Dread Pirate #BrettKimberlin and Perjury 5

On 17 April, 2012, Aaron Walker filed an Application for Statement of Charges relating to the false statements he believed TDPK had made. These included a false statement to a law enforcement officer, false statements in TDPK’s Application for Statement of Charges accusing Mr. Walker of assault and battery, and false testimony in various hearings. Here is Mr. Walker’s filing. The first page is hard to read, but the following pages summarize TDPK’s false claims.

There’s not much I can add to Mr. Walker’s narrative, except to note that the Montgomery County State’s Attorney declined to prosecute.

Tomorrow, we’ll keep looking at statements made by TDPK that are contradicted by other evidence.  Stay tuned.

Thank You, Zilla

MZAWARDS-W-200X200Hogewash! is a cowinner of a Zilla Award for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere for 2012 in the category of Blogs Whose Awesomeness Makes Leftists’ and/or Jihadis’ Heads Assplode With Murderous and/or Litigious Rage. The other blogs honored in that category were Blazing Cat FurAtlas ShrugsThe Lonely ConservativePatterico’s PontificationsAllergic to BullAmerican PowerThe Other McCain (especially the Wombat, man do the leftist trolltards ever have a hate-on for him!), Jihad WatchBare Naked Islam, and Liberated.

First, I congratulate the other winners. Second, I’m surprised and pleased to be is such good company. Thanks, Mare.

Thanks for the Links

A significant number of page views here at Hogewash! come from outside links. I’d like to thank those sites that have sent viewers this way during the past week. In addition to hits from search engines, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, Hogewash! has had visitors linked from:

Patterico’s Pontifications
The Other McCain
The Lonely Conservative
Shall Not Be Questioned
The Camp of the Saints
Hot Air
Rick’s Rants
Allergic to Bull

Thanks again for those links, and thank you to everyone who stopped by this past week.

Sunrise on the Moon

tychoCentralPeaks_lro950The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter snapped this picture of Tycho crater’s central peak complex casting a long, dark shadow near local sunrise. The dramatic oblique view was The rugged complex is about 15 km wide and is believed to have formed in uplift by the giant impact that created the well-known ray crater 100 million years ago. The summit of its central peak reaches 2 km above the Tycho crater floor. Features as small as 1.5 m are visible in the image.

Image Credit: NASA

Dread Pirate #BrettKimberlin and Perjury 4

Yesterday, we looked at the Application for Peace Order that TDPK filed against Aaron Walker on 9 January, 2012, and compared the claims he made in it with the video evidence of what actually happened. TDPK also filed an Application for Statement of Charges against Mr. Walker on the same day. Such applications are made under penalty of perjury.

As you can see on the first page, TDPK claims that Aaron Walker hit him on the shoulder and chest and pushed him. On the second page, he makes further claims. First, that he was hit on the face, shoulder, and chest. Second, that Mr. Waker tried to come at him several times. Third, that Mr. Walker was enraged because TDPK did not call him as a witness in the hearing that occurred immediately before the altercation.

Those of you who missed yesterday’s post (or who want to review the evidence) can find the surveillance video here. As noted yesterday, the video does not support TDPK’s claims of assault and battery. Furthermore, the video shows Mr. Walker keeping his distance from TDPK for the remainder of the incident. He doesn’t appear to be attempting to confront Brett Kimberlin again, and he doesn’t appear to be restrained by anyone. The video evidence contradicts TDPK’s description of the event.

His third claim, that Mr. Walker was enraged because he was not called as witness, is not supported by the transcript of the hearing. Mr. Walker did not attend as a witness. He attended to intervene with a motion to seal personal information that TDPK had inappropriately included in a public court document. Judge Rupp granted Mr. Walker’s motion. While the judge did not allow Mr. Walker to offer evidence during the hearing, there is nothing in the transcript that reflects his being enraged.

So we have a document affirming under penalty of perjury things that do not appear to have happened. And no prosecution.

Tomorrow we’ll look at another set of seemingly bogus claims. Stay tuned.