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Jan 04 2013

It’s Free Swipe Yo EBT II

Obama’s first term was such a big hit, the public demanded a sequel. The same goes for the rap video that perfectly summarizes the fundamental transformation formerly known as Hope & Change. WARNING — Obamunist America is characterized by excessive vulgarity:

On a tip from Nathaniel M.

Jan 04 2013

Tea Party and Obama in Cahoots

Ever wonder why in contrast to the long list of rapes, assaults, and even murders that occurred at Occupy infestations, there was never a single arrest at a Tea Party? It’s because the Tea Partiers, by calling for smaller government, were advancing the Obamunist establishment’s socialist agenda:

No wonder progressives are so big on legalizing marijuana, even as they screech for authoritarian restrictions in every other area. People aren’t naturally born dumb enough to accept moonbattery at face value; sometimes pharmaceutical assistance is required.

On a tip from Antisocialist.

Jan 04 2013

If the Journal News Were on the Side of the Good Guys

What if Gannett’s maleficent Journal News tried to do something constructive for a change? Instead of attempting to intimidate law-abiding gun owners with interactive maps that reveal their names and addresses, they might publish a map like this:


Few crimes are committed with legally acquired firearms, which are far more likely to be used to prevent crimes. The Democrat–media complex can’t help but know this. Liberals’ intentions in going into overdrive to exploit Sandy Hook are not benevolent.

Graphic compliments of Katya Kakhov.

Jan 04 2013

Moonbats Aren’t Rolling Out Red Carpet for Free Staters in New Hampshire

Some patriots are hoping to establish a pro-liberty colony in New Hampshire, the way moonbats turned neighboring Vermont (formerly uniformly Republican) into a hippy haven that now exports hard left screwballs like Senators Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders. Resident liberals are not pleased:

In the opinion of this Democrat, Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing today. There is, legally, nothing we can do to prevent them from moving here to take over the state, which is their openly stated goal. In this country you can move anywhere you choose and they have that same right. What we can do is to make the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave. One way is to pass measures that will restrict the “freedoms” that they think they will find here.

If the sneer quotes are meant to mask the characteristic liberal contempt for individual liberty, they fail.

Fortunately, other residents of New Hampshire are likely to be more welcoming of people who intend to live up to the state’s “Live Free or Die” motto.

Bernie Sanders represents what moonbat colonists made of Vermont.

On a tip from Henry B.

Jan 04 2013

A Marine Responds to Feinstein

One of the heroes who has put his life on the line to defend the freedoms the government–media complex would like to snuff out responds to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the gun-toting author of opportunistic antigun legislation who has admitted to an ultimate objective of banning all firearms:

Senator Dianne Feinstein,

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.

I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.

I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.

I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.

We, the people, deserve better than you.

Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Boston
United States Marine Corps

Now that the most committed enemies of the liberties that define America operate from within its borders, defending this country is no longer primarily a job for the military. If the USA is to survive intact, everyday citizens must show the same courage and dedication people like Boston have displayed on our behalf for generations. It won’t be easy, but we owe it to them, to ourselves, to our country, and to history to live up to the example they have set by finding effective ways to resist Obama’s promised fundamental transformation of America.

If we could best Hitler, we can best them.

On tips from Curtis F, Bob Roberts, Son of Taz, and Don M.

Jan 04 2013

Obama Makes Ten Most Corrupt Politicians List

Congratulations to the Manchurian Moonbat. Although he has won other awards, including even the Nobel Peace Prize, his inclusion among Judicial Watch’s Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians for 2012 is special, because he actually earned it — in part with the following:

• Illegal recess appointments: Perhaps former Attorney General Ed Meese and Todd Graziano summed it up best in their January 5, 2012, Washington Post guest commentary: “President Obama’s attempt to unilaterally appoint three people to seats on the National Labor Relations Board and Richard Cordray to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (after the Senate blocked action on his nomination) is more than an unconstitutional attempt to circumvent the Senate’s advice-and-consent role. It is a breathtaking violation of the separation of powers and the duty of comity that the executive owes to Congress.”

• Illegal immigration: In mid-June, Obama announced that by executive decree — and in apparent violation of his oath of office — his administration would stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. According to The AP, “the policy change … bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act, a long-sought but never enacted plan …” Lest anyone doubt that Obama knew he was overriding the law of the land, in March, 2011, he said, “There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply, through executive order, ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President.”

• Unprecedented secrecy: Judicial Watch has had to file almost 1,000 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and nearly 100 lawsuits against the Obama administration on issues ranging from Obamacare to the continued funding of the criminal ACORN network; from tracking Wall Street bailout money to the unconstitutional use of czars; to White House visitor logs; to the attacks on the integrity of our nation’s elections. This president touts transparency but condones law-breaking of open records laws by his administration.

• Unconstitutional czars: As far back as 2009, Reuters reported, “Name a top issue and President Barack Obama has probably got a ‘czar responsible for tackling it.” By the time the Judicial Watch Special Report President Obama’s Czars was published in October 2011, the number of Obama czars had skyrocketed to 45. Largely unconfirmed by and unaccountable to the Senate, many of Obama’s czars are often outside the reach of FOIA. Some of these czars exercise unprecedented and unconstitutional control over major aspects of government policy and programs. And a number of the czars have been linked to scandals, thefts and kickbacks, flagrant and offensive statements, conflicts of interest, and radical leftist political ideologies and policies.

• Use of Executive Privilege to protect Eric Holder: On June 20, 2012, Barack Obama acquiesced to a plea from Attorney General Eric Holder and asserted “executive privilege” to protect the Attorney General from being prosecuted for failing to provide Congress with Fast and Furious documents. On March 22, 2011, when asked by a Univision TV if he had been informed of the Holder gunrunning program, Obama bluntly stated, “Absolutely not. This is a pretty big government, the United States government. I’ve got a lot of moving parts.” So, as Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Fox News, “They can’t have it both ways. If the President was not personally involved, executive privilege does not apply.” To this day, President Obama refuses to detail the specific documents he is withholding from Congress.

That isn’t all.

The list could go on ad infinitum — with Benghazigate, bailouts, abusing the perks of office for luxury vacations for his family, and, of course, his personal involvement in the Solyndra scandal. But the bottom line is this: The federal government under Barack Obama is off the rails and out of control. And now, with Obama having been given the “flexibility” of a second term, it can only be expected to get worse.

It will get worse, all right — especially considering that Boo-Hoo Boehner’s freshly secured position as Speaker of the House renders the GOP ineffectual as a resistance party.

But in his 2012 campaign, conducted largely on programs of the caliber of Pimp With a Limp and the still less reputable David Letterman, Obama never told us he would start living up to his office. His only promise was to loot achievers on behalf of parasites. Admittedly, he has delivered.

Voting to reelect Obama was the most profoundly contemptible act an American could perform. A good many of us deserve what is coming.


On a tip from IslandLifer.

Jan 04 2013

Coming Next: Blunt Instrument Ban?

Any around the house honey-do’s that require driving nails should be attended to promptly, because after our nanny state overlords have confiscated firearms, their next target may be hammers. It would make more sense than banning “assault weapons,” in light of Big Government’s own numbers:

According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle. …

In 2005, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 445, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 605. In 2006, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 438, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 618. …in 2011, there was 323 murders committed with a rifle but 496 murders committed with hammers and clubs.

After they have banned both rifles and blunt objects, next will come chopping off our hands, which clearly pose a threat to public safety:

According to the FBI, nearly twice as many people are killed by hands and fists each year than are killed by murderers who use rifles.

It would make sense to start by cutting off our hands, because then we would be unable to cause mayhem with either blunt objects or rifles. But that would be too efficient to make sense to the government.

Fortunately our liberal overlords are not compelled by their own logic to ban hands or hammers, because our safety is not their concern. If it were, they would want as many of us armed as possible. For example, even CBS confirms that as gun sales in California shoot through the stratosphere due to fear of our rogue government, gun casualties have been dropping correspondingly:

Gun sales in California are booming. More than 600,000 were sold in 2011. However by last year, sales had jumped to 817,000. That’s an increase of 36 percent. …

Yet despite the rise in gun sales in California, there has not been a corresponding rise in gun deaths or gun injuries. Hospitalizations for gun injuries have actually dropped nearly 28 percent and gun deaths by 15 percent.

Only a liberal would find this surprising.

Odds are good that murder by hammer or fist is also going down, as the law-abiding become better able to defend themselves.

There is always something else to ban.

On tips from Bob Roberts, Ghost of FA Hayek, hiram, and G. Fox.

Jan 04 2013

The Fiscal Cliff Farce Visualized

The ballyhooed fiscal cliff crisis predictably turned out to be a minor bump in the road to total economic ruin. Our profligate rulers have put us $16.4 TRILLION in debt. This is hardly going to help:


The Cloward-Piven plan is working.

On a tip from Bergbikr.

Jan 03 2013

Open Thread


Compliments of Zappatrust.

Jan 03 2013

Dianne Feinstein Scales the Highest Peak of Hypocrisy

Dianne Feinstein is the author of opportunistic legislation that would exploit Sandy Hook to assault our constitutional right to bear arms. Consistent with the strategy liberals have been using for decades to impose authoritarian collectivism, the attack is incremental in nature. However, we have heard her confirm that once Democrats have the leverage, they will seize all firearms. Now let’s listen to her explain why she herself has carried one:

Only the pathologically clueless could take these people at face value.

Via I’m 41! on a tip from Bill T.

Jan 03 2013

Chris Christie Loses Control of His Gluttony for Other People’s Money

Never stand between a glutton and a plate heaped high with greasy pork, or you might have to listen to sanctimonious sniveling like this:

Even as the nation staggers toward bankruptcy under the crushing weight of government spending, Christie demands passage of $60.4 BILLION “Sandy Relief” package that consists largely of frivolous pork:

• $150 million for fisheries as far away from the storm’s path as Alaska.

• $125 million for the Department of Agriculture’s Emergency Watershed Protection program, which helps restore watersheds damaged by wildfires and drought.

• $20 million for a nationwide Water Resources Priorities Study.

• $15 million for NASA facilities, though NASA itself has called its damage from the hurricane ‘minimal.’

• $50 million in subsidies for tree planting on private properties.

• $336 million for taxpayer-supported AMTRAK without any detailed plan for how the money will be spent.

• $5.3 billion for the Army Corps of Engineers — more than the Corps’ annual budget — with no statement of priorities about how to spend the money.

• $12.9 billion for future disaster mitigation activities and studies, without identifying a single way to pay for it.

These days every tragedy is vastly magnified by bureaucrats exploiting it to steal our money and/or quash our liberties.

rinos on parade

On tips from Ghost of FA Hayek.

Jan 03 2013

Next: Opening the Immigration Floodgates, Confiscating Guns

Disarmed and hopelessly outnumbered in what was once our own country — that’s how liberals want Americans. Then our fate will be completely in their hands. Whether we toil as tax slaves or at gunpoint in labor camps as in other progressive utopias will be completely at the discretion of our mastermind rulers. Obama need push through only two more initiatives:

President Barack Obama will go for immigration reform and gun control this month, the White House tells the left-leaning Huffington Post. Obama’s actions will reportedly be done “quickly.”

“An Obama administration official said the president plans to push for immigration reform this January. The official, who spoke about legislative plans only on condition of anonymity, said that coming standoffs over deficit reduction are unlikely to drain momentum from other priorities. The White House plans to push forward quickly, not just on immigration reform but gun control laws as well,” reports the Huffington Post.

There is no need to wait until after 2014, when Democrats might regain control of the House — at least, not with John Boehner as speaker.

The Huffington Post quotes a Democratic aide who believes “Good news for immigration advocates may have come Tuesday night, when Boehner broke the so-called ‘Hastert Rule’ and allowed the fiscal cliff bill to come for a vote without support from a majority of his Republican conference. Given opposition to immigration reform by many Tea Party Republicans, the proof that Boehner is willing to bypass them on major legislation is a good sign.”

That is, Boehner’s treachery is a good sign for those who want to finish Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America into a Third World socialist dictatorship.

Welcome to the People’s Banana Republic of Obamaland.

On a tip from Conan.

Jan 03 2013

Des Moines Register Editorial Calls for Killing Gun Owners

The right to bear arms isn’t required only to defend us from criminals. Above all, we need it to defend us from progressive statists — such as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and folks who publish editorials in the Des Moines Register like Donald Kaul. Sandy Hook served as a pretext for the following homicidal bile:

“I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control,” he wrote. Is that a threatening James Byrd reference? “And if that didn’t work, I’d adopt radical measures,” he continued.

Kaul’s solution to gun violence is the equivalent of curing a headache with a guillotine:

“Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. [… Gibberish confirming that he doesn't know what the word militia means in the context of the Constitution. …] Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.

“Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. … Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that ‘prying the guns from their cold, dead hands’ thing works for me.”

In other words, kill gun owners, because they are violent. That maniacs like Kaul have a tendency to acquire political power is all the reason you need to stock up on guns and ammo.

The Des Moines Register is owned by Gannett, which also owns the loathsome Journal News. The latter has enraged patriots with its name & shame strategy of publishing the names and addresses of gun owners in northern NYC suburbs. It is aggressively pressuring Putnam County officials in an attempt to acquire still more personal information for its intimidation jihad.


On tips from Wiggins and Spider.

Jan 03 2013

Al-Jazeera Buys Al-Gore’s Current TV

Among the people scrambling to unload assets before the descent of Obama’s monstrous 2013 tax guillotine is bitter 2000 loser Al Gore, who confirmed the enduring bond between America’s worst two enemies — moonbats and Muslims — by selling his ultra-left Current TV to the Islamic propaganda outfit Al-Jazeera.

In related Current TV news, Time Warner Cable has dropped the nearly unwatched channel.

Nonetheless, the acquisition

boosts Al-Jazeera’s reach in the U.S. beyond a few large U.S. metropolitan areas including New York and Washington nearly ninefold to about 40 million homes.

Readers will recall that Gore has assisted Islamic propaganda efforts before, by traveling to Saudi Arabia to accuse America of oppressing Muslims in an apparent bid to inspire terror attacks.

Al-Jazz will drop Gore’s neo-Marxist crapola and “gradually transform Current into a network called Al-Jazeera America.” If the idea is to out anti-American CNN and MSNBC, they have got their work cut out for them, although even a former “Nightline” reporter (Dave Marash) left Al-Jazz due to its seething hatred of the USA.

al gore
Gore’s legacy of failure is secure.

On tips from IslandLifer, The Only Other Conservative in Seattle, Nathaniel M, and Winston Smith.

Jan 03 2013

Interactive Maps You Won’t See

As a special service to thieves — and as part of the “mainstream” media’s campaign to demonize anyone exercising their right to bear arms — the Journal News of Westchester County, New York published an interactive map featuring the names and addresses of local gun owners. But here are a few interactive maps you probably won’t see in any moonbatty Gannett papers:



Via iOwnTheWorld, on tips from TED.

Jan 02 2013

Open Thread


Via 1389 Blog – Counterjihad! on a tip from Wilberforce.

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