Official White House Response to Light the White House Purple to Celebrate 75th Anniversary of March of Dimes and as Symbol of Hope to Preemie Families

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the March of Dimes

By Valerie Jarrett

Thank you for taking the time to sign this petition. There is no question that every step must be taken to ensure quality healthcare for mothers and their infants born prematurely. That is one of the reasons why our Administration worked to ensure more women and their children get the health care they need.

As we move towards fully implementing the Affordable Care Act, more women will have high-quality insurance so they can see a doctor and monitor the development of any potential risks earlier than later. The health care law helps ensure women have access to affordable maternity and newborn care, which is vital to maintaining medical support for high risk pregnant women and infants and children with medical needs.

On the 75th anniversary of the founding of the March of Dimes, we are honored to recognize the progress that we’ve made and the progress we continue to make to implement and expand the best health care coverage and research possible to protect our mothers and children.

While we are unable to light the White House purple on January 3rd for the 75th anniversary of the March of Dimes, please see this message from the President of the United States (pdf):

I am pleased to congratulate the March of Dimes on 75 years of service.

Since its founding by President Franklin Roosevelt, the March of Dimes has played a key role in helping our Nation uphold its most fundamental obligation—ensuring the health and well-being of our children.  From combating polio and working to prevent birth defects and infant mortality to raising awareness about premature birth, your organization has been at the forefront of giving our youngest Americans a healthy start in life.  As staff and volunteers mark this special milestone, I hope you take pride in 75 years of accomplishments.

Congratulations, again, and I wish you all the best for the decades to come.

Valerie Jarrett is Senior Advisor to the President and Chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls.

Tell us what you think about this response and We the People.