Links for May 28, 2009

May 28, 2009

  » More evidence emerges that Chrysler Dealer closings was politically motivated   » ACORN internal memo blows cover off its claims of “non-partisan” status ACORN plotted a national campaign to benefit a Democrat Party takeover of Congress, explicitly naming the Democrats as beneficiaries of their “largesse”. The author of this piece provides the method by which [...]

Hay Yaw! Let’s COEXIST!

May 19, 2009

Or, Why can’t we all just get along? You’ve seen this bumper sticker before, right? It’s usually accompanied by various other moonbat/liberal stickers. and comes in a variety of different versions A noble concept. The idea that all religions (and science) can co-exist. Peace. Tolerance. Unicorns and fairies. Of course, there is a major setback [...]