Chicago Thuggery Alive and Well in D.C. – Holder’s DoJ Shake Down 3000 Banks Charging Racism

In a move that no doubt has Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson applauding from the bleachers, Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of *ahem* Justice found new depths of Chicago thuggery with which to extort untold amounts of cash from an unprecedented number of banking institutions with phony statistics trumped up to make them appear to use racial discrimination when reviewing loan applications.

“Why bother with any actual evidence when we can use an obsolete statistical farce to manufacture some outrage!”

Of course, no one will see this on the nightly news except to report that the DoJ is cracking down on those raaaaacist bankers.

In an end-of-year press release — posted under the banner headline “Accomplishments Under the Leadership of Attorney General Eric Holder” — the Justice Department boasts of charging “nearly 3,000″ bankers with lending discrimination and fraud.



If all of them were guilty, this would be quite an accomplishment. Few would argue that prosecuting racists to the fullest extent of the law would be something worth crowing about.



But none of the race-bias cases highlighted by the administration was litigated in court. Evidence was never presented or tested, nor guilt ever proven. What’s more, no incident of discrimination was ever specified, and no individual complainants or victims of discrimination were ever identified.



All the major defendants — Bank of America, Wells Fargo and SunTrust Mortgage — settled while strongly denying Holder’s allegations that they charged blacks and Latinos a “racial surcharge” for mortgages simply because of the color of their skin.



In court documents, they argued that if Holder’s civil-rights prosecutors conducted an “appropriate analysis” of their loan data and loan-file documentation, it would have shown no disparate impact in product placement against African-Americans or Hispanics. They argued that any differences in loan pricing were attributable to legitimate, nondiscriminatory factors, such as poor credit.

Read the rest at IBD: Justice Dept. Admits Using Incomplete Data To Smear Banks As Racist –

Gun Violence: Hollywood’s Hype and Hypocrisy [video]

Quite a few Hollyweirdos recently published an ad calling for more gun control, as if to say guns are the problem.


Lack of respect for human life is the problem.


Enough is enough, alright. Enough with your attack on the Second Amendment!

We’re SAVED! Feinstein unveils sweeping gun-control agenda

Senator Gasbag.


We can all rest easy now that our great benevolent, elitist, gasbag has spoken.

California Senator Dianne Feinstein (Dimwit) doesn’t say she has all the answers, but you can bet she thinks she does and this is only the tip of the confiscation iceberg.



Via WND -

The senator describes the proposal as a version of the assault-weapons ban that expired in 2004.



Feinstein’s legislation ban scores of firearms, including military-style “assault” weapons and high-capacity ammunition feeding devices. It also calls for the creation of a federal register that would require millions of gun owners to be fingerprinted and photographed.

See list @ Feinstein unveils sweeping gun-control agenda.

Doug Ross asks the more pertinent question:

SAY, WHATEVER HAPPENED AFTER THE LAST ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN EXPIRED? Oh, that’s right: murders and violent crime went down. 

Texas boy goes on shooting spree with assault rifle, two home invaders hardest hit « The Daley Gator

Asshat of the month.

A 15-year-old boy, protecting his 12-year-old sister from two home invaders with an, wait for it, assault rifle? Gee, I wonder what smart-assed comments  David Frum would make about this

GatorDoug has lots more with video: Texas boy goes on shooting spree with assault rifle, two home invaders hardest hit « The Daley Gator.

Welcome to Texas: Home of the free Roadside Cavity Search

I guess the old phrase “Drive Friendly” is just passe’ anymore. Two state troopers have taken it on themselves to get overly friendly with a couple of females on the side of the road after stopping them for littering.

It seems the term “Roadside Service” might have been taken a bit too liberally.

Via The Blaze:

‘Violated’: Women Subjected to ‘Roadside Body Cavity Search’ During Routine Traffic Stop (And Dash Cam Caught It All)

Two women from Irving, Texas are suing state troopers and the head of their department in federal court after they say they were forced to endure an illegal and humiliating “roadside body cavity search” during a routine traffic stop, The Dallas Morning News reports.



The case is currently under investigation by the public integrity division of the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office and will go before a grand jury in January.



The dash-mounted camera on a trooper’s vehicle reportedly captured the entire incident on video. Angel Dobbs, 38, and her niece Ashley Dobbs, 24, say the unlawful search happened on the night of July 13 along a state highway.



In their lawsuit, the women allege that a female trooper, identified as Kelley Helleson, used her fingers to search both their anuses and vaginas with the same latex glove. To add to their horrific experience, the women say they were on the side of the road in full view of passing vehicles.



The video from the car’s dash cam clearly shows a female officer feeling around both women’s breasts and then sticking her hand down the front and back of their pants, wearing latex gloves.

Read the rest and see the disgusting dash-cam video at The Blaze: ‘Violated’: Women Subjected to ‘Roadside Body Cavity Search’ During Routine Traffic Stop (And Dash Cam Caught It All)

There is simply no excuse for the behavior exhibited by the officers in this case. Both should be stripped of their badges and blacklisted from ever wearing a uniform again, anywhere. Who do they think they are, TSA agents?!


Texas boy goes on shooting spree with assault rifle, two home invaders hardest hit « The Daley Gator

A 15-year-old boy, protecting his 12-year-old sister from two home invaders with an, wait for it, assault rifle? Gee, I wonder what smart-assed … Read more...

Welcome to Texas: Home of the free Roadside Cavity Search

I guess the old phrase "Drive Friendly" is just passe' anymore. Two state troopers have taken it on themselves to get overly friendly with a couple of … Read more...

CSCOPE – Undermining Texas SBOE Curriculum Approval?

A growing number of concerned parents and educators are questioning a new computer based "Curriculum Management" system. Some are making allegations … Read more...

Terror Threat South of Texas Border

Via KTRH and The Daily Caller Congressional report ties Middle East terrorists to Mexican drug cartel. According to a report released late last … Read more...

Texas Student EXPELLED For Refusing To Wear RFID Chip Tracking ID Badge

Via NTEB After months of protesting a policy requiring high school students to wear an RFID-enabled ID badge around their necks at all times, … Read more...


Chicago Thuggery Alive and Well in D.C. – Holder’s DoJ Shake Down 3000 Banks Charging Racism

In a move that no doubt has Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson applauding from the bleachers, Attorney General Eric Holder's Department of *ahem* Justice … Read more...

Gun Violence: Hollywood’s Hype and Hypocrisy [video]

Quite a few Hollyweirdos recently published an ad calling for more gun control, as if to say guns are the problem. NEWSFLASH: Lack of respect … Read more...

We’re SAVED! Feinstein unveils sweeping gun-control agenda

  We can all rest easy now that our great benevolent, elitist, gasbag has spoken. California Senator Dianne Feinstein (Dimwit) doesn't say … Read more...

Texas boy goes on shooting spree with assault rifle, two home invaders hardest hit « The Daley Gator

A 15-year-old boy, protecting his 12-year-old sister from two home invaders with an, wait for it, assault rifle? Gee, I wonder what smart-assed … Read more...

The Islamification of the US Military

A small sample of the putrid news I’ve come across recently. Hold your nose while you examine the disastrous effects on our military by pro-islamic … Read more...


Gun Violence: Hollywood’s Hype and Hypocrisy [video]

Quite a few Hollyweirdos recently published an ad calling for more gun control, as if to say guns are the problem. NEWSFLASH: Lack of respect … Read more...

Outstanding! – Christmas Flash Mob by Journey of Faith

This made me smile. Hope it does you as well. … Read more...

What Would a Real Conservative Do? – Bill Whittle Answers

Bill Whittle really gets it. H/T American Thinker … Read more...

Petraeus, Allen, Gaouette, Ham: The Benghazi Story The Media Isn’t Telling You

Ben Swann takes a look at 3 generals and 1 admiral who have been either caught up in scandal, forced to retire, or demoted since the Benghazi attack … Read more...

Texas Nationalist Movement President talks with Hannity about Secession [video]

Should Texas secede? Daniel Miller, President of the Texas Nationalist Movement, thinks so. "There cannot be a union between those who esteem the … Read more...

Political Cartoons

Too Many Taking the Bait

A.F Branco brings us another light hearted look at the serious situation in which we find ourselves. Don't take the bait! More A.F. Branco … Read more...

Weekend Roundup – Why Obama Must Go

Jobs Obama's Unprecedented Record of Failure on Jobs - IBD U.S. Shed 9,000 Mining, Energy Jobs in October, 17,000 Since May - Foundry Warped … Read more...

Breaking: Supreme Court Resurrects Obamacare Challenge

It's Alive! The challenge to Obamacare, that is. Did the Chief Justice have a change of heart? Did he finally remember where he placed that … Read more...

Mr. President, the Nobel committee called…

Found on twitter H/T @maxicat …

Redefining NASA’s Mission

via Hope n' Change Cartoons: Step By Step. Tip of the hat to Red … Read more...

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