The Real Objective: Power

June 26, 2009

Since the 2006 take-over of Congress by the Dhimmicrats, and more so since the 2008 election, legislation has been introduced and processed through procedures that can best be described as misdirection: a larger movement conceals a smaller movement. It has been obvious since January that the (D) congress has used public attention on one issue [...]


June 19, 2009

Military Appreciation Day Year 4 Military Appreciation Day is an event organized by volunteers to provide a day of fishing for our Active Duty Military, Guard and Reservists. The event also includes activities for their families and a southern style cookout. The M.A.D. organization and their annual events honoring our troops was started 4 years [...]

June 3 Tea Party in Raleigh

June 4, 2009

Went to a Tea Party Guess who I met? It’s Joe. the Plumber.