August 31, 2011

August 31, 2011

  Short Post this morning.   » Thank God For Soldiers Like This » Sick… Idiot Ron Paul Again Blames US for 9-11 Attacks » Ron Paul’s 9/11 Theory vs. Verifiable Proof » Federal Spending In Simple Terms This obscene rate of spending will ultimately collapse our economy… as it has done in Greece and other countries that are [...]

Obama (THHO)

I am a Right Wing TeaBaggin’ Terrorist Racist, and any references I make to the current president can only be racially motivated … good or bad, evidently. My heart is not made of stone so the constant barrage of charges of racism is starting to weigh heavily upon my spirit. I must change my ways, [...]

August 30, 2011

August 30, 2011

  » Arming the Cartels Nobody wants to discuss it, but it appears there may have been other reasons to mount “Fast and Furious.” The ATF project may have been purposely aimed at arming certain Mexican drug elements in order to enable one chosen cartel operation to gain superiority over another. Why would the ATF have [...]

August 29, 2011

August 29, 2011

  » Exclusive: Santorum calls Paul’s view on 9/11 ‘shockingly misguided’ Santorum said Iran seeks to destabilize the region. Paul called Santorum’s words “propaganda.” Say Ron, does it matter that Iran agrees with Santorum? Does it matter when they proclaim loudly that they intend to spark global war? » “Not even the USDA knows what people are [...]

August 28, 2011

August 28, 2011

  » Another Reason We Love Michele Bachmann: She Speaks the Truth About the EPA, the Department of Education, the NLRB and the Border Everything Michele Bachmann says makes sense. We need a true conservative in office if we are to begin unwinding the catastrophic damage to the Constitution that the last 80 years of Democrat-Statist [...]

Date with Irene

August 26, 2011

I reckon I’ll be taking a couple days off from worrying about this website. We live in eastern North Carolina, right where they say Irene is gonna traverse. I don’t expect the next couple of days to be a whole lot of fun.

August 26, 2011

  » The Middle East Mess … when a million dissidents hit the streets in Spring 2009 in Iran, the president deliberately decried “meddling,” invoked the tired, half-century-old Mosaddeq talking point, and kept mum—worried that his much heralded “outreach” to Iran might be jeopardized … The Obama multicultural magic did not affect the theocracy, which laughed [...]

A-Dam KokesPink

August 25, 2011

  » Paid Russian Agent Adam Kokesh Off Air – Does “America’s Survival” Deserve Credit? Aw, ain’t that a shame? I thought Adam had finally found the place that suited him perfectly. I reckon he did too. After several years of marching and protesting with the anti-war, MoveOn, CodePoinker, Truther communists his qualifications for a job [...]

August 25, 2011

  » Political Messiahs in Tailored Suits Reasoned political involvement is about fixing toilets. When your toilet is broken, you look through the listings, find a plumber who seems to have a good track record, look at his rates and decide if you want to bring him in to do the job. Leader worship is about [...]

August 24, 2011

August 24, 2011

  I would like to know that you have read this article: » Ron Paul and the Neoliberal Reeducation Campaign Please read this article. Absorb it. Then know that it only scratches the surface. It took an earthquake to interrupt Obama’s golf game. Nothing else until now has. » An Earthquake Comes to Washington There was a [...]