Obama’s BFF: ‘Jews Descended From Apes And Pigs’

Obama was beside himself with glee when long-time American and Israeli ally Hosni Mubarak stepped down as President of Egypt and Muslim Brotherhood hack Mohammed Morsi stepped into his shoes. This is the same Muslim Brotherhood that has vowed to … [Continue to Post]

Is Obama Black Enough To Call Out Black Parents Like Cosby Did?

The fallout from the Connecticut school shooting and the ludicrous concept that reinstating the so-called assault weapons ban would stop future incidents has occupied this column for the past two weeks. As I said last week, I hate writing about the … [Continue to Post]

MN. Dem Elections Manager Hides 2012 Election Records To Cover Up Voter Fraud

In this January 3rd, 2013 edition of the Minnesota Majority Report, Sue Jeffers and Dan McGrath discuss Ramsey County Election Manager Joe Mansky's recent refusal to provide public access to 2012 election records, even though he has made them … [Continue to Post]

An American Patriot Reveals Diane Feinstein To Be An Un-American Hypocrite

Editor's note: this letter is from Marine Corporal Joshua Boston to California Senator Diane Feinstein concerning her proposed “assault weapons” ban. In just 200 words, Corporal Boston has captured both the essence of our nation’s existence and … [Continue to Post]

Biden To Newly Sworn In Female Senator: ‘Spread Your Legs, You’re Going To Be Frisked’

Geez, borderline sexual harassment from someone in the White House? … [Continue to Post]

Top Stories

Obama’s BFF: ‘Jews Descended From Apes And Pigs’

Obama was beside himself with glee when long-time American and Israeli ally Hosni Mubarak stepped down as President of Egypt and Muslim Brotherhood hack Mohammed Morsi stepped into his shoes. This is the same Muslim Brotherhood that has vowed to … [Read More...]

Is Obama Black Enough To Call Out Black Parents Like Cosby Did?

The fallout from the Connecticut school shooting and the ludicrous concept that reinstating the so-called assault weapons ban would stop future incidents has occupied this column for the past two weeks. As I said last week, I hate writing about the … [Read More...]

MN. Dem Elections Manager Hides 2012 Election Records To Cover Up Voter Fraud

In this January 3rd, 2013 edition of the Minnesota Majority Report, Sue Jeffers and Dan McGrath discuss Ramsey County Election Manager Joe Mansky's recent refusal to provide public access to 2012 election records, even though he has made them … [Read More...]

An American Patriot Reveals Diane Feinstein To Be An Un-American Hypocrite

Editor's note: this letter is from Marine Corporal Joshua Boston to California Senator Diane Feinstein concerning her proposed “assault weapons” ban. In just 200 words, Corporal Boston has captured both the essence of our nation’s existence and … [Read More...]

Biden To Newly Sworn In Female Senator: ‘Spread Your Legs, You’re Going To Be Frisked’

Geez, borderline sexual harassment from someone in the White House? … [Read More...]

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Is Obama Black Enough To Call Out Black Parents Like Cosby Did?

The fallout from the Connecticut school shooting and the ludicrous concept that reinstating the so-called assault weapons ban would stop future incidents has occupied this column for the past two … [Read More...]

An American Patriot Reveals Diane Feinstein To Be An Un-American Hypocrite

Editor's note: this letter is from Marine Corporal Joshua Boston to California Senator Diane Feinstein concerning her proposed “assault weapons” ban. In just 200 words, Corporal Boston has … [Read More...]

Our Government Arms Itself While Disarming The American People!

As Florida becomes the first state to register one million concealed carry permits and the Illinois’ legislature proposes the nation's most draconian gun regulations, the US government is quietly … [Read More...]

House Speaker Boehner Votes For Obama’s Marxism

  Mostly with Democratic votes, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives on Tuesday voted for what the Obama Administration said was “the most progressive income tax code in … [Read More...]

Photo Credit Curt (Creative Commons) Twinkie Package

The Death Of The Twinkie In Obama’s America

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been getting those Hostess powdered sugar donuts and a coffee on my way to work, stopping at the gas station and filling the tank up if if was on empty. As I was … [Read More...]

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Photo credit: Velo Steve (Creative Commons)

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