doesn't Protect Unmarried Women

LOS ANGELES — A California appeals court overturned the rape conviction of a man who authorities say pretended to be a sleeping woman's boyfriend before initiating intercourse, ruling that an arcane law from 1872 doesn't protect unmarried women in such cases.

h/t Cam


Muslim Brotherhood took ‘billions’ from Obama: Egypt lawyers

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has been accused of taking 10 billion Egyptian pounds (U.S. $1.5 billion) from the American government, according to claims by Egyptian lawyers.

An immediate investigation into the accusation was ordered by Prosecutor General Talaat Abdallah on Thursday.

The lawyers, Mohamed Ali Abd al-Wahab and Yasser Mohamed Sayab, filed the complaint against the Muslim Brotherhood for the allegedly illegal money transaction, Egypt’s private daily Al-Masry Al-Youm reported on Jan. 3.


Bad Ideas

And the people who pay for them...

Much as we love Pip...


Moderate Egyptians Declare: “Islamic Sharia says they (Jews) deserve to be killed.”

Chalk up another one for interfaith outreach....


I wonder how many members Egypt's Femen has?

Aliaa Magda Elmahdy founded the Egyptian branch of Femen on Dec 15 2012 according to the FB page.

Stripped of Citizenship? “By standing there naked, she tarnished the image of Egypt and derided religion,” 
h/t Martin

They have a blog as well...


Someone has made a little list...

In France. A member of the MSM notes that acts of violence against the Church are rarely given much coverage by....the MSM - Note Google translate used.

"Behind the figure of cars burned, the silence on the anti-Christian acts"

Desecration, vandalism and burglary in the churches of France: 52

Desecration of cemeteries: 21

Destruction of nurseries (Ed. creche - probably nativity scenes): 6

Liturgical celebrations interrupted:

January: Carcassonne, stoned during the Catholic Mass. Avignon (Maghreb enter a church during Mass to insult the faithful shouting "we're all gonna burn you."

May: Carcassonne, stoned during the Catholic Mass by young Maghreb.

2 September: Toulouse, Orthodox worship interrupted by "Pussy Riot" Dijon, Mass interrupted by young North Africans.


Chief Honey Boo Boo Vows To Hold Her Breathe & Stamp Her Feet If Harper Refuses To Meet Her Lunatic Demands

What's next for Idle Some More?

Chief on hunger strike demands action within 72 hours

"Theresa Spence, the chief of the impoverished community of Attawapiskat, who has been fasting for 24 days to demand the face-to-face discussion, has told her supporters and other native leaders that a meeting must occur within the next 72 hours, and she will not start eating until it has begun"


NDP Suckholes Meet The Porkahantas

When asked to comment on the as much as $250,000 salary Spence and her husband were reportedly paid in the fiscal year 2010-11, Angus, who has stood in solidarity with Spence, refused to comment, instead taking shots at Sun newspapers and personalities.

"That's bull----," he told a reporter.

Spence's phony baloney fast


CBC's Love Affair With Al Jazeera Continues...

Jian Ghomeshi should go to work for Al Jazeera, he's an admirer.

He and Avi would make a good pair.

Al-Jazeera, which bought Current TV from Al Gore, is not a communications medium in the Western sense. It is a psychological warfare medium, a fundamentalist terrorist communications base operating under Qatari cover. It sets its sights on changing regimes.

h/t ey


"the revolution improved that there is no Islam outside Syria"

Lost in translation... These may be "liberals"

"the revolution improved that there is no Islam outside Syria"

Everybody's A Slut! "Syrian systeme sluts one while the Arab leaders are the sluts"

"Bushra is hustlering in UAE and Asma is hustlering the rest of the world"


However, the coons dancing through our streets are under no circumstances fitting expression of thanksgiving to Allah...

MJC issues fatwa on minstrels

Cape Town - The Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) has condemned the Cape’s traditional Kaapse Klopse festivities, describing the colourful celebrations as “degrading and undignifying”.

“However, the coons dancing through our streets are under no circumstances fitting expression of thanksgiving to Allah for emancipation in this day and age.”

That's racist!


Docs Suggest FBI Knew of al-Awlaki’s Terror Ties 16 Days After 9/11, But Was Still Invited to Pentagon Luncheon Months Later

According to Judicial Watch, documents show al-Awlaki purchased the following plane tickets for some of the 9/11 hijackers:

  • Mohammed Atta, America West Airlines, 08/13/2001, for a flight from Washington, DC, to Las Vegas, Nevada, to Miami, Florida.
  • S. Suqami, Southwest Airlines, 07/10/2001, for a flight from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, to Orlando, Florida.
  • Al-Sheri, National Airlines, 08/01/2001, for a flight from San Francisco, California, to Las Vegas, Nevada, to Miami, Florida.

If the FBI documents are solid, it could raise some serious questions for both the Bush and Obama administrations. Al-Awlaki was reportedly invited to a Pentagon luncheon in February 2002, where he rubbed shoulders with high-ranking military personnel just months after 9/11


'Pretty' Bassem Youssef told to cover up by Salafist TV host

The satirical host of El-Bernameg programme, Bassem Youssef,reacts on his Twitter account to a confounding remark by Islamist Abu Islam Ahmed Abdallah that Youssef (a male) is so "pretty" he should wear a full-face veil, like women.

Nope, no mental problems here.


What do John Steinbeck & Brad Pitt have in common?

The Turks want to censor both.

Steinbeck censor bid stirs uproar

Remove Brad Pitt movie from Turkish cinemas: Minister

Unrelated? Mosque to distribute tablet PCs to children who pray - the comments are encouraging.

h/t zd


Egyptian Magazine: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration

An Egyptian magazine claims that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.

The Dec. 22 story published in Egypt's Rose El-Youssef magazine (read an IPT translation here) suggests the six turned the White House "from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood."

The story is largely unsourced, but its publication is considered significant in raising the issue to Egyptian readers.


Ezra - The Media Party fails reserve have-nots... and you're a racist for questioning Idlesomemore

Ezra addresses how the Media Party has decided that asking questions about the Idle No More movement and Chief Spence is racist.


Glenn Beck Interviews SunTV's Brian Lilley: Connect The Dots - The CBC, The Current & Al Jazeera

Brian Lilley explains to Glenn Beck the CBC and international leftist connections to the Current and Al Jazeera.


Beyond 'Toxic Nationalism'

In "Toxic Nationalism," an essay published in the Wall Street Journal last week, Kaplan observes that "Western elites" regard their beliefs as "universal values." Because they approve of "women's liberation," they conclude that all thinking people from Albania to Zanzibar believe in women's liberation. Western elites place a priority on "human rights," assuming that must be the consensus view. Western elites are convinced that international organizations are breaking down the remaining "boundaries separating humanity," so that must be what they're doing, and what they seek to do.

These are, Kaplan understands, illusions: "In country after country, the Westerners identify like-minded, educated elites and mistake them for the population at large. They prefer not to see the regressive and exclusivist forces — such as nationalism and sectarianism — that are mightily reshaping the future."


Ezra Exposes Attawapiskat & Chief Honey Boo Boo


CSIS Report: Islamist extremists radicalizing Canadians at ‘a large number of venues'

“Parents have radicalized children,” reads the Intelligence Assessment, “husbands have radicalized wives (and some wives have radicalized or supported their husbands) … and siblings have radicalized each other,” it says.

“As this assessment has demonstrated, a large number of venues have been, and continue to be used to further Islamist extremist ideology. … As radicalization is usually a social process, it can occur wherever humans interact, in the real world or virtual ones,” it says.

This isn't news to readers of this blog of course....

h/t JEH



Dear Islamist Extremists Of CAIR...I will continue to refer to you and your organization as Islamist Extremists

Muslim Brotherhood front CAIR asks media to stop referring to Islamists as Islamists

ISLAM-OPED: Media Urged to Drop Term 'Islamist' in New Year

"As many people make promises to themselves to improve their lives or their societies in the coming year, here is a suggested New Year's resolution for media outlets in America and worldwide: Drop the term "Islamist."

The Associated Press (AP) added the term to its influential Stylebook in 2012. That entry reads: "Islamist -- Supporter of government in accord with the laws of Islam. Those who view the Quran as a political model encompass a wide range of Muslims, from mainstream politicians to militants known as jihadi."

Signed the Islamist Extremists of CAIR


Kids today...their music...It's just Noise!

High school musical with Elvis songs cancelled for being sexually suggestive



Newspaper campaigning against gun ownership posts armed guards

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — A New York newspaper that unleashed a public outcry after it published the names and addresses of residents with pistol permits is being protected by armed guards.

The guards have been posted at its White Plains headquarters and in a satellite office in West Nyack since last week, publisher Janet Hasson said. "The safety of my staff is my top priority,"

h/t all who sent this in;)


My God they were serious...

11 Old War Photographs You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped


Did European Governments Overreact to a New 'Anti-Islam' Film?

In September of 2012, supposedly because of an obscure "anti-Islam" film named "Innocence of Muslims," the Islamic world erupted with violent protests towards Westerners for exercising their right to free speech. Although subsequent information has revealed that most of this violence was actually instigated beforehand by Islamist radicals, often for reasons having nothing to do with the scapegoated film, this has not lessened Western government's extreme sensitivity to free speech in the West regarding Islam. Just this December, we saw another person targeted by European nations for his critical speech about Islam.


Petitioning Jason Kenney, Minister for Citizenship and Immigration 

Give Refugee Status: IMRAN FIRASAT, support Christians/Hindus of Pakistan

IMRAN FIRASAT, a Pakistani Christian, was provided refugee status by Spain many years ago. Recently, he exercised his free speech rights and produced a historically accurate film about Islam. In response, the Spanish government has begun proceedings to deport him back to Islamic Pakistan. The Islamic state of Pakistan routinely commits genocide against Hindus and persecutes Christians. His return to Pakistan is a guaranteed death sentence, since the Islamic state of Pakistan persecutes minorities and implements blasphemy laws which prescribe torture and execution for those who speak the truth about Islam.


Let's hear it for our Allies the Syrian Rebels....


h/t HalalPorkShop


Pat Condell: Patronising the Palestinians. Because we're racists.

That's why.


The scandals of Chief Theresa Spence and Attawapiskat



"One of the sobering spectacles of my adult life is watching people act against their own self-interest. When you're young and confused, it's hard to divine just what your self-interest is, particularly. Time and common sense eventually make it self-evident, but the shocking moment comes when you look around and see people actively, proudly agitating for causes nakedly inimical to their livelihood and beliefs, like feminists supporting Islamists, Catholics voting for Obama (twice!) or rich people endorsing Marxists."


Ontario imposes contracts on public school teachers

"Using powers the government gained under controversial Bill 115 last fall, Broten said the government will force contracts on about 130,000 elementary and secondary school teachers."

Nothing here for the tax payer. The Liberals have liberally greased the public service unions in return for support at our expense for years. They'll make up for this bump in the road come the next election.


Well this was unexpected! The Muslims Are Mad At Charlie Hebdo!

Good Old Charlie Hebdo;)


UK Textbook Wipes Israel Off the Map

Ahmadinejad promised it. Now British textbooks are doing it. Israel has been wiped off the map by Garnet Education, an English-language teaching company in Britain, whose educational textbook 'Skills in English Writing Level 1', aimed at foreign students and immigrants to the UK, contains a map with "Occupied Palestine" in place of the Jewish State.


“I want an education,”... “You get paid, right?”

"Did you ever wonder what it’s like to spend a few minutes inside a public school on Chicago’s south side?"


Muslim couple sue Christian school who banned their nine-year-old daughter from wearing a hijab

The parents say it would be a sin for their daughter's head to be uncovered while in the presence of male teachers as she has 'reached puberty'. After failing to gain the support of the school governors, they have now launched a legal action to overturn the ban.

The school now faces a High Court Case amid claims that the uniform policy is a violation of the child's religious freedom.

But Kate Magliocco, head of St Cyprian's Greek Orthodox Primary School in Thornton Heath, south London, said the parents were informed about their uniform policy when their child, whose brother remains a pupil at the school, was first admitted at seven.


Chief Honey Boo Boo Should Sign An Endorsement Deal With Jenny Craig: "That’s not a hunger strike, it’s a diet."

Steady diet of delusions: Hunger-striking chief demands PM’s attention for week (or two)

"Idle No More, which has been blockading train lines and organizing protests across the country, has convinced itself the federal government is surreptitiously changing federal law to make it easy for aboriginal governments to sell off land from their reserves.

That simply is not happening."


Honour Acid: Turkish Man Contracts out for an Acid Attack on His Girl Friend

"A Turkish woman, Reyhan K. (20) had broken off with her boy friend two year previously. Prior to the fateful acid attack, the 20-year old woman had reported her ex-friend several times - but the police did nothing. Threats of an acid attack were also made. Source:"

More here.


What Is the Future of Conservatism in the Wake of the 2012 Election?

"...Myself, I subscribe to the "politics is downstream from culture" argument. While conservatives sometimes prevail in policy debates, they consistently lose in the classroom, on the best-seller list, on television, at the movies, and in the world of arts. These liberal bastions, which provide the feeders for Democratic party politics, did not develop spontaneously but result from decades of hard work traceable back to the ideas of Antonio Gramsci."


Muslim Brotherhood Front CAIR Declares US & Islam "Twins"

Under Obama that's certainly the case...


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