Jan 03

Common ground

Everybody’s enjoying the hilarity of this story, as well they might. From the pitiful failure of yet another “liberal” media outlet to the irony of a big bag of oil-tick money bailing out the biggest Green Weenie con artist of ‘em all, there’s something for everyone to laugh at here. But this might be the funniest aspect of it all:

Seeking to expand its presence in American television, al-Jazeera, the Qatar-owned news network, has agreed to buy Al Gore’s low-rated Current TV, the Wall Street Journal reports.

The multimillion dollar deal came after Current rebuffed TheBlaze when it approached the network about buying the channel last year. According to a source close to the negotiations, officials at TheBlaze were told that “the legacy of who the network goes to is important to us and we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view.”

Just in case anybody still thought that Democrat Socialists don’t support Muslim terrorism, y’know. Jeff sums it all up:

The real takeaway here is this: we’re never to question the patriotism of the progressive Marxist gun-grabbing Alinksy swine and former domestic terrorists and race-hustlers who have taken over the Democrat party — even as they tell us, rather explicitly, that they are more in line ideologically with Al-Jazeera than with any competing line of thought that exists within their own country.

Oh, they’re patriotic, all right. Just not for anything even remotely resembling the nation founded on this continent in 1776 and 1787, that’s all.

Update! Stop it, you’re killing me.

Al Jazeera did not disclose the purchase price, but people with direct knowledge of the deal pegged it at around $500 million, indicating a $100 million payout for Mr. Gore, who owned 20 percent of Current. Mr. Gore and his partners were eager to complete the deal by Dec. 31, lest it be subject to higher tax rates that took effect on Jan. 1, according to several people who insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

Now, see, this right here is why they’ve won the war of ideas. The NYT could have used a headline like this: “Al Gore seeks dodge to avoid paying his fair share,” or “Al Gore doesn’t want his skin in the game” or something. But no. They go with the bland, milquetoast one they did use, the point gets buried, and another battle is won.


Jan 03

Life in the Third World

If you don’t think this country has now very nearly completed its transition into a banana republic-style tyranny, could someone please point out the differences to me, in principle? Because it does seem to me, apart from our continued (relative, slowly eroding) prosperity, there aren’t very many, and whatever other differences that still exist are under virulent attack.

It’s been more than a week since police in Washington, D.C., opened an investigation into NBC’s David Gregory’s possession of a “high-capacity magazine” that’s prohibited in the District on on national TV. Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier’s spokesman refused Monday to respond to whether Mr. Gregory had even been interviewed yet. This is a rather curious departure for a city that has been ruthless in enforcing this particular firearms statute against law-abiding citizens who made an honest mistake.

In July, The Washington Times highlighted the plight of former Army Spc. Adam Meckler, who was arrested and jailed for having a few long-forgotten rounds of ordinary ammunition — but no gun — in his backpack in Washington. Mr. Meckler, a veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, says he had no idea it was illegal to possess unregistered ammunition in the city. He violated the same section of D.C. law as Mr. Gregory allegedly did, and both offenses carry the same maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine and a year in jail.

Mr. Meckler was charged with the crime and was forced to accept a plea deal to avoid the cost and time of a protracted legal fight. The indefensible nature of Mr. Meckler’s case led directly to a new law passed by the D.C. Council in December that allows prosecutors to file civil instead of criminal charges, but only if the accused was unaware of the city’s laws.

“I unknowingly broke the law,” Mr. Meckler told The Washington Times. “Mr. Gregory knowingly broke the law. While both are seemingly harmless, both acts were deemed illegal under the District’s obscure firearms laws.” Mr. Meckler said he would never have intentionally left the rounds in his bag.
The former Army medic is still upset about being left with a criminal record and being enrolled on the police list of firearms-related criminals. “I think if you had to measure the criminality of the two instances, his should be interpreted as more severe. At the very least, he should be put on probation, pay a fine and be added to the District’s Gun Offender Registry, as I was ordered to do,” Mr. Meckler said.

One of the principle characteristics of a banana republic is the corruption of the rule of law via a malleable, flexible justice system which is manipulated in favor of the elite and used as a cudgel against the serf classes. If this story ain’t a perfect example of that, I’ll eat my hat. Or I would, if I was wearing one.

Gregory will never be indicted, prosecuted or punished for a crime he clearly committed, and for which any of the rest of us would have already seen a swift and vicious application of Almighty State “justice.” The “investigation” is nothing more than a delaying tactic, and will be abandoned or whitewashed over as soon as it’s practicable. Sure, there have always been abuses of the system, and the rich will always be able to buy justice at the expense of the rest of us; those truths are eternal, and universal. But we are now undeniably living under two separate but unequal sets of laws in this foul country, and its machinations are right in front of our noses and exercised in broad daylight: one for the protected elites, and another for the rest of us. Full stop, end of story.


Jan 02

A little history

Lest we forget it.

Such an opinion was held in the head of General Thomas Gage when he ordered Royal Marines and Regulars rowed across the Charles River in the dead of night on April 19,1775 to conduct gun control raids from Lexington to Concord. A perversely rewritten history taught by liberal academics in schools these days suggests that the cause of the American Revolution was “taxation without representation.” A reading of original sources puts that lie to rest.

The proximate, immediate cause of the first American Revolutionary War was an attempt to capture powder and shot, cannon, and community food stores that supplied not just the organized militia of their day immortalized as the “Minutemen,” but the unorganized militia of those too young, too old, and too female to be part of the organized militia of their day. These were the “alarm listers.”

The youngest of the estimated 14,000 that turned out against the Regulars that April morning and fired shots was just 13 years old. The oldest man to fight that fateful day was an alarm-lister named Samuel Whittemore, a 78-year-old veteran of three American wars in the King’s service.

While Lord Percy’s relief column attempted to link up with Regular forces under attack by colonial militias, Whittemore set up behind a low stone wall near his home and attacked the 47th Regiment of Foot by himself.

Whitemore’s aimed fire did enough damage to the column that an assault was ordered upon his position.

Whittemore is documented to have killed one man from this assaulting force with his musket, then killed one and severely wounded another with horse pistols he’d removed from the body of French officer he’d dispatched decades before. Whittemore was in the act of drawing his ornate French Calvary saber—again, taken from another French officer who “died suddenly” according to Whittemore, more than 20 years before—when half his face was shot away at point-blank range. Whittemore’s horrified relatives watched from a distance as the nearly 80-year old patriarch of their clan was bayoneted thirteen times by the Redcoats, and left for dead in a pool of his own blood.

When his kin came forward to collect his body, they found that despite having half his left cheek shot away, and pierced by 13 bayonet wounds, Samuel Whittemore was attempting to load his musket to fire again on the rapidly disappearing column of Regulars.

A doctor was summoned, and he reasonably concurred that no one could survive the brutal wounds Samuel Whittemore suffered in his spirited defense of his fellow colonists. The doctor treated his wounds as best the primitive medicine of the day allowed, and sent Whittemore home with his family to die in peace. And yes, Samuel Whittemore did die…18 years later, on February 3, 1793.

If you fail to see how this might be relevant to our situation today, I’d advise you to read the rest of it. Then go have a look at this:

Open a history book, and look at the photos of Generals Lee, Sherman, Jackson and Grant. These men understood how terrible war with Americans is. One can see the suffering of hundreds of thousands etched into their distant, glassy eyes. The crags and wear-lines of their face betray orders foul, and deeds dark. Great and yet wrecked men, who understood all too well our nature, and were tormented by it to their graves.

Everywhere we set our gaze, we patriots see battle-space preparation – both mental and physical. The government passes laws and edicts useless to a free people, but indispensable to tyrants. The great agents of provocation and rhetoric have stepped forth, both amongst the people, and against them. Both sides are in the process of arming themselves on an unprecedented scale. And we the people have coarsened and began the process of dehumanizing one another – for only then, after we have reduced “the other side” to maggots, can we Americans properly began slaying one another with a zeal no other people can match.

We told you constant reader, not to expect peach-cobbler with a scoop of butterscotch ice-cream. No, today we explore the dark recesses of the American psyche, and examine the interstate to purgatory we willingly hurtles ourselves inexorably down.

It’s all too obvious where this path leads. This same ramp up of arms, deeds, laws, and words has taken place so many times in our past, and just as it was in 1775 and 1860, it is now. We make no apologies for being the harbingers of foul times. We simply call things as they appear. Presently, you are witnessing a pre-revolutionary society, and the escalations shall continue until one faction is crushed, abandoned in failure, or our system of governance collapses in ruin.

Plenty of links here which I’m too lazy to transcribe. Indeed, nobody wants what’s coming. But liberal-fascists make a serious mistake when they assume that all of us will flinch from it. And we’d be making a mistake ourselves to assume that they’ll suddenly develop a sense of reason and decency and back off themselves.

Loins: gird ‘em.


Jan 02

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion

They are not entitled to their own facts. Which is why “liberals,” like f’rinstance the one I was, umm, discussing this with a couple nights ago, will then try to claim that facts ARE opinions when you quote ol’ Paddy Moynihan to ‘em.

Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) has announced that she will be introducing legislation to reenact the ban on so-called assault weapons that she authored in 1994. The evidence is in on the effect of her previous assault weapons ban: zero, zilch, nada, as the saying goes. The ban made no perceptible difference in the gun violence statistics when it went into effect, and no perceptible difference when it was allowed to expire 10 years later, in 2003.

That is because the term “assault weapon” is just a PR stunt that fools the gullible and easily deluded. It is defined in legislation by cosmetic features that frighten white bread suburbanites, but do not involve any functionality of any gun. We tried it, conservatives said it wouldn’t work, and it didn’t work. Yet, it is the liberal answer to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Conn.

Why do the hard work of actually making a difference, when with no work at all you can perform a meaningless and irrelevant gesture that won’t make any difference?

To increase the Federal G’s control over people liberal-fascists are afraid of, natch: not criminals and madmen, but Tea Party types and other real Americans who might be liable to actively resist the encroachment of the tyranny liberal-fascists wish to finally establish once and for all. Follows, a long litany of those pesky, discomfiting facts I mentioned, leading up to this:

Based on all the evidence and experience above, what would work to stop tragedies like Sandy Hook Elementary is to offer a bonus of $2,500 a year to all teachers who obtain a conceal and carry permit, which requires training in every state, and who bring their gun to school every day, where it would be available in case of emergency. That would deter even mentally ill people from even trying mass murders at schools.

Lott explains that mass murderers choose so-called gun free zones such as schools or movie theaters or shopping malls where guns are prohibited because they know they can carry out their plan for mass murder there without being stopped. All gun free zone signs should be required to include a skull and crossbones with the admonition to the innocent “Enter at your own risk.”

Since gun-free zones are so wonderfully effective, at least according to liberal-fascists, and guns don’t merely fail to prevent crime but actually cause it themselves–all on their own, spontaneously, just by their very presence–I think it only right that we implement this fine idea immediately:

Eliminate armed guards for the President, Vice-President, and their families, and establish Gun Free Zones around them
Gun Free Zones are supposed to protect our children, and some politicians wish to strip us of our right to keep and bear arms. Those same politicians and their families are currently under the protection of armed Secret Service agents. If Gun Free Zones are sufficient protection for our children, then Gun Free Zones should be good enough for politicians.

That’s the content of an excellent WH petition in its entirety, and you should all go sign it right now; 25k signatures and the WH is required by law to issue a response, not that law matters a whit in the very heart of the Imperium anymore.

Myself, I recommend that we take it a step further and do this as well for banks, government office buildings, airports, bus terminals, and such–all of which are currently threatened by the malign presence of projectile weaponry in the hands of guards of varying stripe–and mandate no more armed bodyguards for gun-grab-supporting celebs like Michael Moron and Babs Streisand, local gun-grabbers like Mad Mike Bloomberg, corporate CEOs, and various and sundry Hollwyood fatcats, too. Let them all be forced to profess their beliefs in the most honest and credible way there is: by living the fuck up to them. As Bill says:

After all, we are told that gun free zones are the safest place for us to be, right?

So let’s make sure our rulers are as safe as possible.

Yes indeedy–just the same kind of “safety” as they demand the rest of us be reduced to. You first, assholes.


Jan 02

The tyrant speaks

And asserts even more illegitimate authority for himself. UNEXPECTED!

Speaking Jan. 1 at the White House at 11:20 p.m., less than an hour after the House voted 257 to 167 to approve new tax hikes, President Barack Obama announced that he will assert the authority to raise the debt ceiling for spending approved by Congress.

“One last point I want to make,” said the president flanked by Vice-President Joseph R. Biden Jr., whose Capitol Hill summitry closed the deal on a “fiscal cliff” compromise. “I will negotiate over many things, I will not have another debate with this Congress over whether or not they should pay the bills, they have already racked up through the laws they have passed.”

And that YOU demanded as part of your “transformation” of America into a socialist dictatorship, scumbag. Let’s not forget that part of it.

This is a critical pivot for the president, who previously dismissed the idea floated among liberals that Section 4 of the 14th Amendment, one of the three amendments passed at the end of the Civil War, authorizes the executive to borrow the funds to make good federal debt payments.

It says nothing of the sort, of course; in fact, it doesn’t mention presidential authority at all. Not that that matters in the least. That’s what a “living Constitution” is for, after all: to support naked usurpations of power based on lies, Obama’s stock in trade.

The president was direct. Either Congress raises the debt ceiling or he will go ahead and borrow the money to pay the bills on his own in order to avoid damage to the U.S. and world economies.

“Let me repeat, you can’t not pay bills that we have already incurred,” he said.

“In Congress refuses to the United States government the ability to pay these bills on-time, the consequences for the entire global economy continued unrestrained spending and ever-increasing government interference in the economy, and my Imperial subjects’ lives, would be catastrophic—far worse than the impact of a fiscal cliff,” he said.

Fixed it for ya, Il Douche. And anybody who thinks this is really all about his grave concern over getting control of the towering ziggurat of debt he’s piled up himself ought to be permanently denied the franchise, and have “MORON” tattooed on their bovine foreheads in big red letters so the rest of us will know not to feed them when we see them lowing piteously in the streets.


Jan 01

GE SAVED by Obama bribe!

Whew. I was beginning to worry that we weren’t going to be spending enough on corporate welfare in the budget-buster deal.

Obama said the deal would extend green-energy tax breaks, but in the same speech said he wanted to make sure “the biggest corporations can’t take advantage of loopholes,” and he opposed tax breaks going to “companies with a lot of lobbyists.”

But green-energy tax credits are corporate welfare for rich people and big corporations who have lots of lobbyists.

Consider General Electric, a chief beneficiary of and lobbyist for green-energy tax credits. This company paid $0 corporate income in 2011 and is the number one U.S. manufacturer of wind turbines. The wind-energy tax credit is set to expire tonight, and presumably that’s one of the green-energy tax credits he’s extending. Oh yeah, GE spends more on lobbying than any other corporation — $120 million so far in Obama’s administration.

Well, hey, what’s good for GE is good for Obamerika. Nice, too, to know that when Obama is bought, he stays bought.

Update! Drew M:

But don’t worry guys…we’ll get those spending cuts in the debt ceiling deal! This was the key surrender that will catapult us to victory!

Three groans for those stalwart Republicans, everybody! With friends of Constitutionally-limited government like them, who needs enemies? Ron Johnson seemingly gets it right:

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) lashed out at the upper chamber today as a symbol of government’s runaway power in Americans’ lives.

“It’s an alternate universe. No, this — this place is a joke. I mean, bottom line, this is an absurd process,” Johnson said on CNBC. “It certainly proves the genius of our founding fathers that government should be limited. I mean, the fact that we have this place having such an enormous effect on our economy, on people’s livelihood, is wrong. It’s simply wrong.”

Johnson also slammed the reign of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) as “a one-man dictatorship.”

“And under his leadership, the Senate has been a charade while I’ve been here for two years. I serve on the Budget Committee. You know how many times we’ve voted on a budget in the Budget Committee? Zero. We haven’t even marked one up,” he said.

The senator also decried the shady negotiations. “We’re here at the end of the year, a couple of elected officials with their unelected staffs, are doing these deals behind closed doors,” he said. “I don’t know what’s happening behind there. Am I all of a sudden going to get a product sometime in the middle of the day and say, ‘you’ve got to vote on it right away’? I mean, that is an absurd process.”

Johnson, of course, voted for the shady Obama-McConnell-Biden backroom deal.

Wake me when the summary public executions start, ‘kay?


Jan 01

The long and the short of it

This is what it all boils down to.

Senator Dianne Feinstein,

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.

I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.

I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.

I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.

We, the people, deserve better than you.

Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Boston
Cpl, United States Marine Corps

Not one word to add to that. He just said it all.

(Via Bill)

Update! They really do expect us all to just sit back and comply. They are badly mistaken.

They didn’t know when they’d be getting anything back in stock, from magazines to rifles to pistols. Manufacturers were running full-bore, but couldn’t come close to keeping up with market demand.It wasn’t just the AR-15s, the AK-pattern rifles, the M1As, and the FALs that were sold out. It really hit me when I realized that the World War-era M1 Garands , M1 carbines, and Enfield .303s were gone, along with every last shell. Ubiquitous Mosin-Nagants—of which every gun store always seems to have 10-20—were gone. So was their ammo. Only a dust free space marked their passing. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Every weapon of military utility designed within the past 100+ years was gone. This isn’t a society stocking up on certain guns because they fear they may be banned. This is a society preparing for war.

Reluctantly, almost unwillingly, it should be noted. But the sad truth is, war is already being made upon it, and has been for a long time now. Said society has been more than patient, more than tolerant. But eventually, enough is enough. Everyone has their limit; freedom-loving Americans’ has very nearly been reached. A few more steps over the line, and the kettle is going to boil over.

Any liberal-fascists who think we’re all going to go gently into that good night really, really need to reconsider. We all have to hope they do. But we all have to be prepared for the possibility, the likelihood, that they mightn’t. “This far, no further” is more than just an empty slogan.

Gird your loins.

Updated update! The truth…from Pravda. Jeez, the whole world is upside down.

These days, there are few few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating USA, but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to bare arms and use deadly force to defend one’s self and possessions.

For those of us fighting for our traditional rights, the US 2nd Amendment is a rare light in an ever darkening room. Governments will use the excuse of trying to protect the people from maniacs and crime, but are in reality, it is the bureaucrats protecting their power and position. In all cases where guns are banned, gun crime continues and often increases. As for maniacs, be it nuts with cars (NYC, Chapel Hill NC), swords (Japan), knives (China) or home made bombs (everywhere), insane people strike. They throw acid (Pakistan, UK), they throw fire bombs (France), they attack. What is worse, is, that the best way to stop a maniac is not psychology or jail or “talking to them”, it is a bullet in the head, that is why they are a maniac, because they are incapable of living in reality or stopping themselves.

The excuse that people will start shooting each other is also plain and silly. So it is our politicians saying that our society is full of incapable adolescents who can never be trusted? Then, please explain how we can trust them or the police, who themselves grew up and came from the same culture?

No it is about power and a total power over the people.

Some things never change, and are the same the world over.


Dec 31


They did it. Just like you knew they would. The GOP has “averted” the plunge over the “fiscal cliff” by giving the Democrat Socialists literally everything they wanted, for absolutely nothing in return.


WASHINGTON (AP) — The contours of a deal to avert the ‘fiscal cliff’ emerged Monday, with Democrats and Republicans agreeing to raise tax rates on family income over $450,000 a year, increase the estate tax rate and extend unemployment benefits for one year, officials familiar with the negotiations said.

But with a midnight deadline rapidly approaching, both sides were at an impasse over whether to put off automatic, across-the-board spending cuts set to take effect on Jan. 1, and if so, how to pay for that. Democrats want to put off the cuts for one year and offset the so-called sequester with unspecified revenue.

And have no doubt, that is exactly what will happen. Then, in a year’s time, those “cuts,” phantoms of the fevered imaginations of “serious” pundits who actually think there’s an ounce of quantifiable substance to any of this nonsense, will be put off again–if they’re ever even brought up at all.

This risible charade, this sideshow, this cheap vaudeville act has now come to its inevitable conclusion, with both wings of the approved Statist Party having achieved exactly what they wanted: a distraction, a shiny object for the foolish magpies still following the GOP pie-eyed piper to crow and posture over, flapping and squawking about this or that meaningless detail while the government gets bigger, spends more, and takes more of its pitiful subjects’ ever-harder-earned money to squander. Just like the “liberals” they enable and emulate, these wet-brained crows are smarter than you are. And if you don’t believe it, just ask them.

It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic…and downright criminal.

Update! Pathetic. What a sad, sorry joke.

A GOP source told CNN negotiators are “very close” to a deal. The sticking point is $24 billion in spending cuts being sought by Republicans, according to the source.

“It’s like looking under the cushions at this point,” the source said. “If we can’t find that at this point, we should pack this place up.”

A measly, disgraceful 24 billion of “cuts” that will never happen anyway–from a bloated budget of trillions. “Looking under the cushions”? Who the fuck do you think you’re kidding? You’re not really “looking” at all, except for ways to deceive us into believing anything but that government is going to be seizing and wasting more money on contra-Constitutional boondoggles while refusing to actually cut one thin dime. If Americans had any sense or gumption, we’d have “packed this place up” for you a long damned time ago, buddy.


Dec 31

The truth, at last

Just finally admit it and be honest for once, “liberals”: you have no regard whatsoever for the Constitution, and in truth harbor great antipathy to it, since it stands athwart your grandiose plans for power and control, yelling “Tyranny!” So to speak.

Oh, look, one of them did…just guess where.

Go on, guess.

AS the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions.

Actually, all too few of us blame the real culprit: meddlesome, megalomaniacal Progressivist fools.

Consider, for example, the assertion by the Senate minority leader last week that the House could not take up a plan by Senate Democrats to extend tax cuts on households making $250,000 or less because the Constitution requires that revenue measures originate in the lower chamber. Why should anyone care? Why should a lame-duck House, 27 members of which were defeated for re-election, have a stranglehold on our economy? Why does a grotesquely malapportioned Senate get to decide the nation’s fate?

Well, ultimately to prevent you fascist fucktards from walking over the few rights remaining to us after decades of misgovernance, encroachment, and abuse, that’s why. That was kinda the whole idea, see, and the Founders knew all too well what they were about. They knew swine like you were bound to come along eventually.

The next line might be the most disturbing part of the whole mess:

As someone who has taught constitutional law for almost 40 years, I am ashamed it took me so long to see how bizarre all this is. Imagine that after careful study a government official — say, the president or one of the party leaders in Congress — reaches a considered judgment that a particular course of action is best for the country. Suddenly, someone bursts into the room with new information: a group of white propertied men who have been dead for two centuries, knew nothing of our present situation, acted illegally under existing law and thought it was fine to own slaves might have disagreed with this course of action. Is it even remotely rational that the official should change his or her mind because of this divination?

As someone who has taught Constitutional law for almost forty years, I would hope that the genius of the Founders in setting up a system based on timeless principles of freedom, self-determination, and limits to the depredations of all-powerful government would have been able to penetrate the fog of liberal-fascist disingenuousness and will to power by now, whether or not they themselves always lived up to those highest of ideals. Guess not.

Constitutional disobedience may seem radical, but it is as old as the Republic. In fact, the Constitution itself was born of constitutional disobedience. When George Washington and the other framers went to Philadelphia in 1787, they were instructed to suggest amendments to the Articles of Confederation, which would have had to be ratified by the legislatures of all 13 states. Instead, in violation of their mandate, they abandoned the Articles, wrote a new Constitution and provided that it would take effect after ratification by only nine states, and by conventions in those states rather than the state legislatures.

No sooner was the Constitution in place than our leaders began ignoring it. John Adams supported the Alien and Sedition Acts, which violated the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech. Thomas Jefferson thought every constitution should expire after a single generation. He believed the most consequential act of his presidency — the purchase of the Louisiana Territory — exceeded his constitutional powers.

None of which are good arguments for continuing to ignore it, or discarding it altogether.

IN the face of this long history of disobedience, it is hard to take seriously the claim by the Constitution’s defenders that we would be reduced to a Hobbesian state of nature if we asserted our freedom from this ancient text. Our sometimes flagrant disregard of the Constitution has not produced chaos or totalitarianism; on the contrary, it has helped us to grow and prosper.

Oh, izzatso? You just spent umpteen column inches arguing that, as you yourself put it, “our system is broken,” and now everything is jakesy-jukesy when it suits your agenda to claim so? How very typical of you.

Indeed, I submit that our system IS broken, and badly so–and that it was broken by people who fully if by no means openly intended to do just that, so as to instigate a hue and cry for our reduction to absolute tyranny under a far too powerful central State. In a word, totalitarianism–which, despite any amount of soothing blandishments from liberal-fascists pooh-poohing the very idea, we are way too close to to be able to count ourselves as a truly free people under a government even remotely like the one set up by the Founders–who, whatever their skin pigmentation, property-holder status, or views on slavery, did amount to the next step forward in the pursuit of true enlightenment and progress.

This is not to say that we should disobey all constitutional commands. Freedom of speech and religion, equal protection of the laws and protections against governmental deprivation of life, liberty or property are important, whether or not they are in the Constitution. We should continue to follow those requirements out of respect, not obligation.

And you should all be willing to have faith in your benevolent and wise government to protect those principles; we don’t need any messy old Constitution statutorily requiring such. Perish the thought. Hey, trust us; we know what’s best.

What would change is not the existence of these institutions, but the basis on which they claim legitimacy. The president would have to justify military action against Iran solely on the merits, without shutting down the debate with a claim of unchallengeable constitutional power as commander in chief. Congress might well retain the power of the purse, but this power would have to be defended on contemporary policy grounds, not abstruse constitutional doctrine. The Supreme Court could stop pretending that its decisions protecting same-sex intimacy or limiting affirmative action were rooted in constitutional text.

The deep-seated fear that such disobedience would unravel our social fabric is mere superstition. As we have seen, the country has successfully survived numerous examples of constitutional infidelity.

Uh huh. And is dysfunctional. And broken. And needs to toss out the tattered shreds of a Constitution that no longer works as it was intended. Because we ignored and, ultimately, destroyed it.

Look, ya dope: the Constitution IS our “social fabric.” In a nation of immigrants from every diverse background under the sun, founded not on geography or topography nor held together by traditional allegiance to some long-irrelevant hereditary monarchy, the Constitution and the ideals it codifies are the only real connection we have. The strength of that bond is now being severely strained precisely because Progressivists have sought to overthrow it, and have been alarmingly successful at it.

Without our Constitutional bond, we are simply a loose aggregate of people who violently disagree on a lot of things; there’s no reason in the world why a traditional farming family in the rural South or Midwest that hews to the old values of self-reliance, religion, and independence should be interested in one word out of the mouth of some Northeastern neo-Marxist metrosexual college-boy dumbass with no experience in anything at all except spouting off and revealing his ignorance through his dipshit pontification. Indeed, they’ve all but stopped listening to them now; remove that last Constitutional bond, and you’ll see a much more active resistance to the forcible encroachment of values they not only don’t share but actively despise. Count on it, egghead; you can insist all you like that you know what’s best for those people, but they don’t believe you, and there’s no earthly reason why they should.

And then all you’ll have left to instate your multiculti, politically-correct, Progressivist horseshit will be raw force. And after being properly radicalized, those hardy Midwesterners and Southerners will rediscover just how strong they really are, and how many devious ways there are to resist, thwart, and damage you. And you will lose in the end.

All of which just demonstrates once again that liberal-fascists depend entirely on sophistry, circular argument, self-fulfilling prophecy, and outright deceit to realize their authoritarian dreams. But I don’t recall when I’ve ever seen so obvious and straightforward an example of it.

What has preserved our political stability is not a poetic piece of parchment, but entrenched institutions and habits of thought and, most important, the sense that we are one nation and must work out our differences. No one can predict in detail what our system of government would look like if we freed ourselves from the shackles of constitutional obligation, and I harbor no illusions that any of this will happen soon.

Yeah, best not to, bub. Some of us aren’t ready to willingly don your silken fetters just yet, and never will be. And, thanks to that archaic irrelevance of a founding document, most of us are still armed.

You’re all probably getting tired of hearing me say it by now, but in these dangerous, truly awful times, it always bears repeating: molon labe, motherfuckers.

Via Glenn, who says this:

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Paul Berger writes: “The reason a politician or any public official shouldn’t just act in opposition to the Constitution whenever they feel like it? How about because they took an oath not to! If you don’t want to play by the long established rules – find a different game. But I’m just a regular guy in the real world and he’s a Georgetown professor writing in the NY Times, which I suppose speaks volumes about both of us.”

It’s beyond even that. Their entire authority comes from the Constitution, and is the only reason we aren’t entitled simply to ignore them, or hang them from a tree for their insolence. Take away that source of authority because you don’t like the constraints it involves, and you’re a lot closer to the tree. Those who think themselves above the law are not in a position to hide behind it.

Exactly. It never has failed yet: those useful idiots lobbying hardest for Leftist tyranny in the early stages are always the first to be put up against the wall when they finally get their precious revolution. It’s cold comfort indeed, but at least it’s justice of some sort.

Update! Jeff nails it, as usual:

So argues Louis Michael Seidman, who, as is routine with progressives from Woodrow Wilson onward, is gracious enough to keep the parts of the Constitution he likes, but bemoans the very checks and balances that serve to protect individuals from the government, and deny temporary demagogues the power to affect enormous sudden systemic change. He also (predictably) ignores that the Constitution contains an amendment process, a strategic rhetorical bracketing on Seidman’s part, presumably because that process is too slow and cumbersome and doesn’t allow progressives to capitalize immediately on the latest ginned up crisis to savage the framework for our constitutional republic. You can read the whole thing here if you’d like. Me, I’m tired of such treachery, disguised as it always is in appeals to “getting things done” and decrying having to answer to dead white propertied slave owners. So I’ll say only this (yet again): go find a state or set of states with people who agree with you, Mr Seidman, and secede. Declare your independence from the tyranny of the Constitution. Declare your independence from our founders and framers, with their dogged insistence on keeping government constrained and the individual empowered. Declare your independence from independence, and be content that you’ve salved your psychic wounds and political conscience.

As Jeff later says, that isn’t an expedient that either Seidman or his fellow fascists would ever dream of taking. They need the rest of us for subjects to lord over and experiment on. Most especially, they need the despised capitalist entrepreneurs to finance their toxic utopia.

No, if there’s to be any secedin’ done, we’re the ones who will be doing it. Slavers will always need slaves, and they’ll always go out of their way to find them and put them into harness. Those of us who wish nothing more than to be left alone by these meddlesome tinkerers are going to have find someplace to do it in, and then vigorously defend it against infestation by the goddamned termites–and make a better job of it than we did this one, too.

Governing the government update! An excellent take, one I’ve never seen put quite this way before:

Seidman, like so many progressives, misses the purpose of our Constitution. It is designed to sometimes impede government in order to protect liberty. The “constitutional bondage” on government is meant to protect liberty and to protect individuals from tyranny. It is, as Jefferson wrote, the “chains” binding down men who hold the awesome power of office.

The Constitution is therefore not merely a document that establishes – constitutes – a form of government. It is, as Joseph Story writes in his Commentaries on the Constitution, “an ordinance or establishment of government and not a compact, though originating in consent; and it binds as a fundamental law promulgated by the sovereign authority [,the people.]”

The difference between constitutionalists and progressives such as Seidman is that we recognize that the Constitution is not a law governing the actions of individuals or even of society. Progressives often confuse government with society. The Constitution is our supreme and paramount law, but it is a law written exclusively to frame and control our government, meaning that it was written to govern government itself.

The Constitution sets forth generally how the government must operate and behave. It is the laws of driving for the government, so to speak, and is violated at our peril. Only by remaining faithful to the Constitution may the government make, enforce and adjudicate other laws governing the people. But note that nowhere does the Constitution actually dictate the behavior of society – only the behavior of government itself.

The Constitution was unprecedented when it was created. No people had ever established from scratch and in one document a supreme, written law governing government.

Which, of course, is why they hate it, and always have, despite any politically convenient protestations they may make otherwise. As such, I’m not sure it’s correct to say that “liberals” like Seidman have misunderstood or “missed the purpose” of the Constitution; they’re obfuscating it and trying to do an end-run around it, more like. Hence:

What the Founders did through the Constitution was to create a supreme law to govern government itself, which is necessary to preserve liberty. To “give up on the Constitution,” therefore, is the progressive way of freeing government from the rule of law.



Dec 31

We are all counterrevolutionaries now

Stupid paranoid gun nuts, thinking all this gun-control hysteria is merely a smokescreen for confiscation and, eventually, suppressing dissidents and incorrect-thinkers and all that tyrannical-tommyrot.

The very first thing we need is national registry. We need to know where the guns are, and who has them. Canada has a national firearms registry. We need to copy their model. We need a law demanding all firearms be registered to a national database. We need to know who has them and where they are. We need to make this as easy as possible for gun owners. The federal government provides the money and technical expertise, and the State police carry it out. Like a funded mandate..

Now we get down to it. The registration period has passed. Now we have criminals without registered guns running around. Probably kooky types that “lost” them on a boat or something.

…I’m not so concerned with the guy who bought that bolt action Mauser a decade ago and doesn’t have anything registered to his name. It’s a pretty good possibility that he sold it, gave it away, or got rid of it somehow. And even if he didn’t, that guy is not who I’m concerned with. I’m concerned that other guy who bought a half dozen assault weapons, registered two hunting rifles, and belongs to the NRA/GOA. He’s the guy who warrants a raid.

“Now we get down to it” indeed. All this despotic daydreaming does make one thing perfectly clear, to swipe one of His Majesty’s favorite muttonheaded verbal tics: gun control is not about crime, or about preventing mass murders, or about making America a safer, less violent, more conciliatory and civilized nation. Like absolutely every other freedom-destroying, Constitution-defying measure “liberals” promote, it is about one thing, and one thing only: control.

You will become one with the big-government Borg. If you resist, well, they haff vays of dealing with you. These people are fascists, plain and simple. Bob Owens paints up a possible scenario which gets more likely with every passing power grab:

Tens of millions of Americans will refuse to comply with an order that is clearly a violation of the explicit intent of the Second Amendment. Among the most ardent opposing these measures will be military veterans, active duty servicemen, and local law enforcement officers. Many of these individuals will refuse to carry out what they view as Constitutionally illegal orders. Perhaps 40-50 million citizens will view such a law as treason. Perhaps ten percent of those, 4-5 million, would support a rebellion in some way, and maybe 40,000-100,000 Americans will form small independently-functioning active resistance cells, or become lone-wolves.

They will be leaderless, stateless, difficult to track, and considering the number of military veterans that would likely be among their number, extremely skilled at sabotage, assassination, and ambush.

After a number of carefully-planned, highly-publicized, and successful raids by the government, one or more will invariably end “badly.” Whether innocents are gunned down, a city block is burned to ash, or especially fierce resistance leads to a disastrously failed raid doesn’t particularly matter. What matters is that when (the) illusion of the government’s invincibility and infallibility is broken, the hunters will become the hunted.

Unnamed citizens and federal agents will be the first to die, and they will die by the dozens and maybe hundreds, but famous politicians will soon join them in a spate of revenge killings, many of which will go unsolved.

While the Secret Service will be able to protect the President in the White House, he will not dare leave his gilded cage except in carefully controlled circumstances. Even then he will be forced to move like a criminal. He will never be seen outdoors in public again. Not in this country.

I can live with that, actually. In fact, out of all the dreadful eventualities in Bob’s scenario, the thought of a steercotted Ogabe skulking and cowering in the White House while he plots ever-more-dictatorial actions that keep blowing up in his face over and over, as his absolute power slowly erodes and the Tinkertoy nation he constructed out of the ashes of America That Was blows away with the breeze, almost makes up for the rest of them. Can’t say I’m quite as sanguine as Bob is about this part, though:

Here, the President will doubtlessly order the activation of National Guard units and the regular military to impose martial law, setting the largest and most powerful military in the world against its own people. Unfortunately, the tighter the President clinches his tyrannical fist, the more rebels he makes.

Military commands and federal agencies will be whittled down as servicemen and agents will desert or defect. Some may leave as individuals, others may join the Rebellion in squad and larger-sized units with all their weapons, tactics, skills, and insider intelligence. The regime will be unable to trust its own people, and because they cannot trust them, they will lose more in a vicious cycle of collapse.

It’d be nice to think that LE and military types would refuse to follow the orders of the tyrant and defy the chain of command in numbers enough to have any kind of impact, but I dunno. The famous picture of the hapless Muhammad movie-maker surrounded by a sea of klueless koppers perfectly willing, if not eager, to violate his 1A rights and haul him off to the gulag at the politically-motivated whim of Dear Leader would seem to contradict that hope; local LE has grown way too accustomed to their power and comfortable with the militarization of their departments, and they enjoy the urban-assault toys the Federal G has loaded them up with too much to give them up in support of a principle they’ve never been all that attached to or even cognizant of anyway. As for federal agents, I can’t see any but the tiniest handful of them willingly relinquishing their cherished power over us.

ATF agents stepping up for freedom and the Constitution in defiance of their Imperial bossheads? DHS, the FBI, IRS? Think EPA and the Department of Ed SWAT teams are going to abandon their newfound lordship and dry up and blow away, after the Feds have stockpiled literally tons of ammo and equipment for just such an eventuality as this? Umm, sadly, no. My guess is that there would be fairly substantial numbers of lower-level military personnel who would have a problem with executing the orders of the tyrant; higher-ranking officers and the cops, not so much. And they’re–the cops, that is–the ones we’ll be confronting in the crucial, make-or-break early stages of insurrection.

In any event, the gutless liberal-fascist pussies will be relying on others to do their dirty work for them as usual, and I doubt they’ll lack for willing hands in this God-forsaken country. Which doesn’t make standing up for the right any less imperative.

The main thing to realize for now is that this is how the people running “your” government perceive you. Don’t make me repeat the ironclad argument that neo-Nazi pigsties like Daily Kos, DU, Media Mutters, TP Memo, PuffHo, and others have great influence with not only the rest of the liberal media, but our misbegotten government itself. Don’t make me post another list of the many times Democrat Socialist politicians at every level have referred to Constitution-respecting citizens legally and non-violently petitioning the federal tyranny for redress of grievances as dangerous, violence-prone criminals and even terrorists. Don’t make me reiterate that Tea Partiers and others have been placed on more than one Imperial watchlist. Just accept it, and steel yourselves. Because they’re coming, sure enough.

A little reminder from an American who is surely spinning in his grave like a 78 rpm record by now at how the country he helped found and establish has been debased and disgraced: “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” The line usually appended to this quote, albeit incorrectly, is nonetheless perfectly true too: “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” It’s fake, but it’s accurate as hell, now more than ever.

It has been said elsewhere that the NRA, for all the liberal-fascist shrieking about them, isn’t trying to take anything away from anybody. The same cannot be said of the liberal-fascists. We know what they are; we know what they hope to do. Molon labe, motherfuckers.

(Jawalink via Maet)


Dec 31


This is, as we have been told again and again by Leftist economic supergeniuses, unpossible:

The US shale gas boom, drastically cutting the cost of gas, is shaking the foundations of the Saudi Arabian economic model—and more is coming. The highly profitable $100bn Gulf petrochemical industry is taking a hit as its biggest customer—the U.S.—is importing less and relying instead on domestic production.

US gas prices have plummeted due to new techniques, known as fracking and horizontal drilling, developed to extract the vast deposits of shale gas in the North American bedrock. Production has jumped by nearly a quarter since 2000, reducing demand for Saudi gas. If China figures out how to exploit its own shale gas reserves the Saudis will have every reason to be nervous. The two pillars of the Saudi economy—oil and petrochemical exports—will both be on shaky ground.

Butbutbutbutbut…I thought that increasing domestic production would have no affect whatsoever on prices, that the law of supply and demand didn’t apply since oil was traded on a global market and blahblahblahwoofwoof. Plus, all you drill-baby-drill nuts have forgotten that it will take at least ten years for any new sources to come on line, negating any possible positive impact on current prices and the OPEC lock on production.

Guess Ogabe will have to get busy fighting this even harder than he has been, once he gets the gun-grab out of the way and all.


Dec 30

That was the year that was

Y’know, one of these days Dave Barry is gonna die, and when that happens and I no longer have his year-end review to look forward to, I don’t know how I’ll get through New Years at all.

It was a cruel, cruel year — a year that kept raising our hopes, only to squash them flatter than a dead possum on the interstate.

Example: This year the “reality” show Jersey Shore, which for six hideous seasons has been a compelling argument in favor of a major earth-asteroid collision, finally got canceled, and we dared to wonder if maybe, just maybe, we, as a society, were becoming slightly less stupid.

But then, WHAP, we were slapped in our national face by the cold hard frozen mackerel of reality in the form of the hugely popular new “reality” show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, which, in terms of intellectual content, makes Jersey Shore look like Hamlet.

Another example: As the year began, the hottest recording artist was the brilliant singer-songwriter Adele, whose popularity made us think that maybe, just maybe, after years of rewarding overhyped auto-tuned dreck, we were finally developing more sophisticated musical tastes, and then …

WHAP, we were assaulted from all sides by the monster megahit video Gangnam Style, in which a Korean man prances around a variety of bizarre Korean settings riding an imaginary Korean horse and shouting a song that, except for the words “Eh, sexy lady,” is entirely in Korean.

It was that kind of year. Remember back in 2011, when the big sex scandal involved Anthony Weiner, the ferret-like congressperson who committed political suicide by Tweet? We all thought, “Oh well, another Washington politician who wants to regulate everything except his own personal dingdong. At least there are SOME institutions, such as the Secret Service, the CIA and the Army, where males in positions of responsibility can control their …


Did anything good come out of 2012? Maybe. Just maybe. Consider: For years now, Washington has been paralyzed by bitterly partisan gridlock, unable and unwilling to act in the face of a looming, potentially disastrous economic crisis. But this year, we, the people, finally did something about it. We went to the polls, and we made our decision. Which is why now, as the year ends, we can look forward to a future in which Washington is…


So, OK, basically we need to forget about 2012 as soon as possible.

Every year there’s so much here I want to excerpt you’d wear out your finger scrolling. This year’s column is no exception. Enjoy.


Dec 30

Too close for comfort

Another of Glenn’s perfectly pithy posts:

IT’S NO DUMBER THAN AN “ASSAULT WEAPON” BAN: Swaziland Outlaws “Rape-Provoking” Clothing. In both cases, you’re blaming inanimate objects instead of treating humans as moral agents.

True, but it makes sense. After all, in a dictatorship, you really aren’t allowed to be a moral agent. Which makes it all the more obvious that liberal-fascist gun-grabbers would like Obamerika to be more like Swaziland than real Americans will ever be content to tolerate.

On the other hand, this is very encouraging indeed:

In Utah, nearly 200 teachers came out to receive free firearm training. In Ohio, a pilot program to teach teachers how to use guns is at capacity. And in Arizona, the attorney general has outlined plan to arm school principals as the less “extreme” option. Even before new legislation is considered on the state or federal level in the wake of the Newtown school shooting, educators across the country are learning how to shoot — for real, and right now.

The National Rifle Association’s plan to put armed guards in every school is one thing. Pundit suggestions to “gang rush mass shooters” and look for “huskier 12-year-old boys” are another story altogether. But when gun activists who say armed teachers can make a difference are luring hundreds of willing participants to an indoor sports complex, as Reuters reports they did late Thursday, well, you can start to see why a majority of people in this country still view the NRA favorably.

“Luring”? What an asshole. Hats off to these teachers; their courage and sense of responsibility are admirable, and they are a credit to their profession. The guy who wrote the article, as you may have guessed, is horrified by these laudable examples of individual initiative and attention to duty–almost shocking in this dismal day and age–and resorts to the usual “liberal” dishonesty to make his feeble case:

The apparent post-Newtown craze for gun-rights activists to transform teachers into gun-class students has arrived despite the fact that no armed civilian has killed a mass shooter in the past three decades. “Not one of 62 mass shootings in the United States over the last 30 years has been stopped this way [by an armed civilian],” reported Mother Jones’s Mark Follman, adding that the majority of mass shooters killed themselves: “More broadly, attempts by armed civilians to intervene in shooting rampages are rare—and are successful even more rarely. (Two people who tried it in recent years were gravely wounded or killed.)”

This is nothing more than a bald-faced lie, as is demonstrated by some of the commenters and also established elsewhere. Follman’s meticulous distortion and cherrypicking of the data is easily dispensed with, and as dishonest as all the rest of it is.

The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre has repeatedly suggested since Newtown that the armed guard at Columbine High School was not prepared to do enough to stop the shooting there — a claim that has been largely debunked. Several experiments have shown that average civilians do not perform well with minimal firearm training.

More lying liberal horseshit. In the first place, such “experiments” are worthless; no experiment is going to adequately reproduce the conditions of actual stress shooting, and as such isn’t going to be any more reliable than those “global warming” computer models, which have never once accurately predicted anything, have been. In the second, note the propagandist’s use of the word “minimal,” on which his assertion stands or falls–no one is advocating “minimal” training, and I doubt teachers who are as conscientious as these are going to settle for “minimal” training and consider themselves adequately prepared.

Gun rights activists are hoping to reverse history, however, with free training sessions that are expected to continue. Thursday’s event in Salt Lake City was organized by the Utah Shooting Sports Council, an advocacy group with a slapdash website that uses language like “Gun Control zealots,” references Nazi Germany (“Various schemes to establish de facto gun registration lists have been implemented in Nazi Germany”), and proclaims that “Gun Control is a FAILURE”…

Yeah. How thoroughly absurd. Why, it’s as if these silly gun nuts think that anyone at all out there is openly advocating taking their guns away! “Reverse history” much, douchebag? His snotty little slap at their “slapdash” website, too, is typical of anti-gun zealots’ arrogance: why, since these grassroots citizen groups don’t have the deep pockets the mainstream propaganda outfits do, their arguments can’t possible have any merit, right?

The douchebag really ought to have taken a closer, more open-minded look at that “slapdash” little website:

Gun Control zealots are well intentioned and sincere in their beliefs, but they are just plain misinformed and wrong. Their basic assumption is that making something illegal will stop it, but centuries of human experience prove that this is naive and foolhardy.

Murder has been banned since the Ten Commandments, but killers still kill. Guns have been registered or banned in Ireland since about 1730, but their gun violence has never stopped. Possession of a concealed weapon has been illegal almost without exception for over 30 years in New York, Chicago and Washington, DC, which now lead the country in murder rates. Recently implemented gun bans in England and Australia have been followed by HUGE INCREASES IN ARMED CRIME, preying on unarmed victims.

Follows, a long list of supporting links, which are pretty difficult for the hysterical, emotion-driven anti-gun nuts to rebut. Which, of course, is why people like Abad-Santos have to resort to “slapdash” petty insults instead of reason and logic to support their sinister agenda.

Bottom line: the phantasmagorical ineffectualness and chicanery of liberal-fascist wishful thinking has never been more apparent, and 2A supporters’ suspicion of the gun-grabbers’ motives and ultimate intention has been more than adequately proven to be anything but “paranoia.” All that’s really left now is choosing sides: truth or lies, historical fact or fantasy, freedom or fascism. And then: molon labe, motherfuckers.


Dec 29


Good. And. Hard.

They’re ready to jump off a real cliff.

New Yorkers of all income levels got a rude awakening yesterday when they saw in The Post how much more they will pay in taxes next year without a fiscal-cliff deal by Jan. 1.

“It’s that much higher?” asked IT worker Vikas Kataria, 34, who discovered that his combined household income of about $250,000 per year will cost him nearly $10,000 more in taxes.

“I thought it was a couple thousand — but that’s a lot,” said Kataria, who works at Merrill Lynch in Manhattan and is married to a systems analyst for a brokerage firm. “That’s huge!”

With higher taxes, the couple would have to cut out on traveling and family vacations.

Thereby deleteriously affecting the economy in those places, too. See how it works, you Obama-sucking idiots?

Clothing designer Peter Opie, of Canary Wharf Clothier, made about $2 million this year — and would see his tax bill spike by a staggering $100,000.

“The system is nuts here — it’s madness personified!” he said

“We were impacted massively by the hurricane — and now there is this,” said Opie. “You work your butt off and you end up with next to nothing.”

Welcome to socialism, stupid-ass. FYI, that ain’t no accident; it’s part of the program.

Small-business owner Haim Hagon, 51, said it’ll be tough to afford college for his two high-school-aged children.

“Every dollar counts when the situation is tough,” said Hagon, who makes about $150,000 and already moved his son from a private school to a public school due to financial concerns.

“Another $6,000 could have gone to my daughter’s tuition. I’ll have to find that money another way.”

He works 12 hours a day, six days a week to keep his children’s-clothing store in Forest Hills, Queens, afloat — and is now mulling staff and pay cuts.

“What am I supposed to do, work harder?” Hagon said. “I don’t want to find myself in front of my store dead with a heart attack!”

Not to worry, fool–if you do stroke out or have some sort of cardiac incident and it isn’t immediately fatal, you can trundle off to a government Obamacare facility, where an overworked and incompetent staffer (certainly not a real doctor; there aren’t going to be nearly as many of those as there once was) will be available to have a look at you in no more than six-eight months–well, say a year, at most–at which point you’ll be placed on a filthy cot and shoved into an overcrowded hallway, where you’ll be left to starve. Nice thing is, if the GOP manages to force a “compromise” on their Democrat-Socialist partners, as an efficiency-in-government measure you’ll be able to renew your driver’s license and pay your IRS bill at the same centralized government facility. So you got that going for you.

Anyone getting the idea that my sympathy for these poor, put-upon, whiny-ass New Yorkers, likely Obama voters to a man or woman, is…limited, shall we say? Most of them would seem to be members of the One Percent class as well, elevating the irony to a truly toothsome sublimity. This is what you voted for, dumbasses.

Reveling in schadenfraude, you say? Deriving joy from the self-inflicted sorrow of hapless fools? You bet your ass I am. Their superciliousness, their arrogance, their smug insistence on their own superior intelligence as they eagerly pulled the plug from the bottom of a badly-leaking boat makes it not just easy and enjoyable, but almost a survival trait.

The only downside I can see to their suffering is that by electing and re-electing the neo-Marxist assclowns again and again–His Most Puissant Lord and Royal Majesty Obama the Magnificent in particular–they’ve now subjected the parts of the country where the intelligence quotient runs a little higher to the same damned imbecility.

And I say again: making this even more deliciously hilarious is that the Bush tax cuts they’re wailing about seeing go away in the next few days are the very same unfair “tax cuts for the rich” they inveighed against back when they were first enacted.

Over the “cliff” we go; t’is a consummation devoutly to be wished. And I don’t even much care anymore if the useful idiots finally learn the lesson or not–as they say, stupidity should be painful, and the stupidity that clings to big-government socialism in the face of all historical evidence that it won’t and can’t work ought to be the most painful of all, because of its innate evil and the grave harm it does to the innocent victims it forcibly herds under the roof of its ghastly death-house.

Apologies to any of these people who are actually sane and don’t support the Democrat Socialists. For the rest: yeah, sit back and suck on it, morons. To the last fucking inch. And don’t forgot to bobble the boy-beans while you’re at it, as Ace once said.

(Via Prof Jacobson)


Dec 29

Everything they think they know is wrong

Howard Nemerov deflates a few hot-air balloons:

After the Newtown, Connecticut mass murder, anti-rights politicians and media shifted into high gear. The only “solution” for such a tragedy was another gun ban; within two days, Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced her version. Pundits like the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein politicized the tragedy by claiming that America is an unusually violent place, with the only answer being more gun control.

There’s a problem with all of their hyperbole: it is based upon myth and manipulated data.

Which of their positions isn’t?

I personally believed in civilian disarmament until an acquaintance in law enforcement challenged my gun-banner’s assumptions with questions and points I could not rebut. This began a research journey limited only by my decision to exclude any data cited by the NRA. At the time, I was convinced only caring people like the Brady Campaign would present the truth.

Surprisingly (to me, at the time), I found no dataset proving civilian disarmament made anybody safer.

In response to Ezra Klein’s report titled “Twelve facts about guns and mass shootings in the United States,” below are eight fictions about gun control.

Do note: all data cited below are from sources supportive of gun control.

Doesn’t matter much, of course; “liberals” like Klein are immune to fact, and impervious to reason. But that don’t mean it ain’t worth trying anyway–now and then, you might run across a more reasonable type like Nemerov himself. Read ‘em all: learn ‘em, live ‘em, and hurl ‘em in the teeth of every bloviating gun-grabber you run across.


Dec 29

Lefty lookers

John Bolton drones on about the Benghazi atrocity, asking questions that will never be answered; the truth is that it’s a dead horse, and it’s pointless to continue beating it. What got my mental gears turning was the photo of the Hilldebeast that accompanied it:

Jesus. Not that ol’ Cankles ever was particularly easy on the eyes, but I never really thought she’d be grotesque enough to be in the running against this hideously disfigured freak for the Left’s fiercely competitive Most Beautiful Woman crown:

The reigning champ and all-time standard-setter, the Grimacin’ Gargoyle, Helen Thomas, ladies and germs. Lucky for Hillary (and Bill, especially) she still has a way to go before she’s ready to compete in Thomas’s league. Give it another year or two, I’d say, and then we’ll have a real battle royal on our hands.

And now I gotta go find something else to post about quick, so as to get this away from the top of the page and avoid ruining y’all’s breakfast. Because I’m a caring kind of guy, folks.


Dec 29

It’s not that “liberals” don’t know anything; it’s that so much of what they know isn’t so

America the Violent, eh?

Indeed, when we look at overall homicides, the US is WAY down the list. In fact, its 4.2 is way below the world average of 6.9. So much for that garbage spewed by the hoploclasts about the US being so murderous – at least at home.

Same thing when we look at crime in general: at a website, World’s Highest Crime Rates, it seems that the US is the worst, but it turns out they have the title wrong: the numbers are total crimes reported, not “crime rates” (usually, as above, done as X per 100,000) – in other words, they are using the statistics to LIE to show the US as bad. Yes, we had nearly 12 million crimes reported, but we have a population of over 300 million (World’s Most Populous Nations) , but the UK and Germany each had about 6.5 million crimes, with only 63 and 81 million people respectively: in other words, the US has a crime rate about half that of Germany and only 40% that of the UK. (And yes, Canada’s crime rate is about 75% higher than that of the US. I don’t know how many of those crimes are printing Bible verses that condemn homosexuality or making sexist jokes, of course.)

Tsk, tsk. You violent, knuckledragging Europeans need to get your shit together and join us in the civilized world at last. Jeff says:

In fact, the studied ability to ignore all the evidence — and to merely keep repeating the lies — is part and parcel of the leftist political strategy. Repetition creates “truths,” because “truths” themselves are merely a function of how many people one can get to believe them.

Yep. It’s yet another idea originating in the European backwater of savagery and ignorance, as most of the Left’s twisted fantasies and stratagems do: Goebbel’s Big Lie.


Dec 29

Fucking morons get chumped again

The other day, I posted this:

Hell, we’ll even agree to let you have your useless gun-buyback weekends now and then in your squalid urban ghettos; all you ever get from those futile things anyway is a pile of rusty, broken-down old small-bore revolvers of the type your local gangbanger found in his grandpa’s nightstand drawer, that haven’t been capable of firing a shot in anger since V-J Day, and that said gangbanger is more than happy to trade in for a hundred bucks (“Yo, that’ll buy a lot of rounds for my Mac-10, nomesain!”).

Well, you can imagine my embarrassment; it seems I have to retract that statement and apologize, because ZOMG THE “MASSIVELY SUCCESSFUL” LA GUN BUYBACK NETTED A FRIGGIN ROCKET LAUNCHER OMGOMGOMFINGGOD.

Umm. Well. Yeah. About that.

That’s just crazy! You know what’s crazier? You can buy that stuff online. Here’s a page selling some. Here’s more. And try not to faint, but here’s a military rocket. And a rocket-propelled grenade. It’s crazy, just any old person can buy those things. Scary, right?

The word that appears on all of those pages — inert — means quite a bit. Let’s see if anyone in the media looks it up.

I derive a great deal of satisfaction from pondering how much the goddamned idiots paid for those useless pieces of deactivated junk–along with the rest of the pile o’ crap they bought back. What makes it even better is knowing that it was all bought with hard-earned money taken from the idiots who elected the liberal-fascist jackasses who make this superlative inanity possible, set it up, promote it to the hilt, but never seem to have a lot to say about the facts behind the breathless “MASSIVELY SUCCESSFUL” hype when they inevitably surface.

Sometimes, stupidity IS painful…even if the idiots hurt by it don’t know where their self-inflicted wounds are coming from, or why they’re hurting, or even that they’re hurting at all. It all gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling deep in my coal-black heart to see a heaping platter of purest bitter justice like this served up to these gormless pigeons.

Chow down, Kalifornya dumbasses. Again.


Dec 29

We are all felons now

Ahh, the heinous injustice of investigating poor old David Gregory for committing a crime for which any of us pee-ons could expect to be locked up.

This is, declared NYU professor Jay Rosen, “the dumbest media story of 2012.” Why? Because, as CNN’s Howard Kurtz breezily put it, everybody knows David Gregory wasn’t “planning to commit any crimes.”

So what? Neither are the overwhelming majority of his fellow high-capacity-magazine-owning Americans. Yet they’re expected to know, as they drive around visiting friends and family over Christmas, the various and contradictory gun laws in different jurisdictions. Ignorantia juries non excusat is one of the oldest concepts in civilized society: Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Back when there was a modest and proportionate number of laws, that was just about doable. But in today’s America there are laws against everything, and any one of us at any time is unknowingly in breach of dozens of them. And in this case NBC were informed by the D.C. police that it would be illegal to show the thing on TV, and they went ahead and did it anyway: You’ll never take me alive, copper! You’ll have to pry my high-capacity magazine from my cold dead fingers! When the D.C. SWAT team, the FBI, and the ATF take out NBC News and the whole building goes up in one almighty fireball, David Gregory will be the crazed loon up on the roof like Jimmy Cagney in White Heat: “Made it, Ma! Top of the world!” At last, some actual must-see TV on that lousy network.

But, even if we’re denied that pleasure, the “dumbest media story of 2012” is actually rather instructive. David Gregory intended to demonstrate what he regards as the absurdity of America’s lax gun laws. Instead, he’s demonstrating the ever greater absurdity of America’s non-lax laws. His investigation, prosecution, and a sentence of 20–30 years with eligibility for parole after ten (assuming Mothers Against High-Capacity Magazines don’t object) would teach a far more useful lesson than whatever he thought he was doing by waving that clip under LaPierre’s nose.

To Howard Kurtz & Co., it’s “obvious” that Gregory didn’t intend to commit a crime. But, in a land choked with laws, “obviousness” is one of the first casualties — and “obviously” innocent citizens have their “obviously” well-intentioned actions criminalized every minute of the day. Not far away from David Gregory, across the Virginia border, eleven-year-old Skylar Capo made the mistake of rescuing a woodpecker from the jaws of a cat and nursing him back to health for a couple of days. For her pains, a federal Fish & Wildlife gauleiter accompanied by state troopers descended on her house, charged her with illegal transportation of a protected species, issued her a $535 fine, and made her cry. Why is it so “obvious” that David Gregory deserves to be treated more leniently than a sixth grader? Because he’s got a TV show and she hasn’t?

Well, it all depends. Is Skylar a famous “liberal” journalist, crusading for the “right” by sticking up for the might? If so, then the laws are different for her and the ones that real Americans must knuckle under to don’t apply, so she’ll skate away as free as Gregory will–”guilty as hell, free as a bird,” to quote a true Obamerikan hero. Which is as concise and practical a definition of tyranny as you’re ever going to find. Read on; it’s Saturday Steyn, and the examples of the despotic folly this benighted, fucked-up country has fallen into go on to get even worse from there– incredible as that seems, and is.

Steyn winds up with this: “Sometimes a society becomes too stupid to survive.” He says we’re “near” that point, but it’s pretty obvious to me that we’re so far beyond it there’s little if any hope of ever clawing our way back out of the morass of Progressivist idiocy and moral putrefaction. But making an example of Gregory and seeing to it that he suffers for the crime he so clearly, wantonly, and arrogantly committed–far from being “a waste of time,” per Kurtz and his fellow court jesters–might be a damned good start.


Dec 29

pResident Zero (Sum)

PJ O’Rourke nails it, as only he can.

There is a fixed amount of good things. Life is a pizza. If some people have too many slices, other people have to eat the pizza box. You had no answer to Mitt Romney’s argument for more pizza parlors baking more pizzas. The solution to our problems, you said, is redistribution of the pizzas we’ve got—with low-cost, government-subsidized pepperoni somehow materializing as the result of higher taxes on pizza-parlor owners.

In this zero-sum universe there is only so much happiness. The idea is that if we wipe the smile off the faces of people with prosperous businesses and successful careers, that will make the rest of us grin.

There is only so much money. The people who have money are hogging it. The way for the rest of us to get money is to turn the hogs into bacon.

But never mind. The evil of zero-sum thinking and redistributive politics has nothing to do with which things are taken or to whom those things are given or what the sum of zero things is supposed to be. The evil lies in denying people the right, the means, and, indeed, the duty to make more things.

Or maybe you just find it easier to pursue a political policy of sneaking in America’s back door, swiping a laptop, going around to the front door, ringing the bell, and announcing, “Free computer equipment for all school children!”

Actually, he isn’t sneaking in the back door at all; it’s more like he’s having his no-knock shock troops kick in the front, confiscating the damned laptop at gunpoint, and then legally requiring us to buy it back. Read on for a good, hot slice of the negative effect Obama’s “thinking” has on foreign policy, along with a nice cup of shut-the-fuck-up for liberal idiot Thomas Friedman (“They think trade is a one-way enterprise, the object of which is for China to have all the world’s money. They’ve got most of ours already. Mr. President, validating China’s economic notions isn’t a good thing.”). Validating them is bad enough; adopting them as our own is even worse.


Dec 28

No more dodging the bullet

This strikes me as precisely correct. Which is one reason it won’t happen.

Barring a last-minute breakthrough, taxes will go up for every American taxpayer on Jan. 1 — and that’s a development conservatives should welcome.

Don’t get me wrong, it would be better not to raise taxes on anyone, pursue pro-growth tax reform and cut the size of government instead. But that’s not what the American people voted to do last month. Americans cast their ballots for big government.

Now it’s time to pay for it.

Until now, the growth of government under President Obama has not hit the pocketbooks of most Americans. During Obama’s first term, federal spending grew to more than 24 percent of GDP — the highest it has been since 1946. Yet almost no one in the country (except smokers and those who frequent indoor tanning salons) saw their taxes rise. Quite the opposite: 160 million Americans saw their payroll taxes reduced from 6.2 to 4.2 percent.

How can we expect people to care about the growth of government if it doesn’t cost them anything?

Well, we could expect them to care about it because it’s a direct violation of a core American principle–THE core American principle, in fact. But that’s asking a bit much of a nation of ignorant sheep who are incapable of understanding those principles in the first place. This bit amuses the hell out of me:

It might well be that the biggest mistake Republicans made during Obama’s first term was forcing the president to extend the Bush tax cuts. At the time, it seemed like a major victory by the newly elected GOP House. But in truth, it was a victory for Obama. Extending the tax cuts shielded the economy from the full brunt of Obama’s economic failures and allowed him to put off job-killing tax increases till his second term. It’s ironic. Obama never passed up an opportunity to blame President Bush for his economic woes, yet he rode the Bush tax cuts to reelection.

Does it frost anyone’s nuts but mine that the Bush tax cuts–which the scum-sucking Democrat Socialists are now excoriating the Republicans for even dreaming of allowing to expire, so grievous would be the damage done to the middle class–are the self-same tax cuts these self-same assholes spent the last ten years screaming bloody murder about as “tax cuts for the rich”?

Their shamelessness beggars belief sometimes. It really does. Avik Roy adds:

Principled conservatives in Congress should reject the consensus of the political class and stand firm. Unless Democrats are willing to sign onto serious, far-reaching restructuring of entitlement spending, we should go over the fiscal cliff. The most viable — and principled — way to shrink the size of government is to ask more Americans to take responsibility for its cost.

“Principled conservatives in Congress”–guess we’ll soon see if the GOP has any of those or not.


Dec 28

Demented neighborhood watch

Just another of those cognitive-dissonance contradictions so common to unhinged “liberal” minds.

One of the most stunning attributes of liberalism today is duplicity. What other group uses legality as a basis to defend exterminating the unborn, yet when it comes to owning a handgun, legality becomes irrelevant?

Well, hey, abortion is right there in the Constitution, specifically mentioned, and without ambiguous, confusing phrasing like “shall not be abridged” and all that bafflegab about militias ‘n stuff. In fact, for a lot of stupid, stupid people, abortion is the most important “right” enshrined in the Constitution. Believe me, it’s true; I know a goodly number of such people personally: otherwise intelligent and reasonable people (almost all women) who vote explicitly and exclusively on the abortion issue alone.

From the White House to Your House, the push is now on to paint gun owners in a negative light and clearly, it’s working. For example, in an effort to better serve New York’s Westchester and Rockland Counties, the Gannett-owned Journal News took it upon itself, without notifying the affected parties, to make public all the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of residents in the area with registered handguns.

The Journal News was so concerned about informing its readership of the prospective danger gun owners pose that it published a detailed interactive map with red and blue dots pinpointing the location of residents licensed to own pistols or revolvers and permit holders who “have purchased a firearm or updated the information on a permit in the past five years.”

Until recently, it was thought assault weapons were the menace. Now, owning a gun, any gun, is right up there with committing a sex crime. The Journal News’ address listing might as well have been a sex offender registry because gun stigma is now running a close second to being a convicted pedophile. The only difference is that in the gun owner’s case, no crime was committed.

Oh, I can think of a lot more differences than just that. For one thing, most “liberals” are more inclined to respect the rights of sex offenders–who, after all, are just victims of America’s patriarchal, unjust society themselves–than gun owners, whose rights they don’t even acknowledge at all. For another, these gun-permit owners haven’t, y’know, committed a friggin’ crime. Well, other than not feeling exactly the same horror over the very existence of firearms as rabid liberal-fascist nutjobs do, at least.

(Via Insty)


Dec 27


I may have to set up a “Celebrity (Not) Stupid” category for Samuel Jackson.

This movie has a fair amount of gun violence and can be a bit flippant about it. Does that give you pause in the wake of what happened in Connecticut?

I don’t think movies or video games have anything to do with it. I don’t think [stopping gun violence] is about more gun control. I grew up in the South with guns everywhere, and we never shot anyone. This [shooting] is about people who aren’t taught the value of life.”

Perfectly sane and sensible, which are rare qualities indeed these days. Cue up the Twitter calls from “liberals” to shoot his ass in 3…2…1…


Dec 27

“Just asking questions”: you’re doin’ it wrong

Ever-reliable liberal hack Howie Kurtz leaps into the fray to protect one of his ruling-class confreres.

I seriously doubt that he’s going to jail. But the D.C. Police Department apparently has nothing better to do than examine whether he violated the city’s gun laws.

Was the moderator of Meet the Press caught on tape, armed and dangerous, liberating a few Slurpees from a 7-Eleven? No, he waved a high-capacity ammunition clip on the air while interviewing Wayne LaPierre, asking why it shouldn’t be banned.

Doesn’t matter, or shouldn’t. Here’s the real question: did this liberal-fascist propagandist break the fucking law? A law he openly supports and advocates for–a law that, had it been you or me, we’d already be sitting in the hoosegow for flouting? He very obviously did, so the question follows: is this a nation of laws, or of men, where there is one set of laws for us pee-ons and another for those who would rule us? The answer to that one is so obvious as to be not worth bothering about.

The late word that NBC requested, and failed to receive, permission from the police certainly complicates the matter. But I don’t think Gregory was planning to commit any crimes.

Bullshit. Whether he “planned to” or not, it’s exactly what he did. Let him pay the price for it–or reveal beyond all debate and for all time what kind of a government we really have, and what kind of a nation we really are.

Update! A cautionary tale:

The results have not been what proponents of the act wanted. Within a decade of the handgun ban and the confiscation of handguns from registered owners, crime with handguns had doubled according to British government crime reports. Gun crime, not a serious problem in the past, now is. Armed street gangs have some British police carrying guns for the first time. Moreover, another massacre occurred in June 2010. Derrick Bird, a taxi driver in Cumbria, shot his brother and a colleague then drove off through rural villages killing 12 people and injuring 11 more before killing himself.

Meanwhile, law-abiding citizens who have come into the possession of a firearm, even accidentally, have been harshly treated. In 2009 a former soldier, Paul Clarke, found a bag in his garden containing a shotgun. He brought it to the police station and was immediately handcuffed and charged with possession of the gun. At his trial the judge noted: “In law there is no dispute that Mr. Clarke has no defense to this charge. The intention of anybody possessing a firearm is irrelevant.”

And so it is with Gregory here. Lock his ass up. Or, as I said, demonstrate for us indisputably what kind of a nation we are…so we can get busy fixing this shit, by whatever means might be necessary.

Updated update! Don’t know why this didn’t occur to me before, but…another point. This: “…the D.C. Police Department apparently has nothing better to do than examine whether he violated the city’s gun laws.” Really? That’s their fucking job, douchebag. But since Gregory is a fully-paid-up member of Soviet Amerika’s nomenklatura, I guess Kurtz is right, and the DC police really have no business wasting everyone’s time investigating his crime.


Dec 27

Important action alert!

Silverdeth has much, much more info on the vicious slime wads previously mentioned here, along with a funny suggestion which I would never, never advocate taking action on, because THAT WOULD BE WRONG:

Update II: That’d Be Unbelievably Tragic…
It just occurred to us how thought-destroyingly tragic it could be if anonymous people started posting “hooker wanted ads” or “give-away-free-events” at Craigslist on these Journal Staffers behalf. Nope, that would be awful, we certainly can’t condone that. Nope. Not a bit. Would be a God-damned shame.

Wouldn’t it, though. Wouldn’t it just. Via Bill, who says:

Remember, it’s all public information about people that many other people are interested in knowing more about, so it must be news!

Yep. Live by yellow “journalism,” die by it, I say.


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