Music of the Rott

Fresh Meat

Mike M In Memorium

Mike McPhee was laid to rest today in Willamette National Cemetery in Portland Oregon. To us here at the Rott he was a long time LC and a prolific commenter who had a common sense insight, high intellect, and a straight forward way of making his point known. To me personally he was a dear online friend whose advice, experience, and wisdom that he so willingly shared  have made me a better person, in every way. To others he was a comrade in arms who had faced the same relentless enemy in Vietnam and had gone on to become steadfast and loyal friends. But most of all, to his family he was a beloved husband and father who instilled in his two sons the same work ethic, sense of duty, and love of country that he held so dear.

Mike was a grunt who served with Golf company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines in the Republic of Vietnam in 1966-67, during which time he fought at Razorback Ridge and the Rockpile, names familiar to those who were there and those of us who wished to carry on the legacy of what they did there. Returning to CONUS in February 1967 he became a troop handler at Infantry Training Regiment Regiment, Camp Pendleton, preparing Marines not much younger then he was for the rigors of combat. He also  was a sea service Marine, finishing his hitch in the Corps as a member of the Marine Detachment aboard the USS Hornet. After the Corps he was a police officer with the Portland P.D., retiring after 26 years in 1997 as a detective.

This lifetime of service was indicative of the man that Mike was. He cared deeply for others, and was always willing to lend a hand or a few words of valuable advice. I learned a great deal from Mike, but mostly that the reason we, Marines, cops, sheepdogs, do what we do is out of not only a sense of duty, but of love. Not the romantic, poetic love of a sonnet, but the true, deeper love of your fellow fellow man that God commands of us.

Mike was also the stereotypically humble Marine. He never bragged about his own achievements or exploits. In fact it was only yesterday that I learned from his close friend Mike R, who had served with him aboard the Hornet, that he had received the Purple Heart during Vietnam. It just wasn’t the sort of thing that Mike would voluntarily tell about himself. That humility was evident in a conversation we had when my son Crumb Crunchie went downrange. Mike expressed to me his pride and admiration for “Boot” and his fellow Marines. When I told him that it was we, mine and Crumb’s generation of Marines, who held him and his generation in awe for what they had done, he countered by saying that he had never stormed a beach under concentrated enemy fire the way the WWII Marines had, or charged through a wheat field swept by German machine guns like at Belleau Wood. He refused to accept my feeble attempt at paying him the honor he deserved, and instead deflected it to those he felt were truly deserving of it. He even tried to tell me that it was my generation of Marines who deserved praise for lifting the stigma off of the military. My and my sons service pale in comparison to his, but by praising those who followed him he not only passed the torch, he rekindled it.

I think that it was that same humility that led him to keeping his cancer a secret to all but his family. He was a sheepdog, a warrior who served and sacrificed in silence, neither seeking nor accepting accolades he had earned, preferring to give to others instead, whether they needed it more than he did or not. When he was fighting cancer he fought it the way he had lived all of his life, without burdening others.

Mike was an inspiration to me, setting the standard that I strive to meet. I am a better man for having known him, and am honored that he called me a friend.

Mike R recently told me that he hopes that Mike is the Sergeant of the Guard when it comes his own time to check in with St. Pete, he’ll have a better chance of getting in. I hope so too, but we had better be squared away when we do.

Requiest In Pace and Semper Fidelis Mike, you are going to be sorely missed my friend.


of Blankets and Miscalculations

Lately I’ve been re-reading some history, the Decline and Fall the Roman Empire by Gibbon, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by Shirer and A World at Arms by Keegan and I’ve noticed some things.  Man is a clinger, bitter or not.  Man clings to beliefs that comfort him and give him solace in times of tribulations whereat be the Bible, The Torah, family, booze, fire, drugs, sex, a quilt, bed, Paganism, guns or whatever.  When man is confronted by what he fears or perceives as fear i.e. the unknown he retreats to the things that give him peace and solace.  He collapses upon himself into the comfort of what he knows and believes (even if he has forgotten or eschewed).

What I’ve deduced (yeah fancy shit words) is that gun bans, confiscations or whatever have not happened during times of tribulations but during times of prosperity and peace.  That’s only when they will they work.  Two examples, when Hitler came to power he promised that Germany would be prosperous, healthy and would avenge the humiliation of the Versailles Treaty and he did just that.  Hitler was a monster beyond all compare but he was what others weren’t…a consummate, savvy politician and he knew what the people wanted and he delivered it to them.  During the ’30s Germany prospered where other nations were drowning, including the United States.  In return all he asked was for a little obedience, order and certain other things that were relatively minor (unless you were a Jew) and the people happily complied.  One of those things was gun registration and eventually confiscation. The people thought “Hey, life is good, I’m making money, prices are low so is crime and Germany is once a power player on the world stage what do I need a gun for?”  Germans weren’t afraid of the unknown.

The second?  The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.  Same thing.  Life was good, inflation was low, unemployment was low, GDP was up, the Berlin Wall was dust, the Soviet Union was history and the good times were rolling on Wall Street and Main Street.  You want to take some guns?  Ok, crime is down so we don’t need’em so go ahead, take’em.  Americans weren’t afraid of the unknown so they took them, but we’re going to put a time limit on it…just in case.

Think of comfort and protection in a simpler way.  A child and his/her blanket.  An inanimate object, a blanket, that gives protection and comfort to a child.  Take one away and see what happens.  We, as adults, know it doesn’t do anything for protection but to a child a blanket is life itself.  It’s a constant, an anchor in a world that is constantly changing and that they don’t understand and are, consequently, frightened of.  The blanket gives comfort and security in an otherwise terrifying world.

So do guns but on a higher intellectual plane but the logic is the same.

And this is where the Socialists have miscalculated but no less dangerous but more.  They think guns are like blankets to a child.  Yes that simple, remember, again we’re not dealing with MENSA members here.  Yes, we’ll take them away and they’ll scream and cry but eventually they will accept it like they always do.  Again, Man finds comfort in what he thinks will protect and serve him…i.e. guns…or swords, battleaxes, rocks or fire and he’ll use those things to protect his life, no different than a caveman.  As I said before people are scared right now and Man who is scared runs to what he knows best to protect him and won’t give it up without a fight.

Man will not give up what he perceives will protect him willingly and you’ll take it only at determinate to your own life…just ask a child.

Happy New Year!

Mike M Funeral Arrangements Update

I’ve been advised that Mike M’s funeral will be held Thursday January 3rd. If there are any Rotties in the Portland area that would like to pay their respects please email me and I will provide you the location and time.

In lieu of flowers Mike’s wife has requested that donations be made to the Wounded Warriors Project in his honor.

I’ve been thinking over the past days about what an impact Mike had on me, and on so many others, both directly and indirectly. I’m still at a loss for the proper words to do him the honor he deserves, and for that I apologize; to you, and to his family.

Maybe y’all can help me out a little. Words from Mike’s friends here would be a fitting tribute I think.

More Kibble

You bet your ignorant syphilitic infected brain there will be

[Slightly edited for readability's sake only. No content changed - I dare not; it's that effing good. -Venomous] Resistance huh? ‘Will there be resistance? Absolutely there will be resistance,’ he said. Mother Fucker, you have absolutely have no fucking idea of the Hell you will unleash.  There will be no compromise, bargaining or giving on

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Meanwhile, Peace Reigns Supreme in Gun Free Chicago

Or not, as the case might be. (h/t Larwyn’s Linx) Chicago reached “a tragic number” today, according to Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy: Its homicide total for the year hit 500, the highest annual total since 2008. How can that be? Not only are criminals not allowed to own guns in Chicago, nobody else is either.

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Bitch, PLEASE!

So this is what Dianne “Hitler” Feinschwein has been cooking up while dancing in the blood of Connecticut kindergarteners (thanks, LC Ginghis, for letting us know). No, it’s not “just” a re-enactment of the utterly ineffectual and even more utterly un-Constitutional “scary weapons ban”, it goes so, so much further.

She survived Hitler and wants to warn America

Those that don’t learn from history are condemed to repeat it…Read it all “Then we lost religious education for kids Poster promoting “Hitler Youth” “Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school.. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938),

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God’s Speed Brother

LC Rurik just called me and it is with an indescribable sadness that I must tell you that our beloved Mike M has left this world and taken his post in Heaven. Unknown to me he had been diagnosed with an extremely aggressive lung cancer in August. On Friday he was told that it had

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We LOL’ed

That is to say, it would be a whole lot funnier if it weren’t TRUE. Thatisall.

Older Chewing Bones

These are topics that are older and still have a little flavor left in them.

December 26th, 2012
Will Nobody Stop Those Crazed, Gun Nut Scofflaws? (UPDATED)

Comments 31 Comments »

December 24th, 2012
Merry Christmas

Comments 36 Comments »

December 23rd, 2012
Could Weepy Boner Be On His Way Out?

Comments 27 Comments »

December 22nd, 2012
What? We’re Still Here? Open Thread

Comments 32 Comments »

December 21st, 2012
Aurora, Connecticut..and video games

Comments 17 Comments »

December 20th, 2012
Get Well, Hillary

Comments 29 Comments »