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Qur’an burning!

Click the Qur’an and burn it!

This will stay at the top until our troops are cleared and the Iranian pastor set free. We would like this stuck to the top of all supporting sites. Copy and paste!

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Posted in Afghanistan, Barack Obama, Burn a Qur'an, Congress, Islam, Muhammad, Muslim, Obama, President Obama, U. S. A., U. S. Military, Uncategorized, War on Terror, War with Islam | Leave a comment

Who gave Benghazi talking points to Amb. Rice?

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Posted in 2012 elections, America, Barack Obama, Congress, government corruption, government deception, Islam, jihad, middle east, Muslim, Obama, Obamunnism, President Obama, terrorism, tyranny, U. S. A. | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bill Whittle, Restoration Weekend 2012 at the Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida. November 15th – 18th. Nov 17, 2012

(RW) David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend 2012 at the Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida. November 15th – 18th.

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Posted in 2012 elections, America, Barack Obama, Congress, conservative, Democrats, government corruption, government deception, liberal, Mitt Romney, Obama, Obamunnism, President Obama, republicans, U. S. A. | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Newt Gingrich, Restoration Weekend 2012 at the Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida. November 15th – 18th.

The Republicans should have nominated Newt. The leadership should have backed Newt, not Romney.


(RW) David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend 2012 at the Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida. November 15th – 18th.

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Posted in 2012 elections, America, Barack Obama, Congress, Constitution, Democrats, government corruption, government deception, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Obama, Obamunnism, President Obama, republicans, U. S. A., Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Petraeus Blackmailed By Obama?

Via Weasel Zippers

Krauthammer: White House “Held Affair Over Petraeus’s Head” For Favorable Testimony On Benghazi Prior To Election…

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Posted in 2012 elections, America, Barack Obama, Congress, government corruption, government deception, Libya, Obama, Obamunnism, President Obama, U. S. A., U. S. Constitution | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Video: Malkin: Impeach Obama For Benghazi ‘Jihadi-Coddling’


Islam and Muhammad depicted where they properly belong. Islam dead Muhammad’s head on a woman’s spear.

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Posted in 9/11, America, Barack Obama, Congress, government deception, government failure, Islam, Libya, Michelle Malkin, middle east, Obama, Obamunnism, President Obama, torture, Treason, U. S. A., War on Terror, War with Islam | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Happy Birthday United States Marine Corp

237 years today

2008 USMC Birthday Message

This is the 2008 Birth­day Mes­sage from the Com­man­dant of the Ma­rine Corps Read more

For Honor, For Country: 2012 Marine Corps Birthday Message

Posted in America, U. S. Constitution, U. S. Marines | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Wayne on “The Joy Behar Show” 11/7/12

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Posted in 2012 elections, America, Barack Obama, Congress, Democrats, government corruption, government deception, Mitt Romney, Obama, Obamunnism, President Obama, republicans, U. S. Constitution | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

NYC Mayor Goonybird making a bad situation worse. NY Marathon.

Via Newsmax

This NY Marathon should have been cancelled or postponed. Government at work. Watch this video and then read the post. True it would be an inconvenience for the runners and sponsers but nothin compared to that suffered by those struck by this storm.

Read the post here.

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Posted in 2012 elections, America, Barack Obama, FEMA, government corruption, government failure, Mayor Bloomberg, natural disaster, New York City, Obama, President Obama, U. S. A. | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

More on Obama’s Benghazigate, Newt Gingrich.

H/T Piratearian

Gingrich: Senator told me networks may have White House emails commanding counterterrorism group to stand down on Benghazi rescue

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Posted in 2012 elections, America, Barack Obama, Congress, Department of State, government corruption, government deception, Islam, Libya, middle east, Muslim, Obama, President Obama, U. S. A., War on Terror, War with Islam | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments