January 4, 2013

January 4, 2013
» Two systems of justice

David Gregory walks free while Iraq vet was jailed ….

It’s been more than a week since police in Washington, D.C., opened an investigation into NBC’s David Gregory’s possession of a “high-capacity magazine” that’s prohibited in the District on on national TV. Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier’s spokesman refused Monday to respond to whether Mr. Gregory had even been interviewed yet. This is a rather curious departure for a city that has been ruthless in enforcing this particular firearms statute against law-abiding citizens who made an honest mistake.
In July, The Washington Times highlighted the plight of former Army Spc. Adam Meckler, who was arrested and jailed for having a few long-forgotten rounds of ordinary ammunition — but no gun — in his backpack in Washington.

» Making Gun Owners A More Attractive Target For Lawyers: Requiring Liability Insurance

» Gun Owners Mad As Hell And Will Not Take It!

» County Sheriffs Can Block Federal Gun Control

….the county sheriff is the highest governmental authority in his county and he does not have to bow to the tyranny of the federal government if he deems such actions to be unconstitutional or unlawful. In essence, the county sheriff has more legal authority within his county than the governor or the state or even the president of the United States.

Whether your sheriff will honor and uphold the constitution or side with the wanna-be slave owners of the dhimmicrat party depends on you. While sheriffs who understand the constitution may serve to protect your right to keep and bear, the others will be the ones knocking on your door with warrants and wheel barrows to cart off your guns.

» Gun Rights Advocates: ‘There Will Be Resistance’ to Gun Control

“President Obama was absolutely correct when he told NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ Sunday that ‘there will be resistance’ to his extremist proposal to ban the most commonly-owned and popular rifles in America,”

Obama, on Sunday, told NBC’s “Meet the Press” host David Gregory that one of his priorities in 2013 is to take on the gun control issue by meeting with both Democrats and Republicans, although he said he would put forward a “very specific proposal” based on the recommendations of Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control task force, which Obama announced on Dec. 19.

“I think anybody who was up in Newtown who talked to the parents, who talked to the families understands that something fundamental in America has to change,” Obama told Gregory.

The sound of the words ‘fundamental’, ‘change’ and ‘America’ – in one (THHO)Obama sentence – can be drowned out by the sound of millions of cocking guns.

“The guns that President Obama and Capitol Hill gun grabbers don’t want the people to have, …. are the ones people are buying by the bushel.
Noting Obama’s stated intentions to meet with “stakeholders” to discuss prospective gun measures, Gottlieb said, “We will wait patiently for our telephone to ring with a White House invitation to participate. We won’t hold our breath, and we will not be rushing to quick agreement on any proposal while Fast and Furious guns are still being used to kill innocent people.”

“Before asking Congress to ban our firearms,” Gottlieb added, “President Obama should order his Justice Department to get back all the guns his administration allowed to be walked into Mexico under Operation Fast and Furious.

“Guns linked to Fast and Furious have accounted for more than 200 deaths in Mexico and the United States, including Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. While the nation mourns for the innocent children and heroic teachers and administrators at Sandy Hook Elementary, the Obama administration should not be penalizing America’s law-abiding gun owners when it has yet to answer for the incredible irresponsibility of its own agency,” Gottlieb concluded.

» Uproar Over Bloated Sandy Aid Package

Leaders from New Jersey and New York blew up yesterday after House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) postponed a vote on an aid package related to Hurricane Sandy. But the bill is so loaded with pork projects that these officials should consider directing their anger at the Obama Administration, which is hijacking the aid meant for their constituents.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie “in an angry news conference decried the ‘selfishness and duplicity,’ the ‘palace intrigue,’ ‘the callous indifference to the people of our state,’” ABC News reported.
Representative Peter King (R-NY) accused Boehner of “plunging ‘a cruel knife in the back’ of storm-ravaged residents ‘who don’t have shelter, don’t have food.’”

To simplify the argument let’s put aside the fact that congress has no constitutional authority to provide any kind of aid to any kind victims of any kind of disaster.
Now, given that the bill is (as usual) yet another act of kindness that has been bloated and porked with dozens of unrelated expenditures and give-aways and welfare freebies, Christie and King both should have been mad at the bozos that attached all that crap to it. They should be insisting on a redo.
But instead, they’re mad at Boehner and other Republicans for doing what they’re supposed to do.

That makes me wonder …. does Christie and King not know what’s in the bill? Are they insisting on passage of a bill they haven’t read? Or worse, are they trying to force passage of an extremely bad bill just because it contains something for them?
For whatever reason, Christie and King are wrong and need a public spanking.

There’s (not so) good news and (really) bad news.
» 2013: Welcome to Very, Very Scary Times

The reelection of Barack Obama has released a surge of rare honesty among the Left about its intentions, coupled with a sense of triumphalism that the country is now on board for still greater redistributionist change.
There is no historical appreciation among the new progressive technocracy that central state planning, whether the toxic communist brand or supposedly benevolent socialism, has only left millions of corpses in its wake, or abject poverty and misery. Add up the Soviet Union and Mao’s China and the sum is 80 million murdered or starved to death. Add up North Korea, Cuba, and the former Eastern Europe, and the tally is egalitarian poverty and hopelessness. The EU sacrificed democratic institutions for coerced utopianism and still failed, leaving its Mediterranean shore bankrupt and despondent.

Nor is there much philosophical worry that giving people massive subsidies destroys individualism, the work ethic, and the personal sense of accomplishment. There is rarely worry expressed that a profligate nation that borrows from others abroad and those not born has no moral compass. There is scant political appreciation that the materialist Marxist argument — that justice is found only through making sure that everyone has the same slice of stuff from the zero-sum pie — was supposed to end up on the ash heap of history.
Note the new ease with which the liberal mind calls for trashing the Constitution, outlawing those whom they don’t like …., and killing those politicians with whom they don’t agree ….

In da Room, the Multi-Million Dollar Gore-illa …. not gonna ignore it.

If you needed a poster-boy for leftism you couldn’t go wrong with Al Gore. He personifies the greed, hypocrisy and hatred of America that steers the actions of liberalism.

» Gore Turned Down Glenn Beck for Qatar

Glenn Beck–who approached Current TV about a sale last year–was too right-wing for the network to even consider his offer. But an authoritarian-Islamist government that has criminalized homosexuality, discriminates against non-Muslims, prosecutes journalists, and has a “Not Free” rating from Freedom House? That was fine ….

The leftists turned down the Beck offer on principle. They have principles and they stand by their principles …. Fact One.

» Unholy Alliance Comes Out of the Shadows and Into Your Living Room

…. confirmed the charges that conservatives have made against the Left for years, and that Leftists, when they have deigned to acknowledge them at all, have dismissed as baseless slanders: above all, that the Left hates America and traditional American values so much that it will sooner ally with the sworn enemies of this nation and its guiding principles than with any group that is dedicated in any way to preserving and protecting them.

» Gore Turned Down U.S. Offer for Current TV In Favor of Despotic, Misogynistic, Anti-Gay, Anti-Semitic Slave State

[W]e are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view?

Qatar, where Al Jazeera is headquartered, therefore appears to align with Al Gore’s point of view. It, according to human rights watchers:

• Tolerates slavery: “…expatriate workers from nations throughout Asia and parts of Africa are routinely subjected to forced labor and, in some instances, prostitution…”

• Promotes human-trafficking: “…men and women who are lured into Qatar by promises of high wages are often forced into underpaid labor…”

• Severely punishes LGBT relationships: “…[Qatar] tend[s] to view homosexuality and cross-dressing negatively [and sex] between consenting [gay] adults in Qatar is illegal, and subject to a sentence of up to five years in prison…”

• Allows no open practice of religions other than Islam: “The government uses Sunni law as the basis of its criminal and civil regulations. However, …[f]oreign workers, and tourists, are free to affiliate with other faiths… as long as they are discrete and do not offend public order or morality.”

Again, the principles. Standing on their principles, leftists can and will ignore the fact that the millions of dollars passed to Gore and company came from the sales of oil. That global-warming catalyst, oil … the very root of the evil that strands polar bears on floating pieces of shattered glaciers; oil …. the stuff responsible for the rise of the oceans and broiling deaths of millions of humans (by the year 2012); oil …. the only useful thing that ever came out of Qatar; oil made the sponsors of terrorism filthy rich. Ultimately, it is the use of oil that has made Al Gore rich.

Standing on their principles, leftists can and will forgive Gore and his jihadi beneficiaries for their contributions to the deaths and slavery of ALL the classes of humans they claim to ally.

Standing on their principles, leftists can and will fail to mention or consider the fact that Gore made ulti-dang sure he got his money before the point at which he would have to surrender his “fair share” as a 1%er.

All that principle-standing seems illogically contradictory … unless you know and understand that leftist principles have absolutely nothing to do with any of the grand philosophical do-goody bullshit that they advertise. Tracing the progressive red-brick road you’ll pass straight through Feminismville, left at Gay Rights Town, another left at Greenieboro, take the bridge right over Black City and dead end (with no cul-de-sac) in a world without America.

» Egyptian Magazine Confirms Muslim Agents Influence Obama Administration

Last June, five Republican members of Congress raised the mainstream media’s hackles and alarmed the Left by sending a letter to Homeland Security and heads of other agencies raising questions about infiltration of the Obama Administration by the Muslim Brotherhood …. That letter was met with manufactured outrage and spin from the Left and RINOs in Congress, such as Sen. John McCain

the U.S. is the Muslim Brotherhood’s sugar daddy, but Muslim agents have apparently done a good job of leading the Administration astray. The Muslim Brotherhood has no friends, only fools it uses until they’re bled dry.

The leftists will chuckle and snort at the absurdity of these claims, of course. After all, it’s not like Obama has stocked his cabinets with muzzies ….

Rashad Hussain, U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference ….
Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development ….
Eboo Patel, President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships ….
Mohammed Elibiary, Homeland Security Advisory Council ….
Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council ….
Imam Mohamed Magid, Islamic Society of North America president

…. just to name a few, a very small percentage of the few.

» Believe President Obama on Immigration: He Will Not Enforce Most Laws Even After an Amnesty
to sweeten the bitter pill that Congress and the president will try to get the American public to swallow, amnesty and immigration increases will be packaged with new laws that are supposed to prevent the next wave of prospective illegal aliens from entering, living and working in the U.S.

There can be little doubt, however, that these new enforcement provisions will be utterly meaningless. President Obama has already made it clear in a thousand different ways that he will not carry them out. And Congress, including the Republican majority in the House, has already made it clear that they don’t care if the president neglects his constitutional obligation to enforce the laws they write and pass.

Under the rubric of setting priorities, the Obama administration has essentially nullified broad sections of the immigration code by simply refusing to enforce laws against broad classes of immigration lawbreakers. In 2012, President Obama went even one step further, asserting executive authority to implement key provisions of the DREAM Act amnesty – a bill he supported – even though Congress had rejected it just 18 months earlier.

» Obama denounced ‘signing statements’ under Bush, now uses them as president
» THHO)>Scientists Discover Aborted Baby Cells Living in Mother’s Brain

Today’s Gun-Control Fact
via Gun Control Fact-Sheet 2004 / From Gun Owners Foundation

Second Amendment protects an individual right

Report by the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution (1982)—”The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.”(61)

Supreme Court admits “the people” in the Second Amendment are the same “people” as in the rest of the Bill of Rights—In U.S. v. Verdugo-Urquidez the Court stated that “‘the people’ seems to have been a term of art employed in select parts of the Constitution. . . . [and] it suggests that ‘the people’ protected by the Fourth Amendment, and by the First and Second Amendments, and to whom rights and powers are reserved in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, refers to a class of persons who are part of a national community or who have otherwise developed sufficient connection with this country to be considered part of that community.”(62)

61 U.S. Senate, “The Right to Keep and Bear Arms,” Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, (1982):12.
62 U.S. v. Verdugo-Urquidez, 494 US 259 (1990).

» Suppressing Zero Dark Thirty

Once word got out earlier last year that the Obama administration had granted the filmmakers access to classified information about the military operation, and that the film would be released just prior to the presidential election, conservatives cried foul and worried that the movie would exaggerate Obama’s role and serve essentially as an extended campaign ad for him. This concern was understandable considering that Hollywood was already doing everything in its power, onscreen and off, to reelect their Messiah. The left in turn dismissed these complaints as Republican paranoia.

a film that the left smugly assumed would bolster Obama’s hagiography is actually empowering the right on Bush’s legacy and the issue of enhanced interrogation – and the party of censorship is once again pulling out all the stops to intimidate and suppress.

» For Matt Damon, Facts Aren’t Required

Promised Land, featuring several A-list actors, attacks the oil and gas industry regarding leasing and hydraulic fracturing. The difference in this film and others, such as Gasland, is very little. The idea is the same: you gather inaccurate data about an industry that is run on very technical details, pitch the film to the mainstream media, and you have yourself a moneymaking movie. Facts are clearly not required to be successful with a film.

…. If it were only as easy to drill a well with half the facts, as it is to make a movie, energy independence would be yesterday’s news.

» Chavez On Life Support

Sources at the hospital in Cuba where Hugo Chavez is being treated this week told a Spanish newspaper that the Venezuelan leader is in an induced coma, being kept alive by life support equipment. His vital signs are described as being “very weak” and sources say doctors could decide to switch off the machines at any moment.

News that Fidel Castro is at Chavez’s side reportedly caused actor Sean Penn to fly into a rage at a Beverly Hills restaurant. Both Castro and Penn are known to be very close to the socialist strong man, prompting rumors of a bitter jealousy between the two.

Don’t hold it agaist Sean, he has to be nearing emotional collapse, fearing he may never get another opportunity to lay lips to the Chavez Butt.

» Illinois Cops Banned From Denny’s

A manager approached their table and told one of the detectives that she had to take her weapon out to her car or leave the restaurant. …. (The manager) stated that he had a complaint from another customer about the weapon ….

…. spokesman said it was a case of miscommunication. They said the manager was trying to do the right thing after a diner had complained.
Denny’s said they regret any misunderstanding.

If a Denny’s employee insulted a customer with a racial slur, or a misogynist attitude or a gay joke or a less-than-trusting air towards a muslim – that employee would probably be fired or, at least, sent to Politically Correct, Diversity, MultiCultural Indoctrination camp.

But treating gun-toting citizens like animals is not a real problem …. and be assured, if a Denny’s employee can make a mistake of this magnitude with plain-clothes police there is an underlying bias against anyone who has assumed the responsibility of self-protection. The message is clear, if you’re willing to stand up for yourself you are not welcome at Denny’s.

So an apology by Denny’s to police is not good enough for me to say “Oh well, no harm no foul … let’s go eat”.

Then again, it could be just a case of one stupid manager. If so, then how long will that stupid manager spend in Constitution101 class?

Yuk, yuk, yuk – hardee har har – those goofy Icies
» Girl Fights for Right to Use Name Not Among 1,853 Approved by Government

A 15-year-old is suing the Icelandic state for the right to legally use the name given to her by her mother. The problem? Blaer, which means “light breeze” in Icelandic, is not on a list approved by the government.

Like a handful of other countries, including Germany and Denmark, Iceland has official rules about what a baby can be named

Aint that hilarious? People allowing a government to dictate their baby’s names? What a bunch of sheep-cicles. How utterly …. wait ….
I’m due in court for wearing my seatbelt wrong.

January 3, 2013

January 3, 2013
» The Constitutional Right to an Obamaphone

Treating the right to self-defense as an entitlement, rather than a freedom, they try to equalize it. Since not everyone has a gun and everyone has an entitlement to self-defense, some way must be found to make that entitlement equal to everyone, including non-gun owners and people who are afraid of loud noises. And the only way to do that is to take away their guns and give them cell phones with a direct line to the police who will arrive in time to mark off the crime scene and draw the chalk outlines.

This is stupid, but it’s scary stupid, because in a decade, Obama’s justices will be making a variation of the same argument, reducing the 2nd Amendment to a self-defense entitlement and then striving to make everyone equal, by race, gender and sexual orientation in the entitlement to self-defense.

» Power To the People

If you assume that rights belong to the group, rather than the individual, then predialed cell phones are a better solution than guns. Just push 1 if you’re being murdered, 2 if you’re being raped, 3 if your house is being set on fire and 4 if you just realized that your health plan doesn’t provide abortion coverage on all major legal holidays and 5 if your next door neighbor is having a Jodie Foster movie marathon at ear-splitting volume at two in the morning.

The police may not get there in time, but they will get there to government specifications and will take action in line with municipal, state and federal policies that are formed in deference to group rights. With 911, the policy hand is strong with the government. With the 2nd Amendment, the balance of power is with the homeowner watching a shadow moving up his staircase.

A gun is an individual thing. It’s hard for a group to own a gun. You can give Team Gay, Team Union or Team Korean Men in Wheelchairs a cell phone link to a central network of law enforcement support services, but a gun is a thing that an individual buys and learns to use. It is not a network, but an object, its power does not come from pushbutton access to a plea for government aid, but from the skill and courage of the individual. Gun power is merit based.

» Illinois is attempting to ban and confiscate all firearms

Illinois Senate President John Cullerton will reportedly introduce a draconian bill today in the Illinois legislature that will effectively ban all modern firearms, criminalize their owners, and subject their guns to confiscation by the Illinois State Police.
…. The move coincides with a federal effort by Senator Dianne Feinstein to introduce legislation outlawing semiautomatic firearms and imposing de facto confiscation.
…. Folks monitoring the effort to disembowel the Second Amendment in the Land of Lincoln say the bill has a 50-50 chance of passage. They advise gun owners both in and out-of-state to call Senate President Cullerton at 217-782-2000 and contact state representatives at ilga.gov.

Not all of the amendments under the Bill of Rights are limitations only on the federal government. The 10th is interpreted as saying that if a (power) is not specifically delegated to the fed, then it is a (power) of the state. The 2nd amendment makes no mention of who shall not infringe, it simply says “shall not be infringed”. By not specifying who shall not infringe it clearly means no one shall. Therefore no power to infringe exists- neither for the fed nor the state.
It is not a matter of who may constitutionally infringe, for no one may.

The very act of submission to laws like this is a forfeiture of all rights. What I mean by that is this: if you allow your elected servants to violate one part of your constitution you have in effect nullified any objection to their violation of any other part. Therefore, if your right to keep and bear has been infringed by your inaction, your right to free speech is also gone – or in other words, don’t whine while handing over your gun. Or in other, other words if you don’t have the fortitude to use your guns to keep your guns then turn them in, go home and wait quietly for further orders from your masters.

» Harry Reid Prepares to Annihilate Second Amendment

On Election Day last November, several Democrat Senators were campaigning for reelection in pro-gun states. And in order to get their constituents’ votes, they promised fealty to the Second Amendment.

Well, on November 6, Democrat Senators Joe Manchin (WV), Bob Casey (PA) and Jon Tester (MT) all won their respective elections. These seats, among others, were crucial to helping Harry Reid return to the top post in the Senate.

But only a month after the election returns were tallied, the Senate — under Majority Leader Harry Reid’s control — is now crusading to implement:

* Gun bans on semiautomatic firearms and magazines;
* An effective ban on gun shows;
* A ban on private gun sales, without going through a gun dealer; and,
* Changes in the Senate rules which would allow them to ban guns with a mere 50 Senate votes.

This is a major vote that will have huge ramifications for our republic. Our gun rights are just one of the many freedoms that are on the chopping block right now. And if Harry Reid can squelch his opposition by nuking the filibuster, it will be the first step towards completely obliterating our Constitution.

ACTION: Contact your Senators and tell them that the vote on the “nuclear option” will be the most important gun control vote of the 113th Congress. Urge them to vote AGAINST changing the Senate rules. Tell them to vote AGAINST the “nuclear option.”

You may also phone the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.

Click here to send your Senators a prewritten message.

» David Gregory’s Props and Pomposity

Was Gregory so ignorant that he didn’t know he was breaking a D.C. law? Nope. We learned NBC contacted the D.C. police and asked for permission to wave the props, and the cops said no. Then Gregory did it anyway. So not only did he believe he was above the law, he broke it so he could produce maximum buzz for his Sunday show.

» Obama to ‘Quickly’ Go for Immigration Reform and Gun Control

“An Obama administration official said the president plans to push for immigration reform this January. The official, who spoke about legislative plans only on condition of anonymity, said that coming standoffs over deficit reduction are unlikely to drain momentum from other priorities. The White House plans to push forward quickly, not just on immigration reform but gun control laws as well,” reports the Huffington Post.

And why not? Timing is perfect. Republicans are still down, crawling around under their desks looking for their nads and spines.

After the embarrassment of having passed the Obamacare bill without reading it – or passing it so they could know what was in it – have the good Senators spent the last couple of years in speed reading class?

» Senators Got 154-Page ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Bill 3 Minutes Before Voting on It

The bill is 154-pages and includes several provisions that are unrelated to the fiscal cliff, including repealing a section of ObamaCare, extending the wind-energy tax credit, and a rum tax subsidy deal for Puerto Rican rum makers.

» EPA’s new air rule made illegal by human experiments

Lemme Summit Furya … if possible.
The EPA made a rule that rules cannot be made that are based on “fundamentally unethical studies.”
The EPA made a rule that “fine particulate matter (PM2.5)” – or dust and car exhaust – is deadly to humans.
The EPA made a rule that use of humans in research (where humans are exposed to deadly stuff) is unethical.
The EPA made a rule to effectively ban PM2.5 – based on research that used humans and exposed them to PM2.5 – many without their knowledge or consent.

Now, stop scratching your head and concentrate on the fact that the EPA is made of unelected bureaucrats who have been granted the power and ‘authority’ to legislate laws make rules that govern the entire citizenry – by armed force if necessary.
Congress granted them that power and authority, even though Congress has no power or authority to do so …. and Congress would have you believe that they have no control over the EPA, that ridiculous and tyrannical edicts by the EPA are not the fault of Congress and Congress can’t do a dang thing about it.
That’s what Congress wants you to believe, as the EPA does all the stuff that Congress would love to do if they didn’t have to worry about those bothersome elections.

You Get What You Tolerate, for as long as you tolerate, just as much as you tolerate.
What would Henry Bowman do?

» CBO: ‘Fiscal cliff’ deal carries $4 trillion price tag over next decade

The Senate deal to avoid the “fiscal cliff” will add roughly $4 trillion to the deficit when compared to current law, according to new numbers from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The debt is what? $20 trillion already? 24? 30? Who da heck even knows anymore.

Did you know that you can’t even see 20 trillion dollars? Seriously, if there was such a thing it would make a pile so big you would have to circle it in a satellite to see the whole thing. And even then, you couldn’t see it all at the same time.

So perhaps an additional 4 trillion is no big deal. It would take us an eternity to pay off a 20 trillion dollar debt, so now it will only take 1.2 eternities.

Liberals love to use the word ‘sustainable’. I don’t think it means what they think it means.

It’s too easy to say the [constitutional] system isn’t working anymore. If the system has been relegated to the garage, covered with a tarp and gathering dust then yes, it is not working.

You can say your car doesn’t work if you don’t ever drive it – but you can’t say it will not work.

Same with capitalism.
You can’t say capitalism has failed after decades of not implementing it without the restrictions and hobbles of socialism.

» Missouri Company Wins Its Battle Against Obama HHS Mandate

The Griesediecks are represented by the American Center for Law and Justice. ACLJ welcomed news of the injunction, saying, “Paul and Henry Griesedieck face a stark and unavoidable choice: abandon their beliefs to stay in business, or abandon their businesses in order to stay true to their beliefs. That is a choice that the federal government, bound by the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, may not impose.”

Today’s Gun-Control Fact
via Gun Control Fact-Sheet 2004 / From Gun Owners Foundation

Waiting periods threaten the safety of people in imminent danger

* Bonnie Elmasri—She inquired about getting a gun to protect herself from a husband who had repeatedly threatened to kill her. She was told there was a 48 hour waiting period to buy a handgun. But unfortunately, Bonnie was never able to pick up a gun. She and her two sons were killed the next day by an abusive husband of whom the police were well aware.(58)

* Marine Cpl. Rayna Ross—She bought a gun (in a non-waiting period state) and used it to kill an attacker in self-defense two days later.(59) Had a 5-day waiting period been in effect, Ms. Ross would have been defenseless against the man who was stalking her.

* Los Angeles riots—USA Today reported that many of the people rushing to gun stores during the 1992 riots were “lifelong gun-control advocates, running to buy an item they thought they’d never need.” Ironically, they were outraged to discover they had to wait 15 days to buy a gun for self-defense.(60)

58 Congressional Record (May 8, 1991), at H 2859, H 2862.
59 Wall Street Journal (March 3, 1994) at A10.
60 Jonathan T. Lovitt, “Survival for the armed,” USA Today (May 4, 1992).

» Bosses: Don’t blame us for smaller checks

Everyone’s paycheck is about to take a hit, and it’s not the boss’ fault. The rate of workers’ payroll taxes, which fund Social Security, has been 4.2% for the past two years. As of Jan. 1, it’s back to 6.2%, on the first $113,700 in wages.
…. Payroll taxes are key for financing Social Security, and the break of the past two years has forced the government to replenish the funds with borrowed money

Tis a good time to reflect on how funding of the social(ist) security scam was supposed to work. All the money taken from workers’ paychecks over the last 5 or 6 decades was put in a big ole box somewhere. As folks retire they get to draw some of their money out of that box.
Problem is, the fed-holes have been pilfering that box for about … 5 or 6 decades … and the box is empty. The bottom of the box has been scratched out and there’s a gaping hole in the floor underneath it. Those same fed-holes are allowing your SS ‘donation’ to be bumped up 2%, supposedly to refill the box.

That box will never, ever again see a single dollar bill.

January 2, 2013

January 2, 2013

» Stumpies Custom Guns

Every now and again, it helps to read a feel-good story involving guns. While this story starts out in tragedy, it has a good ending.

It’s New Years Eve in muslim-infested France when/where modern cars are pre-programmed to burst into flames.

» France: Muslims celebrate New Year’s Eve by burning 1,200 cars

Interior Minister Manuel Valls said Tuesday that 1,193 vehicles were burned overnight around the country. Clashes between police and offenders in the New Year’s Eve took place in the Muslim majority districts in the city of Strasbourg and Mulhouse. About seven police officers were attacked New Years eve night.

Around 1,200 cars were burned by rioting Muslims on the New Year’s Eve in France, where the mass burning cars in the national holidays are kind of tradition among Muslim residents of the disadvantaged suburbs of immigrants.

» Institute for Policy Studies “fesses up” to 50 Years of Hard Core Subversion

For half a century IPS has been one of the most subversive and destructive organizations in the US.

Both domestically and internationally IPS has been pushing its leftist agenda relentlessly.


This is the heart of judicial activism. A law-trained elite believes they can create a better country than the Constitution does, one that embodies liberal priorities and makes the big decisions for ordinary people. They consider you too dim-witted to make your own decisions and need wise people (meaning them) to tell you how to live, what you can say, whether you can own a gun, what business you can make a living in, how you will raise your kids, and how you will spend your money. (For example, Obamacare’s individual mandate to buy health insurance.) They don’t trust the people.

It is the Constitution that protects homeowners from government taking away their property, protects churches from having government decree who their leaders will be, protects you from being disarmed by the government, or having government track your movements every day on a whim.
Justice Samuel Alito gave a speech last year mentioning that the Obama administration argued in court it had the power to do many of these things. Only the Constitution stands in the way of President Barack Obama and an ultra-left agenda. And so progressives like Seidman say the solution is to torch the Constitution, clearing the way for authoritarian rulers to do with you whatever they think best for the “greater good.”

» We already gave up on the Constitution

Seidman calls the Constitution “archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil.” He’s wrong, but at least he expresses his contempt for the rule of law openly and honestly, instead of insulting our intelligence with insincere twaddle about a “living document.”
Put simply, if the federal government only spent money on its constitutionally enumerated functions, there would be no fiscal cliff. No $1 trillion deficit. No $16 trillion national debt. No $84 trillion in unfunded liabilities for the major entitlement programs and other federal commitments.

It is the constitutional disobedience our man at Georgetown advocates that has the country perpetually on the precipice of financial ruin. He is merely complaining about a too-slow process of dividing up the spoils.

» The Journal News is Armed and Dangerous

According to police reports on public record, Journal News Rockland Editor Caryn A. McBride was alarmed by the volume of “negative correspondence,” namely an avalanche of phone calls and emails to the Journal News office, following the newspaper’s publishing of a map of all pistol permit holders in Rockland and Westchester.

Due to apparent safety concerns, the newspaper then decided to hire RGA Investigations to provide armed personnel to man the location.

» JUST LIKE LINCOLN: the most dignified, presidential and high-minded president of any president, ever

Obama wants the country to go over the fiscal cliff. He wants the deficit to reach 200 percent of GDP (the course it’s on), which means a certain economic collapse.

He wants these things.

How else can he foment a crisis (“Never let a crisis go to waste”, in the words of his former Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel) and “fundamentally transform America” (in his own words)?

I believe we have a very troubled individual running things. And what is even more troubling is the fact that about 50 percent of American voters have no earthly idea where’s he’s taking us. Nor do they care.

» Liberalism: An ideology of rage and hate
» NBC reporter raises Hillary Clinton questions
» Dem Representative Moves to Block Obama’s Congressional Pay Increase
» What am I paying for in the price of a gallon of gasoline?
» Forgery

Today’s Gun-Control Fact
via Gun Control Fact-Sheet 2004 / From Gun Owners Foundation

Criminologists turning from anti-gun position

* Dr. Gary Kleck. A criminologist at Florida State University, Kleck began his research as a firm believer in gun control. But in a speech delivered to the National Research Council, he said while he was once “a believer in the ‘anti-gun’ thesis,” he has now moved “beyond even the skeptic position.” Dr. Kleck now says the evidence “indicates that general gun availability does not measurably increase rates of homicide, suicide, robbery, assault, rape, or burglary in the U.S.”(53)

* James Wright. Formerly a gun control advocate, Wright received a grant from President Carter’s Justice Department to study the effectiveness of gun control laws. To his surprise, he found that waiting periods, background checks, and all other gun control laws were not effective in reducing violent crime.(54)

* Wright says that at one time, “It seemed evident to me, we needed to mount a campaign to resolve the crisis of handgun proliferation.” But he says, “I am now of the opinion that a compelling case for ‘stricter gun control’ cannot be made.”(55)

* Every scholar who has “switched” has moved away from the anti-gun position. Dave Kopel, an expert in constitutional issues and firearms research, categorically states that, “Every scholar who has ‘switched’ has ‘switched’ to the side that is skeptical of controls. Indeed, most of the prominent academic voices who are gun control skeptics—including law professor Sanford Levinson and criminologists Gary Kleck and James Wright—are people who, when they began studying guns, were supporters of the gun control agenda.”(56)

* Kopel continues: “I do not know of a single scholar who has published a pro-control article who started out as a skeptic of gun control. This suggests how heavily the weight of the evidence is distributed, once people begin studying the evidence.”

53 Gary Kleck, speech delivered to the National Research Council, quoted in Don B. Kates, Jr., “Scholars’ ignorant bias causes anti-gun sentiments,” Handguns (June 1991), pp. 12-13.
54 “Gun Critic Shifts His Position,” The Denver Post (November 28, 1985).
55 James D. Wright, “Second Thoughts About Gun Control,” The Public Interest, 91 (Spring 1988):23, 25.
56 Dave Kopel, “Guns, Germs, and Science: Public Health Approaches to Gun Control,” 84 The Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia (June 1995): 272.

» Two Options for Home Invasions

If “feminist” liberals gave a flying damn about women, they would want them to be able to defend themselves. But their only genuine objective is to increase their power at the expense of individual liberty.

» Children of Privilege Busted in Occupy Bomb Scheme

You’ve got to admire the “ethics” of the Occupy Wall Street crowd. All that looking out for the humble 99 percent while going after the evil 1 percent must be exhausting.
Thank goodness, then, for the 1.5 percenters who are actually in charge of the Occupy movement and put in the work to bring about the sort of change that’s so needed in this country.
A couple of Occupiers were doing just that recently when “the man” nabbed them and charged them with making bombs and hoarding weapons.

January 1, 2013

January 1, 2013

» Nadler: ‘The State Ought to Have a Monopoly on Legitimate Violence’
First, I need to clarify that it is not unbelievable that a dhimmicrat congress-hole would say something like that. On the contrary, it is exactly what all of us should have come to expect. What’s unbelievable is that every single American in this viper’s congressional district did not bolt from their seats screaming “what the hell did you just say!?!!?!” It is unbelievable that his neck is still the same length.

The lawmaker told CNSNews.com that he not only supports prohibiting the future sale of 10-round gun magazines, but he would like to confiscate high-capacity clips already legally possessed by American citizens.
“One of the definitions of a nation state is that the state has a monopoly on legitimate violence. And the state ought to have a monopoly on legitimate violence. If the premise of your question is that people are going to resist a tyrannical government by shooting machine guns at American troops, that’s insane,” he said.

Reality is not visible from Congressman Nadler’s back porch.
Under the reign of a tyrannical government that sends troops against the American people, the troops that answer that call will most certainly be shot at – mostly by the troops that remember their true oath.

Canned Worms is not something a rational, sane or moral individual would open. Nevertheless, the left is using every tool they can find and invent to get that can open.
» What you’ll see in the rebellion

Let me explain, gun grabbers, how your confiscatory fantasy plays out. Let us imagine for a moment that a sweeping gun control bill similar to the one currently suggested is passed by the House and Senate, and signed into law by a contemptuous President.

It is now almost pointless to argue the unconstitutionality of the goals and agenda of the Left. The Left has just about totally abandoned all pretense of having any respect for the document, much less any use for it.
Consider these words from a “professor of constitutional law” at Georgetown University:
» Let’s Give Up on the Constitution

AS the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions.

Well, thank you Mr. Seidman – for relieving me of the burden of reasonable doubt of your patriotism, sanity and morality.

the Uncultured Range
» Rev. Jesse Jackson Repeatedly Challenged To Defend Chicago Gun Ban After 500th Homicide This Year

…. pressed to defend Chicago’s strict gun control laws following the city’s 500th homicide, 87.5 percent of which are gun-related, this year. Jackson said that Chicago, unlike Newtown, has no gun culture – Newtown, Connecticut, having several gun ranges whereas Chicago has none. He also said that the pressing issues of poverty, unemployment and the lack of a sense of mobility in America’s urban centers are the root causes of gun violence.

I didn’t watch the video, (I ‘m sorry I just can’t afford it. Every time I hear the buffoon speak, I have to go out back and shoot a gun and at the current price of ammo I just can’t afford it.) so I have to assume this article is a good representation of the Rev’s answer to a question … just not the question that was asked.

Chicago has no gun culture? Yes, I think he’s got something there. Key word culture : “the act of developing the social, moral and intellectual faculties through education”.
Chicago has the guns but is missing the culture.

Chicago has no gun ranges? Chicago IS a gun range – an uncultured gun range – where all the targets are people and all the guns are strictly controlled by the laws of idiots.


» Try Senator Dianne Feinstein in a Federal Court For Treason To The Constitution

mOONbATs iZ sToOpiD
» Back to the Stone Age: Greens Unveil New “Body Heat” Home Heating Plan

Ten years ago or so North Korea recommended that its starving people begin eating things they find growing in the forest. EuroGreens have taken an example from the perfect Socialist dictatorship by harnessing the advanced stone age technology known as body heat.

» Radical Solution to the Education Problem — Exactly What We Need
» Chemical weapon “red-line” bluff called by Assad
» News Coverage and Justice in the Age of Obama
» Some Chevy Dealers Opting Out of Selling Volts

Today’s Gun-Control Fact
via Gun Control Fact-Sheet 2004 / From Gun Owners Foundation

Failure of Gun Control

* Washington, D.C. has, perhaps, the most restrictive gun control laws in the country, and yet it is frequently the Murder Capital of the nation. In the 25 years following the DC gun ban, its murder rate INCREASED 51 percent, even while the national rate DECREASED 36 percent.(49)

* Objection: Critics claim criminals merely get their guns in Virginia where the laws are more relaxed. This, they argue, is why the D.C. gun ban is not working.

* Answer: Perhaps criminals do get their guns in Virginia, but this overlooks one point: If the availability of guns in Virginia is the root of D.C.’s problems, why does Virginia not have the same murder and crime rate as the District? Virginia is awash in guns and yet the murder rate is much, much lower. This holds true even for Virginia’s urban areas, as seen by the following comparison on the 25-year anniversary of the DC gun ban (in 2001):

City Murder rates: 25 years after DC’s ban
Washington, DC 46.4 per 100,000(50)
Arlington, VA 2.1 per 100,000(51)
(Arlington is just across the river from D.C.)
Total VA metropolitan area 6.1 per 100,000

* Guns are not the problem. On the contrary, lax criminal penalties and laws that disarm the law-abiding are responsible for giving criminals a safer working environment.

49 The murder rates for Washington, D.C. and the nation were 26.8 and 8.8 respectively in 1976. Their respective murder rates 25 years later were 40.6 and 5.6. These murder rates are based on the population per 100,000 people. FBI, “Crime in the United States,” Uniform Crime Reports (1977 and 2002).
50 FBI, “Crime in the United States,” Uniform Crime Reports (October 28, 2002): 77.
51 Id. at 190. According to Arlington County’s Department of Planning, Housing and Development, the population in Arlington, Virginia for 2001 was 190,092.

No ma’am, I will not register my guns

December 31, 2012

The following came to me via email – supposedly the copy of a letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein from a United States Marine.

I have no proof of origin nor validity, but that is irrelevant because there is iron in the truth of these words.

Senator Dianne Feinstein,

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.

I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.
I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.

I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.

We, the people, deserve better than you.

Sean D Sorrentino commented on this post to point me to the proof of origin of the letter:
The author of the article, Warner Todd Huston, contacted the author of the letter and posted transcript of the conversation and that is worth reading.

December 31, 2012

» Two Cautionary Tales of Gun Control

In 1987, Michael Ryan went on a shooting spree in his small town of Hungerford, England, killing 16 people (including his mother) and wounding another 14 before shooting himself. Since the public was unarmed—as were the police—Ryan wandered the streets for eight hours with two semiautomatic rifles and a handgun before anyone with a firearm was able to come to the rescue.

Nine years later, in March 1996, Thomas Hamilton, a man known to be mentally unstable, walked into a primary school in the Scottish town of Dunblane and shot 16 young children and their teacher. He wounded 10 other children and three other teachers before taking his own life.

» Questions for Gun Controllers

What gun law would have stopped Newtown? Please be specific.
The assault-weapons ban passed in 1994 and was in effect for ten years. The paradigmatic school shooting took place at Columbine High School in 1999. Why didn’t the assault-weapons ban prevent it?
Why do gun-free-school laws never succeed in stopping lunatics bent on murder from taking guns to schools?


» Liberals Who Cling to Their Guns

Few things animate the ire of liberals more than the right to bear arms.
So why is it liberals abhor the right to bear arms unless it concerns their right to bear arms? Why is it liberals ridicule the idea of an armed guard protecting the children of others but don’t give it a second thought when it comes to the protection of their own families? Because liberals believe that if only the world was as wonderful as they are there would be no problems. They see themselves as being in possession of enlightened, progressive virtue and that gun laws should be used to keep arms out of the hands of uncivilized, uncouth conservatives or anyone else who has the temerity not to share their worldview. It is the same sort of thinking that allows liberals to own SUVs, send their children to private schools, and obtain waivers from Obamacare without batting an eyelash.

If somebody tries to take me out I’m going to take them with me.
~~ Permitted Concealed HandGun Carrier, Senator Dianne Feinstein

» Moonbats React to Newtown With Crusade Against Toy Guns

“Reducing arms without senatorial consent would break the Constitution’s calibration of executive & legislative power.”


…. State Department advisory group …. advising that the U.S. and Russia both reduce nuclear weapons without a treaty, as a treaty would require ratification by Congress.

Implications, Repercussions anyone?

…. blurring of the lines deliberately drawn by the Constitution’s Framers separating the executive and legislative branches power

Obama has made no secret of his desire to dismantle our nuclear capacity; the New Start Treaty he championed in 2011 forced the U.S. to observe a ceiling of 700 strategic delivery vehicles and 1,550 strategic warheads, and this past March he stated his desire to cut our arsenal further:
“ … a step we have never taken before – reducing not only our strategic nuclear warheads but also tactical weapons and warheads in reserve.”
It is naïve to assume that Obama is simply blind to the results of his actions and trusts the world around him to act with generosity.

» LYONS: Draft of new U.S. Army handbook must be scrapped

A recent Wall Street Journal article described the U.S. Army’s final-draft handbook, which indoctrinates our military personnel heading to Afghanistan in how to be sensitive to and accept Muslim and Afghan 7th-century customs and values — or possibly be killed by our Afghan partners.
…. if our military personnel hear or witness an Afghan soldier sodomizing a young boy, the handbook tells U.S. service members to voice no objection, accept it or ignore it, or they could be killed. If an Afghan beats, rapes or kills a woman in the presence of a U.S. serviceman, they are not to interfere or stand up for women’s rights or else they might be killed.
What the Army is saying, in effect, is that if Afghan partners conduct violence against U.S. service personnel, it is the serviceman’s fault.
must accept without reservation by our Afghan partners is desertion, drug use, thievery, dog torture and collusion with the enemy

…. must not discuss Islam in any form

» Big Wind Meets an Ill Wind
» The Politically Correct Calendar
» Petition the Debt Star on ObamaCare, Feinstein
» Arab Money and the Purchase of a President
» Could you spend $500 on food at this bodega? A welfare recipient claimed to!

Today’s Gun-Control Fact
via Gun Control Fact-Sheet 2004 / From Gun Owners Foundation

Police cannot protect—and are not required to protect—every individual

* The courts have consistently ruled that the police do not have an obligation to protect individuals, only the public in general. For example, in Warren v. D.C. the court stated “courts have without exception concluded that when a municipality or other governmental entity undertakes to furnish police services, it assumes a duty only to the public at large and not to individual members of the community.”(45)

* Former Florida Attorney General Jim Smith told Florida legislators that police responded to only about 200,000 of 700,000 calls for help to Dade County authorities. Smith was asked why so many citizens in Dade County were buying guns and he said, “They damn well better, they’ve got to protect themselves.”(46)

* The Department of Justice found that in 1989, there were 168,881 crimes of violence which were not responded to by police within 1 hour.(47)

* The numbers clearly show that the police cannot protect every individual. In 1996, there were about 150,000 police officers on duty at any one time to protect a population of more than 260 million Americans—or more than 1,700 citizens per officer.(48)

45 Warren v. District of Columbia, D.C. App., 444 A. 2d 1 (1981). See also Richard W. Stevens, Dial 911 and Die (1999) which gives the laws and cases in all 50 states to support the statement that government (police) owes no duty to protect individual citizens from criminal attack.
46 Statement of Representative Ron Johnson in U.S. Senate, “Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1987,” Hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary (16 June 1987):33.
47 Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics—1990 (1991):257.
48 Interview with Brian A. Reaves, Ph.D., statistician for the Bureau of Justice Statistics in Washington, D.C. (January 11, 2001). In 1996, the total number (estimated) of all law enforcement combined (federal, state and local) that were on duty and assigned to respond to calls at any one time—on the average—was approximately 146,395 officers. There were 265,463,000 people living in the United States in 1996 for an actual ratio of 1,813 citizens for every officer. See also Kleck, Point Blank, at 132.


It’s too bad “Meet the Press” doesn’t have a laugh track.

There’s no question that Obama and the Democrats are bold about pursuing the ideological agenda that Obama wants us to pretend they don’t have, while Republicans have been timid. That gives the President plenty of room to cruise onto talk shows and play blame games, with himself cast as an innocent problem-solver frustrated by all the partisan bickering, following a re-election that he clearly thinks has flushed the first four years of his record down the Memory Hole. There’s no chance that anything significant will be done about our looming fiscal crisis or irresponsible government spending any time soon, but soon we’ll find out whose taxes go up, and who gets blamed for it.

December 30, 2012

December 30, 2012
The Triumphant Gotcha of the ignorant gun-bigots

This story is three days old …. enough time for the leftist gun-grabbing liars to have realized that they got screwed.

» 2 Rocket Launchers Turned In During LAPD Gun Buyback

The department says it picked up 75 assault weapons as part of its no-questions-asked effort that saw $100 dollar cards handed out for handguns and long guns and $200 for the kind of rifle used in the Newtown tragedy. The LAPD says 901 handguns, 698 rifles, 363 shotguns will also be destroyed.

Good stats. But this is the one that gut us saying WTF:
Cops picked up two — count ‘em two — rocket launchers (!) (and not one, as other outlets are reporting), an LAPD official with close knowledge of the program told us. Holy hell why do people on our streets have military grade rocket launchers?

When I said ‘leftist gun-grabbing liars‘ I didn’t limit that to the sniveling putz that wrote the article. It includes the idiots of the L.A.P.D. that paid $100 for an empty cylinder of aluminum and fiberglass that is slightly less dangerous than a wiffle bat – and then did a jump-run to the media cameras and microphones to announce their great triumph over the evil American gun culture.
The ‘rocket launchers’ they bought? Spent cartridges …. at best: Rocket Launchers At LA Gun Buyback? Give me a break!

There are two things left out of most of the reports. The first is that it’s completely legal to own these and the second is that if you wanted to kill someone with them, the only way you might be able to do it is by whacking them over the head.
The launcher for the AT-4 is single use. It cannot be reloaded and is really only there to protect the person firing it from the rocket discharge and to provide a basic means of aiming the rocket. Once the rocket has been fired, the tube is regarded as being spent. It cannot be reloaded with a new rocket ………

Here’s the KICKER …….

In this case, these “launchers” never even launched a missile. That’s because these are not, in fact “inert” versions of the launcher, as indicated by the yellow band on them, meaning they never fired a missile and may not even have the basic electrical connections needed to do so.

They are just empty shells, props of the weapon. They would be used for training soldiers on how to properly handle the AT-4, but they are not functional launchers, and even if they were, they would be useless without the rockets.

In essence, get a six inch PVC pipe from Lowes, green paint, little red button from Radioshack, and a strap from Walmart …. combine with some stupid California moonbat cops and you got yourself an anti-gun talking point …. something David Gregory can wave around in D.C. without breaking any laws.

» California gun sales jump; gun injuries, deaths fall

Gun deaths and injuries have dropped sharply in California, even as the number of guns sold in the state has risen, according to new state data.

Dealers sold 600,000 guns in California last year, up from 350,000 in 2002, according to records of sale tallied by the California Attorney General’s office.

During that same period, the number of California hospitalizations due to gun injuries declined from about 4,000 annually to 2,900, a roughly 25 percent drop, according to hospital records collected by the California Department of Public Health.

Firearm-related deaths fell from about 3,200 annually to about 2,800, an 11 percent drop, state health figures show.

» A warning to gun grabbers and collectivist media: By calling for gun control, you are unleashing your own worst nightmare

in the last ten days alone over 10 million firearms were purchased in America, and over a billion rounds of ammunition were taken home and put away by U.S. gun owners.
This was, of course, all a reaction to the screaming gun grabbers who are hyperventilating about guns and ignorantly calling for the abolishment of the Second Amendment and the complete disarmament of the American people. This utterly insane screaming fest by whiny, pathetic gun grabbers and collectivist control freaks has only accomplished one thing: the massive ARMAMENT of American citizens, most of whom absolutely will NOT surrender their firearms under any circumstances.
Gun-owning Americans are growing increasingly sick and tired of being called bad people simply because they choose to protect their homes, families and communities with firearms. White gun owners are sick of being irrationally called “racist” for choosing to own guns. (Historical fact: Martin Luther King owned “an arsenal” of guns and often carried a concealed handgun.)

Southerners are sick and tired of being depicted as idiotic rednecks by the uppity liberal media and its distorted, race-baiting TV shows. And the gun owners of America have just about had enough of being blamed for the violence of one crazy, medicated young man who committed murder in Connecticut.

Rogue Gun on Rampage!
Here’s a headline the mainstream media forgot to use … just slipped through the cracks … they’re busy folk ya know:
» San Antonio Theater Shooting
Nuff said? Another “gun-nut” went to the movies thinking it was a county-fair turkey shoot.

No, there’s a reason the MSM never picked up on this one ……

There was an off duty county deputy at the theater. SHE pulled out her gun and shot the man 4 times before he had a chance to kill anyone. So since this story makes the point that the best thing to stop a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun, the media is treating it like it never happened.

Only the local media covered it. The city is giving her a medal next week. Just thought you’d like to know.

This incident doesn’t fit into the narrative of the anti-gun media.

» The next gun control angle – insurance scam

The tide has been turning rather quickly against the gun grabbing gang as the year draws to a close, and they’ve clearly noticed. With nearly three quarters of all Americans opposed to a ban on handguns, and a slim majority even opposing bans on so called “assault rifles,” Second Amendment opponents find themselves in need of more “creative” ways to go after your guns. The latest one being picked up from the reliable liberal arsenal and dusted off is the idea of forcing legal gun owners to purchase liability insurance for their weapons. This brainstorm is brought to you by Megan McArdle.

McArdle is actually quite refreshing in her approach. Rather than trying to sneak around and disguise her intentions behind compassionate sounding paeans to save the children, protect the mentally ill and eliminate the sale of Grand Theft Auto, the author comes right out and admits what was fairly obvious to the rest of us already. It’s not going to cut down on crime, it will pose a significant barrier to law abiding citizens who wish to purchase weapons and it will convert insurance companies into a tool for doing what Congress should be constitutionally barred from enacting. This kind of brutal honesty about your intentions is to be admired.

So give her a congratulatory pat on the back …. then slap the ever-loving crap out of her.

» Senate Aiming for Our Guns

Perennial hypocrite Senator Dianne Feinstein from the Insane Peoples’ Republic of California is coming after guns – again. She has a history of attacking the Second Amendment’s foundations with attempts to demonize certain types of firearms and seeking legislation banning sales and possession of guns. She is also registered to carry a concealed firearm. It’s okay for her, but you’re not trustworthy.

This is gonna be interesting ….
» LET THE RIOTS BEGIN! France slashes welfare benefits to Muslim parasites by a whopping 83%!

You know things are bad when even the socialists are fed up with having to support the Muslim freeloaders. It seems that immigration policies of France, are seriously changing. The country is no longer able to hold back the crowd of Muslim invaders, many of whom do not want to integrate into the social and economic life of their new home country, and are content to live off the state and breed like rabbits.

» First Plane Out Of Benghazi

It says something about the current state of asymmetrical warfare that not only can Al Qaeda throw together a coordinated string of attacks on American embassies around the region without anyone being the wiser for it, but boatloads of migrants from Libya can reach Europe faster on muscle power than American forces can reach a mission under attack while equipped with jet power.

» John Kerry at State: A Disaster for Israel

While Kerry was on his February 2009 junket to the Middle East, it was no mere coincidence that Rep. Keith Ellison was in Gaza at the same time. This was a coordinated effort by senior Democrats to demonstrate to Israel’s government that the pro-Israel attitude of the Bush Cheney years were over.
At the Democratic Convention in 2012, Kerry ignored the decision of his party leadership to remove Jerusalem from their platform and instead opened his podium speech by attacking Romney for his “neo-con advisors.” He then proceeded to quote Benjamin Netanyahu out of context. …
The word “neo-con” has a tendency to be code for “pro-Zionist.” Kerry’s words show that he will be hostile to the very existence of Israeli towns in the suburbs of Jerusalem. Democrats consider these “settlements” to be part of the “Occupied West Bank,” and he will label them as such.

» French court rejects 75 percent millionaires’ tax
» Insanity Is Unsustainable

Today’s Gun-Control Fact
via Gun Control Fact-Sheet 2004 / From Gun Owners Foundation

Justice Department study:

* 3/5 of felons polled agreed that “a criminal is not going to mess around with a victim he knows is armed with a gun.”(42)

* 74% of felons polled agreed that “one reason burglars avoid houses when people are at home is that they fear being shot during the crime.”

* 57% of felons polled agreed that “criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police.”

42 U.S., Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, “The Armed Criminal in America: A Survey of Incarcerated Felons,” Research Report (July 1985): 27.


…. article takes both Damon and anti-fracking celebrity Yoko Ono to task for demonizing a process which could be a game changer for both the American economy and energy independence as a whole.

» Poor Piers: Americans don’t want him, British won’t take him

Piers Morgan’s ratings at CNN seem to rely on his anti-Americanism. He only stood for the national anthem after being heckled. He called for an “amendment to the Bible,” and calls the Constitution “flawed.” It’s telling that petitions have gained steam on both sides of the pond — one to deport him from the U.S. and one to keep him from returning to the U.K.

December 29, 2012

December 29, 2012
» Ex-’regulatory czar’ uses slick sleight of hand to justify banning modern guns

The gist of his argument is that the very notion that the Second Amendment could protect the people from forcible citizen disarmament laws materialized out of thin air within the last few decades. He is not the first to make that claim ….. Those making that argument tend not to address this William Rawle quote in a book published in 1829:

No clause in the Constitution could by any rule of construction be conceived to give the Congress a power to disarm the people. Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under a general pretence by a state legislature. But if in any pursuit of an inordinate power either should attempt it, this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both.
Another “crazy claim” of Sunstein’s is more subtle, and thus more insidious. In reference to the Supreme Court’s District of Columbia v. Heller decision:

To this the court added that the sorts of weapons it was protecting were those “in common use at the time” that the Second Amendment was ratified.

Get that? He claims that the Heller decision recognizes Constitutional protection only for those arms “‘in common use at the time’ that the Second Amendment was ratified.” That would mean that any firearm more advanced than flintlock pistols and muskets can be banned.

While banning AR15s because they “weren’t in use at the time”, we can also ban practically all forms of news media because none of them are using the type of printing presses that were “in use at the time”:

We can also ban the free speech of Hollywood clowns – because microphones and cameras weren’t “in use at the time”. Obama’s multiple WhiteHouse websites that are designed to allow leftists to rat on everybody else are unconstitutional because the internet was not “in use at the time”. The third amendment “No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner” does not apply if you live in an apartment, townhome or condo – anything besides a house. The fourth amendment cannot protect your email from the government because The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated does not specifically use the word ‘email’.

It really is time for Dick’s to change their corporate name:

or at least drop the apostrophe

Reports from the GunFree Killzone of Chicago:
» Police confirm ‘tragic number’ of 500 homicides

» Utah teachers get free gun training in response to Newtown shooting

Kasey Hansen, a special education teacher from Salt Lake City, Utah, says she would take a bullet for any of her students, but if faced with a gunman threatening her class, she would rather be able to shoot back.

» Facebook Censors Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi is a demigod among moonbats. After all, he is the guy who struck a nonviolent deathblow to the declining British Empire ….
However, he also said this:

“Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act which deprived a whole nation of arms as the blackest.”

This was a quotation too far for the moonbats running Facebook, causing them to suspend the account of Natural News

» Here’s Why Someone Would Need To Own An ‘Assault’ Rifle

The left quite often exposes its raging elitism through its odious habit of asking why anyone would need the things that it doesn’t like, from guns to big homes to monster trucks.
The implication is that if the elitists don’t want whatever it is, then no one should be allowed to have it — except, of course, it’s fine for the elitists themselves to live in energy-sucking mansions, hire armed bodyguards and drive around in gas-guzzling limousines and SUVs.

The number of rifle homicides has fallen steadily since then to 323 last year, as have the other three weapon classes, though each still remains a more common choice than the rifle.
In fact, when added together, knives, blunt instruments and the human body were responsible for more than nine times as many homicides as rifles in 2011.
Yet no one is asking why anyone would want to own a set of steak knives, place a heavy candelabra on their mantle or have a hammer in their garage.

That may sound like a lame argument, but is it really? After all, it is the number of murders committed that the left uses as the basis of its anti-gun bigotry. Arguments like the above serve to point out that the number one reason given by leftists to ban guns simply does not hold water. Therefore, one has to consider what is the real reason?

In an administration headed by a pothead who can’t seem to prove he is a natural citizen and staffed by tax evaders, communists, child molesters, liars, rasicsts and certifiably insane …..
Treason is Simply Par.

The first documentary evidence that Vietnamese communists were directly steering John Kerry’s group Vietnam Veterans Against the War has been discovered in a U.S. archive ….

One freshly unearthed document, captured by the U.S. from Vietnamese communists in 1971 and later translated, indicates the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese delegations to the Paris peace talks that year were used as the communications link to direct the activities of Kerry and other antiwar activists who attended.
“We’re not going to say he’s an agent for Vietnamese communists, but it’s the next thing to it,” he said. “Whether he was consciously carrying out their direction or naively doing what they wanted, it amounted to the same thing – he advanced their cause.”

Note the date on this article: 10/26/2004. It was published and became ‘news’ during the 2004 campaign when the traitor Kerry was running for the highest office. But ‘news’ then was controlled – or stifled – by the same media that now operates as the propaganda arm of the (THHO)Obama regime. The revelations of John Kerry’s communist ties and affiliations went unmentioned then – outside the rightwing blogosphere – and will go unmentioned now; again, as Kerry is being installed as the United States Secretary of State.

…. the documents show how the North Vietnamese, the Viet Cong, the People’s Coalition for Peace and Justice, the Communist Party of the USA and Kerry’s VVAW worked closely together to achieve the Vietnamese communists’ primary objective – the defeat of the U.S. in Vietnam …. “We now have evidence Madame Binh was directing the antiwar movement … and the person who implemented her strategy was John Kerry.”

The slow boil building up in your blood right now, will be cooled by the spinal chill you get from this:

Another FBI report, dated Nov. 24, 1971, gives details of Hubbard’s presentation to a VVAW meeting of the Executive and Steering committees in Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 12-15, 1971.

At that meeting, the VVAW considered and then rejected a plan to assassinate several pro-war U.S. Senators. Kerry is listed as present.

Our next Secretary of State may be a man who once sat in a meeting of subversive communist activists and participated in a discussion to assassinate U.S. Senators.

The question is not why would (THHO)Obama select this traitor to head the State Department, but why not?

» John Kerry: Still Wrong After All These Years

Over the next forty years Kerry would reinvent himself numerous times, transforming from an anti-war activist disgusted by the uniform to a war hero reporting for duty as he sought to corner both sides of the market, but his flirtation with tyrants and tyrannies, particularly those hostile to the United States, never changed.
The murderous Viet Cong gave way to the Sandinistas of Nicaragua. Ho Chi Minh gave way to Assad. Vietnam gave way to Pakistan. But at no point during those long 40 years, a biblical number often linked to transformation and change, did John Forbes Kerry learn anything at all from his countless mistakes.

That’s because in order to learn from mistakes, one has to first recognize them as mistakes.

“We negotiated with North Vietnam… they just want to get rid of them [the Sandinistas], they want to throw them out, they don’t want to talk to them,” Kerry whined. And Kerry did want to talk them. To the Viet Cong, to the Sandinistas and to anyone else who hated the United States and wished us harm.

In the spring of last year, Senator Kerry met with Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s new tyrant in Egypt, and said that, “in our discussions, Mr. Morsi committed to protecting fundamental freedoms, including women’s rights, minority rights, the right to free expression and assembly.”

Six months later, Morsi’s thugs were beating political opponents in the street and ‘Always Wrong’ Kerry had another notch in his belt.
“How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?” Kerry had asked during his Senate testimony, and throughout his decades in the Senate, with the power of the same committee that he had once testified before behind him, he had done his best to see to it that Americans and people from all nations would die for his mistakes.

“the dumbest media story of 2012.” ?
» Laws Are for Little People

A few years ago, Daniel Brown was detained at LAX while connecting to a Minneapolis flight because traces of gunpowder were found on his footwear. His footwear was combat boots. As the name suggests, the combat boots were returning from combat — eight months of it, in Iraq’s bloody and violent al-Anbar province. Above the boots he was wearing the uniform of a staff sergeant in the USMC Reserve Military Police and was accompanied by all 26 members of his unit, also in uniform. Staff Sergeant Brown doesn’t sound like an “obvious” terrorist. But the TSA put him on the no-fly list anyway. If it’s not “obvious” to the government that a serving member of the military has any legitimate reason for being around ammunition, why should it be “obvious” that a TV host has?

The argument for letting him walk rests on his membership of a protected class — the media. Notwithstanding that (per Gallup) 54 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the NRA while only 40 percent have any trust in the media, the latter regard themselves as part of the ruling class. Which makes the rest of you the ruled. Laws are for the little people — and little people need lots of little laws, ensnaring them at every turn.

Sign the Petition:
» Press charges against David Gregory for possession of a 30-round, high capacity assault rifle magazine in Washington D.C

» Petition to Keep Obama Safe From Guns I am #8708.
» Gannett’s Journal News Produces New Maps

Today’s Gun-Control Fact
via Gun Control Fact-Sheet 2004 / From Gun Owners Foundation

Rapes averted when women carry or use firearms for protection

* Orlando, FL. In 1966-67, the media highly publicized a safety course which taught Orlando women how to use guns. The result: Orlando’s rape rate dropped 88% in 1967, whereas the rape rate remained constant in the rest of Florida and the nation.(40)

* Nationwide. In 1979, the Carter Justice Department found that of more than 32,000 attempted rapes, 32% were actually committed. But when a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of the attempted rapes were actually successful.(41)

40 Kleck, “Crime Control,” at 13.
41 U.S. Department of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Rape Victimization in 26 American Cities (1979), p. 31.

» Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope

Parncutt also hates Israel and Mormons, and wants a global wealth tax. And even though he is opposed to the death penalty in the case of mass murderers, he’s willing to consider an exception for people he really disagrees with.
Fortunately you don’t need to understand math to advocate killing people in the name of science.

Consider for the purpose of argument, let’s give Parncutt the benefit of the doubt, and assume that there is only a 1 percent chance that his views will lead to the murder of 1 trillion people. That still means, based on his math, that there is a 100 percent chance that Parncutt’s views will lead to the murder of 10 billion people.

According to Parncutt’s own numbers there is a 100 percent chance that his games with “Freedom of Speech” will lead to the murder of 10 billion people.

At this point, Parncutt begins to get even crazier, if such a thing were possible ………….

» University spends 15k to fight ‘non-inclusive language’ on campus

The University of Maryland (UMD) allocated $15,000 in 2012 to combat the use of language deemed by administrators to be “insensitive.”

This sign, part of the “inclusive language campaign,” discourages students from using the term “illegal alien.”
The “words have power” campaign’s goal is to deploy posters, buttons and other promotional materials to help foster an environment on campus that is not offensive to illegal aliens, homosexuals, or other minority groups.

Well, what could you possibly expect? When one constitutional right goes down the toilet, the others are not far behind.
On campus, you have no right to defend yourself so why would you expect the right to free speech to remain intact?

December 28, 2012

December 28, 2012

I’ve been absent from the world for a couple of days, and now I’m looking at all the stupid that happened while I was gone.


I do hope you already know all about this one. But just in case, here ya go:

» Map: Where are the gun permits in your neighborhood?
…. an interactive map that shows a dot over each home that when clicked will display the name and address. The map seems to have been produced and published as an illustration of sorts for another article
The gun owner next door: What you don’t know about the weapons in your neighborhood. Authored by Dwight R. Worley, this article starts out with the story of a gun-murder and follows into the usual “guns are the problem” whine that is so typical of liberals. But Mr. Worley took it a step further in getting the names and addresses of 44,000 gun owners in two New York counties and making them available to the general public via the interactive map.

The motive is clear. It’s supposed to portray gun owners as the pariah, the evil doers hiding in our midst; and expose them to the wrath of the public. Kinda like sex offenders or wife beaters. That is the way gun owners are thought of by the gullible audience of liberal media.

But that’s not the whole story. See, Americans (the real ones, I mean) are sick and tired of being demonized for being real Americans and don’t take this kind of abuse sitting down – anymore. The very next day, Christoper Fountain of the For What It’s Worth blog responded with a post that lists the name, address and phone number of the Journal’s publisher, along with a photo of her house. That didn’t seem to satisfy Fountain so he added name, address and phone numbers for the company’s CEO and the reporter who started it – Dwight Worley. And then the next day followed up with names, addresses, phones, emails, twitter and even some photos of the staff of the Journal News/LoHud.com.

You Get What You Tolerate …. and Christopher Fountain ain’t tolerating.

Incidently, the original article by Worley included an editor’s note :

Journal News reporter Dwight R. Worley owns a Smith & Wesson 686 .357 Magnum and has had a residence permit in New York City for that weapon since February 2011 …..

Head-scratcher right there?

Now, while Fountain’s reaction is a good one, it’s based on having taken offense to the actions of the guy who made the map. The “Visual Editor” at the journal (according to Fountain) Robert F. Rodriguez is responsible for that, and I do believe it was intended as a reprimand to the gun owners; an ‘outing’ if you will. It was meant to offend the gun owners, but that intention is born of pure ignorance and bigotry and deserves an additional, educational reaction.

Gun owners are not ashamed of owning guns. Our ownership of guns is the result of our having accepted the responsibility of our own defense, protection and safety – as well as the protection and safety of other people for whom we have accepted responsibility. Since we take our duties and responsibilities seriously we do not leave them to be secured by others who may or may not be there when it counts.

We believe that our right to defend ourselves and our charges is not just privilege or luxury but duty. Therefore, owning the best tools for the job is nothing to be ashamed of. Nor is it offensive when someone points it out – even when they do so because they lack the intelligence to understand the concepts of responsibility, accountability and duty. Not to mention the cowardice it takes to put your life solely in the hands of authorities that absolutely cannot guarantee any of the above.

So, an additional reaction to the ‘map’ should be thanks – thank you for publicly recognizing us as responsible citizens. Thank you for labeling us as stand-up Americans that make the founders proud. Thank you for letting the criminals know where they best not go lest they get their asses shot. Thank you for embarrassing all those cowards who don’t have guns.

From that same map produced by Mr. Rodriguez is this:

A big ole gun-free kill zone in New York

Look at that – hundreds of New York cowards live right there – not a single clickable dot. They shirk their constitutional duty to keep and bear – they leave themselves, their families and their homes at the mercy of any and all criminals in the hope that the authorities will be able to get there within minutes – when seconds count.

The people that live in that part of New York disgust me. Thank you Mr. Rodriguez for pointing them out. I’m sure there’s a few (illegally armed)burglars,(illegally armed) rapists and plain ole (illegally armed)psychos that thank you as well.

S’matter o fak, I sent Mr. Rodriguez an email:

To Whom ….

I’ve read the article at lohud.com entitled The gun owner next door: What you don’t know about the weapons in your neighborhood, and reviewed the interactive map of gun owners in Westchester and Rockland counties.

Understanding that it requires enormous effort and time to compile such a comprehensive list I would like to request that my name and address be added to the map. Even though I don’t live in New York City – or even New York state – I believe I deserve just as much credit for being a responsible American as do the 44,000 gun owners you highlited in your map.

If you could make that amendment to your map, I would greatly appreciate it.

I am Gun Owner Ross ‘Bubba’ McDowell

September 2011: 53 year-old Indiana resident, Jon Andrews, went to D.C. along with family to participate in a re-enactment at Mount Vernon’s “Washington and Rochambeau Commemoration.” As a re-enactor, Andrews had an antique musket in his car.
He was arrested by D.C. police and spent the night in jail while his family spent the night alone in the hellhole that is D.C.

The enforcers of unconstitutional law spent no time “deciding” whether Andrews should be immediately incarcerated.

December 23, 2012: NBC’s David Gregory on NBC’s “Meet the Press” produced a 30 round AR15 magazine and held it up, waved it around and used it punctuate his accusations. Even though D.C. gun laws explicitly define Gregory’s action as felonious, D.C. police are still “deciding” – five days later – whether or not Gregory should be arrested:

Sign this petition:
» Press charges against David Gregory for possession of a 30-round, high capacity assault rifle magazine in Washington D.C

David Gregory is not above the law; he is a journalist, and must be held accountable to the same law as every other person.

DC High Capacity Ammunition Magazines – D.C. Official Code 7-2506.01

(b) No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm. For the purposes of this subsection, the term large capacity ammunition feeding device means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

We The People demand that he be formally charged for violation of this law on “Meet The Press.”

You can still sign this petition:
» Piers Morgan: Moonbat Without a Cave to Call Home

The wildly successful petition to have Piers Morgan deported for campaigning to destroy our Constitution has been countered by a British petition. It seems he is not welcome back home. Thousands have signed a petition to keep the authoritarian propagandist in the USA, citing as a reason that “No one in the UK wants him back.”


» The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
Yea but! millions of those violent crimes were not committed with guns. So there – proof that gun control works. But now that Brits are still butchering one another, there must be something else that needs to be banned:
doctors are calling for a ban on long pointed kitchen knives to reduce deaths from stabbing. Yup, right on time.

The researchers said there was no reason for long pointed knives to be publicly available at all.

They consulted 10 top chefs from around the UK, and found such knives have little practical value in the kitchen.

None of the chefs felt such knives were essential, since the point of a short blade was just as useful when a sharp end was needed.

Gun Registration So You Can Keep Them?

Feinstein’s legislation throws some gun owners a bone by saying, “[It will protect] the rights of existing gun owners by grandfathering weapons legally possessed on the date of enactment,” but it then states: “It will require any grandfathered weapon to be registered under the National Firearms Act.”

Dhimmicrats demonstrate, once again, that they think gun owners are illiterate and totally stupid. I can’t help but wonder if they’re correct.

When certain anti-gun politicians or administrations broached the subject of registration in the past and the NRA or Gun Owners of America quickly pointed out that registration would lead to confiscation, liberals laughed and accused the “gun lobby” of being paranoid or conspiratorial. However, now, in the wake of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s bald admission that he believes gun confiscation a viable option, the days of laughing off the dangers associated with registration are long gone.

» UN votes to reopen talks on arms-trade treaty opposed by NRA

» DOJ Forces Mega-Mosque on Norwalk, CT Community

The Al-Madany Islamic Center of Norwalk in Connecticut wasn’t ready to give up when its proposal for a 27,000 square foot facility was turned down by the zoning commission over matters completely unrelated to religion. The Islamic Center sued, asserting—as you might have guessed—it was religious discrimination. The cry of “Islamophobia” got the Justice Department on its side, and the zoning commission suddenly changed its mind after a closed session.

» Judge Rules Against Police Officer Who Refused to Attend Islamic Proselytizing Event

» EPA’s Richard Windsor resigning
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson is high-tailing. She got caught using at least one email alias to do agency correspondence. The purpose, of course, was to prevent the ‘watch dogs’ from catching her doing underhanded stuff.

“Our objective is to determine whether EPA follows applicable laws and regulations when using private and alias email accounts to conduct official business,” assistant inspector general Melissa Heist wrote to the EPA on December 13, 2012, in announcing that an investigation was under way.

By applicable laws, Heist is referring to actual law as passed legally by congress …. not the faux laws the EPA is constantly fabricating under the name of regulations.

Windsor – I mean Jackson – insists that it was an innocent little thing for which she is resigning. That’s a first …. an Obama ogre backing down from baseless charges, eh?

» Complying with EPA regulations costs the U.S. economy $353 billion per year — more than 30 times its budget
America wasted $353 billion just to comply with regulations made up by a bureau of unelected tyrants. What the congress and administration cannot do to America, it gets done by it’s appointed and unchecked bureaus.

» Someone Else Will Pay

There is a great deal of hard work ahead, such as deciding who to put up against the wall first. Everyone has agreed on the rich, the dreaded 1 percent, except presumably for those 1 percenters funding the revolution and paying the Citizen Smiths who work for NGOs and come up with new social media engagement strategies to tackle economic disparities and that sort of thing.
There are international tribunals and an entire political and media frenzy declaring that global warming is the greatest threat of our age. We snicker at fools who took the Mayan apocalypse seriously, but people who would never hide out in a basement because of some ancient prophecy listen to media buffoons drawing up lists of what parts of the world will be underwater in ten years or twenty and take the whole ridiculous thing seriously.
“The death penalty is an appropriate punishment for Global Warming deniers who are so influential that one million future deaths can with high probability be traced to their personal actions,” Parncutt writes. “Please note also that I am only talking about prevention of future deaths – not punishment or revenge after the event.” Naturally. Citizen Parncutt is not motivated by such petty emotions. His revolutionary will-to-kill is as pure as the driven snow.

American citizens, hiding in their own homes from foreign invaders
» Living on Land Ceded by the USSA

Did you ever think you would live to see Americans subsisting under these conditions in their own country?

Not to worry, our liberal overlords have a fix. They would like to take away the Chiltons’ guns.
Our rulers want the border porous because their long-term plans to “fundamentally transform” America require a massive influx of Third World welfare colonists. But more is coming across than undocumented Democrats.

By now it is obvious that the federal government will not take effective action to secure the border. Nor will it allow states to do the job themselves. Since protecting the country from foreign invasion is the #1 responsibility of any legitimate government, this begs the question: by what right do the parasites in Washington tax us?

» Note Alleging Slave Labor and Torture Found in Toy Made in China
» Baahaahaa! Ohio moonbat liberal commie radio station closes, blames Obama for demise
» Obama Emails Supporters to Boost Attendance at Inauguration
» Is Every Single Animal and Reptile Endangered?
» Revealed: How TSA agents ‘laugh at travelers’ naked scanner images in backrooms while flirting with each other
» Facebook becomes Big Brother, closes pro-gun accounts

Today’s Gun-Control Fact
via Gun Control Fact-Sheet 2004 / From Gun Owners Foundation

Criminals avoid armed citizens

* Kennesaw, GA. In 1982, this suburb of Atlanta passed a law requiring heads of households to keep at least one firearm in the house. The residential burglary rate subsequently dropped 89% in Kennesaw, compared to the modest 10.4% drop in Georgia as a whole.(37)

* Ten years later (1991), the residential burglary rate in Kennesaw was still 72% lower than it had been in 1981, before the law was passed.(38)

* Nationwide. Statistical comparisons with other countries show that burglars in the United States are far less apt to enter an occupied home than their foreign counterparts who live in countries where fewer civilians own firearms. Consider the following rates showing how often a homeowner is present when a burglar strikes:

* Homeowner occupancy rate in the gun control countries of Great Britain, Canada and Netherlands: 45% (average of the three countries); and,
* Homeowner occupancy rate in the United States: 12.7%.(39)

37 Gary Kleck, “Crime Control Through the Private Use of Armed Force,” Social Problems 35 (February 1988):15.
38 Compare Kleck, “Crime Control,” at 15, and Chief Dwaine L. Wilson, City of Kennesaw Police Department, “Month to Month Statistics: 1991.” (Residential burglary rates from 1981-1991 are based on statistics for the months of March – October.)
39 Kleck, Point Blank, at 140.

December 24, 2012

December 24, 2012
» An opinion on gun control

Until this national conversation is willing to entertain allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons, then it isn’t a conversation at all, it is a lecture

…. The single best way to respond to a mass shooter is with an immediate, violent response. The vast majority of the time, as soon as a mass shooter meets serious resistance, it bursts their fantasy world bubble. Then they kill themselves or surrender. This has happened over and over again.

…. The average number of people shot in a mass shooting event when the shooter is stopped by law enforcement: 14. The average number of people shot in a mass shooting event when the shooter is stopped by civilians: 2.5. The reason is simple. The armed civilians are there when it started.

…. I have no respect for anybody who believes Gun Free Zones actually work. You are going to commit several hundred felonies, up to and including mass murder, and you are going to refrain because there is a sign? That No Guns Allowed sign is not a cross that wards off vampires. It is wishful thinking, and really pathetic wishful thinking at that.
The only people who obey No Guns signs are people who obey the law. People who obey the law aren’t going on rampages.

…. We don’t have more rounds in the magazine so we can shoot more, we have more rounds in the magazine so we are forced to manipulate our gun less if we have to shoot more.

…. You don’t need an assault weapon for hunting!
Who said anything about hunting? That whole thing about the 2nd Amendment being for sportsmen is hogwash. The 2nd Amendment is about bearing arms to protect yourself from threats, up to and including a tyrannical government.

» US lobby issues point-blank ‘no’ on gun control

“The average guy in the country values his freedom, doesn’t believe the fact that he can own a gun is part of the problem and doesn’t like the media and all these high-profile politicians blaming him,”

» David Gregory Violates DC Gun Law On National TV

» Cops, detectives, FBI agents, U.S. soldiers tell Natural News they will not enforce gun confiscation orders

» Where was the liberal “outrage” over Clinton’s “COPS in School” federal grant program?

Things Obama wants you to forget about …..
» The gun scandal the left doesn’t care about

That would be Operation Fast and Furious, the “felony stupid” investigation during which the BATF, with DoJ approval, knowingly allowed thousands of heavy firearms to be purchased by straw buyers, after which they were walked across the border into the waiting, murderous arms of Mexican drug cartels. And, so far, over 300 Mexican civilians, police, and military –as well as two US federal agents– have died

So, why shouldn’t we conclude that the left, the Democrats, and most of the MSM (but I repeat myself) don’t give a damn about Brown children?

And More Things Obama wants you to forget about …..
» State Department official suggests Libya warnings went to the top


Back in October, President Obama was bragging about the big comeback of General Motors.

When the American auto industry was on the brink of collapse, I said, let’s bet on America’s workers. And we got management and workers to come together, making cars better than ever, and now GM is No.1. again and the American auto industry has come roaring back.

That’s a valiant attempt to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ears, but it is a poke of exaggerations, half-truths and deceptions — yet it helped to secure Obama’s re-election.
The $80 billion auto bailout gave the UAW nearly $27 billion because GM could not shed its overly expensive labor contracts, something it could have done in a normal, legal bankruptcy. Obama bailed out the unions, not the auto industry
UAW workers at GM kept their pensions as well, but nonunion workers at GM spin-off Delphi lost theirs. This is a Chicago style bailout in which corporate cronies of the Obama White House pocket taxpayer “subsidies” and “green investments”, give executives a raise, and then go belly up. That’s what happens when the spenders think of revenue as “government money” which they are free to distribute in any way that gathers in future votes.

» The Thanks Swedes Get for Turning Over Their Country

Like ours, Sweden’s government has been importing large numbers of Somalians to displace the native population. No matter how much they are given, these welfare colonists can be counted on always to demand more

» The Fate of Those Who Make Themselves Helpless
» One More From Sweden

» How ‘Cliff’ Talks Hit the Wall

Mr. Boehner told the president, “I put $800 billion [in tax revenue] on the table. What do I get for that?”
“You get nothing,” the president said. “I get that for free.”

Obama repeatedly lost patience with the speaker as negotiations faltered. In an Oval Office meeting last week, he told Mr. Boehner that if the sides didn’t reach agreement, he would use his inaugural address and his State of the Union speech to tell the country the Republicans were at fault.

Amazing isn’t it? How quickly the guy switched from ‘civil toned’, bi-partisanship, get-alongness to flat out cocky bully.
And the second term hasn’t even begun yet.

» Is President Obama Really A Socialist? Let’s Analyze Obamanomics

Any normal person would say that such an income tax system is more than fair, or maybe that “the rich” pay more than their fair share. So why does President Obama keep saying that the rich do not pay their fair share? Is he ignorant? Wouldn’t somebody in his Administration whisper to him that he is peddling nonsense?

The answer is that to President Obama this is still not fair because he is a Marxist. To a Marxist, the fact that the top 1% earn more income than the bottom 99% is not fair, no matter how they earn it, fairly or not. So it is not fair unless more is taken from the top 1% until they are left only with what they “need,” as in any true communist system. Paying anything less is not their “fair” share. That is the only logical explanation of President Obama’s rhetoric, and it is 100% consistent with his own published background.

» Sad… Obama Fabricated His Life Story at Senator Inouye’s Funeral
» More video of the union thug who punched Steven Crowder
» Sunday Book Review: “The Communist,” a biography of Barack Obama’s mentor
» Are Young Black Men Rejecting Obama?

Today’s Gun-Control Fact
via Gun Control Fact-Sheet 2004 / From Gun Owners Foundation

Concealed carry laws help reduce crime

Do firearms carry laws result in chaos? No. Consider the case of Florida. A citizen in the Sunshine State is far more likely to be attacked by an alligator than to be assaulted by a concealed carry holder.

During the first fifteen years that the Florida law was in effect, alligator attacks outpaced the number of crimes committed by carry holders by a 229 to 155 margin.(34)

And even the 155 “crimes” committed by concealed carry permit holders are somewhat misleading as most of these infractions resulted from Floridians who accidentally carried their firearms into restricted areas, such as an airport.(35)

Concealed Carry v. Waiting Period Laws. In 1976, both Georgia and Wisconsin tried two different approaches to fighting crime. Georgia enacted legislation making it easier for citizens to carry guns for self-defense, while Wisconsin passed a law requiring a 48 hour waiting period before the purchase of a handgun. What resulted during the ensuing years? Georgia’s law served as a deterrent to criminals and helped drop its homicide rate by 21 percent. Wisconsin’s murder rate, however, rose 33 percent during the same period.(36)

34 From 1988 through 2002, there were 229 documented alligator attacks on human beings in Florida. This does not include any unreported encounters. Interview with Henry Cabbage, Media Relations for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Tallahassee, Florida (25 July 2003). By contrast, there were only 155 CCW holders who used their guns during the same period to commit a crime.
35 John R. Lott, Jr., “Right to carry would disprove horror stories,” Kansas City Star, (12 July 2003).
36 The comparison period between Georgia and Wisconsin is for the years 1976 to 1993. The enactment of the national Brady waiting period in 1994 ended the ability to extend, beyond 1993, any comparison of waiting periods and concealed carry laws in states such as Georgia and Wisconsin. Compare FBI, “Crime in the United States,” Uniform Crime Reports (1977):45, 53; and FBI, (1994):70, 78.

» “Rep. LaTourette: Tea Party “Chuckleheads” Are to Blame for ‘Plan B’ Tax Vote Being Canceled”

Just so we’re clear here, LaTourette is admitting it was TEA Party conservatives who prevented the Republican Party from surrendering to a Marxist class warfare paradigm in exchange for funding the government for what, two days?


» Hanoi John Kerry, Tax Evader

Obviously Secretary of State nominee Hanoi John Kerry is no patriot from the point of view of an American, given that he violated the Logan Act by secretly canoodling with representatives of North Vietnam, spewed horrific lies against our troops in both Vietnam and Iraq, supports turning over our money and sovereignty to hostile foreigners through the outrageous LOST treaty, described the USA as an “international pariah,” et cetera, ad nauseam. Turns out, he isn’t a patriot from the point of view of a moonbat either — because he doesn’t want to pay his “fair share”

» John “Traitor” Kerry Nominated by Obama

The dear leader is consistent: he routinely recruits and appoints radicals, losers, failures, tax cheats and traitors. His Christmas gift to the nation? He will nominate traitor John Kerry to be Secretary of State.

What’s next: Jane Fonda to head Health and Human Services, Bill Ayers for Secretary of Education, or Jon Corzine, Treasury Secretary?

» Americans to Get Creamed by Higher Milk Prices Unless Congress Acts

Milk prices could climb from an average of $3.65 a gallon to between $6 and $8 a gallon

…. the problem is not that Congress needs once again to create a new dairy policy to supplant the 1949 version; the problem is that Congress has a dairy policy in the first place. The federal government has no constitutional authority to establish minimum (or maximum) prices for any products, nor does it have the authority to subsidize producers who aren’t able to obtain the prices they would like on the open market. Furthermore, such policies in effect force taxpayers to give producers the money those producers could not obtain from them voluntarily, which is to say that they amount to legalized theft.

The solution, then, is not for Congress to pass yet another farm bill but for it to repeal the one from 1949, along with all previous ones still in force. Doing so would allow the market, rather than politicians and lobbyists, to decide what the proper prices of commodities should be, and consumers would no longer be held hostage to the whims of Washington.

» Just Freeze! EPA Says Burning Wood Is Bad, but so Is Natural Gas, Coal, Oil

The citizens have spoken; they have told the local, state, and federal officials that they would rather not freeze to death to satisfy federal bureaucrats who are in a fretting frenzy over theoretical deaths from soot. The citizens are on firm ground, as it turns out; the “science” the EPA has based its PM2.5 standards on is shoddy at best. Like the “science” cited by alarmists who are all in a twist over global warming, the studies providing the basis for PM2.5 are based on computer models and hidden data, not actual measurements and peer-reviewed analysis.

The EPA’s brazen overreach and flawed science have been flayed and exposed repeatedly …. but the Obama administration has marched on, determined to impose its “green” agenda on the nation.

Of course, even if the people of Fairbanks were to cease all burning of firewood, there is no guarantee that they would satisfy the EPA standards. There is no viable source of energy that meets EPA approval. The EPA is down on coal and oil, and even clean natural gas, which for years was the darling energy source of the greens — until the recent natural gas boom began making it cheap and abundant.

It’s not always about being green ….
» Recycle