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Unity Is Our Strength!

Unity Is Our Strength!

      EDL 2013: What’s Going On? We’re only in the first month of 2013 and already there are plenty of things happening within th...

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The War on Free Speech

The War on Free Speech

It’s very easy to accuse politicians or the media of waging a war on free speech when what you have to say is considered controversia...

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An Open Letter To A Prison Governor (2)

An Open Letter To A Prison Governor (2)

    EDL Leader Tommy Robinson, imprisoned on charges of using someone else’s passport to enter the United States, is to be moved to...

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EDL vs. The Muslim Council of Britain

EDL vs. The Muslim Council of Britain

Teeside University has recently announced that it is to open a research centre dedicated to the study of ‘far right extremism’. They’l...

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More Letters From Tommy

More Letters From Tommy

 Here are some letters from Tommy that we have kept private up until now. These letters will shed some light on his conditions in priso...

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Stop the Islamisation of Norway and Europe: Demonstration In Oslo

Stop the Islamisation of Norway and Europe: Demonstration In Oslo

This Saturday, December 15th, the Norwegian Defence League (NDL) joined forces with Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE) for a demonstrat...

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Tommy The Category "A" Prisoner

Tommy The Category "A" Prisoner

            Tommy Robinson The Category A Prisoner!   As you are all pretty aware Tommy does send us regular updates regarding ...

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Latest Update From Tommy

Latest Update From Tommy

As promised we will keep you updated about Tommys current situation, so without further ado here is Tommy in his own words.... ...

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Beware False Patriots

Beware False Patriots

Over many years there have been many different nationalist/patriotic movements that have formed, some with genuine intentions, however ...

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EDL Shotton Demonstration

EDL Shotton Demonstration

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers... “  Recep Tayyip Erdo...

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Another Charge Or Two

Another Charge Or Two

Tommy Robinson was visited by the police while in prison only for them to tell him  he will be charged for allegedly attacking Sayful...

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Cry Freedom! Vigils for Tommy Across Europe

Cry Freedom! Vigils for Tommy Across Europe

Europe marks ‘Free Tommy Day’November 24th 2012 may not ever be reported in any history book, but it will be remembered by many as day ...

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We Are All Tommy Robinson: The Wandsworth Demo

We Are All Tommy Robinson: The Wandsworth Demo

It was a miserable Saturday afternoon in November, but still they came. On 24th November around 200 EDL supporters gathered outside Wa...

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Andrew Norfolk: The Man Who Exposed The Truth About Muslim Grooming Gangs

Andrew Norfolk: The Man Who Exposed The Truth About Muslim Grooming Gangs

Andrew Norfolk is the Times reporter who first exposed the truth about the Muslim grooming gangs that have plagued the north of England...

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Kevin Carroll on Canadian Television

Kevin Carroll on Canadian Television

Yesterday EDL Leader Kevin Carroll appeared on Canada's Sun News to speaks about Tommy Robinson's continued detention and the problem...

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Another Update From Tommy

Another Update From Tommy

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting agains...

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Wandsworth Prison Demo - 24th November

Wandsworth Prison Demo - 24th November

Mark Saturday the 24th of November in your diaries.  It’s a special day.  It’s a day when all around Europe people will be congregati...

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Standing Up For Freedom Of Speech In Norwich

Standing Up For Freedom Of Speech In Norwich

Last weekend (10th November 2012) we were in Norwich. Norwich was chosen for a demonstration after the local council prevented a l...

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Wandsworth: Support For Tommy

Wandsworth: Support For Tommy

Last Saturday a small group of EDL supporters gathered outside Wandsworth prison to demonstrate against the continued detention of ED...

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Rotherham: A Thank You

Rotherham: A Thank You

EDL members in Rotherham deserve a thank you. For months they kept up sustained pressure on the local council and on the media in th...

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Free Tommy Robinson: What Can You Do?

Free Tommy Robinson: What Can You Do?

EDL Leader Robinson remains locked up in Wandsworth prison. He is grateful for all the messages of support he has received and for the...

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A Letter From Tommy

A Letter From Tommy

Since Tommy has been remanded in Wandsworth prison he has been put into segregation where "for his own safety" he is locked up for 23.5...

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The New Fascism: EDL Website Attacked

The New Fascism: EDL Website Attacked

The EDL website – is currently in the hands of a group of Islamist hackers that call themselves ZHC. The ...

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Wir Sind Alle Tommy Robinson

Wir Sind Alle Tommy Robinson

German Vigil for Tommy Robinson England; the seat of the Mother of all Parliaments, the home of democracy, the country that was once...

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Remembrance Day 2012

Remembrance Day 2012

Towards dawn on the 11th of November, 1918, a small delegation of German officials gathered in a railway carriage in the forest of Comp...

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Free Tommy Robinson Demo: 24th November 2012, Wandsworth

Free Tommy Robinson Demo: 24th November 2012, Wandsworth

EDL Leader Tommy Robinson is still being remanded in custody following allegations that he entered the USA illegally. Despite posing...

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Norwich Demonstration Details: 10th November 2012

Norwich Demonstration Details: 10th November 2012

Demonstration details at the bottom of this page We are going to Norwich! We’ve already explained some of the reasons, but further q...

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Tommy Robinson Defence Fund - A Thank You

Tommy Robinson Defence Fund - A Thank You

  We would like to thank everyone who has donated to Tommy's Defence fund. This is a tremendous boost for Tommy as he is being denie...

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Walthamstow: Freedom Is In Peril

Walthamstow: Freedom Is In Peril

When fundamental freedoms are under threat, it becomes all the more important to exercise those freedoms - to demonstrate their value a...

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Leafleters Wanted – Help us to Get Kevin Carroll Elected!

Leafleters Wanted – Help us to Get Kevin Carroll Elected!

More and more these days we see police acting like social workers instead of targeting the muggers, drug dealers and other criminals wh...

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A Statement From Kev Carroll

A Statement From Kev Carroll

During my time of temporary detention for allegedly "conspiring to cause a public nuisance" which has caused me much stress and incon...

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We Are Angry And Outraged!

We Are Angry And Outraged!

We're not angry, we're very disappointed... The recent arrest of EDL Leader Tommy Robinson really stinks. It stinks because it has ...

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Tommy On Remand

Tommy On Remand

Tommy Robinson On Remand   Tommy Robinson has been remanded in prison for the alleged crime of entering America illegally, so extra...

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Returning To Walthamstow

Returning To Walthamstow

The EDL will travel to Walthamstow more determined than ever before. Last time we tried to exercise our right to freedom of speech, ...

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Not Wanted In Norwich?

Not Wanted In Norwich?

If‭ ‬the‭ ‬Church‭ ‬won‭’‬t‭ ‬stand‭ ‬up‭ ‬to‭ ‬bullying‭ ‬and‭ ‬strongarm‭ ‬tactics‭ ‬of‭ ‬the‭ ‬labourite‭ ‬council‭ ‬of‭ ‬Norwich‭...

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The Riverine Centre - Mega-Mosque for East London

The Riverine Centre - Mega-Mosque for East London

Mega Mosque‭!! ‬Biggest religious building in Britain‭!! ‬Largest mosque in Europe‭!! ‬40,000‭ ‬visitors‭!! ‬Potential to accommodate...

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The Troubling Rise Of Googlephobia

The Troubling Rise Of Googlephobia

Wherever prejudice rears its ugly head decent people must be willing to stand up and speak out against it. Whenever ignorance takes ho...

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Tommy Resigns From British Freedom

Tommy Resigns From British Freedom

A statement from Tommy explaining his decision.... Today I have made a decision to resign from the British Freedom Party, it was a d...

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Tommy Speaks In Walsall

Tommy Speaks In Walsall

Tommy Robinson talks about splinter groups and the BNP's Nick Griffin...

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Protecting Our Children

Protecting Our Children

This is an urgent appeal from Tommy himself.....   We the English Defence League, have consistently demonstrated against a very per...

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Muslim Debate Initiative Challenge to the EDL

Muslim Debate Initiative Challenge to the EDL

The kindly folks at the Muslim Debate Initiative had arranged an open debate with Tommy Robinson, the leader of the English Defence L...

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Returning To Rochdale

Returning To Rochdale

Rochdale borough safeguarding children board has released a report into how social services ‘missed opportunities’ to prevent the sys...

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Why We Are Going to Walsall

Why We Are Going to Walsall

This month we will be demonstrating in Walsall.‭ ‬Why Walsall‭? ‬That‭’‬s a good question.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬Walsall is not noted for be...

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The Muslim World Should Get Used To Being Offended

The Muslim World Should Get Used To Being Offended

Opinion Piece For some, the memory of how the Muslim world responded to a Danish newspaper’s decision to print cartoons of the proph...

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Tommy Is In Florence

Tommy Is In Florence

Tommy is currently in Florence attending a conference with likeminded counter jihadists from across the world. This event specific...

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Tommy & Kev At The SION Congress In New York

Tommy & Kev At The SION Congress In New York

 EDL Leaders Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll have been in New York, attending the Stop Islamization of Nations (SION) Congress event h...

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Update From Tommy

Update From Tommy

Tommy Robinson has had word that many Islamist Muslims are planning to hold a demonstration outside the US Embassy tomorrow after mor...

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Kevin Carroll For Police Commissioner

Kevin Carroll For Police Commissioner

Look what's today appeared on the BBC website... a guide to the candidates standing for the position of Bedfordshire Police and Crime...

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