Thugs emboldened by the thugocracy currently in power

September 29, 2010

An Iraq Vet was assaulted at an Ohio campaign rally. According to the comments following the story, this man has been spotted committing similar crimes at other locations. For the readers in Ohio, help us out. See if you recognize this thug (probably union-speculation, on my part)

September 28, 2010

September 28, 2010

» US House Puts Oceans, Coasts Under UN: Senate Vote will Seal the Deal HR 3534 is a thinly disguised permanent roadblock to American energy which drives American companies out of the Gulf, delays future drilling, increases dependency on foreign oil, implements climate change legislation and youth education programs; but most important, it mandates membership in [...]

September 26, 2010

September 26, 2010

Did you notice the postings for the last few days were coming from someone other than me? I, and my bride, spent a few days with me Mom. In our absence, this goofy website was kept running by posting by our buddy TMedlin. Thanks, T; and just because I’m back don’t mean you have to [...]

September 25, 2010

September 25, 2010

Budget cutting may eliminate toilet paper in California state parks? Won’t bother Sheryl (just use one piece of toilet paper) Crow… ********** American Hero: Coates Negates a Year of Justice Department Spin on New Black Panther Case Obama can’t throw Holder under the bus soon enough, for some of us. ********** Our friend over at [...]

September 24, 2010

September 24, 2010

ObamaCare is a rabid dog. Someone needs to kill it. Another day, another vindictive, ego-driven RINO considers a write-in campaign. awwwww…Billy-boy Ayers had a bad day. Let’s hope he doesn’t remember how to build bombs. A liberal hissy-fit could go BOOM! “Senator” Al Franken is bad enough, now the House Judiciary Committee wants in on [...]

Tribute and Challenge for Mama Grizzlies

September 23, 2010

First, the tribute: Citizens United has a new DVD out. “Fire From the Heartland” is about the conservative movement, the role women played in it, and why so many women have emerged as leaders in the Tea Party Movement. Who is Citizens United? They are probably best known for their victory in the SCOTUS where [...]

September 23, 2010

» Germany Will Become Islamic State, Says Chancellor Merkel Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germans have failed to grasp how Muslim immigration has transformed their country … The Chancellor’s remarks represent the first official acknowledgement that Germany, like other European countries, is destined to become a stronghold of Islam. She has admitted that the country will [...]

September 22, 2010

September 22, 2010

» Father Driven To Pick Through His Son’s Remains » Obama’s Washington Animal Farm The president is not interested in nuances. He does not care that 40 percent of Americans pay no income taxes, or that the top 1 percent of earners pay 40 percent of aggregate collected income-tax revenue. Yet many of the people in these [...]

September 21, 2010

September 21, 2010

» Andrew Breitbart Forces President Obama’s Protesters to Fold Up Shop … when Andrew Breitbart arrived at the Sears Centre, he was met with an angry mob of protesters who were calling for an ‘end to hate’ while also hurling expletives and homophobic slurs toward the targets of their enmity. … So, who organized and bussed [...]

and I Quote … (September 20, 2010)

September 20, 2010

This “unelectable” business always struck me as particularly annoying, given the somewhat less than stellar record of polls and prognosticators in picking election winners — particularly in as volatile and unpredictable an era as the one we’re smack in the middle of now. If miserable, rigid-ideologue hacks like Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi, out and [...]