Yoani Sanchez
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Yoani Sanchez, a University of Havana graduate in philology, emigrated to Switzerland in 2002, to build a new life for herself and her family. Two years later, she decided to return Cuba, promising herself to live there as a free person. Her blog Generation Y is an expression of this promise. Yoani calls her blog ‘an exercise in cowardice’ that allows her to say what is forbidden in the public square. It reaches readers around the world in over twenty languages. Yoani's new book in English, Havana Real, is now available for pre-order here.

In November 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama, wrote that her blog "provides the world a unique window into the realities of daily life in Cuba" and applauded her efforts to "empower fellow Cubans to express themselves through the use of technology." Time magazine listed her as one of the world's 100 most influential people in 2008, stating that "under the nose of a regime that has never tolerated dissent, Sánchez has practiced what paper-bound journalists in her country cannot; freedom of speech."

She has received much international recognition for her work, including: the Ortega y Gasset Prize, Spain’s highest award for digital journalism; the Maria Moors Cabot Prize from Columbia University; the World Press Freedom Hero Award from the International Press Institute; and the Prince Claus Award from the Netherlands. Foreign Policy magazine named her one of the 10 Most Influential Latin American Intellectuals in 2008, and one of The World's Top Dissidents in 2010.

Yoani lives with her husband, independent journalist Reinaldo Escobar, and their teenage son Teo, in a high rise apartment in Havana, overlooking Revolution Square. There they host the “Blogger Academy” to help grow the Cuban blogosphere; some of the results of this work are available in English at Translating Cuba. She blogs about daily life in the Castros' Cuba at Generation Y.

Blog Entries by Yoani Sanchez

Cuban Government Claims Havana Technology Conference Is 'Cooking Up a Monster'

(6) Comments | Posted June 20, 2012 | 7:39 PM

Today the Cuban government's official website Cubadebate, whose tagline is "Against Media Terrorism," posted an article titled "The Impossible Innocence of the CLICK Festival." In the title the initials CIA are capitalized in the word "innocenCIA" to make it clear to readers who is supposedly behind this event that begins...

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Fidel Castro Promises "Inexhaustable Sources of Meat, Milk and Eggs" From Trees

(16) Comments | Posted June 19, 2012 | 4:36 PM

Fidel Castro's latest "Reflections" columns, published in the Cuban press, have left many readers inside and outside the Island in a mild state of shock. Without exceeding a hundred words, the ex-president's most recent texts seem to be...

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Forbidden Voices

(3) Comments | Posted June 14, 2012 | 9:48 PM

She asked only to have the same rights enjoyed by a man in her country. She took the loudspeaker to expose laws that in Iran left her defenseless and at a disadvantage against men. Blogger...

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Citizens Formally Demand Their Rights From the Cuban Government

(6) Comments | Posted June 13, 2012 | 8:34 PM


A classic play of the Spanish theater, written by Lope de Vega in 1610, tells how an entire people kills a tyrannical and despotic commander. In the town of Fuenteovejuna the people come together to...

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The Fear of Sitting Down to Talk

(1) Comments | Posted June 13, 2012 | 10:09 AM

We had moments when it became fashionable to close the door, cover your ears and hang up the phone on others. Entire periods in our national history when dialog was synonymous with giving in and the exchange of ideas was an act close to admitting defeat. Fortunately, every day in...

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Che's 'New Man' and Corruption in Cuba Today

(29) Comments | Posted June 6, 2012 | 3:04 PM

Villa Marista is the main operations center of the Cuban Ministry of the Interior. Its huge structure was built to house a school run by a religious order, but since 1963 it has been home to the most feared jail cells in the country. At the beginning of the Revolution...

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I Prefer Apathy to Fanaticism, Earbuds to Trench Warfare

(9) Comments | Posted June 5, 2012 | 4:03 PM

Saturday night and G Street in the most central part of of the city, is packed with young people sitting on the grass or pressed together in the darkest areas of the park. They boastfully show off every type of...

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Americans in Cuba: 'Why Doesn't My Blackberry Work?' Cubans in Cuba: 'What Will I Find to Eat Today?'

(57) Comments | Posted June 4, 2012 | 10:56 PM

Photo: MJ Porter/Translator

The cast bronze sculpture rests one arm on the bar. He looks ready to order another daiquiri, but in reality he's observing, with his metal eyes, everyone who comes and goes from El Floridita. Some flash their cameras at that life-sized Hemingway...

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The Russians, Back in Cuba With Their MasterCards

(17) Comments | Posted May 31, 2012 | 10:34 AM

The plane touches down in the middle of a Havana night and tourists pass through the international airport terminal where dozens of Cubans offer them taxis, rooms for rent, rum or mulatas. A young man approaches a short, dumpy visitor and, squatting close to his ear, asks, "Mister, you like...

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Cuba's National Pastime

(0) Comments | Posted May 30, 2012 | 3:49 PM

Boys playing baseball in Havana. Photo: MJ Porter/Translator

Monday night could have ended with a roar running through the city or, instead, a silence growing from every house. The latter is what happened, because the capital's baseball team lost...

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Occupy Cuba: The Plaza Inside

(30) Comments | Posted May 30, 2012 | 9:19 AM

Havana. Photo: MJ Porter, Translator

We Cubans occupy our beds, the stairs of our houses, the piece of the table before us, the chair in front of the television, the empty refrigerator, the half open shutters we peer out of. All this...

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Minister Trips Up and Admits Fiber Optic Cable Is Working, But Cubans Can't Access It

(2) Comments | Posted May 29, 2012 | 6:21 PM

The mystery has been solved, the enigma of the fiber optic cable between Cuba and Venezuela has been cleared up because of an indiscretion. The Venezuelan Minister of Science and Technology affirmed a few days ago that it "is absolutely operational," and what it is used for will...

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Mariela Castro and the Future

(18) Comments | Posted May 28, 2012 | 1:40 PM

She carries a name that evokes encampments, and I am just a Sanchez, dragging the "ez" ending that once meant to be "the son of" some Sancho. Yes, like that chubby guy on the donkey who accompanied and satirized Quixote, although I weigh many pounds less and have never galloped,...

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The Cuban Intelligentsia: Debate or Hide

(2) Comments | Posted May 27, 2012 | 11:31 AM

What is an academic? What is an intellectual? These are some of the questions that have haunted me for years, even before I graduated in Hispanic Philology. Immersed in adolescent insolence, I thought at some point that to be one or the other it was necessary to assume certain poses,...

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Exchanging an Argentine Fiat for a Cuban Roof

(5) Comments | Posted May 24, 2012 | 3:36 AM

He was awarded it as a perk based on merit, paying a subsidized price in 1975, the same year as the first Communist Party Congress. He won the chance to buy that brand new Fiat 125, made in Argentina, because he was a vanguard doctor and an unimpeachable Revolutionary. The...

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In Cuba Paying a Few More Cents for Lunch... Hurts

(23) Comments | Posted May 17, 2012 | 8:43 AM


The market is almost empty. It's still very early and someone is writing the new prices for a pound of pork on a blackboard. It seems a simple gesture, that of the hand that has changed only one digit...

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Challenging Cuba's Totalitarian State From the Left

(20) Comments | Posted May 14, 2012 | 3:09 PM


I wasn't yet old enough to go to school and I was at the park the neighbors in the area called "Carlos III," although the maps insisted on labeling it "Carlos Marx." My sister and I were playing in...

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Cuba's Workers Union (There Is Only One), Reports to the Regime

(15) Comments | Posted May 11, 2012 | 4:50 PM

Photo: After the Parade

If anything distinguishes May Day from other days in the year, it's not the parade, nor the crowd waving its paper flags. The most striking is the silence that falls over Havana after the mass rally in the Plaza...

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Cuban Regime Disguises Paramilitary Agent as Red Cross Worker

(5) Comments | Posted May 11, 2012 | 9:53 AM

During the last week, the official media have greatly emphasized the origin and workings of the Red Cross in Cuba. Around May 8th, the founding date of this humanitarian body, they...

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Dumpsters Into Clothespins: The Economy of Desperation

(2) Comments | Posted May 7, 2012 | 3:33 PM

Photo: A "homemade" clothespin on my balcony. Yoani Sanchez

On the ground, turned over, and with a huge hole in the bottom, lies the dumpster on the corner. It was put there just months ago, with its bulky gray...

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