May 31, 2011

May 31, 2011

  » Thank Speaker Boehner for Blocking Obama Recess Appointments On Friday, the Examiner reported that Speaker Boehner did not pass a resolution giving the Senate permission to adjourn. Therefore, as he did in 2007, Harry Reid will convene pro-forma sessions today, on Tuesday May 31, and on Friday June 3rd, in order to block his [...]

May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011

  » First Amendment Trumps Sharia in Dearborn A rare and striking vindication of American free speech principles came this week, setting back those American Muslims who believe that in their own enclaves, sharia-based restrictions on religious freedom should exist. …. once an area has a Muslim majority it is assumed by Muslims that Islamic Law [...]

May 29, 2011

May 29, 2011

  » The Marxian Worm Our own civilization is a sort of tree, with its roots in property rights and the rule of law, and its branches lifting the rarefied heights of science, technology, arts, and literature. For the last forty years in the U.S. — longer in other places – a worm has been gnawing [...]

May 28, 2011

May 28, 2011

  a slam-dunk case for resignation » Barney’s Benefits How is it that a GOP politico can get drummed out of the Senate for bathroom acts while Rep. Barney Frank merits not even a flicker of censure for economically disastrous cronyism? When will the double standard end? …. Two years after politically motivated mortgage lending triggered [...]

May 27, 2011

May 27, 2011

  » Failed State Colonization – The Greatest Threat of Our Time Liberal immigration advocates cheer the destruction of our worthless culture as they look forward to a world state without borders. But there will be no world state without borders because the only people who believe in such a thing are wiping themselves out by [...]

May 26, 2011

May 26, 2011

  » My man calls ‘em out Ignore the bought-and-paid-for hacks, Herman, and go right around ‘em. Don’t waste a minute on them, except to insult and mock them. I guarantee you: the people see you uncork a few choice slams wherein you just tell the plain truth about ‘em, and they’ll LOVE you for it. [...]

Military Appreciation Day : Year 6

May 25, 2011

  I like happy troops. Don’t you? But what makes a Soldier happy? … enough to do a little jig. What makes a Marine smile? It could be free food. Lots of free food and drink. Maybe a line up of free live music. Perhaps what makes them happy is their wives and kids having [...]

May 25, 2011

  Ex-NAACP President calls Al Sharpton a “Welfare Pimp”, blasts liberals as slave masters of black communities » How the Left Went Wrong on Islam The awkward fusion of Islam and Communism did not last long, but it had an enduring impact on the left’s view of Islam. It transformed Islam in the eyes of many [...]

May 24, 2011

May 24, 2011

  » Three Cheers for Terroristine After almost two decades as an autonomous territory, spreading death and destruction, it’s time for Terroristine to finally be recognized as an independent state. With contiguous borders cutting Israel in half. It is the only hope for peace in the region. Would Kaddafi or Assad be killing protesters in the [...]

May 22, 2011

May 22, 2011

  End of the World? Yesterday at 6P.M. EST I was eating a hamburger. By 6:30 I was full. That’s all I have to say. » End of the World Of course it’s ridiculous when Harold Camping predicted that the world will be over today, but not when Al Gore predicted that the North Pole would [...]