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Stalin Never Killed Anyone ...
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 13, AD 2012 2:45 PM MST
Posted without comment.

Night of the Long Knives Part 1
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 13, AD 2012 9:59 AM MST
First, a history lesson:

Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. Hitler then moved quickly to marginalize and then dispense entirely with the German Legislature, the Reichstag, and to effectively eliminate all political parties other than the National Socialist (Nazi) Party.

The last step in Hitler's quest for total, dictatorial power was the purging of the German military of any factions that were in any way autonomous and not 100% loyal to him, specifically the SA (Sturmabteilung, which means Storm Detachment).

The SA was run by Ernst Rohm, who, like most of the founding and high-level members of the Nazi Party and eventually the Third Reich, was a homosexual ephebophile (preferring teenaged boys). In fact, Rohm was a militant and vocal homosexual in the spirit of the ancient Greeks and musloids who believed that women were sub-human and that truly masculine men only had sex with other men and boys.

While Hitler and the rest of his circle were themselves also homosexuals, Rohm's flagrant openness about his perversions was all Hitler needed to execute a purge. On June 30, 1934 the "Night of the Long Knives" was executed. Rohm and the rest of the SA leaders were killed. Hitler publicly explained that the purge was executed because of sexual perversion in the ranks of the SA who were "plotting" against him. Hitler also used the opportunity to kill any other enemies or otherwise inconvenient or "untrustworthy" people that Hitler wanted or needed dead in order to achieve total dictatorial power. Once Hitler had achieved that power, he made the following nationally-broadcast announcement before the now-totally irrelevant legislature, the Reichstag, and the world:

In this hour I was responsible for the fate of the German people, and thereby I became the supreme judge of the German people. I gave the order to shoot the ringleaders in this treason, and I further gave the order to cauterise down to the raw flesh the ulcers of this poisoning of the wells in our domestic life. Let the nation know that its existence which depends on its internal order and security cannot be threatened with impunity by anyone! And let it be known for all time to come that if anyone raises his hand to strike the State, then certain death is his lot.
Adolf Hitler, July 13, 1934

A variant of this is what is happening right now. The Obama Putsch regime is now consolidating power and is purging the military of any flag officers that either have inside information that could blow the lid off the regime and/or men that they fear could organize a junta or counter-coup. And, as with Rohm and the SA, the modern American flag officer corps, as I have said many, many times, is a hive of sickening moral degenerates. Almost ALL flag officers today are adulterous fornicators who can be blackmailed exactly like Petraeus.

When I was a teenager back in Leavenworth, Kansas, I had occasion to become acquainted with a German lady who had just married a US Army flag officer that she met while working as a civilian contractor on a US Army base in Germany. Her husband was transferred to Ft. Leavenworth, which almost all flag officers pass through at some point. She was a strikingly handsome woman and super-sharp. She was very happy and was eagerly trying to get pregnant and start her family, as she was 35 or so at the time.

The last time I saw her, she was in a state of shock. She had left her husband, was filing for divorce, homeless and trying to organize getting back to Germany. Here is what happened.

She had finally become pregnant. She had just found out and hadn't even told her husband yet. They had been invited to and were attending a party being thrown by the post commander at his home that evening. Most of the upper-echelon flag officers at Ft. Leavenworth would be there. She was very excited and happy that she and her husband were literally now moving amongst the highest levels of the top brass in the US military, and she planned to tell her husband that night after the party that she was pregnant.

They arrived at the party in the gorgeous and huge old home of the post commander. In the foyer, there was a large bowl that all of the men placed their car keys into upon entering the house. She figured that this had something to do with drunk driving protections, as there was certainly drinking at this party. She thought nothing of it.

As midnight rolled around, the party suddenly concluded. All of the couples then moved into the foyer. One by one, the wives stepped up to the bowl full of keys and drew out a set at random. The wives then matched the keys up with their male owners and then left with that man.

It was a wife-swapping party.

When my acquaintance realized what was going on she refused. Her husband was livid.

When she got home she packed a bag and left. The stress of going from being on top of the world and happier than she had ever been to having her marriage destroyed, being betrayed so casually and sickeningly by her husband, and being made essentially homeless and penniless in a span of about five minutes caused her to immediately miscarry the baby a few hours later.

Night of the Long Knives Part 2
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 13, AD 2012 9:59 AM MST
Wife-swapping and other perverse, orgiastic activities are extremely common among the US flag officer corps. The level of bizarre sexual depravity we are seeing with Petraeus and now Allen, is common to the point of being pedestrian. It is exactly the same kind of sodomitical filth that pervades the political class. They are all sex perverts and cheats. Find me a flag officer or politician that isn't cheating on his spouse or a pervert and I'll be shocked. Sexual perversion is intrinsic to this class of people. These people are psychopathically insane, because you would have to be psychopathically insane to want anything to do with either the political class OR the flag officer corps today.

I can't tell you how many emails I have received over the last year and a half from men who have exited the United States Military as either a Captain or Major because they simply could not bear to be a part of the repulsive, honorless, amoral culture. They couldn't advance because at a certain point you literally have to sell your soul and become a purely political animal in order to climb the ladder.

And are you really surprised? Every single flag officer in the United States Military today is, by definition, an oath-breaking traitor. Barack Obama is not eligible to be POTUS and is almost certainly not a U.S. citizen. And not ONE WORD. Not one word from the flag officer corps. Why? Because they are politicians at heart, and they will never do anything to jeopardize their O-7, O-8, O-9 or O-10 pension packages.

Am I surprised that Petraeus and Allen and the rest are pathetic, pervy fornicators with the common sense of a pile of toenail clippings? Am I surprised that Petraeus was sending dozens and dozens of emails per day to his girlfriend and that their pillowtalk included national secuity secrets? Am I surprised that Petraues and Allen have spent their careers walking around with a "BLACKMAIL ME" sign taped to their backs? Nope. These people are imbeciles and psychopaths who implemented and oversaw rules of engagement that have intentionally gotten our boys killed as a literal sacrifice of total submission to islam. Watch this and then tell me what an intelligent and honorable man David Petraeus is:

And now, the Obama putsch regime is purging them and anyone else they deem to be a threat. It won't surprise me if Petraeus is indeed court martialed and stripped of his pension, because that is what the rest of the flag officer corps fears more than death. Make an example of Petraeus, and maybe Allen, and that will whip the rest of them into line.

This process of a totalitarian oligarchy constantly purging its own ranks in fits of paranoia and demands for total personal loyalty is as old as the hills. Lenin and Stalin eventually murdered almost every person that entered their inner-circles. Same with Mao. Same with Saddam Hussein. Same with the three Kims in North Korea. Beyond the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler was also having his own people killed continuously.

Just as the Night of the Long Knives in '34 was just the beginning, so too is this situation in the former American republic just the beginning.

Starting Tuesday Morning Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 13, AD 2012 8:15 AM MST
†  Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen † 

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 12, AD 2012 4:37 PM MST
The least-watched segment of the eight part economic presentation has 7000 views. I'm impressed. I didn't think there were 7000 people left in the world with a 2.5 hour attention span. I stand humbly corrected.

Negative reaction online consists entirely of critiques of my physical attractiveness or total lack thereof and arguments that my entire worldview and presentation is merely a byproduct of being "undersexed". Apparently I am simultaneously the single most physically repellant female on the face of the earth, most particularly my eyes, but a large percentage of the very men who are so repelled would also gladly "hit it". There is not a single rebuttal of any stripe anywhere that I have seen of any of my data or arguments. Yup. 2+2=4. All day long.

This past Holy Week, I think it was Good Friday, I was in the midst of working with local law enforcement in taking care of a couple of demoniacs who were habitually emailing me with pornographic rape and kidnapping threats. It "occurred" to me that Our Lord was viciously and hideously taunted with all manner of sexual remarks and foulness during His Passion. The Roman soldiers were bloodthirsty, sex-crazed pagan brutes. The taunts and gestures must have been unspeakable, especially considering that Our Lord was crucified, like all crucifixion victims, totally naked. The nakedness was one of the major points of crucifixion. Being publicly naked with no way to cover yourself was the ultimate humiliation, and one of the reasons why crucifixion was such a terrifying and shaming method of execution.

There is NO TRIAL that Our Lord has not already endured. There is NOTHING that can happen to me that hasn't already happened to Him, and infinitely worse. In fact, every time I, or anyone else, is able to make these experiential connections and realize that we are literally sharing in Christ's Passion, it only makes it easier, and draws us closer to Him.

So, by all means, proceed with the filth. You only prove my point, and demonstrate that true charity is being willing to lay down one's life not just for the "good people", but also for the people who deserve to burn - even if they won't listen, even if they love evil and will never relent. You still have to follow the example of Christ and try because maybe, just maybe, one of them, like the Roman centurion Longinus, will convert. The worse the satanic influence gets, the more grace will abound to more than offset it.

THIS is precisely what the Church means when it teaches that satan is indeed IMPOTENT.


I saw this and just had to post it. Very good.

Starting Monday Evening Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 12, AD 2012 3:51 PM MST
†  Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen † 

The Economic Presentation in 8 Parts
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 9, AD 2012 9:23 AM MST
Here it is.

Here is the link to the workbook in PDF.

Part One Topics:
Systemic Counterparty Risk
Money is a Fungible Proxy for Your Very Humanity
All Currencies are Fiat
The Gold Standard is Not Necessary

Part Two Topics:
The Gold Standard is Not Necessary Continued
WE Are the Gold
The Morality and Economically Essential Nature of Interest
The Real Problem in Banking System: Unbacked Unsecured Lending
Bank Balance Sheet Exercise

Part Three Topics:
Sample Bank Balance Sheet Continued
The Lie of FDIC Deposit Insurance

Part Four Topics:
One Dollar of Capital Banking Paradigm
Denninger Axiom & Chart -- Debt and GDP Change since 1980
The Debt Cycle -- A Snake Eating Its Tail
Intelligent People Must Reassert Themselves as the Leaders of Society
The Rule of Law and Justice Must Be Reasserted

Part Five Topics:
Wealth Transfer: European Context
Wealth Transfer: U.S. Context
The Bribing Set-up of the Underclass by the Regime in
Preparation for Mass Slaughter
Secession Dynamics
Credit Default Swaps

Part Six Topics:
Credit Default Swaps Continued
Repos and Reverse Repos
Why are These Exotic Products Being Traded So Widely?
Review of 90 Day T-Bill Rates 2007-2012

Part Seven Topics:
WHO is doing these exotic and risky derivatives?
Review of top banks' assets versus derivatives exposure
High Frequency Trading Scope & Solution
U.S. Government Unfunded Liabilities
The destructive nature of non-catastrophic insurance
Lies from Politicians

Part Eight Topics
More Lies From Lying Politicians
The Impossibility of Financial Planning Products and "Returns"
Why Inflating Debt Away is Impossible
The New Financial Objective: Holding Wealth Together and Minimizing LOSSES
There is Nowhere to Run
The Need to Position Into Physical Commodities
Quo Vadis? Where Are You Going?

Starting Friday Morning Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 9, AD 2012 9:09 AM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

You Ready to Get Serious Now? You Ready to Listen?
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 7, AD 2012 6:23 PM MST
Now do you understand why I had precious little to say about the "election"? The results of this election were determined in 2008, including the faux-opposition candidate. You people who have spent the last several months breathlessly agonizing over this, analyzing fake polls and deluding yourselves into believing that this was somehow a legitimate operation are just sad. You're like the people in Iraq who supported the opposition candidate to Saddam Hussein for all of those years. Yes, Saddam Hussein held "elections". Regularly. That is what happened here yesterday. We had a Saddam Hussein "election".

This can all be summed up in one simple sentence that I have been screaming from the rooftops ever since November of 2008:

These people are NEVER going to walk away.

The Republic was overthrown in a neo-Stalinist putsch four years ago. Stalinists don't walk away. Ever. Stalinists don't hold elections - they put on shows to delude the masses, which they consider to be vermin, into believing that they still have some say and some degree of freedom. And when even that gets tiresome for them, they start slaughtering people. By the tens of millions.

Note that all of the so-called pundits on the so-called "right" are avoiding the issue of massive voter fraud. They're all just spewing the same nonsense as ever:

The fight has just begun! This is when the real hard work begins! Yay! We'll show 'em in 2016! Yay!

Meanwhile, here in the land of reality, my inbox is filling with emails from people who are just now realizing that they are probably going to die an unnatural death, and probably within the next several years.

But it's cool, because Ace put up a recipe thread today. Spit on one's hands and hoist the black flag, indeed!

So, what to do now? I have several action items for you. These are all re-hash, but I'll put them together and re-post them because maybe, just maybe, you people are actually ready to listen and do something.


If you are self-employed, stop paying quarterlies and DO NOT FILE next April. Boehner rolled over this morning and announced that the "Republicans" are gung-ho to raise taxes. They can only raise taxes on you if you pay taxes. Don't pay. DO NOT FILE.

IF YOU ARE NOT SELF-EMPLOYED and your employer withholds your taxes, all you have to do is increase THE NUMBER OF EXEMPTIONS YOU CLAIM. Exemptions are NOT just wife-and-kids. People who make large charitable donations kick up their exemptions, as do people with big mortgages. In theory, there is no maximum to the number of exemptions you can claim, but 9 is considered to be the "normal" maximum. Go to your human resources / payroll department tomorrow and tell them you want to increase your exemptions and thus decrease your withholding as much as possible. Then, next April, DO NOT FILE.

There is exactly ONE non-violent remedy left to you, and that is a tax strike. If you do not do this, you are guaranteeing, and I mean 1000% guaranteeing, that there will be a massive hot war and genocide in the United States within the next decade. Go find a good teenaged boy. Look into his eyes, and then understand that if we do not starve the Putsch Regime in Washington, that boy will almost certainly die in the war.


If you do not now understand that the media is enemy number one of you, your family, this culture and of God; if you do not understand that the media is SATANIC, then you are either terminally stupid or you are hopelessly addicted to the satanic filth, agitporn and lies yourself. Pick up the phone, call the cable or satellite company and TURN THE SHIT OFF NOW.

Oh, and by the way, I found out how much you are paying for each cable channel. It is roughly $0.12 per month per channel. I saw this figure in a recent story about Algore's Stalinist propaganda channel, Current TV, which they are now trying to sell. Current TV goes into 60 million homes and has annual revenues from their cable and satellite royalties of $86 million. That is $0.12 per subscriber per month. So, you are offering that "pinch of incense" of $0.12 per month (at minimum) for every channel that is included in your cable or satellite package, including the sodomite channel, including MTV, including MSNBC, whether you watch it or not, and even if you block it on your cable box. Your money is still going to these outfits every month, and in doing so you proclaim that "caesar is lord". St. Polycarp, pray for us.


Get out, get out, get out. Close every brokerage account without exception. When my economic presentation is posted within the next few days, you will clearly see why. Pull your bank accounts down to the bare minimum. Buy gold and silver. Keep some Federal Reserve Notes on hand. Pay off debt and hold clear title to as much as you possibly can. Start liquidating your stuff now if, like me, you are going to eventually lose your home, which should actually be in play for almost everyone except the very wealthy who don't need to generate any income (and thus pay no taxes) to survive and and simply live off of their existing wealth. Anyone who generates income and declares a tax strike should start preparing now to have their home and the contents of their home seized. Thus, get rid of everything now so that there is nothing for them to seize.


Find cash-only doctors (general practitioners) operating in your area and establish a relationship with them now. Once you find a cash-only G.P., get a list of cash-only surgeons and surgery centers.

If you live anywhere near Oklahoma City, there is already an outstanding cash-only surgery center in your back yard. CLICK HERE TO BEHOLD THE FUTURE OF MEDICINE.


I'll just give you an example so you know what I mean. I found out that when you don't file with the IRS, what they do is "subpoena" your bank statements from your bank, and then they simply go in and add up all of the credits in your bank account and IGNORE ALL OF THE DEBITS. No expenses are recognized whatsoever. Every dollar "in" is considered to be pure, fully-taxable income.

Sounds horrible, right? Especially if you are a business owner like me, right?

So, how do I make this work for me? Simple. I'm going to get some cash deposited into the bank in a quantity that I am prepared to lose, and then I am going to login to my online banking interface and sit here all blessed day and transfer that quantity of money between my bank accounts. I'm hoping to "generate" "income" in the form of credit entries on my bank statements into the eight figures.

In theory, if I had enough of a cash base, I could literally offset the entire national debt by "generating income" for the IRS in this way. But, I'll just target an eight-figure "taxable" income for 2012. Heh. See what I'm getting at here? You don't cower. You RUN AT THEM.

If those rat bastards want to play, I'm their huckleberry.

Say when.

Starting Wednesday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 7, AD 2012 4:49 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Judicandus Homo Reus
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 6, AD 2012 10:56 PM MST

Watch every second of this.
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 6, AD 2012 3:58 PM MST
Watch every second. EVERY. SECOND.

And then may God forgive each and every neo-pagan imbecile who DARES call themselves a Christian that sends me an email talking about the "waste" and "stupidity" of my tax strike. These women went to the guillotine because the state passed a law forbidding them to wear their habits (nun's uniform) in public.

This regime has passed laws demanding that I, along with every single one of you, pay for the murder of infants.

While you idiots frantically twist scripture to justify your own breathtaking idiocy, shallowness of intellect, cowardice, narcissism, nauseating materialism, and above all FAITHLESSNESS, rendering unto Caesar YOUR IMMORTAL SOULS just so you can keep your precious, precious shit, I'll be over here, following the teaching of Jesus Christ as revealed infallibly in Holy Scripture through His Church and the example of the Roman Martyrology, and I'll be RENDERING UNTO GOD THAT WHICH IS GOD'S - which in case you haven't figured it out yet, is EVERYTHING, including one's life.

Watch this, and then understand what shameful, pathetic excuses for Christians and human beings the vast majority of "Christians" in this dead Republic are today.

Preaching to the Remnant
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 5, AD 2012 10:58 AM MST
The big, final economic presentation is on film. Thank goodness that's done. All that is left now is the editing, which will take a few days. I didn't say everything I wanted to say, and am kicking myself for a few conceptual omissions, but it still ran two and a half hours. I can fill in any gaps in writing here, if need be. Here is an email from one of the handful of invited attendees who was present to give me a small human audience so I didn't have to play just to a camera.

Good morning, Ann.

I'm glad I was able to attend your presentation. The two and half hours plus flew by and produced an impact that had an immediate effect on my thinking and understanding of not only our present economic situation but on our future as individuals and as a nation. I have known for sometime that our Republic is dead and that its ghost will soon be gone as well. It is the truth and you shared the truth, making sense to the complicated world of rhetoric that we all navigate through in our daily quests. You did an excellent job making your points and fueling my thirst to do what is right.

In the same email was sent along a link to an outstanding essay by Albert Jay Nock, who was an Episcopal priest and father of the modern Libertarian milieu from the turn of the 20th century. It was penned in 1936 and is on Isaiah and the vocation of prophesying to the Remnant - NOT the masses. I'm not a prophet, but I can sure relate to the concepts laid out in this essay.


Do read the whole thing, but I'll just get you started with a few key excerpts. Remember, this was penned in 1936:

In the year of Uzziah's death, the Lord commissioned the prophet [Isaiah] to go out and warn the people of the wrath to come. "Tell them what a worthless lot they are." He said, "Tell them what is wrong, and why and what is going to happen unless they have a change of heart and straighten up. Don't mince matters. Make it clear that they are positively down to their last chance. Give it to them good and strong and keep on giving it to them. I suppose perhaps I ought to tell you," He added, "that it won't do any good. The official class and their intelligentsia will turn up their noses at you and the masses will not even listen. They will all keep on in their own ways until they carry everything down to destruction, and you will probably be lucky if you get out with your life."

Isaiah had been very willing to take on the job — in fact, he had asked for it — but the prospect put a new face on the situation. It raised the obvious question: Why, if all that were so — if the enterprise were to be a failure from the start — was there any sense in starting it? "Ah," the Lord said, "you do not get the point. There is a Remnant there that you know nothing about. They are obscure, unorganized, inarticulate, each one rubbing along as best he can. They need to be encouraged and braced up because when everything has gone completely to the dogs, they are the ones who will come back and build up a new society; and meanwhile, your preaching will reassure them and keep them hanging on. Your job is to take care of the Remnant, so be off now and set about it."

Er, can you see why I'm liking this essay? Oh, but there's so much more. Emphases mine:

As the word masses is commonly used, it suggests agglomerations of poor and underprivileged people, laboring people, proletarians, and it means nothing like that; it means simply the majority. The mass man is one who has neither the force of intellect to apprehend the principles issuing in what we know as the humane life, nor the force of character to adhere to those principles steadily and strictly as laws of conduct; and because such people make up the great and overwhelming majority of mankind, they are called collectively the masses. The line of differentiation between the masses and the Remnant is set invariably by quality, not by circumstance. The Remnant are those who by force of intellect are able to apprehend these principles, and by force of character are able, at least measurably, to cleave to them. The masses are those who are unable to do either.

I spoke to this point in my presentation, calling out the intellectually and morally superior people in society to reassert themselves and wrest back control of society from the imbeciles and psychopaths. Did you just squirm at my use of the phrase "intellectually superior"? I'll bet you did. We have all been taught and inculcated to believe that any acknowledgement of intellectual superiority of anyone over anyone else is RACIST, and this capitulation to self-loathing and lack of character is why civilization is collapsing. Believe it or not, this is actually a failure in HUMILITY. Humility is NOT self-loathing or false modesty. The root of the word humble means HONEST. Humility is being HONEST about one's self. Usually this means acknowledging one's faults, but in other areas it means being honest about and acknowledging the POSITIVE aspects of one's self. Hence I can make the following two statements about myself and BOTH are humble:

I, Ann Barnhardt, am of above-average contemporary human intelligence.

I, Ann Barnhardt, am a miserable sinner am intellectually nothing compared to God.

Both statements are true. The key is to stay on the middle of the road between them and not go off into the ditch on either side of the road. Dishonesty in the form of false modesty or self-loathing will stifle potential and suppress one's vocation to serve God according to the gifts He has bestowed. On the other hand, a dishonest and inflated sense of self leads to megalomania. But balance is not only possible, it is expected. Our model for this is the Blessed Virgin Mary, who provided the perfect model for humility in her Magnificat in Luke 1:

"And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because He hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."

Mary can state boldly "all generations shall call me blessed" precisely because she is perfectly HUMBLE. She didn't run around and lyingly berate herself to others in a manipulative self-serving effort to prove how morally superior she was. That's what WE do, and have been trained to do, thus creating an intellectual and moral vacuum that has been filled by the stupid and the morally depraved, and that's why our society is collapsing.

If, say, you are a preacher, you wish to attract as large a congregation as you can, which means an appeal to the masses; and this, in turn, means adapting the terms of your message to the order of intellect and character that the masses exhibit ...

Isaiah, on the other hand, worked under no such disabilities. He preached to the masses only in the sense that he preached publicly. Anyone who liked might listen; anyone who liked might pass by. He knew that the Remnant would listen; and knowing also that nothing was to be expected of the masses under any circumstances, he made no specific appeal to them, did not accommodate his message to their measure in any way, and did not care two straws whether they heeded it or not. As a modern publisher might put it, he was not worrying about circulation or about advertising. Hence, with all such obsessions quite out of the way, he was in a position to do his level best, without fear or favor, and answerable only to his august Boss.

That dynamic sure sounds familiar.

Do read the whole essay. It is well worth your time. Or, you can listen to an audio version of it at the link at the very bottom under the biography.

Starting Monday Morning Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 5, AD 2012 9:40 AM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

They are preparing to "postpone" the election
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 30, AD 2012 11:00 AM MST

Not a joke. FEMA is moving on this as we speak. They are saying 10 days to restore electricity, and since most voting is done not on a paper ballot but on an electric machine, they very well could get the elections "postponed".

Read the whole article, but the last two paragraphs are especially chilling:

However, the report theorizes that presidential emergency power could be used to delay an election -- specifically, if "attacks, disruptions and destruction are so severe and so dangerous in certain localities, particularly in crowded urban areas, that the President under a rule of necessity may look to protect the public safety by federalizing State national guard and restricting movement and activities in such areas which would obviously affect the ability to conduct an election at those sites."

Congress could also theoretically step in and pass a law or give that power to the president, the report says. Courts have typically left it up to Congress to set election procedures.

This is just tragic . . .
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 30, AD 2012 10:30 AM MST
From the Wall Street Journal:

Corzine Searches for What's Next

Another person says Mr. Corzine has shown signs of restlessness and frustration about essentially being forced out of work by MF Global's demise and aftermath.

I can't imagine what it must feel like to be "essentially forced out of work by MF Global's demise and aftermath." Especially when, like Corzine, it had nothing to do with one's own actions - just pure victimization.

But hey, at least I haven't lost every last nickel and am not now staring down prison time like poor, poor Corzine.

Oh, wait. I have that backwards. Corzine is still worth $600 million and will never be touched by any law enforcement ever.

I'm the one who is now broke and will probably end up in prison.

Sorry. I got a little confused there for a second. This is Amerika. Decent people are destroyed and imprisoned while psychotic criminality is rewarded here. When will I ever learn? Silly goose.

Well, I know I had it comin'. I know I CAN'T. BE. FREE.

Must Read: Cross-Border Authority (CBA)
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 30, AD 2012 9:43 AM MST
From the excellent Matt Bracken via Western Rifle Shooters:

Read it. Spread it. Cross-post it.

If any of you post the on The Blaze, you might post the link over there and be sure that this gets in front of Beck's people, who seem to be the only ones doing any intelligent reportage on this.

Here's a tiny excerpt:

Libya, as far as standing down the rescue, is 100% Obama’s show, and nobody else’s. Only he can grant CBA, not Biden, not Panetta, not Dempsey, not Hillary, and certainly not Ham in Germany.


What I know FOR SURE is that the big “stand down order” issue revolves around granting or withholding cross-border authority. Every SOF officer and ops officer all the way up has this drummed into his head.

Starting Tuesday Morning Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 30, AD 2012 9:37 AM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Sooner or Later . . . .
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 29, AD 2012 10:02 AM MST

Starting Monday Morning Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 29, AD 2012 9:57 AM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Maximum Culpability: Why God's Wrath is Certain 1
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 28, AD 2012 8:23 PM MST
There are still people, millions and millions of them, who honestly believe that this nation, economy, culture, society, whatever you want to call it, is salvageable and can be turned around. There are still people who, after all of this, still think that ELECTIONS and Washington D.C. will lead us all to the Elysian Fields and pastures of plenty. These people honestly believe that Mitt Romney can and will "fix everything", even though Mitt Romney has actually implemented EVERYTHING people are screaming about Obama attempting, such as RomneyCare (which IS ObamaCare), insurance mandates, contraception mandates, zero-copay abortion on demand, sodomite marriage and assault rifle bans, and has yet to even acknowledge the mathematical impossibility of government spending. These people still believe that Darryl Issa and Allen West will suddenly re-assert the Rule of Law on November 7th, or something. You know, just like they swore up and down that these same people would "stop Obama" and "turn Washington around" after the 2010 elections.

Anyone who still believes this, very simply, has their head up their ass to their shoulders.

Not only will Mitt Romney, Darryl Issa, Michelle Bachmann and Allen West NOT do ANYTHING of any substance if "elected", they CAN'T do anything. It is already too far gone. The economy is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to fix. $222 trillion in unfunded government mandates over the next 75 years. At minimum $1.4 quadrillion in global derivatives exposure. Thousands of MANPADS and millions of pounds of American weaponry are now in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood / al Qaeda thanks to Obama's Libyan gunrunning. Iran will have an atomic arsenal, if they don't have one already, either self-produced or procured from Pakistan or the old Soviet arsenal. 60 million babies have already been killed. That blood is spilled. You can't ever bring them back.

I have to make this quick aside about Michelle Bachmann. That woman is a criminal. If you or I even attempted to do what she did, and only did it on one one-hundredth the scale, we would spend the rest of our lives in prison for fraud. Michelle Bachmann ran for POTUS, solicited and pocketed millions of dollars in presidential campaign contributions, and was, the whole time, carrying DUAL CITIZENSHIP in Switzerland.

Citation from Bachmann's website here.

Um, yeah. You can't be a citizen of any other nation and be POTUS. You can't be a citizen of any other nation and be Commander in Chief. Obama is the object lesson as to WHY. And yet, Michelle Bachmann ran for POTUS with full knowledge that she was legally ineligible. She took in over $20 million in campaign funds for an office that she fully knew she COULD NOT HOLD. That's fraud. That's orange jumpsuit and flip-flops. But, no. She's a folk hero because she knows how to bee-ess gullible Tea Parties - a very RICH folk hero, with plans to get even richer with each election cycle.

Now to the point of this essay. God's wrath cannot be assuaged at this point because we, the people of the former United States and Western Civilization, are the most guilty, culpable, iniquitous society to ever exist by many orders of magnitude. In terms of our guilt, we are far, far guiltier than the people of late Rome. There were aspects of late Roman culture that were prima facie worse than our culture, specifically the torture blood sports, but we are far guiltier than the late Romans, and thus deserve far, far worse. And that is exactly what we are going to get.

How can we be orders of magnitude guiltier than the late Romans, or any other culture for that matter?

Because we are willfully ignorant due to extreme intellectual and especially moral laziness. If there was ever a group to whom the words "YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER" applied, it is us. And we have absolutely, positively no excuse whatsoever for our ignorance.

1. We were a free culture. This isn't Saudi Arabia or North Korea, so save me your bullshit excuses. We have been free to read ANYTHING, learn ANYTHING, subscribe to ANYTHING. This has been the most licensed culture in all of human history. Male, female, white, brown, old, young, you name it. There hasn't even been a military draft in this country for forty years. We have had the near-universal societal leisure to pursue and ponder anything and everything. And we have chosen Honey Boo Boo, the Kardashians, and mentally retarded giants who chase balls in stadiums like dogs. We have chosen to be ignorant losers who revel and glory in our own inhuman stupidity, when we could have chosen to be excellent.

Maximum Culpability: Why God's Wrath is Certain 2
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 28, AD 2012 8:23 PM MST
2. We are wealthy. We are the wealthiest culture ever to exist. In all other cultures poverty has meant starvation, disease brought on by filth, and daily hard labor just to survive. In this culture, poverty means that your TV is under 42" and that your ObamaPhone is running Android Version 3, not Version 4. No one starves to death here. People don't die from ingesting human fecal matter in their drinking water. The necessities are totally taken care of, and thus people are free to spend the vast majority of their lives at leisure. Even our jobs are leisure, because we all get to choose what it is that we do for a living. Neither family ties nor the government have mandated, under pain of death, what any of us do vocationally. Whatever it is that you are doing or have done vocationally, you chose it and consented to it, and you were free to pursue your own interests. Since our culture has been so wealthy, most people have been able to support themselves with a 40 hour workweek, leaving in excess of 40 hours per week for pure leisure, free to pursue and ponder anything and everything.

3. We could have been educated. We are not. Most people in this culture, even though education was possible, are totally uneducated, and contra-educated. I would classify this culture as "barely literate". People can read and sound out a small core vocabulary of words, but there is very little comprehension of what is read, and that which is read is either ignorant, insipid or morally degenerated. What people are almost universally incapable of and totally unwilling to do is think for themselves - not just to be spoonfed "answers", but to actually ponder and parse information, to independently synthesize data, make connections, and to think through logical progressions. I don't care how many bee-ess college degrees you have, because all "education" today consists of is pumping and dumping information onto multiple-choice tests and occasionally faking a short-answer or occasional paper. That isn't education. That's beta pack animals learning the gestures of submission to the alpha. This culture is operating just epsilon above the animal plane - and those are the "college educated" people. The inner cities are operating on the purely animal level. But we COULD have been the most truly educated culture ever.

4. Every single one of you reading this has the sum of human knowledge literally at his fingertips. The most damning aspect of the internet won't be the pornography, I suspect. The internet pins every single one of us into moral corner because it completely removes any ability to argue that "I didn't know - I didn't have the information."

I gave a priest a thorough rhetorical beating a few years ago because he said something really stupid in a public and official setting that could have been disproved and illuminated in about seven seconds with a simple google, or any search engine, query. Whether you are a priest or a professor, or a politician or a wild-eyed blogger, there is NO EXCUSE for making incorrect public statements, no matter how trivial. If you speak, you have a grave moral obligation to be right, that is to speak the Truth. The cascading consequences of factual and moral errors are massive and horrifying, and we will only see those consequences at the General Judgment. When you have the sum of human knowledge at your fingertips, and thus the potential to extrapolate BEYOND the sum of human knowledge, thus expanding the domain of human knowledge itself; when you have been given that ability and are still so lazy that you can't even get the already-known facts-at-your-fingertips right, there will be hell to pay for that sloth.

As an aside, I am at this point reminded of Leon Panetta's lame-ass lying excuse that no help was sent into Benghazi because they "didn't have enough information." As if a live, real-time video feed from a drone circling directly overhead "wasn't enough information". Leon Panetta is lying, and justice will be done upon him in this life or the next, but everyone else in this culture who tries to claim that "we didn't know" will deserve exactly the same wrath.

5. Finally, we have far more guilt and culpability than any other culture because we WERE a Christian culture and turned our back on God with full knowledge and conscious forethought. The Romans of the 4th century were pagans who either knew very little or nothing at all of Christ. They had the Natural Law as their only guide. We have Christ Himself, physically present in the Eucharist, with our culture *allegedly* built on Him, and yet we have utterly denied and rejected Him and have reverted all the way back to the worst pagan cultures. The only revolt that is worse in enormity and scope is the revolt of Lucifer. Even the Jews of the Old Testament in all of their many episodes of falling away from God, didn't have the knowledge of Christ (obviously, because the Incarnation had not yet happened) and did not have the Physical Presence of God Himself to be taken into their own bodies, in the Eucharist.

We have nailed Christ to the Cross, and when He looks at us and asks us why, we have the unmitigated gall to say, "It's not my fault. I didn't see You there. You should have spoken up."

WE are going to burn like no other culture has burned before, including Rome, because we have, by far, the most guilt. Ignorance due to laziness in the face of unprecedented freedom and license, wealth and leisure time, potential education, technology and availability of information, and the knowledge of and physical presence of Christ Himself is why we must and we will burn. No one has ever, ever deserved it more.

Starting Sunday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 28, AD 2012 5:36 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Happy Birthday
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 27, AD 2012 9:41 AM MST
Today is my 36th birthday.

Today is also the day that the IRS confiscated my bank account. I think that is positively poetic. Now you people know why I keep saying that this website won't be around much longer and YOU will have to rebuild after the collapse and war. This isn't a game. This is completely, totally real.

I heard it said recently that saints are people who put their money where their mouth is. I hope that's right. I pray that's right.

Here is this morning's online image from my Wells Fargo personal checking account. I anticipate the business accounts will be drained early next week, too. I further expect that any monies that I attempt to deposit into any of my bank accounts will be swept by the IRS. They claim my "bill" is into the six figures, so $20,000 to them is just the very, very beginning.

They will also be coming after my car and my home.

I'm glad I bought a year's worth of freeze-dried food. Looks like I'm going to be needing it. But today, for my birthday, today will be a DOUBLE bacon cheeseburger day. And a strawberry malted.

Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man. For Thou art God, my strength: why hast Thou cast me off? And why do I go sorrowful whilst the enemy afflicteth me? Send forth Thy light and Thy truth: they have conducted me, and brought me unto Thy holy hill, and into Thy tabernacles. And I will go in to the altar of God: to God who giveth joy to my youth. To Thee, O God my God, I will give praise upon the harp; why art thou sad, O my soul? And why dost thou disquiet me? Hope in God, for I will still give praise to him: the salvation of my countenance, and my God.

Psalm 42 (Psalm 43 in Protestant Bibles)

Starting Saturday Morning Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 27, AD 2012 9:11 AM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 26, AD 2012 7:23 PM MST
Let's quit the chickenshit dancing around here.

The Obama regime has been running guns and BIGTIME armaments and munitions, including MANPADS, which are shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles designed to shoot down commercial jetliners, to the Muslim Brotherhood. This is just Fast-and-Furious except that the people being armed are musloids tasked with reforming the Islamic Caliphate instead of the drug cartels. But it is exactly the same thing. Ghadaffi was overthrown because the Obama regime wanted to use a chaotic, destabilized "wild west" Libya as the doorway to the Caliphate to get the arms in for distribution to Syria, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt and eventually Saudi Arabia. Egypt would have been too risky.

Ambassador Chris Stevens and the CIA were somehow, some way running or heavily involved this armament pipeline.

The Obama regime wanted and "needed" Chris Stevens dead, probably to cover the gun and armament running, so they killed him. Word was sent to the Muslim Brotherhood to attack the Benghazi facility. The Obama regime promised that there would be no retaliation and that a cover story about "slandering the prophet" would be provided. The Muslim Brotherhood wins all around. They get to keep all of the arms and MANPADS supplied by Obama with no whistleblowers AND they get their bullshit sharia law agenda advanced and explicitly ratified by the government of the United States.

Get used to this business of the Oligarch class using the Muslim Brotherhood to do their dirty work for them. This has been the plan all along, and it will only escalate from here.

As I have been saying since 2008, Barack Obama is the explicit enemy of what used to be the First American Republic, and of Western Civilization in general. EXPLICIT ENEMY. As in traitor. As in treason. As in murderer. As in should be arrested as a non-state, non-uniformed enemy belligerent, tried in a military tribunal, and upon conviction be put against a wall and shot by a firing squad, and then have his dead body publicly displayed so that there will be no future doubt or bullshit conspiracy theory crap that the son of a bitch wasn't executed. No shit.

And the same goes for dozens of people in his "administration" right along with him, except that the U.S. citizens, like Hillary Clinton, should be tried for treason. But like Obama, upon conviction (which should take all of five minutes to deliberate) these people should be executed by firing squad without delay. They are traitors and they are murderers.

After almost four years of this shit, you people are still trying to parse these events as if these people are just misguided or inept. These people are the declared enemy of what used to be the United States (they put the last nail in the coffin - the Republic is already dead) and of Western civilization. They are attempting to bring about a global tyrannical oligarchy and are in a close, explicit alliance with islam in order to consolidate control of the oil producing areas of the muslim world and eliminate Israel, and eventually to use the Caliphate as the army which will totally overrun and overthrow Europe.

Clinton, Obama, Panetta, Axelrod and THEIR HANDLERS, all of these people are coming straight out of Communism, which is really nothing more than a push for a global tyrannical oligarchy. It has little to do with any sort of economic theory per se, its only goal is to put a cadre of oligarchs in power, and to enrich them by any means necessary. We should probably stop calling it Communism and just call it neo-Stalinism.

Chris Stevens was tortured, gang ass raped, killed, and his dead body was gang ass raped again because the initial order came from Washington D.C. to kill him. The details really didn't concern the murderers sitting in Washington watching it happen via drone-cam, nor did the collateral damage in the form of the other three men killed. Stevens thought he was "in the club", but the poor fool was just another "stupid faggot" in the eyes of the Obama regime who was used and then killed because he was worth less than nothing to them. But then, all human life is worth less than nothing to these people.

One of the SEALs was on the roof of the building painting a target with a laser expecting a drone or a gunship to engage. What the SEAL failed to understand is that the drone he knew was flying above him was in fact the asset of the very people who ordered the strike, and that they were back in Washington watching via that drone-cam, cooly waiting for him, the ambassador and the other assets there present to die.

You people need to wake the hell up. Prepare for war. These people are killers and will stop at nothing until someone stops them.

This clip isn't about Limbaugh. This is all about the caller who is a SPECOPS guy. Listen to him. The default order is to rescue an ambassador under attack. They only way that DOESN'T happen is if an explicit order to stand down is given, and it must come from Washington from the very, very top.

Starting Friday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 26, AD 2012 6:33 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

On Defense Spending and Shadow Welfare
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 23, AD 2012 8:22 PM MST
It's amazing the things you can learn in a life if you just shut your piehole and listen. People ask me frequently, "How do you know all of this stuff?" This website is nothing more than the fruit of a life of near silence, which is required for listening, both auricularly and in the form of reading, which is the purest form of listening.

People look at the now-dead First American Republic's defense spending budget and despair. The amount of money being spent is massive and implies a massive federal income tax as a pure necessity in order to maintain any level of defense preparedness.

I have some good news (for a change) with regards to the issue of defense spending, and you all need to listen up because this will be another HUGE point to remember for after the collapse and war when you are rebuilding or building a new nation from scratch.

The major defense contractors spend at least ten times, and probably closer to twenty times what is actually needed on every project and contract. This is done with the full knowledge and at the command of the federal government.

The massive overspending is on man-hours. Major defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumann, General Dynamics and Raytheon, in addition to supplying and developing technology for the military, are also massive middle-class shadow welfare projects. The top 25 US Defense companies directly employ roughly two million people. The top 5 US defense companies directly employ 550,000 people. Directly. This doesn't count the subcontractors to these companies.

These companies, as they operate today, have at least TEN LEVELS of largely unnecessary, redundant and even detrimental "management" between the scientists and engineers who are actually doing productive work and the actual upper management of the company. Further, these ten levels of "management" are each low six-figure positions. We're not talking ten levels of redundant janitorial staff at $12.00 per hour. We're talking TEN LAYERS of $100k-$250k positions.

And these people do basically nothing that is genuinely productive. In fact, they slow down the process of genuine development and productivity, hamstringing and bogging-down the work of the actual engineers and computer scientists who, ironically, dwell at the absolute BOTTOM of the corporate structure.

Because of this massive bloat in man-hours and horrifically reduced productivity, .gov is billed AT LEAST ten times, and it may be closer to twenty times, what it should be billed by these defense contractors to achieve the same results and innovation.

But before you pick up your torches and pitchforks, please understand that this is exactly what .gov WANTS. Like I said, this is all a massive middle-class shadow welfare system. The .gov explicitly drove these defense contractors into these uber-bloated management regimes in order to provide middle-class jobs. The sub-urbs of the Denver metro area and all other cities which have a sizable defense industry presence, are filled with these defense "management" employees. In other words, these are people who are totally dependent on .gov for their paychecks, and whose jobs are completely, totally unnecessary and have a negative net impact on productivity. Yay. Go America.

Defense is not the only area in the economy where these massive shadow welfare paradigms exist. As Warren Pollock pointed out in one of our YouTube conversations, almost all of the so-called "compliance" positions in the financial services and banking sectors are completely unnecessary and counter-productive. It could also be argued, and argued very, very well that around 97% of the accounting industry is also a .gov shadow welfare project revolving around nothing but the payment of federal income taxes, which shouldn't even exist in the first place. And finally, we should all understand that most of the health insurance industry is nothing but a .gov shadow welfare matrix. Health insurance should be catastrophic coverage only, and thus have an extremely small and streamlined back office labor requirement.

Why? Why did .gov do this? Because almost all of the true manufacturing jobs in the United States have been sent overseas. We MAKE very, very little actual, physical stuff here relative to population and consumption. This economy is now almost entirely a SERVICE economy. Sixty years ago all of the people who are today working in "management" in these defense companies and the other government-created shadow welfare paradigms were working in manufacturing, some in management, and some in actual fabrication.

From what I have heard, there are massive numbers of people working in these defense company management positions getting paid six-figure salaries who literally could not boil water or make themselves a peanut butter and jelly sandwich if their lives depended on it, and thus should be working on a low-skill assembly line somewhere, not browbeating Ph.D. engineers. I personally know that a large number of the people working in the financial services "compliance" regimes struggle to keep from drooling on their desks and when provoked have been known to throw their own poop.

The government created this shadow-welfare economy in order to replace all of the REAL manufacturing jobs that it consciously and willfully exported to China.

So, when it comes time to rebuild and establish a Department of War (not "Department of Defense") in the new Nation, these defense contractors will need to be told in no uncertain terms that there should be no more than three levels of management between the CEO and the engineer, and any contracts should payout as such. The only reason the defense contractors are creating these ridiculous management matrices is because the money is flowing from .gov to do it. Take away the money and the corporations will streamline almost overnight. Management levels 2-8 will suddenly, miraculously, almost as if in an epiphany, be recognized as non-essential. In doing this, you will be able to maintain technological and military dominance for a mere fraction of the cost. The talent is here. It can be done. The .mil thing isn't the impossibly large money-suck that it appears to be when you understand that the outflows to contractors are inflated by a factor of twenty.

Further, in the new Nation, whatever it is, you guys are going to have to start MAKING STUFF HERE AGAIN. Everything. Steel, electronics, textiles, furniture, vehicles, everything. Establish import tariffs which will generate revenue for the government and put Chinese slave labor behind the eight ball relative to domestic employment, productivity and manufacturing. The people who are currently employed in all of the shadow welfare industries I just mentioned will need jobs. Those jobs will be MANUFACTURING jobs.

Starting Tuesday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 23, AD 2012 6:51 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 22, AD 2012 4:45 PM MST
1. Stop sending emails asking when I am going to upgrade this website. The answer is never. It serves its purpose and it functions. I type the words and the words appear on the flickerbox. Ba-da-boom. It isn't broken, so I'm not going to "fix" it. Further, it will probably only be in use for a few more months anyway, so it would be completely stupid to throw money (from any source) at something that will probably not even exist a year from now, and not only does not generate any revenue, but is a money sink as it is to boot. Finally, to all of you who somehow think that I and all other authors are morally obliged to provide YOU with a speech platform in the form of a comments platform, you're out of your narcissistic little minds. If you have something to say, start a website of your own. I've been viral for a year and a half, and I can honestly report that one of the most dispiriting aspects of this has been having to read the filth, degeneracy and stupidity that flows into my email box every day. I was taught how to set up auto-delete (for spammers) and auto-forward-and-delete to law enforcement (for pornography and rape threats) profiles in Outlook many months ago, but I still get hundreds of emails per day. Wading through that is Circle of Hell 3.5. Moderating comments would be Circle of Hell 14 and thus not only do I not have interest in doing that, I'd rather shoot myself in the face with a shotgun and then go swimming in a vat of Tobasco. Selfish? Totally. Yep, baiting 1.2 billion musloids to kill me in order to demonstrate how real men are supposed to act, shutting down my firm and baiting the Chicago and GoldMorgan Sachs filth, declaring a Federal Tax strike, liquidating my estate and preparing for homelessness and/or incarceration, and all the while writing volumes and volumes of educational, entertaining and hopefully edifying essays with ZERO compensation or monetization in the hopes of doing just a tiny bit of good and leaving some sort of record that this civilization wasn't totally braindead - it's just pure selfishness people. If I was really a decent person, I'd set up a comments widget. Eyeroll.

2. Here are two things that you all should do after the collapse and war that will correct a lot of the problems in the financial sector today and will lend instant stability and credibility to the system.

A.) No Branch Banking

Do you realize that branch banking used to be illegal? Interstate branch banking was only made legal in 1994. A great way to keep the banking sector under control is to prohibit branch banking. You will also need to make Bank Holding Companies illegal again, too, because BHC's are just a legal work-around to branch banking. If you allow inter-state banking (assuming there are still states) or even multi-branch banks within a state, you are going to get into the "too big to fail" dynamic all over again. The way to keep banks in check is to prohibit branching. Let each bank truly be a local member of its community and neighborhood.

B.) Set up new stock and commodity exchanges that are 100% open outcry execution. Pits. Screaming. Frantic arm-waving. Clerks. Runners. Old school. Orders may be routed to the exchange floor electronically, but they MUST be held in a deck and executed by human beings ONLY. This will put a completely organic buffer and control mechanism on the markets and will restore a considerable amount of integrity. Yes, pit traders can still be sleazoids BUT the safety and buffering afforded would far exceed the "sleazoid shrink".

Clerks and open-outcry brokers used to provide tremendous "security" to the markets, believe it or not. Many times in my 14 years in business I would have either a clerk or a pit broker call and double-check an order. We all make errors, and if I had, for example, put a spread order in "upside down", or if I had used the wrong months, someone would usually catch it. Also, using open-outcry largely eliminates the risk of a rogue trader entering massive orders that cannot be margined or funded. I had, on occasion, a desk manager call either me or the Risk Department of my clearing FCM to double-check that the account I had placed a very large order for was okay to put on a large position, and double-check the quantity. That's good business, and it is also the job of a good desk manager. With electronic execution, rogue traders and brokers can single-handedly cripple or destroy companies. Some psycho broker named Evan Brent Dooley ran up a $141 million loss trading wheat in the overnight electronic session on February 26, 2008. He managed to put on 15,000 contracts, which is 75 million bushels, in ONE EVENING. If any human beings besides Dooley had been involved in any way, that never would have happened. Oh, and the company Dooley worked for? MF Global.

3. One way to cross-confirm when exactly civilization began its final nosedive into hell is to look at PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITURE. Do you realize that before 1968 people generally did not smile in photographs? This goes for portraits as well as casual snapshots. I have seen old family snapshot pictures dating back into the 1920s, and no one is ever smiling. The same goes for yearbook pictures and wedding portraits. People posed for photographs with dignity. The smiling thing only began in the late 1960s. We should go back to that. The next time you have your picture taken, go for the old school dignified pose. No "nicey-nice" toothy grin. Toothy smiles put the focal emphasis on the mouth, whereas a dignified pose puts the emphasis on the eyes, which truly are the window to the soul. Your mouth is the window to your digestive tract.

If you don't believe me, I offer you proof. I have no idea who the chap on the left is, but he looks a lot smarter and more capable than the jackass on the right, doesn't he?

(Said the chick with her big, toothy gob plastered on her redneck website.)

Starting Monday Afternoon Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 22, AD 2012 1:56 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Just In: Picture From the Al Smith Dinner: UPDATED
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 18, AD 2012 8:35 PM MST

Far left: Mitt Romney, Second From Left: Barack Obama, Third From Left: Translator, Far Right: Cardinal Archbishop Timothy Dolan

"My good friends, this is the second time in our history that there has come back from the Al Smith Dinner to the headquarters of the USCCB peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds."


Voris has had enough. I agree with his sentiment 1000%. Bring it. Bring the pain and bring it now. If that is the only way, and it is clear that it is - these wolves, fiends and sodomites will never self-reform - then so be it and PRAISE GOD. The remnant Church Militant, already living in a de facto suppression, is ready, Lord.

Starting Thursday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 18, AD 2012 8:28 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Yo No Soy Marinero, Soy Capitan!
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 17, AD 2012 9:53 PM MST
1. First, a FANTASTIC piece from wherein KD speaks the truth in no uncertain terms about insurance and this total, complete bee-ess about forcing insurance companies to sell policies to people with pre-existing conditions. This is just sublime:

If you have a "pre-existing" condition then you're not buying insurance.

Remember what insurance actually is: A small payment made to someone in order to obtain pooled risk against an unlikely but catastrophic event that one either cannot or chooses not to reserve against on one's own.

By its very nature insurance is a negative-sum game. That is, if you take all the bad outcomes that happen across the insured population and sum their costs, the cost of the insurance purchased by that population must exceed the sum of the costs. It cannot be otherwise or the insurance company will cease to exist as it will make continual losses and eventually run out of capital.

As such if the catastrophic event already happened you're not negotiating for "insurance"; you are now trying to lay off the cost of mitigating the damage that has already occurred on someone else ex-post-facto.

The common word for that attempted act is theft.

It is THEFT. It is a crime. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. Let the truth ring out. Praise God.

Do you honestly think that these jackals in .gov don't understand this? Of course they do. They keep perpetuating this lie because they want the masses utterly dependent upon THEM, and controlling health care is at the top of that list, and in order to do that you have to destroy the healthcare market. Insurance is the tool of that destruction.

When you people come out the other side of this collapse and war, one thing you will need to do is to outlaw non-catastrophic health insurance coverage. I think the way to do that is to tie it to a person's income somehow. Make the MINIMUM deductible something like 20% of gross income. And remember, after the collapse there shouldn't be an income tax at all, so that isn't as high as it seems.

Insurance, if permitted to move beyond coverage of catastrophic events and into the realm of the mundane, will always destroy whatever marketplace it touches because it removes all price point feedback, thus driving the market to an inevitable government monopoly.

Now you see why the tyrant oligarchs have used insurance as one of their primary weapons against the economy. Their plan has worked to perfection. Medicare and ObamaCare have totally and completely destroyed the United States. It is now mathematically impossible to fix or walk back the debt. Critical mass has been reached, implosion and war are now guaranteed, and the First American Republic is a dead man walking. Remember this. It is so critical.

2. My economic presentation is done and has been presented to a live audience once. It went very, very well. It was two hours and twenty minutes. Those with brains will find it to be the shortest 2:20 of their life. Those without brains, and thus with no attention span will never get through it, but then, I didn't make it for them. I made it for those of you who will be the leaders of the rebuilding, and stupid people should not and must not be leaders. We've had decades of imbecilic leadership, and it is my earnest prayer that the age of stupidity is coming to an end in Western Civilization and the intelligent people in society will once again assert themselves.

Hopefully I can get the videotaping done soon and get it up on YouTube before it is too late.

3. In that spirit of reminding you all that you are going to have to learn to be leaders, and just because KD's piece made me feel like dancing a bit, here is the Los Lobos cover of Ritchie Valens' "La Bamba". The mariachi riff at the end is just killer.

Remember, just keep telling yourself:
Yo no soy marinero,
(I am not a sailor,)
Soy Capitan!
(I'm the Captain!)

Lets, Let's and Lettuce and Limbo Follow-Up
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 16, AD 2012 8:43 PM MST
1. More grammar by request. The word "lets", which has no apostrophe, means "to permit or allow" or "to lease or rent out". The word "let's", with an apostrophe, is a CONTRACTION for "let us". "Let us go eat bacon cheeseburgers," becomes, "Let's go eat bacon cheeseburgers." This is not to be confused with lettuce, which is a leafy green plant that has exactly one purpose, namely to add a texture of crisp coolness to bacon cheeseburgers.

2. Oh the Limbo of the Innocents essay was muy, muy effective. The screaming banshees came out in force with their rock-solid argument of, "I hate you. You're ugly. And stupid. I'll never read you again." Well, there you go. How can I argue with that? And I particularly enjoyed hearing from the lady who declared she will never, ever read me again, because this is the FIFTH such email I have received from her, and you know people are really serious on the FIFTH attempt. Be strong, honey. Be strong.

3. "How dare you speak with such confident authority!" No Pookie, the question would be how dare I NOT speak with confident authority? It isn't ME that is doing the speaking. It is The Church who speaks, and it is The Church who has the authority. I don't make any of this stuff up. I'm just repeating, quoting and paraphrasing what The Church says and has said for 1979 years, and since The Church is the Body of Christ, and Christ is the Head of The Church, and The Church is protected by the Holy Spirit, to speak the truths of the faith with anything less than authority, confidence and certitude is a sin.

4. Probably the sickest and saddest class of emails were the "Jesus doesn't want us to THINK about Him or try to KNOW any of this stuff, He just wants us to FEEL Him" emails. Nevermind lesson numero uno in the Baltimore Catechism that states that God makes us to KNOW, LOVE and SERVE HIM. Note the order. KNOW first, then LOVE, then SERVE. Nah. Why would you want to KNOW Jesus? You should just love Him without knowing Him - how you do that is totally beyond me, but hey, it sounds good and makes life easier, right? Eyeroll.

According to that line of thinking, the wisest, most virtuous people in the world are the perverts who cruise for sex with strangers in airport bathrooms and public parks. They never think about or know who it is that they are having sex with. They just FEEL.

Yeah, getting to know someone and falling in love with them is such a stupid, horrible, misguided thing. But then, maybe the whole idea of love being contingent first upon KNOWING the beloved is all wrong, huh? I mean, all of the smart, rich, beautiful people on the teevee have meaningless animal sex with each other first, and then if that FEELS GOOD they might get to know the person, or at least fake interest in them for a while. Yeah. Thinking about the Truth, which is Christ Himself, is clearly all wrong. We should just get a fake fantasy image of "Jesus" in our head who holds us to no standards and tells us whatever lies we want to hear, close our eyes, sit back in our reclining Superfun Rockband church stadium seats and FEEL. And then when we find out that Jesus isn't what our fake, lying fantasy made Him out to be, we can just break up with Him. You know, like Chris Humphries and Kim Kardashian.

Limbo Citations
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 16, AD 2012 8:42 PM MST
This is just excellent. I'll pick out just a few of the 24 reasons. Do read the whole thing.

Source Link HERE.

24 Reasons Why Not To Reject Limbo

John Vennari

Limbo is in the news. A new document from Rome's International Theological Commission [ITC], released on April 20, states that Catholics may virtually ignore the teaching on limbo and may have "many reasons for hope" for the salvation of unbaptized infants.

Practically every major newspaper carried the story. Headlines such as "Vatican Abolishes Limbo;" "Vatican Report Rejects Limbo;" and "Concept of Limbo Now Assigned to Oblivion" appeared throughout the world.

Yet despite this latest study, many intend to hold to the conventional teaching that the souls of infants who die before Baptism do not attain Heaven, because they have not obtained the remission of Original Sin that only Baptism provides. They go to Limbo, a place of natural happiness wherein they suffer no pain of punishment since they are guilty of no personal sin.

Listed below are 24 of the chief reasons why I, and thousands of Catholics the world over, will not reject the Catholic doctrine of Limbo:

1. Because Pope Pius VI, in a formal magisterial decree, denounced the rejection of Limbo as "false, rash, slanderous to Catholic schools";

2. Because the ITC's study on Limbo is neither a papal document, nor a magisterial document, but a modern theological exercise that does not bind the conscience of Catholics in any way;

4. Because it is an unchangeable article of Faith, taught infallibly by the Second Council of Lyons and the Council of Florence that the souls of those who depart this life in the state of original sin are excluded from the Beatific Vision;

5. Because Pope Sixtus V taught in a 1588 Constitution that victims of abortion, being deprived of Baptism, are "excluded from Beatific Vision," which is one of the reasons Sixtus V denounced abortion as a heinous crime;

7. Because to reject Limbo strengthens the implicit denial of Original Sin, a chief error of our age;

I. The Limbo of the Fathers - A place and state of rest wherein the souls of the just who died before Christ's ascension were detained until he opened Heaven to them; referred to as "Abraham's Bosom" (Luke xvi,22) and "Paradise" (Luke xxiii, 43) and notably in Eph. IV, 9 and I Peter iii, 18-20.

II. The Limbo of Children - It is of faith that all, children and adults, who leave this world without the Baptism of water, blood or desire and therefore in original sin are excluded from the Vision of God in Heaven. The great majority of theologians teach that such children and unbaptized adults free from grievous actual sin, enjoy eternally a state of perfect natural happiness, knowing and loving God by use of their natural powers. This place and state is commonly called Limbo. (Definition from A Catholic Dictionary, 1951)

References in Scripture:

"And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. And the rich man also died: and he was buried in hell" Luke 16:22

"Now that He ascended, what is it, but because He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth" Ephesians 4:9

"Because Christ also died once for our sins, the just for the unjust: that He might offer us to God, being put to death indeed in the flesh, but enlivened in the spirit, In which also coming he preached to those spirits that were in prison: Which had been some time incredulous, when they waited for the patience of God in the days of Noe, when the ark was a building: wherein a few, that is, eight souls, were saved by water." 1 Peter 3:18-20

"And he said to Jesus: Lord, remember me when Thou shalt come into Thy kingdom. And Jesus said to him: Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with Me in paradise" Luke 23:42-43

Church Teaching:

"Moreover as Christ was true and perfect man, He of course was capable of dying. Now man dies when the soul is separated from the body. When, therefore, we say that Jesus died, we mean that His soul was disunited from His body. We do not admit, however, that the Divinity was separated from His body. On the contrary, we firmly believe and profess that when His soul was dissociated from His body, His Divinity continued always united both to His body in the sepulchre and to His soul in limbo. It became the Son of God to die, that, through death, He might destroy him who had the empire of death that is the devil, and might deliver them, who through the fear of death were all their lifetime subject to servitude." Catechism of Council of Trent, The Creed, Article IV

"Q: What are we taught in the Fifth Article: He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead? A: The Fifth Article of the Creed teaches us that the Soul of Jesus Christ, on being separated from His Body, descended to the Limbo of the holy Fathers, and that on the third day it became united once more to His Body, never to be parted from it again". Catechism of St. Pope Pius X, The Fifth Article of the Creed

"The fourth and final reason is that Christ might free the just who were in hell [or Limbo]. For as Christ wished to suffer death to deliver the living from death, so also He would descend into hell to deliver those who were there". Also, "The reason they were there in hell [i.e., Limbo] is original sin which they had contracted from Adam, and from which as members of the human race they could not be delivered except by Christ. Catechism of St. Thomas Aquinas, The Creed, The Fifth Article, Reasons for Christ's Descent

"The limbo of the Fathers and the limbo of children, without any doubt, differ as to the quality of punishment or reward. For children have no hope of the blessed life, as the Fathers in limbo had, in whom, moreover, shone forth the light of faith and grace. But as regards their situation, there is reason to believe that the place of both is the same; except that the limbo of the Fathers is placed higher than the limbo of children, just as we have stated in reference to limbo and hell." Summa Theologica, St. Thomas Aquinas, Whether the limbo of children is the same as the limbo of the Fathers?

"Suarez, for example, ignoring Bellarmine's protest, continued to teach what Catharinus had taught -- that unbaptized children will not only enjoy perfect natural happiness, but that they will rise with immortal bodies at the last day and have the renovated earth for their happy abode (De vit. et penat., ix, sect. vi, n. 4); and, without insisting on such details, the great majority of Catholic theologians have continued to maintain the general doctrine that the children's limbo is a state of perfect natural happiness, just the same as it would have been if God had not established the present supernatural order" 1917 Catholic Encyclopedia, Limbo Summary

Contrary to what some Catholics have come to believe today, the doctrine of Limbo is mentioned in Scripture (albeit by a different name) and as we can see above, has been taught century to century by the Catholic Church. To deny its existence is not Catholic.

Starting Tuesday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 16, AD 2012 7:09 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Do Aborted Babies Go To Heaven? Part 1
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 15, AD 2012 9:48 PM MST
It is getting progressively harder and harder for me to leave the house. Not because I'm threatened or under surveillance or anything like that. It's because every situation or conversation I enter, or even just OVERHEAR or OBSERVE, is potential fodder for this bizarre website. It's as if I am eavesdropping on and then plagiarizing the world or something.

(Pause for moment of scruple-driven angst.)

Aaaaannnnddd......I'm over it.

So, I found myself in a discussion, the base of which was the question of what happens to babies who are killed in abortion. Do they go to heaven?

The answer is NO, they do not.

If you are recoiling in disgust and red-faced rage at this point, I would urge you to humble yourself and receive instruction, as this is a nuanced yet incredibly important bit of theology - and a lesson in logic. When you're done reading it, I guarantee you will have learned something. If you are Catholic, you will see how shallow and inadequate your catechisis has been, and if you are Protestant you will see how much you are missing.

1. The Church teaches and has taught from day one that baptism is essential for salvation. This comes straight from Our Lord Himself:

He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned.
Mark 16:16

This is repeated throughout the four Gospels and in the epistles. Baptism, baptism, baptism. Go forth and BAPTIZE. Don't just talk. BAPTIZE everyone you possibly can. With water. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. In fact, baptism is so non-negotiably essential that ANYONE can baptize - even a non-Christian. As long as the baptism is with water, and the form is correct, meaning in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit), then an atheist could baptize. A musloid could baptize. A Jew could baptize. A Hindu could baptize.

(*The notable and particularly relevant caveat to this is if the baptizer says the right words, but consciously means something completely different by the words "Father", "Son" and "Holy Ghost". I'm talking about the cult of Mormonism here. Did you know that Mormons teach and believe that God the Father is one of many "gods" who came from another planet and just happens to be the "god" of this particular planet, and that "God the Son" was once a non-divine mortal man, and that satan was his brother, and that the man they call "Jesus" at some point achieved divinity and was made the god of this world? Further, Mormons teach that when they die that they will also become gods and be given their own "celestial kingdoms" to rule? Mormons also teach that the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost are two completely separate and distinct beings.

Bottom line: Mormons are NOT, NOT, NOT Christians and Mitt Romney is NOT, NOT, NOT a Christian. Does that piss you off? Wow. I SO don't care. It is the truth. Deal with it.

Oh, and for the record, Obama is not baptized either. One of the huge selling points of Jeremiah Wright's Trinity "church" is the fact that he DOES NOT baptize muslims. Thus, muslims who are engaging in the war tactic of KITHMAN, that is pretending to be non-muslim while infiltrating a culture for stealth jihad, flock to Wright's "church" because they can pose as Christians while avoiding the sacrament of Baptism. If you don't believe me, just call Trinity and ask them yourself. Their number is (773) 962-5650. Be polite.

Not that this election is real, and not that the First American Republic still exists, but I do think that it is VERY interesting and telling that NEITHER candidate is Christian, which would be a first, and is certainly apropos.)

2. What is heaven? Heaven is nothing less than indwelling INSIDE the Trinity, contemplating the Trinity for all eternity. This is hard to understand from the "outside", but we know that this is the case from the words of Our Lord Himself:

That they all may be one, as Thou, Father, in Me, and I in Thee; that they also may be one in Us; that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me.
John 17:21

This is called "the Beatific Vision", which could perhaps be simplistically stated as "seeing and contemplating God from the inside."

3. Who DESERVES the Beatific Vision as a mere corollary to their existence? Nobody. Not even the Angels. The Angels had to choose to serve God even before the creation of the world. They were created by God, and then shown the plan of Salvation History before the Big Bang (Let There Be Light). Those who chose to serve God were granted the Beatific Vision. Those who chose not to serve God, specifically the Second Person, the Divine Man, Whom they resented as being "beneath them", were cast out of heaven, never having seen the Beatific Vision, and never to see it. Satan and demons are real.

Even the Blessed Virgin Mary doesn't DESERVE the Beatific Vision merely as a corollary to her existence. She says so in her Magnificat:

And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. Because He hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because He that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is His name. And His mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear Him.
Luke 1:46-50

Given these realities, does an unborn baby DESERVE the Beatific Vision? The answer is obviously "no".

4. But an unborn baby (Or even a born and yet unbaptized baby) has committed no sin. Their fate can't be hell. So where do they go? The answer is, they go to a "place" (for lack of a better word) called Limbo, specifically The Limbo of the Innocents. There is another Limbo called the Limbo of the Fathers which was filled with the righteous people who died on earth before Christ opened the gates of heaven on Calvary. The Limbo of the Fathers no longer exists - Christ emptied it while He was in the tomb.

At this point many are screaming, "BUT THAT ISN'T IN THE BIBLE!"

Oh, yes it is. If you bother to READ IT. And again, from the lips of Our Lord, no less:

And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. And the rich man also died: and he was buried in hell.
Luke 16:22

Abraham's Bosom is NOT the Beatific Vision. When Our Lord spoke these words, the Gates of Heaven were yet closed because He had not yet opened them. Abraham's Bosom was the Limbo of the Fathers.

The proof for the Limbo of the Innocents actually comes from the very first scripture I quoted above:

He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned.
Mark 16:16

Read that VERY carefully. Note that the second phrase does NOT tie non-baptism to condemnation. Condemnation (hell) is for those who reject Christ, but the baptismal state is left open. Note that in the first phrase that baptism is only tied to the Beatific Vision. What does this tell us? It tells us first that a person MUST be baptized in order to reach the Beatific Vision. It also tells us that those who die unbaptized and yet without any sin (which can only mean babies, both pre-born and born, and children who have not reached the age of reason, and therefore cannot be guilty of sin) DO NOT GO TO THE HELL OF THE DAMNED.

Do Aborted Babies Go To Heaven? Part 2
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 15, AD 2012 9:48 PM MST
Makes sense, huh? And remember, NOBODY deserves the Beatific Vision.

So, the "place" these innocent yet unbaptized babies and children go is the Limbo of the Innocents. The Limbo of the Innocents is a "place" wherein these souls experience MAXIMUM NATURAL HAPPINESS, but do not experience the SUPERNATURAL happiness of the Beatific Vision.

Let's think about this. Maximum natural happiness. Guys, you have never, ever experienced anything even close to maximum natural happiness. In fact, if you were given the gift of five seconds of maximum natural happiness, I'll bet that you would swear up and down that you had just seen heaven and that there is no way that there could be anything better. You would be wrong. Heaven, the Beatific Vision, is so far above Limbo that Limbo is considered to be at the edge of hell by comparison, simply because it is outside the Beatific Vision. But it is still better than anything you have ever experienced.

5. Now, we have to answer the question, "Why can't unbaptized babies go straight to heaven?"

It is a great question, with a great answer. On the surface it sounds "unfair" that a baby, especially a baby that was murdered in cold blood by its own mother, couldn't go straight to heaven, especially when we consider the fact that the mother could sacramentally confess her sin and die in a state of grace and achieve the Beatific Vision herself.

Boo! Not fair, the critics say.

Again, let's think this through. WHAT IF all aborted babies went straight to heaven? How would the logical truth table from that false premise play out?

Well, if all aborted babies are GUARANTEED heaven, but a born person who lives to the age of reason runs the risk of living a life wherein they reject Christ and end up in hell, wouldn't it be an act of charity and mercy for every mother everywhere to abort every child they conceive so that the child will absolutely, positively spend all of eternity enjoying the Beatific Vision?

Let's put a context to it. Let's say a poor woman who lives in an urban slum gets pregnant. She looks around and sees a terrible environment. She knows that her child will be raised fatherless. She knows that the odds of her child escaping the grasp of the gangs and the Marxist overlords are very slim. What should she do? If all aborted babies go to heaven, then the young mother should kill the child in utero, thus guaranteeing her child heaven and sparing it the risk of life in this world and thus the high risk of being lost to hell. In fact, it would be selfish and uncharitable for her NOT to abort the child....

Do you see what happens when we try to form a logical truth table off of a false premise? We end up with abortion as a charitable act of mercy. And satan SQUEALS with delight.

6. Now the question must be answered, "Why SHOULD the young mother allow her child to be born even with the high risk of the child eventually being lost to hell?"

The answer comes from Lesson Number One in the Catechism:

Q: Why did God make you?

A: God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven.

Every person is made by God with the desired end of the Beatific Vision. If the mother aborts the baby, the baby can never see the Beatific Vision, which is what God created the child for, and nothing less. In order to achieve the Beatific Vision, a person must be born and baptized, and die in a state of grace. Because remember, NOBODY deserves the Beatific Vision. Nobody.

No matter how long the odds seem, that baby is born with the Beatific Vision within grasp. Human beings CAN NEVER deprive a child of that chance.

And Jesus beholding, said to them: With men this is impossible: but with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26

7. What about miscarriages?

True miscarriages and stillbirths are God's will, and remember, those babies, like the aborted babies, are granted maximum natural happiness in the Limbo of the Innocents. We must trust God in these matters. It is possible that God in His omniscience and Divine Providence allows miscarriages and stillbirths in order to bring about the best possible outcome for the child. This is a very difficult idea to face, but again, it comes straight from Our Lord Himself:

The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of Him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man shall be betrayed: it were better for him, if that man had not been born.
Matthew 26:24

It would have been better for Judas Iscariot to have been miscarried because then he would have the maximum natural happiness of the Limbo of the Innocents. Instead, Judas betrayed Our Lord, doubted His mercy and never sought forgiveness and instead committed suicide, thus choosing the hell of the damned for all eternity.

But remember, ONLY GOD can make that call. No man can ever, ever play God and induce miscarriage, which is to say MURDER a pre-born child.

8. Why have I never heard anything about any of this up until now?

First, if you are Catholic and under the age of 60 or so, it is because the Church has been infiltrated by Marxist-homosexualists tasked with destroying the Church from the inside. Their father, satan, wants to convince as many people as possible that abortion is "morally neutral" or "contingent on the circumstances". Beyond that, satan actually does want people to believe that aborted babies go to heaven so that eventually he can convince people that abortion can be a MORAL GOOD. Satan gets two things out of this. He maximizes the number of people who murder their own children and then DO NOT REPENT, thus dying in mortal sin and going to hell. The second thing satan achieves is keeping as many human beings from achieving that which he himself rejected and RAGES against: The Beatific Vision. Satan is willing to compromise and cut his losses. He'll take the baby going to the Limbo of the Innocents, never seeing the Beatific Vision PLUS the damnation of the unrepentant mother AND the damnation of the apostate priests, nuns and clergy who told the woman that her abortion wasn't a sin because "the baby is in heaven."

If you are Protestant, it is because Protestantism is intrinsically stupid and insipid. That's it. Superfun Rockband church. Jimmy Swaggart. Brain dead Methodist "we're just here to keep up appearances". Don't believe me? Okay. Ask your pastor on Sunday if aborted babies go to heaven, and after reading this, stand back and bask in the bumbling ignorance of his (or her, shudder) answer. Yep. You can almost visualize it right now, can't you?

Starting Monday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 15, AD 2012 7:21 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Repost: On Hog Grease, Septic Tanks & Christ 1
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 14, AD 2012 9:02 PM MST
In my video in which I burned the Koran, I bookmarked the various pages with strips of raw bacon. Why did I do this? Is it because I actually believed that I was thumbing my nose at a non-existent pagan moon deity? Nope. People, there is NO SUCH THING AS “ALLAH”, so therefore what sense would it make for me to “offend” or “bait” a non-existent entity?

And a book is just a book. The paper is made out of tree cellulose and the ink is made out of petroleum and probably some sort of soy derivative. The bacon itself was composed of muscle tissue, fat tissue and connective tissue. The components of these tissues are water, protein, fatty acids and collagen. Break it down further and we're talking carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen in various configurations. Touching a piece of bacon, or any piece of pork or pigskin to a book does not result in anything except making a bit of a greasy mess of the book. No pagan moon deity is roused from slumber and filled with murderous wrath. Do you know why? Because THERE IS NO PAGAN MOON DEITY.

So why did I bookmark my koran with bacon? Because it was WITTY. Because it pointed up the absurdity of the West's groveling before musloid superstitions – specifically the U.S. Military's rules and protocol for handling korans, namely handling with the right hand only, and preferably with the hand or hands gloved.

Yeah, because the people who actually use toilet paper and DON'T wipe their butts with their bare left hands are the ones with the “dirty hands”. You betcha, General Petraeus.

Question: Why don't we issue the gloves that our military are supposed to wear when handling korans to the musloids themselves, and then the musloids can use the gloves to wipe their butts, and then won't have to go through life with feces-encrusted metacarpi? Is it just me, or does that not make a LOT more sense? I was going to crack wise at this point about “exiting the Stone Age”, but you know, I don't think Stone Age peoples wiped their anal sphincters with their bare hands. I think they used vegetation. Heck, even dogs know to work the “drag”.

This is also why I don't go for any of the “shoot them with pork bullets” stuff. Whether or not a bullet was coated in pork blood or grease has nothing to do with anything, and I really don't think that it is healthy or constructive for Christendom to stoop to the level of musloid superstitious stupidity by giving credence to these ridiculous myths.

Pork grease doesn't condemn people to hell. “allah” doesn't condemn people to hell. There is no “allah”. People, at the end of the day, send themselves to hell through their rejection of Christ manifested in their deeds and choices in this life. Yes, Christ is the Judge of all man and their deeds, but His Mercy is also infinite and available to all men. Men go to hell because they consciously choose to reject Christ and His Infinite Mercy. Whether or not a person was in physical contact with pork or a pork byproduct at the moment of death is utterly meaningless.

I run into this kind of foolishness amongst Christians fairly regularly. I had a client tell me once that anyone who is cremated goes to hell because there has to be a body to be resurrected at the Final Judgment. If there is no body to resurrect, the person is disqualified from Christ's Mercy and isn't “saved”. Period. No matter what.

Riiiiiiiiight. Because GOD ALMIGHTY is completely hamstrung by the physical laws of the universe. He has no power over matter or energy. He knits every person together in their mother's womb, cell by cell, molecule by molecule, atom by atom, but He can't put a person back together. Riiiiight. And so, for example, all of the people who were killed in the jets that hit the World Trade Center and were incinerated just go straight to hell no matter what, according to these geniuses. Because the same Jesus that they claim to love and know so well would do that. Nah, it doesn't matter what anyone did, believed or professed in life. Nah. If you're on a plane that gets flown into a skyscraper you're hellbound and down because your body was involuntarily cremated. And that goes for all of the soldiers and pilots who have been killed in war and had their bodies burned to ash. Sorry, boys! Infinite love and power only goes so far!

Here is a little rule of thumb I use to help me think through such questions: GOD IS SMARTER THAN I AM, SO DON'T EVER TREAT HIM LIKE HE IS STUPID. Do you see how this ties back to the musloid pork superstitions? Islam is intrinsically stupid because its founders were stupid, and so it is not surprising that the musloid fake deity, “allah”, is also stupid.

Their argument is that if a soldier fighting in jihad for “allah” should be shot with a pork-laced bullet, he goes to hell – even though he had no control whatsoever over the pork bullet or his death. Because the allegedly all-powerful “allah” is powerless against the crazy magic voodoo ju-ju of . . . pork products. See how that works? It's called stupid. Don't stoop to the stupid.

Repost: On Hog Grease, Septic Tanks & Christ 2
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 14, AD 2012 9:01 PM MST
And now a name and event that every single person should know: Thomas Vander Woude. On September 8, 2008 Thomas Vander Woude, age 66, was working in his back yard with his seventh and youngest child, Joseph. “Josie” was 20 years old at the time, and did everything with his Dad. Josie was born with Down Syndrome. After finishing up cleaning the family's swimming pool, Josie walked through the back yard toward his Dad who was also doing yard work. When Josie stepped on the 2X2 foot cover to their septic tank, the cover collapsed and Josie fell into the nearly-full, eight-foot deep tank. Thomas saw this and immediately ran over to the tank. He tried to pull the panicked Josie out, but couldn't. Thomas Vander Woude then slipped himself into the septic tank to help his son. A workman who was at their house at the time saw what happened and told Mrs. Vander Woude who called 911 immediately. Both the workman and Mrs. Vander Woude then ran outside to help. Thomas was in the tank, treading the sewage, trying to lift Josie up so that the workman and his wife could get a grasp on him and lift him out. It wasn't working.

Thomas Vander Woude then made the decision to take his last breath on this earth, dove under the surface of the sewage and pinned himself under his son so that Josie's head was above the surface and he could breathe until the rescue crews arrived. Thomas Vander Woude drowned without struggling in human sewage saving the life of his developmentally disabled son. His last moments were in the total blackness of the bottom of a septic tank, with a combination of urine, feces and wastewater rushing into his mouth, down his windpipe and into his lungs. I am hard-pressed to imagine a more physically filthy demise. Or a more terribly beautiful one. The tears that are welling up in your eyes right about now are the proof of that.

So, what do you think? Was Thomas Vander Woude^s death "ritually clean"? How do you think a musloid imam would address this situation if put before him hypothetically? Do you think that “allah” would allow a man into "paradise" who drowned in human sewage saving a son that islam considers to be non-human and would have been murdered at birth? But then, there is no “allah”, only a sick, twisted cult comprised of sick, twisted men.

Christ, on the other hand, is real. Not only is He real, but He was there, in the septic tank with Thomas Vander Woude. Christ knows all about diving into tanks of shit, because that is exactly what He did for us. He was literally born in shit, in a cave that acted as a shelter for livestock. The floors were covered in shit, as were the walls. Don't think that wasn't symbolic and carefully planned by Him. You don^t think He could have worked it out so that there was one room left at the inn? Sure He could have – but He chose the shit. He chose the shit because humanity fell into the septic tank, and we are all, every single one of us, drowning in our own shit. We just call it “sin”. The funny thing is, most of us don't feel Jesus underneath us, holding us up. It just feels like we are standing on a solid base. You know why? Because like Thomas Vander Woude, Jesus isn't struggling. He isn^t squirming or flailing as He sucks our shit into his lungs. He's just down there, supporting us, holding us up, drowning in our shit, with more solidity than the foundations of the earth, so that we can have life. I reckon the challenge in day-to-day life is to never delude one's self into thinking that we are standing on the bottom of the tank and holding ourselves up. We aren't. That's Him down there, whether or not we perceive it, or even believe it.

Remember this the next time you hear some musloid waxing philosophical on ritually clean death and admission criteria to “allah's paradise”. And don't belittle Christ and His Sacrifice by encouraging such stupidity of thought. The fates of men's souls aren't trivia, and it sure as heck isn't a game of tag played with pork products. Shooting someone with a pork-coated bullet doesn't make you the judge of mankind, determining who goes to hell and who doesn't. That task belongs to Christ and Christ alone, since it is Christ and Christ alone who has willingly drowned in the shit of every human being. And for that we should feel nothing but gratitude.


The word “shit” is used very intentionally and without apology in order to convey the brutal reality and enormity of the Incarnation and Passion. People used to understand this – before Superfun Rockband church turned Christianity into an intellectually insipid pablum of narcissistic neo-pagan self-absorption and mind-numbing "entertainment".

Starting Sunday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 14, AD 2012 8:38 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Action Item: Fighting Back Against the Pagans (1)
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 11, AD 2012 5:04 PM MST
I'm helping a group of teachers in a rural Catholic school fight back against the pagan lesbian nuns who run the school and are trying to poison the children and drag as many of them into hell with them as they possibly can. Because miserable, self-loathing new-age wicca lesbian drag king nuns want all the company in hell that they can ensnare, including CHILDREN.

The same goes for Sodomite priests, too.

So, um, what was it you were saying about being "nice" to these sorts of people? Really? Would you be "nice" to a pervert who tried to abduct your child from Wal-Mart? If you think about it, the pervert at Wal-Mart can only PHYSICALLY kill your child. The pervy witch nun and the Sodomite priest are literally trying to kill your child's SOUL. Forever. And ever.

Show the moloch-worshiping lesbian nun and the apostate, heretical Sodomite priest who are trying to drag your children to hell LESS MERCY than you show the pervert in the van at Wal-Mart.

If you refuse to do this, I only ask that you tell your children WHY. Tell your children as you tuck them into bed every night that the fates of their souls mean LESS to you than your social standing amongst a cadre of diabolical sex perverts. That way, at least your kids will know where they stand with you, and when the time comes, hopefully will put you in the bad nursing home with the rats and roaches and let you die in a puddle of your own filth - like you deserve.

Anyway, one of the things these diabolical sex pervert nuns and priest do at this school is going out of their way to profane the Chapel after Mass for the schoolchildren. They talk and yell and laugh and treat the Chapel like a "dance hall". That's how one of the teachers described it to me. These pagan villains also have told the children NOT to genuflect to Our Lord in the Tabernacle. They are breeding and encouraging not only irreverence, but a denial of the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist AND a contempt for anyone who does believe in the Real Presence.

Well, the teachers have had enough, and a holy war of defense has been declared. I bought the teachers some long, beautiful veils to wear whenever they are in the Chapel from Veils By Lily.

Folks, nothing, and I mean NOTHING will make a diabolical pagan lesbian nun's head explode like a chapel veil. Have YOU had enough of these curs and their satanic, pervy, man-hating, femininity-hating, God-hating crap? Are you ready to go to war against these becrewcutted crones?


Jesus isn't your boyfriend. Jesus is your SPOUSE. Put on the bridal garment. It makes Him happy. It makes the minions of satan RAGE. So, in review, you make your Divine Spouse happy, you make satan and his disciples spit bile, and you look pretty. Win. Win. Win.

Next, what to do if people in your parish also act like idiots after Mass? The Marxist-homosexualist infiltrators of the Church were specifically tasked with destroying all reverence for, belief in, and eventually knowledge of The Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. One key to this was encouraging people to NOT remain silent in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.

But the Lord is in His holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before Him.
Habakkuk 2:20

Yuk it up. Use the nave as a social space, not a prayer space. Heck, use the sanctuary as a stage for performances and lectures. Use the Altar as a table. Why not? It's not as if any of this ACTUALLY MATTERS, or Jesus Christ is PHYSICALLY PRESENT. Right children? So sayeth the Sodomite apostates.

Action Item: Fighting Back Against the Pagans (2)
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 11, AD 2012 5:04 PM MST
Here is what I recommended to the teachers, and I recommend to all of you out there with the same problem.

From 1884 until Vatican II, in March of 1965 to be precise, a series of prayers were recited after every Low Mass said on earth. These prayers were promulgated by Pope Leo XIII who had a vision of the demons prowling around us, and, terrified by what he saw, instituted the Leonine Prayers after Mass to help the faithful in their war against the forces of hell.

Is this sounding at all . . . relevant? Timely? Apropos?

The Leonine Prayers are very, very efficacious, and I can only imagine that, coming from the hearts and lips of school children under attack by Sodomite pagan nuns, they must make heaven positively erupt with joy, and must make hell tremble down to the blackest, deepest cinders. Heh.

Oh, and having prayers being recited also makes the idiots yakking it up after Mass shut their gobs and postpone conversation until they are out of the nave and in the parish hall getting their doughnut-and-coffee on.

The priest is supposed to lead the Leonine Prayers, but if your priest is a Sodomite apostate, or just a miserable little coward who CAN'T EVEN SAY PRAYERS AFTER MASS for fear of pissing someone off, then just do it yourselves. I promise you that PRAYING IN CHURCH is NOT a crime. It is good, however, if someone is the unofficial "leader".



Three Hail Marys:
Priest/Leader: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
All: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. (x 3)

One Hail Holy Queen
All: Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

Priest/Leader: Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God
All: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer for the Church: (If there is a priest, he says this alone. If no priest, ALL should recite it aloud, together.)

O God, our refuge and our strength, look down with favor upon Thy people who cry to Thee; and by the intercession of the glorious and immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Saint Joseph her spouse, of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the saints, mercifully and graciously hear the prayers which we pour forth for the conversion of sinners, and for the liberty and exaltation of our Holy Mother the Church. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.

St. Michael Prayer:
All: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Priest / Leader: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
All: Have mercy on us.

Priest / Leader: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
All: Have mercy on us.

Priest / Leader: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
All: Have mercy on us.

Remember, the only person who could oppose these prayers being said after Mass is satan himself, OR someone who is in service to him.

Get a group together, even if it is just a couple of you, or your family, or a group of friends, and just kneel down after the last note of music in the recessional and start praying in full voice. You might be surprised at how many people stay and join you, and anyone over the age of 60 or so might join right in, as many people do have vivid, happy memories of what the Mass was like before the Marxist-homosexualists eviscerated and profaned it in the 1960s. They will know exactly what you are doing and will join right in.

If you keep it up, you may end up with EVERYONE saying the Leonine Prayers after Mass, as they should.

Guys, we're never going to correct any of this Marxist-homosexualist pagan crap by just sitting passively and shaking our heads. Let's be blunt. The vast, vast, vast majority of these people, like the lesbian wiccan drag king nuns at the rural school, are never going to repent just like the pervert in the van stalking the toy aisle at Wal-Mart probably isn't going to repent. We must hope and pray that they do, but we must also understand that the vast majority of them never will. You don't sit and watch a pervert drag your kid out of Wal-Mart into his van and say to yourself, "Gee, I sure hope he changes his mind. But I can't make a fuss or say anything. What would all of these people think of me if I caused a stir? Ah, the kid will be okay. The most important thing for me is to fit in with everyone else here at Wal-Mart."

At that point, you have to stand and fight. Fifty years of doing nothing and letting these perverts steamroll over the Church and drag souls to hell is FIFTY YEARS TOO LONG.

Join with the teachers and FIGHT. It is time to go on serious, hard-core offense. I have just given you a way to do that. NOW GO DO IT.

Starting Thursday Afternoon Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 11, AD 2012 3:33 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

I'm Working.
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 9, AD 2012 8:12 PM MST
I'm working on a monster presentation which will end up on YouTube at some point. It will probably be my last. It is a full economic curriculum for the average person explaining what exactly has happened, why the world economy is going to collapse, and what will need to happen and be done after the war as you people are tasked with rebuilding. It includes a workbook that viewers can print out and use as they watch the video. You know I'm serious when I start making workbooks.

So, posts will be thin until I'm done with it.

Here's some music to tide you over. Pretty. Listen to the whole thing or else you'll miss out.

Starting Tuesday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 9, AD 2012 8:04 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Just Sayin'.
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 6, AD 2012 4:55 PM MST

Musical Interlude
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 6, AD 2012 4:32 PM MST
I do enjoy my little disc jockey bully pulpit, and am happy to spread good music around when I can. I am of the opinion that Alison Krauss can basically do no wrong and is one of the only consistently bright spots in American music in the last several decades, certainly in terms of female voices.

Here is a particularly timely song off the 1999 "Forget About It" album, written by Michael McDonald, "That Kind of Love". Lyrics included in the YouTube.

Starting Saturday Afternoon Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 6, AD 2012 4:15 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

7.8% ? I called it months ago. So Predictable.
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 5, AD 2012 1:54 PM MST

...In my opinion, the "best-case scenario" would be continued inflation at roughly the pace we are experiencing now until Obama is removed from office. I am of the considered opinion that there is absolutely ZERO chance for any stabilization or recovery so long as the Obama regime holds power. ZERO. Why would there be? The Obama regime is actively and consciously trying to destroy the United States and its economy.

Do you think these people are going to wake up one morning, come to Jesus, and suddenly stop their war against this country? I wouldn't count on it.

Further, don't be fooled by ANY statistics coming out of Washington D.C. The unemployment numbers are as fake as a three dollar bill. So are the consumer confidence and consumer price index numbers. They are completely and totally fabricated, and will show "improvement" as we move closer to the 2012 elections. It has already started with last week's completely phoney unemployment figures.

Analyzing these figures is as much of an absurd waste of time as analyzing Chinese economic data. THEY'RE MAKING IT ALL UP. IT HAS NO ANCHOR IN REALITY WHATSOEVER. Don't be a patsy. Don't be their stooge. WAKE UP. Look at the price of gold. Look at the price of crude. Look at the price of cotton. Look at the price of corn.

I look at these analysts trying to act like they're above it all, dutifully studying and quoting these fraudulent datasets in a vain attempt to map "analogue years" and interpret all of this as if it were somehow normal. The only word that comes to my mind is: PATHETIC. It's just pathetic to watch people living their lives in denial just because they want to maintain their position in their social circle or industry clique. PATHETIC. What's worse is that they are willing to sacrifice the wealth and well-being of their clients and consultees in order to maintain their deluded little worldview. Don't you be their patsy. Don't you be pathetic. Don't you fall for their deluded denial of obvious reality. Please.

And then . . .


3. Once again, just making sure everyone understands the sickening farce that is the "unemployment figure." I said last year (on the radio) that the reported "unemployment number" would be UNDER EIGHT PERCENT no matter what in Q4 2012. Sure enough, it appears that I will be proven exactly right. Is this because unemployment is going down? HELLZ NO! Real unemployment is climbing consistently, and is probably north of 20%.

I'm not psychic. I'm not a prophet. I don't hear voices. I simply am NOT STUPID, I have read history, and I have the stones to acknowledge obvious, objective reality. How anyone could NOT see all of this stuff coming is completely beyond me. You can see all of these things coming miles and miles away.

And by the way, this applies to my fears about Obama being assassinated. Seriously, how stupid and balless do you have to be in order to honestly argue and believe that COMMUNISTS are not capable of killing anyone? How stupid and balless do you have to be to convince yourself that COMMUNISTS, who murdered AT MINIMUM 250 million people in the 20th century alone, would be incapable of murdering a dim-witted, drug addicted homosexual puppet in order to completely overthrow and cement power over the largest economy and largest military force the world has ever seen?

IF Obama is false-flag assassinated, there won't be any "chain of succession" issues. Joe Biden will never, ever be POTUS, no matter what. If Obama is false-flag assassinated the Constitution will be suspended, a "provisional government" will be announced and martial law declared.

I shouldn't be surprised by the abject and complete ignorance of history - even recent 20th century history, the normalcy bias and tunnel vision anymore, but I still am.

I am worried that Obama will be taken out by his own people for exactly the same reason that I called this phoney-baloney unemployment crap months and months ago - because it is ALL SO INCREDIBLY PREDICTABLE, and the populace is too stupid and deluded to even see how predictable it all is.

Starting Friday Afternoon Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 5, AD 2012 1:31 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Ernst & Young Hires NFA Criminal Lauren Brinati
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 4, AD 2012 1:02 PM MST
Yep. The National Futures Association has shuffled the criminally incompetent Lauren Brinati, the Senior Director of Audits and Investigations to top-4 accounting firm Ernst & Young.

A key regulator has departed the National Futures Association, as the derivatives industry’s self-regulatory body seeks to tighten oversight of firms and assume oversight of the huge swaps trading market.

Lauren Brinati, director of audits and investigations for the Chicago-based NFA, this month left the agency for a job with big-four accounting firm Ernst & Young LLP, according to representatives of both organizations.

Wall Street Journal citation here.

Lauren Brinati, along with pretty much the entire NFA management and executives should all be sitting in prison cells awaiting trial for RICO statute violations and for the criminally complicit conscious participation in the non-audit "audits" of Sentinel Management ($500 million ponzi scheme) and PFGBest ($225 million Ponzi scheme).

Again, these people were conscious, willing participants in these frauds.

But, since the Rule of Law is dead and since we are now living in a post-putsch neo-Stalinist oligarchy, not only is Lauren Brinati and the rest of the NFA filth not sitting in prison cells awaiting trial, they are cheerfully going along their merry way, no doubt to continue their raping and pillaging the bourgeois whilst animalistically servicing the oligarchy.

If you would like to notify Ernst & Young of who exactly it is that they have hired - a massive incompetent who willfully participated in auditing fraud resulting in the loss of nearly ONE BILLION DOLLARS in customer segregated funds - because I'm sure that Ernst & Young has no idea who Lauren Brinati is (yeah, right), you can call their corporate headquarters in London (that bastion of financial integrity) at:


• Chairman and CEO: James S. (Jim) Turley
• Global COO: John Ferraro
• Global Managing Partner, Operations and Finance: Jeffrey H. (Jeff) Dworken

Perhaps a better bet would be to contact Ernst & Young's Chicago office at:


Ask for the human resources department regarding Lauren Brinati.

Starting Thursday Afternoon Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 4, AD 2012 12:45 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Truly Scary
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 3, AD 2012 9:21 PM MST
I didn't watch the debate. I went over to a Friend's house and talked, read some Aquinas, and then talked some more. Then I went to Chick-Fil-A.

I find myself with an intense feeling of dread after reading the wrap-up comments.

Obama got his ass kicked, or to be more precise, kicked his own ass. From what people are saying, it seems clear that Obama did not prepare in any way, shape or form. More on point, Valerie Jarrett, Michelle Obama and David Axelrod did not force Obama to prepare. At all.

This implies two things. First, the "less-bad" implication:

No preparation was done because they know that the elections will be fixed and none of them care, least of all Barry who is a drug-addled imbecile and doesn't care about much beyond his next gram of coke and male fellation.

What really, really is bothering me and has me genuinely scared (yes, I do feel fear) is the fact that it can now no longer be denied that Barack Obama is worth more to his neo-Stalinist handlers dead than alive.

Someone has to say it. It might as well be me.

There has been buzz of a false-flag assassination attempt contingency plan among the Valerie Jarrett gang, but after this, I am genuinely scared that the false-flag assassination may no longer be a mere attempt, but a full-on JFK scenario.

Obama the man is now a liability to the putsch. These people are evil on a scale that most people cannot fathom, and Barry has only ever been a puppet and a tool to them.

Join me in praying for the safety of Barack Obama or whatever the hell his name is. He needs to be removed, arrested, tried and convicted for what he has done in the calmest, most orderly way possible. If his own handlers false-flag assassinate him, the entire world will fall into tyranny almost overnight, and my fear is that is exactly what they want, and they may be audacious and desperate enough to do it - especially after tonight.

Stay frosty. Pray hard.

For God & Country Battle Standard Now Available
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 3, AD 2012 12:38 PM MST
Yes, you can have the Battle Standard logo file. Print it onto Iron-On paper and make your own t-shirts. Put it on your website. Do whatever you want WITH TWO EXCEPTIONS:

NO MODIFYING THE IMAGE. Don't add anything. Don't remove anything. It is what it is. If you want something else, do the right thing and start from scratch.


Which means that if you want to have flags, patches, bumper stickers, or anything else made that you then GIVE AWAY, that is massively cool. But no SELLING.

I'm sure you understand that, and this is coming from both me and the artist who did the actual artwork.

First is a link to the biggest, highest quality file of the image, which is living in my dropbox for web-based distribution. Just click on the link:

Click here for the full resolution Battle Standard.

Or, here is a lower-quality version (roughly one-quarter the size of the full file) that you can right-click on and save to your hard drive:

Starting Wednesday Afternoon Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 3, AD 2012 12:18 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

On Men Who Conspicuously Don't Wear Neckties
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 2, AD 2012 4:42 PM MST
Musloids believe that neckties are a symbol used by the infidel idolaters (Catholics) for the Cross of Christ, with the hanging-down part of the tie being the vertical beam of the Cross, and the bit around the neck being the horizontal beam of the Cross.

History says that neckties were first sported by Croatian soldiers during the Thirty Years War in the early 1600s, and that the French loved the look and picked up the trend. I agree. Neckties are awesome, and I wear them frequently - usually in pinks, pastels and florals, and always with a skirt. I wouldn't want anyone to think I was strange or confused, now would I? Wink.

I really don't care what the genesis of neckties is. What I care about is the fact that the musloids preach and teach the former. That's all that matters today. This is why the Iranian nutball Ahmadinejad is always wearing a sportcoat and dress shirt with no tie. This is why the nutty, evil black-Nazi Nation of Islam goons always wear those little bow ties. By not wearing neckties, they are, according to their code, telegraphing their hatred of Christianity, the Cross, and Jesus Christ Himself.

Any time you see a black supremacist, or a muslim, or a muslim sympathizer NOT wearing a necktie when standard convention says they should be wearing a necktie . . . understand and understand well that it is a very thinly-veiled coded message that they STAND WITH ISLAM and reject Christianity and "the white man". Take it to the bank.

They're counting on the fact that most people have no clue about the whole necktie thing and that it will all fly over everyone's heads.

Tee hee. Look at all of the stupid white Christians. I'll smack them and their white-boy "savior" across the face and they won't even know that I've done it.

It Can Only End in a Collapse: HFT & the Exchanges
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 2, AD 2012 12:18 PM MST
Via a ZeroHedge piece, the exchanges, led by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange with the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ right behind, will never, ever, ever do ANYTHING to stop the High Frequency Trading (computers trading in and out in milliseconds which have destroyed the markets) because they are making a massive percentage of their money off of the HFT trades, most of which are illegal, made possible by illegal order placement and illegal under-margining by HFT firms.

Karl Denninger laid it all out in an excellent post earlier this morning,HFT: STILL DANCING AROUND THE ISSUE

With each passing day as more and more human beings realize that the markets are not only dead from a Rule of Law perspective, but also because the HFTs are prison raping anyone and everyone they can and the Exchanges happily facilitate and encourage this raping of the Muppets (that's you), the percentage of the Exchanges' revenue that is coming from HFT is increasing on an exponential curve.

Bottom line: The HFTs are, for all intents and purposes, all that the Exchanges have left, and they will cling to them, protect them and enable them until the system finally goes no-bid and implodes instantly and catastrophically because these people are all evil, batshit crazy psychopaths. Terry Duffy will never surrender for exactly the same reason Hitler didn't surrender.

If you are still in or exposed to the markets in any way, you are basically swinging on a star that is going to go supernova and then implode into a black hole AT ANY MOMENT. There is no going back. The outcome is an absolute mathematical and metaphysical certainty. You can't stop a supernova. The Exchanges can not be saved. You have to get out and get as far away from the blast as possible, and then just hope that you don't get sucked into the resulting black hole anyway.

And in case you are new to this website, the "black hole" will be the nationalizing of all retirement accounts and pensions, converting all instruments and assets to U.S. Treasury paper, which you will never, ever see again, because U.S. Treasury paper is JUNK, guaranteed to default. Guys, this is all part of the plan. The putsch regime in Washington is LOVING EVERY SECOND OF THIS, and have told the SEC, CFTC and DOJ to protect both the Exchanges and the HFT paradigm.

Here is the chart showing the massive reliance on HFT for revenue by exchange courtesy of Raymond James, and below is an extremely informative interview with Mark Cuban, who isn't my favorite person, but he is spot-on and makes many outstanding points in this interview.

BAH. CNBC's embeds never work. Here is the URL to the Cuban interview from this morning. Copy and paste it into your browser.

Starting Tuesday Afternoon Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 2, AD 2012 11:47 AM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

PFG Forex and Phyzz Metals Accounts Raped 1
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 1, AD 2012 8:46 PM MST
Good grief, this is awful. But not surprising. And look who is doing the raping . . . JP Morgan with an assist by RBS.

Just to be clear, what this means is that people who had CASH FOREX (not FOREX futures, but people who were trading the actual currencies themselves) and people who were trading PHYSICAL precious metals (gold, silver, platinum and palladium) through PFG are having 100% of their accounts permanently confiscated. Imagine that. JP Morgan confiscating bullion. I'm shocked. Knock me over with a feather. The next thing you're going to tell me is that the Rule of Law no longer exists and that the Republic is dead - overthrown in a neo-Stalinist putsch.

Ms. Barnhardt,

I only discovered you recently, in the wake of the PFG disaster. Obviously with the water that's been under the bridge since then, I wish I had discovered you much sooner! I am a Forex trader and was doing business through PFG at the time everything melted down in early July. I've learned a lot about how badly I (and others) have been screwed in this fiasco -- largely by reading much of what you have written on your site. Thank you for all you continue to give to the trading/investing community.

I've received all the periodic updates on the PFG bankruptcy, along with the periodic "offers" to buy out my claim. I'm a patient man, so have just been waiting for this process to run to its eventual, unfortunate conclusion. But I always assumed I would get a portion of my account back. I received a disturbing email earlier today (see below) which indicates that is most likely not the case and thought I would bring it to your attention. Apparently Forex and Metals accounts are NOT being given the same legal protections through the bankruptcy process. I thought I understood the ongoing process, but now have to admit I was mistaken. If I'm reading this correctly, the (currently intact at JPM and RBS) Forex and Metals accounts will be used to pay off the Commodities accounts and pay for legal and other costs through the bankruptcy process and are not intended to be returned (in any amount) to the customers to which they rightfully belong. This to me feels like just another layer of the onion of the unending fraud that now riddles the financial system.

If you would like to use this information -- principally to inform other potential PFG Forex and Metals customers -- feel free to do so. Obviously, I have no expectation that you can do anything directly in this situation, but I respect what you've been doing to try and expose the wrongdoing that has been taking place. If you do decide to put any of this information "out there", please remove my name. Other than that, use it as you see fit.

Attention PFG FX and Metals Account Holders,

We are contacting you as fellow Peregrine Financial Group, Inc. (PFG) Forex and Metals account holders. We would like to share information with you that directly impacts all Forex and Metals accounts during the current PFG bankruptcy proceedings. The following information pertains to the perilous status of our accounts and should be of concern to every Forex and Metals account holder. Please read this entire e-mail as this is not spam.

A fellow FX account holder, Scott Shofner, contacted the PFG Trustee, Ira Bodenstein, and asked him directly why there are no plans to distribute the Forex and Metals accounts. The Trustee informed Mr. Shofner that he categorized our accounts as unsecured and therefore our accounts are not protected under the bankruptcy laws. (At least two additional Forex account holders have been told the same by the Trustee.) The Trustee also stated that because we signed the PFG Risk Disclosure Agreements when opening our PFG accounts it puts our accounts at full risk. The results of this conversation prompted the search to find proper legal representation to protect our FX and Metals accounts.

A fellow FX account holder, Rick Medley, appeared and represented himself in the PFG courtroom last week (9/12/12). Inside a courtroom filled with attorneys representing PFG Futures/Options/Commodities account holders, there was no legal council representing us as FX and Metals clients. Contrary to our previous understanding, not even the Commodity Customer Coalition (CCC) appeared to be supporting FX and Metals clients in the courtroom. Mr. Medley confirmed from his presence and while addressing the court during the bankruptcy proceedings last week that FX and Metals clients were without legal representation in Judge Doyle’s courtroom. Mr. Medley stated in court on 9/12/12 that it was his understanding that all the money Mr. Wasendorf had stolen came out of futures accounts and no money was stolen from Forex accounts. Neither the Trustee nor anyone else disputed this in court. His testimony in front of Judge Doyle was the first step in representing our accounts.

Our Forex and Metals monies are currently intact at JPMorgan Chase Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland as confirmed by the Trustee. You may think that because our accounts are listed in the Trustee’s documents that our accounts are safe. Initially we believed this as well. In fact, if you carefully read through all the Motions, schedules and documents submitted to the bankruptcy court, nothing could be farther from the truth. Our accounts are at risk of being completely emptied in the current legal proceedings - effectively stealing our money in the next few weeks - and converted to pay Futures account holders and the Trustee’s law firm. We view what may be about to take place as equivalent to criminal theft/larceny. We never in our wildest dreams thought that one man or a group of lawyers could put 100 percent of our accounts at risk, do it openly, publicly, and legally get away with it. The Trustee’s Motions are designed to distribute $123 million to Futures account holders – which was approved in court on 9/20/12 – and will deplete the funds available to Forex and Metals account holders. We need to immediately protect our accounts. If we let the Trustee and the dozens of lawyers representing non-Forex and non-Metals clients take our money without doing anything about it, then we don’t have anyone else to blame but ourselves. We cannot sit idly by and watch our hard earned money be divided between creditors and other customers.

Continued . . .

PFG Forex and Phyzz Metals Accounts Raped 2
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 1, AD 2012 8:45 PM MST
Letter Continued . . .

Previous brokerage bankruptcy proceedings have set an ugly track record for FX clients and have resulted in the complete loss of Forex and Metals accounts. The current PFG bankruptcy proceedings and the lack of action by the Trustee to disperse our FX and Metals funds to us are creating many questions and causes for concern. We are frustrated and shocked with the entire PFG bankruptcy proceedings and lack of fair play toward all PFG account holders. We refuse to watch our money be stolen with impunity. We have decided to take action to protect our accounts. We feel legal representation is necessary in order to protect the accounts we have spent our entire lives building. Individually, we do not have the cash reserves to hire the right attorneys to represent us. We must join together to share the attorney’s fees required to protect all of our Forex and Metals accounts. For those of you unsure about hiring legal representation or contributing… or are concerned that we are perpetrating a scam … or don’t believe that the Trustee can legally empty our accounts … we invite you to do your own due diligence:

• Contact the Trustee, Ira Bodenstein, (312) 666-2861, and ask him why FX and Metals accounts are not included in the distributions.

• Read footnote 11, page 340 of the Motion to Liquidate FX Accounts submitted 7/27/12 in which the Trustee states we are not PFG “customers” under the bankruptcy code and that the treatment of our claims and distributions is unknown.


• Contact the Commodity Customer Coalition (CCC) and ask why they are failing to represent the interests of the FX and Metals clients in the PFG courtroom as well as in the US Senate Ag Committee hearings that took place a few weeks ago.

For those of you needing further proof that our accounts need to be represented and protected:

• Late Wednesday afternoon (9/19/12), the Trustee moved up a scheduled court Hearing from Friday (9/21/12) to Thursday (9/20/12) to quickly get his Motion for Interim Distribution signed for Futures/Commodities account holders only.

• Due to the scheduling change, our attorneys were unable to finalize a Motion to the court to postpone the Distribution Order. They were allowed to present verbal objections in front of Judge Doyle, the CFTC representative and the Trustee, Ira Bodenstein.

• The Trustee admitted to the absence of any written audit report on the accounts as well as to the discovery of indications of fraudulent activities within the PFG Futures accounts that were the subject of his Distribution Order.

• The Trustee confirmed an intact balance of $44.58 million in FX and Metals accounts in addition to the $193.87 million in Futures/Options/Commodities accounts.

• Our attorneys spent most of the day (9/20/12) in the courtroom representing us as FX/Metals clients. Our concerns were presented verbally and as a result Judge Doyle invited our attorneys to submit a new Motion to her court.

• This session, as well as all official court proceedings, were documented and recorded by the court. You can confirm this information for yourselves within the Chicago Court computer system or via the public PACER system.

We hope that we have made everyone aware of how critical it is to protect our account balances. Since we are all traders and none of us has the expertise or experience necessary to represent ourselves and our accounts in such a precedent setting bankruptcy case, we feel we have hired the right experienced attorneys to represent us in the courtroom. We must continue to take action to have our FX/Metals accounts represented in front of Judge Doyle. When our account holders’ fund for attorneys’ fees is exhausted so are our chances at getting our account balances returned to us. We are asking those wanting to help protect their accounts to contribute an initial 1% on a pro-rata basis of your account(s) balance towards the retainer to maintain representation. We are also asking larger account holders to join us on retainer and help represent our accounts more actively. You can contribute one percent to help protect your entire account(s) value or contribute nothing and allow your account(s) to be legally plundered. This is real, and it is happening right now. We are all in this unfortunate situation together. Please join us in our fight to protect and retrieve our accounts. For more information please visit our website If you are interested in joining this group action to protect our accounts, please respond to We know that this may seem like a unique approach, but this is the only way we know how to contact each of the 7,000 fellow account holders and let you know what is happening with your accounts and what you can do to help protect them. Please remember that time is of the essence as we are already late in being represented in the courtroom. If we do nothing … then nothing is what we will end up with.

Thank you for your time,
Scott Shofner, Richard Medley, Michael Krall, Aarynn Krall, Paul Smith, Christopher Olson, David Beyerlein, James Landrum

Wah Wah: No More T-Shirts (Nip it in the Bud)
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 1, AD 2012 7:27 PM MST
I have pulled the plug entirely on the little t-shirt store and project. The company was, er, shall we say, struggling with quality control and order fulfillment. All orders already made and in the pipeline should be fulfilled, but the store is no more.

I learned long ago to trust the ol' gut, and when things start to go to heck in a handbasket, the best course of action is to follow the Deputy Barney Fife method for situational management and NIP IT IN THE BUD. The longer you hesitate, the worse, and more expensive things get, and usually on an exponential curve.

It was a mistake to begin with on my part. Serves me right for doing anything that involved monetizing, no matter how trivial. But, the Good Lord took care of it! THWAP!!!

And, FYI, I told the company guy to keep my "cut" for his trouble. If he sends a check, I'll tear it up.

Starting Monday Evening Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 1, AD 2012 7:10 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

On Psychopaths who mutilate their faces.
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 29, AD 2012 11:38 AM MST
Specifically in this essay, John Kerry.

John Kerry is back in the news as he has been going on the Pravda circuit talking about Obama's debate preparation (or lack thereof), as Kerry was flagged to serve as Obama's Mitt Romney stand-in for debate prep sessions. Like I talked and tweeted about earlier this week, Obama isn't engaging in any such debate prep because he has either supplied the Pravda debate moderators with all of the questions (I originally said that Pravda had supplied Obama with the questions and a reader pointed out that I had it backwards - the Obama regime provided Pravda with the questions) OR Obama is going to claim that he is too busy and cancel the debates all together. So, poor John Kerry has nothing to do except go on Pravda and spew the regime's agitprop.

I hadn't seen John Kerry in a long time because I typically will go out of my way to avoid him because he is such a repellant human being. But I did catch a glimpse of him on a YouTube clip yesterday and was shocked at what I saw and heard. The man has mutilated his face to such an extent with "cosmetic" surgery that he both looks and sounds like a grotesque.

Last year Kerry showed up at some White House ceremony with two HUGE black eyes and a broken nose and told Obama, and had his press office tell Pravda, that he fell on his face playing ice hockey.

Riiiiight. We all believe that.

John Kerry had two black eyes and a broken nose because he had recently had massive plastic surgery. That is why John Kerry today looks like a grotesque freak with his forehead, face, and undereye area pulled completely taut. If you ever watched Star Trek: Deep Space 9 back in the early 1990s, John Kerry looks like the alien character Odo.

But I also noticed something while listening to Kerry speak: he has a distinct speech impediment now that he did not have before. I figured out what has caused the speech defect. Kerry had his lower jaw surgically moved forward in order to strengthen his chin.

Here is a photo montage.

Top-left is Kerry in 2004. Note the crow's feet, bags under the eyes, wrinkled forehead and the slight, natural overbite. Top-right is Kerry at the White House sporting his post-surgery bruising. Bottom left is Kerry at the same White House event, with Obama in the background. Note the chin. That is not natural. Bottom right is Kerry speaking earlier this month at the DNC convention. Video of that speech below. Note the bizarrely smooth facial skin, especially around the eyes and on the forehead. Also note in the video clip the strange appearance of Kerry's mouth and the strange new lisping breathiness with his "s" and "sh" sounds.

Fun experiment. Say the following sentence aloud normally:

"Can I ask your advice?"

Now, shift your lower jaw forward so that your bottom teeth are even with your top teeth. Repeat the sentence. Do you hear how your "s" sounds turn into "sh"? Can I ASHK your ADVISHE? Now go back and watch Kerry.

Okay, okay. So Kerry had a total facelift and had his jaw moved. Isn't this trivia? Why are we wasting time worrying about this?

Because John Kerry, along with many of the people running the government, is totally, completely batshit insane, and we need to talk about this, acknowledge it, and parse it so that you guys can disqualify people like John Kerry from any position of governance after the war.

We have been conditioned by the media to shrug off these cosmetic surgeries as no big deal, but they are a big deal. First, let's just think about how John Kerry views himself. This is a man who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, who ran for POTUS, who has been in the Senate for decades, who is almost 70 years old, who SHOULD have a fairly good grasp of reality. But he doesn't. John Kerry is a man who looks in the mirror and thinks to himself, "I need to have my face cut and altered."

Just stop for a moment and think about that. I would think that if we ranked the most sacred parts of our body, those parts that we deem most important to our identities, those parts that we are most connected to, that our FACE would be at the top of that list. Our faces are the part of our body that most expresses who we are.

John Kerry had his own face mutilated.

Are we seeing the problem here? Guys, these people are insane. They are malignant narcissists who are driven by a core of self-loathing.

Next, let's ponder what John Kerry's objective is in having his face mutilated. John Kerry is almost 70 years old. John Kerry is married to Teresa Heinz Kerry. John Kerry's political career has maxed out. He will never run for POTUS again. He will probably never face any real opposition in Massachusetts for his Senate seat. So, why is John Kerry mutilating his face? What is the objective?

Simply put, John Kerry thinks that if he mutilates his face that he will look younger, and thus he will be able to have more sex with younger girls that he picks up in the halls of the Capitol and in Georgetown bars. Don't kid yourself. This is all about John Kerry getting laid.

Again, stop and think about this. This is a man who is so weak and emotionally needy that he will mutilate his own face and turn himself into a grotesque freak because he is convinced that by doing so he will be able to convince more 24 year old morally degenerated, slack-jawed, gold-digging beltway skanks to have meaningless sex with him - and this will make him feel BETTER about himself.

We have to start acknowledging the fact that these people are dangerously insane and are a massive risk to all of us. We have to start acknowledging the fact that when people do horrific things to their bodies, including self-mutilation AND sodomite abuse of the body, THAT MEANS SOMETHING. We have to start judging these people by their actions. God gave us brains. He wants us to use them, and that includes discerning and judging.

Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Vladimir Putin, Silvio Berlusconi, Cristina Kirchner, all of these people and many, many more have had their faces altered. Sane people don't have their faces altered. Sane people age gracefully and accept the changes that happen to their bodies with the passage of time. The people listed above are all - every one - psychologically unfit to hold ANY position of power.

People who mutilate their own faces and bodies are not fit to hold public office or have any governing power. After the war, remember this. When you are rebuilding this nation and this culture, PLEASE use common sense and good judgment and never, ever allow these sorts of people to hold any power because it will all end in tears and death, as we are seeing now.

(To head off any questions, no I do not think that orthodontics falls into the same category as plastic surgery. As a person who had 15 years of orthodontics, and would be the doppelganger of Sister Wendy Beckett, unable to properly shut my lips over my overbite if not for it, I do not think it is the same dynamic at all. You can't over-do orthodontics. There is nothing unnatural about straight teeth. In fact, straight teeth are objectively beautiful because they have integrity of form, they are proportional and functional, and they make for a radiant smile and countenance. Mutilated faces on the other hand lack integrity of form, are oftentimes disproportional both in space and especially in time, they oftentimes diminish proper functionality of the muscles of the face, and they make for a grotesque, repellant countenance. I really do think these two things are apples and oranges, and not just because I personally benefited from orthodontia.)

Starting Saturday Morning Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 29, AD 2012 9:52 AM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Random Venting
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 28, AD 2012 9:23 PM MST
1. I was asked not long ago what I wanted on my tombstone. Good question. Simple answer: I don't want a tombstone. Meh. Just dump the ol' carcass on the shoulder of I-70 somewhere east of Denver and let the buzzards, ravens, and maybe even a pack of feral dogs work their magic. Or, dump the ol' meatbag in the middle of a prairie dog town and let the poetic justice unfold as the plague-infested little cannibals cry out, "Hey! She killed my bruddah! Dibbs on the face!"

BUT, if I accomplish nothing else in this life, like destroying islam once and for all, breaking the Chicago mob, or driving all of the Marxist-homosexualist-satanists out of the Church, I would like to accomplish this:

I want everyone in the English-speaking world to learn what the word "MEEK" means.

MEEKNESS is defined as "power under control".

"Meek" has nothing to do with "weak". The two words simply rhyme. They are not synonyms.

That is all.

2. Spelling, grammar and punctuation matter. Let's go over a few things.

First, apostrophes, which are particularly, especially near and dear to my heart, and so horrifically abused. Yes, I'm talking to you, and you know who you are. Dude, you're killing me.

First, apostrophes have NOTHING to do with plurality. Nothing. The plural of 'cat' is 'cats'. Let's use 'cats' in a sentence:

The insane woman who lives across the road has seventy cats inside her house.


The insane woman who lives across the road has seventy cat's inside her house. WRONG! BAD! KILLING ME!!

If you put apostrophes into plural words, people will think that you are stupid, even if you aren't. It is that simple.

Second, apostrophes are used to show POSSESSION.

If the cat possesses something, then it is "the cat's". For example:

The dog's favorite treat is eating the cat's puke.

The PUKE belongs to the cat, so it is the CAT'S puke. As an added bonus in this sentence, the FAVORITE TREAT is the possession of the dog, so it is the DOG'S favorite treat. Possession, possession, possession.

Now, if the dog in question lived in the crazy woman's house with seventy cats and the the dog ate the puke from many or all of the seventy cats, that sentence would be:

The dog's favorite treat is eating the cats' puke.

When you have a plural word that is also possessive, the apostrophe goes on the outside of the 's'.

Completing the progression, if the crazy woman had multiple puke-eating dogs instead of just one, that sentence would be:

The dogs' favorite treat is eating the cats' puke.

Thirdly, apostrophes are used to indicate a CONTRACTION. 'Do not' becomes 'don't'. We put the apostrophe between the 'n' and the 't' because we have removed the 'o' in 'not'. The apostrophe goes in the place of the missing letter or letters.

Are not becomes aren't.
I have becomes I've.
She had and she would become She'd
Contraction, contraction, contraction.

Fourthly, the words 'it's' and 'its' must have their respective rules memorized. It is quite easy to distinguish between the two if you simply remember this mnemonic device:

IT can never possess anything.

Now certainly the word 'it' is used in the possessive case, but the point of this little mnemonic device is to remind us that the possessive 'its' never, ever has an apostrophe. Once I learned this little rule as a kid, the whole 'its-it's' question was put to bed forever.

The cat is quite chagrined when the dog eats its puke. No apostrophe, because this is a possessive 'its'.

When 'it's' is a contraction for 'it is', then you use the apostrophe to replace the missing 'i' from the word 'is'.

It's pretty gross to sit around and watch a bunch of dogs eat cat puke.

Given these rules for 'its' and 'it's', it follows that there is NO SUCH WORD as its' with an external apostrophe. I would insert an example here about dogs and cats and vomit consumption, but there is no example because there is no such word as its'.

That is all.

3. Your vs. you're.

Your is the possessive of you.

You're is the contraction of you are.

Your punctuation is awful, and it's killing me, but you're a'ight.

The punctuation YOU POSSESS (your) is awful, and IT IS (contracted to it's) killing me, but YOU ARE (contracted to you're) alright (redneck contracted to a'ight).

That is all.

4. There-Their-They're

There: a place. Over there. Interchangeable with 'yonder'.

Their: plural possessive. It's their house. Their body odor is intolerable.

They're: contraction of they are.

They're going to eat their lunch over there.

That is all.

5. While I'm ranting about concepts that people just don't grasp: Four-way stops.

Four-way stops are first come, first go. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHICH WAY YOU ARE GOING OR TURNING. If you get to the intersection first and you are turning left, you go first. You don't yield to anyone else because you are turning left. It doesn't matter. If you sit there trying to yield to everyone else, you are just slowing the intersection down needlessly, AND causing confusion which may lead to the most unnecessary and senseless thing in all of motoring: having an accident at a four-way stop.

In a similar vein, trying to be "nice" at four-way stops and waving everyone else through ahead of you when you were first to the intersection and thus have the right-of-way is NOT COOL. It is wasting everyone's time and causing confusion. Go when it is your turn. That is the most kind and neighborly thing you can possibly do.

When two cars get to a four-way stop intersection at the same time, the car that is on the right has the right-of-way. So, if one car approaches from the south and one from the west, if a person was to stand between the two cars, the car coming from the south would be on the right, and would thus have the right-of-way. If one car approached from the east and one from the south, the car coming from the east would be on the right if someone was standing between them, thus the car from the east would have the right-of-way.

If two cars approach a four-way stop at the same time from opposite directions (north and south or east and west) and thus neither is on "the right", turn signals should be used and convention holds that if only one car is turning left, the left turning car should yield. Otherwise the point is moot. Floor it.

That is all.

6. Higher octane gas is not "better", despite the gas stations using the term "premium", it just has a higher octane rating, which means that it is for use in cars with high-compression engines. These are usually high performance or sports cars, and it will say inside the gas cap door what kind of gas your car was specifically designed to burn. If your car does not have a high-compression engine and you put 93 octane gas in it, your engine may actually LOSE EFFICIENCY. Putting high octane gas in an average car does not "clean" or "condition" the motor. It simply costs more at the pump and may even reduce your mileage.

That is all.

Starting Friday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 28, AD 2012 7:42 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Starting Thursday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 27, AD 2012 8:25 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Peak Civilization
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 26, AD 2012 8:37 PM MST
Peak Gene Kelly.
Peak Donald O'Connor.
Definitely peak Debbie Reynolds.
Men in waistcoats.
AD 1951-52.
Peak civilization.

Starting Wednesday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 26, AD 2012 8:30 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Mailbag: Completely Original Edition
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 25, AD 2012 7:36 PM MST
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 6:39 PM
To: Ann Barnhardt
Subject: why the hatrid for homos?

dear ann.......have listened to a number of your vids. what's up with the homosex hate-on? I mean..."the lady doth protest too much, methinks" comes to mind.

really would like to understand where this comes from..... truly

From: Ann Barnhardt
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 6:46 PM
Subject: RE: why the hatrid for homos?

I hate evil. I hate activities that destroy lives and cause human beings to be lost to hell for all eternity. Sodomy is exactly that: an evil activity that destroyes lives and causes people to be lost to hell. So, yeah. I hate sodomy and the sodomite culture. Don’t you?

Wow. Accusing me of being a lesbian is really original. I’ve *never* heard that one before. I had no idea that anyone would ever think that a 35 year old female virgin, cattle market expert, and gun enthusiast might be a lesbian. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

Oh, wait. I've only been accused of being a lesbian since I was TEN YEARS OLD. Why don't you have a boyfriend? You're going to major in WHAT??? How do you know what "compression ratio" means? Why don't you have a boyfriend? How do you know what "windage" is? Why did you just order a whiskey sour? You can deadlift HOW MUCH? Why don't you have a boyfriend? Why do you know about wars and history and science and stuff? Why do you TALK LIKE THAT? Why aren't you afraid of anything? Why don't you have a husband?


Alan Keyes Nails It.
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 25, AD 2012 5:59 PM MST
I did the Hagmann & Hagmann show last night and spoke about this very topic, and here, via is Alan Keyes confirming and expanding on the same thing.

There is a bizarre, sophomoric "rah-rah yay team" dynamic in our culture whereby if the guy presented as being on "Team D" with the donkey mascot holds a position the "Team R" fans boo, while if the guy presented as being on "Team R" with the elephant mascot does exactly the same thing, the "Team R" people cheer.

My theory is that this is all a byproduct of the sports culture. People are trained to root for "their team", no matter who the men are that are playing on the team. So, saying "I'm a Cowboys fan" or "I'm a Red Wings fan" or "I'm a Knicks fan" is the same thing mentally as "I'm a Republican." It doesn't matter who the players are, and players get moved around and traded. It doesn't matter if a player gets accused of rape, or beating his girlfriend or gang-banging. So long as he is presented as being on "my team", all is forgiven and we root for "our team." Most importantly, it doesn't matter how BAD a team is. You are still expected to root for "your team" no matter how awful they are.

This twisted gang mentality, I am convinced, has been put in place and pushed by the Marxist infiltrators not just to provide a substitute masculinity so that all of the psychologically castrated men in society have a benign outlet for what remaining vestiges of masculinity they yet harbor, but also to condition people to this ridiculous "yay-team" mindlessness.

The reason you don't hear me talking much about the "election" is because I'm, frankly, beyond all of that. It is pretty clear that it is all fixed, and is nothing more than theater to maintain the illusion that this is somehow still a functioning representative republic. The Republic is dead and has been for years. To participate in this election cycle is to deny that reality. We are in an interstitial political space between the now dead First American Republic and whatever is going to come next. Participating in what is clearly a fraudulent electoral cycle is supporting the establishment of tyranny as the next system of governance. I refuse to play along.

Obama isn't even trying and is in fact making gaffes and antagonizing the country on a daily basis. This is the most compelling evidence that the Obama regime knows that the results of the "election" have already been determined, so they aren't even bothering to try. Clint Eastwood creates the "empty chair" meme and then two weeks later Obama refuses to meet with a single leader at the U.N., thus confirming the "empty chair" meme in the boldest possible terms - and you think Axelrod, Plouffe and the rest don't perceive this? Of course they do. They just don't CARE, because they already know that the "election" is fixed.

Likewise, Romney appears to be trying to throw the election, much like McCain. Romney, if he were a serious candidate, would be jumping all over Obama and his daily acts of treason, and instead is just doing enough to make it look like he is trying, without ever doing any real damage to Obama. Oh, and let's not forget that Romney holds basically the same positions as Obama, and has actually implemented those positions (RomneyCare, government funded abortion on demand, sodomite marriage, gun control) in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Sorry, but I'm not falling for any of this.

Let me make two predictions:

1. Obama will be given all of the questions before the debate and will have canned answers for every question. Given what you have seen from the "media" in this country just over the last few MONTHS, do you have any doubt whatsoever that they would even hesitate to cheat? There is no way Obama could possibly engage in honest debate. He lacks the intellect to speak extemporaneously, much less to debate extemporaneously. The media in this country is now more dishonest than Pravda in the Soviet Union. And you doubt for a second that they will give Obama all of the questions in advance? Come on.

2. Romney is going to get some sort of position in Obama's "second term" regime. Romney isn't throwing an election for free. I could totally see Obama naming Romney to a cabinet or czar position. SECTREAS? Why not? The damage is already done and irreversible. Let Romney twist in the wind as SECTREAS while the economy collapses while Timmy Geithner lands an eight-or-nine-figure spot at Goldman or JP Morgan. My point is, I don't think Romney is just going to quietly go home to LaJolla.

Here is the full two hour Hagmann & Hagmann episode. I talk about the topic above beginning at the 36:50 mark. I was on Skype for the first hour and the sound was choppy. The second hour on landline phone was better.

On Corapi, Luther, Merit and Sinning Boldly 1
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 23, AD 2012 11:56 PM MST
I have written about the whole “cheap grace” heresy, but more is needed because the Protestants are just completely bass-ackward and the Catholics are either too uneducated or too contra-educated to explain that which they shouldn’t have been able to enter the third grade without understanding with crystal clarity.

The heresy in question has as its mantra: There is nothing you can do to merit salvation, so don’t even bother worrying about it, and never, ever think that any “good works” make any difference to God. There is nothing you can do, and only those evil Catholics think that “works” have anything to do with salvation.

And so from this we get “Christians” telling each other that nothing you do in your life really matters, so worrying about things like “sin” or “doctrine” or “truth” are all just a waste of time, and not what God wants. God just wants you to “accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior” and if you just do that, nothing else that you do or don’t do, believe or don’t believe, for the rest of your life matters, because you are “saved.” You know, like whether or not you pay taxes to the Obama regime, or whether or not you support satanic agitporn by paying for a cable TV feed, cough, cough. Yeah – none of that stuff matters, just so long as you are “saved.”

Let me explain this using a contemporary example. There was a famous priest named Fr. John Corapi who was a very successful speaker for about twenty years from the early 1990s until 2010. Fr. Corapi converted and reverted many people to the Church through his powerful preaching, and through his compelling backstory. Corapi had spent his young adulthood as a hard-living, drug-snorting womanizing real estate mogul hot-shot in Los Angeles in the 1970s and 1980s. He hit rock-bottom, went broke and ended up back in his mother’s house, where he gradually reverted to Catholicism, and then eventually entered the seminary and was ordained.

Because he was a gifted speaker, his vocation focused mainly on traveling, speaking and selling DVDs of his talks. By the end, he was packing major arenas. I actually was in attendance at what I think was his last arena event, which was in Omaha, Nebraska in September of 2010. A cattlelady client bought us VIP tickets to attend Corapi’s big event at the Qwest Center in Omaha, and the place was packed to the rafters. I’m guessing there were at least 17,000 people there.

Corapi the preacher was good. His preaching was intelligent in a straightforward way, orthodox and I never detected any errors in its content. Sadly, Corapi the man was apparently struggling. Accusations of drug use and sex with women were made in early 2011. Corapi then did the unthinkable and “quit the priesthood”, which he knew darn well was a nonsensical action, but claimed that he was going to continue on speaking. After only a couple of truly bizarre audio posts, he disappeared and hasn’t been seen or heard from in well over a year. The optimistic speculation is that he has returned to his order in Texas and is laying low. The chances of that are slim as it is thought that if that were the case that his order would, in order to edify the faithful, solicit prayers on Corapi’s behalf, and avoid the appearance of any additional scandal, make a very simple statement to that fact. There has been no statement.

At the Omaha even in 2010 Corapi said something during his talk that is haunting in retrospect. He said that it was possible that he could yet “die on a filthy mattress in a crack house” and that he was thus always in need of prayers. The other disturbing thing about Corapi at Omaha was his appearance. He had dyed his goatee jet black. It was a disturbingly vain thing for a priest to have done, it looked positively horrid, and in retrospect it was an indicator that something was very wrong in the mind of Corapi. To add even more confirmation was the fact that Corapi lied about his dyed facial hair when asked about it and claimed that his facial hair had begun growing jet black as the result of an illness.

Now I don’t know for a metaphysical certitude that Corapi had fallen back into hard drug use and fornication because I obviously didn’t eyewitness it, BUT given the evidence leading up to the 2011 events and accusations and the subsequent fallout, and for the sake of this essay, let’s assume that Corapi did in fact fall back into the sins of his youth. How could that happen? How did satan get to him?

The possible answer goes back to the whole question of “merit.” The Protestant heresy says that there is nothing a person can do to merit salvation, and that Catholicism teaches that a person can buy their way into heaven by doing good works (which is a boldfaced lie - the Church teaches no such thing). As with all heresies, satan starts with a kernel of truth and then twists and distorts it into a completely false lie.

While it is true that there is nothing one can do to merit salvation, the satanic Protestant heresy continues the thought by saying that all works are therefore meaningless, which quickly leads to the argument that there really is no such thing as sin (since all works are meaningless), or objective truth (which is the standard by which sin is judged). The final step to this logical fallacy is the denial of God’s very existence, because if there is no Objective Truth, and thus no sin, there is no God, because God is Truth. You Protestants need to understand that the ONLY place Protestantism leads is to atheism. Atheism is the one and only logical conclusion to the Protestant heresy. If there is no Eucharist, then there is no God. If there is no priesthood, then there is no God. If there is no Church, then there is no God. If there is no Authority, then there is no God.

What we do and don’t do matters. The “works” of our lives will be the basis of our Judgment before Christ. The truth of the statement “there is nothing you can do to merit salvation” is illustrated in Corapi. I speculate that Corapi, over the course of the decades of his ministry, was bewitched by satan in the following way: Corapi would look out at the packed arenas, would look at the thousands and thousands of DVDs he was selling, and would look at the thousands and thousands of fan letters, emails and calls that were received at his office and was keenly aware of how many people credited him directly and specifically with their conversion or reversion to the Church.

I suspect Corapi then began to engage in a legalistic accounting game in his head. Namely, he would think to himself, “Look at the thousands and thousands of people I have brought into the Church. Surely Christ wouldn’t send ME to hell for snorting a little coke, or for having a little sex.”

This is called “presuming upon God’s Mercy” and it is a grave, grave sin, and it is the extremely simple and basic explanation of the Catholic works-righteousness question. But since all Catholics today are complete ignoramuses, either totally uneducated at best, or contra-educated by the Marxist-homosexualist infiltrators at worst, no one can explain this, whereas a century ago the average eight year old could have answered the Protestant works-righteousness criticism with eight words: Presuming upon God’s Mercy is a grave sin.

Corapi probably began presuming upon God’s Mercy because of his wildly successful ministry and thus convinced himself that he had somehow “earned” a certain degree of sin. Yeah, he might have done some blow, and yeah, he might have had some fun with some babes, but SURELY Christ wouldn’t send HIM to hell given how many people he had led back into the Church.

On Corapi, Luther, Merit and Sinning Boldly 2
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 23, AD 2012 11:54 PM MST
The minute you start thinking that way, you’re done, because that thought process denies the Incarnation, denies the Divine Personhood of Christ. In this mode of thinking, Christ isn’t a Person, Christ is a legal abstraction. Christ is reduced to a mere philosophy. When Christ’s Incarnation and Divine Personhood is denied, then it becomes no problem to nail a mere philosophy to a cross. It becomes no problem to whip a mere legal abstraction until it is skinned, because legal abstractions have no skin to whip. You can’t betray a legal abstraction. You can’t break a philosophy’s heart.

How many converts won for the Church offset one evening of coke-snorting? 100? 1000? 10,000? How many reverts shepherded back into the Church merit one evening of fornication? 71? 568? 3477? If Corapi had converted every soul on the planet, what amount of sin would that have “entitled” him to? The answer is ZERO. Every sin is an infinite offense against our infinite, and infinitely good God. There is NOTHING that any person could ever, ever do to “merit” or “entitle” them to put God Himself, perfectly good and perfectly innocent, on the Cross.

Where satan twists this truth is in the argument that since no amount of good works can ever merit Christ’s Sacrifice, then that must mean that nothing we do either way really matters once we are “saved.” If no good works can ever merit salvation, then why bother? And if Christ is legally obliged to forgive all of our sins so long as we declare ourselves “saved”, then the sins don’t matter, either. Nothing matters. Be “free.” Do what you want. Do what feels good. Do what makes you “happy”, and let the chips fall where they may, and Christ will cover you in the end.

Here is a quote from one of the most wicked psychopaths of all time, a man that sadly, many of you reading this worship and claim as a hero: Martin Luther.

Be a sinner, and let your sins be strong (sin boldly), but let your trust in Christ be stronger, and rejoice in Christ who is the victor over sin, death, and the world.
A Letter From Luther to Melanchthon
Letter 99, Paragraph 13.
August 1, 1521

That’s your boy, Protestants. That’s your hero, preaching that Jesus Christ is nothing more than a mathematical quantity. He’s not a Person. He’s just a legal loophole, and since that legal loophole is bigger than you, not only CAN you presume upon God’s Mercy, you SHOULD presume upon God’s Mercy. Yeah, prove to the world how much “faith” you have by “sinning boldly” and then “rejoicing” over the fact that you are legally and mathematically covered. Flog Him, spit on Him, crucify Him, betray Him, break His Sacred Heart, take His Love and just piss all over It, torture Him with total INDIFFERENCE, because in doing that you prove that you have “faith.”

Remember how I keep saying that the opposite of love (caritas, charity) is not hate but INDIFFERENCE? Yeah, there’s a reason for that. Luther, in that one sentence, proves beyond all doubt that he was INDIFFERENT to Christ, and encouraged others to be totally INDIFFERENT to Christ. Indifference is the opposite of love.

You do realize that Luther was the mouthpiece of satan himself now, right? Only satan could concoct an argument as truly evil and devoid of love as Luther’s foundational premise of INDIFFERENCE to sin, and thus INDIFFERENCE to Christ Crucified as stated above. Do you see now why Luther, like Judas Iscariot before him, both as slaves of satan, hated the Eucharist? The Eucharist is Jesus Christ PHYSICALLY PRESENT. It’s far more difficult to deny the Incarnation and convince one’s self that Jesus is a mere philosophy or legalism when you know that He is fifteen feet away inside the Tabernacle, upon the altar, inside your mouth, or inside your body. The Eucharist is the diametrical opposite of INDIFFERENCE.

Would it also help you to know that the Catholic priest Martin Luther wanted to have sex with a nun named Katharina von Bora, and thus had to figure out a “theological” argument to not only justify his hatred of the Eucharist which confronted him constantly with God’s Incarnate Love, his hatred of the Church, the priesthood and the Mass, but also gave him a “theological cover” for the fact that his war against Christ revolved around the fact that he wanted to fornicate with a nun? Satan was happy to help, and the rest is history. Sin boldly, indeed.

So, you now see how narrow the gate is. You can drive into the ditch on both sides of the road. A man like Corapi can forget that Christ is a Divine Person, burning with personal love, and thus convince himself that he has done enough good to “offset” his sins and thus preclude the possibility that he could ever be condemned by Christ to hell, which is called “presuming upon God’s Mercy.” It is precisely the moment when we forget Christ’s Personhood that we stop loving Him, and when we stop loving Him as a person and instead replace Him with a false philosophy or legal matrix that we name “jesus”, we’re already in hell.

Or, we can be like Luther and tell ourselves that nothing we do matters, either good or bad, because the “jesus loophole” is bigger than we could ever be, so sin boldly! It just proves you have faith! And pay no attention to that silly bread and wine nonsense. Everyone knows that Jesus isn’t PHYSICALLY present. If He were physically present, that would mean that He was an actual Person, and that He loved us so much that He couldn’t stand to be physically apart from us, and then we might actually be bothered by the fact that we were infinitely betraying and torturing Him every time we had sex with Sister Katharina.

Bottom line: we must love God as He is, which is Incarnate, in the Eucharist. You can’t love a philosophy, and a philosophy can’t love you. The Eucharist is the constant reminder of and intimate physical interaction with Jesus Christ, the Divine Person, who freely chose to suffer and die for you not because you earned it, or because he was legally obliged to do it, but purely because He loves you.

And you know, it’s funny, but if you love Him back, you will find yourself irresistibly compelled to do all kinds of things (and not do other things) just purely for the sake of loving Him. Love is funny like that.

(In your charity, please remember Fr. John Corapi in your prayers. We don't know if he is safe and sound in a cloister somewhere, or if he is strung out in a crack house, or somewhere in between, but God knows where he is, so it is not necessary for us to know. Just pray.)

Starting Sunday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 23, AD 2012 11:41 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Repost by Request: It's All About Integrity
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 21, AD 2012 7:15 PM MST
This was originally penned and posted over three years ago on May 28, AD 2009. "Prescient" doesn't quite do it justice - but then, anyone who hasn't seen all of this coming since 2008 will be recorded by history and God's Justice as criminally negligent and/or stupid. The specific context was Obama's raping of the Chrysler bondholders and the selective forced closings of Chrysler dealerships based purely off of political campaign contributions and race. Remember all of that back in 2009? This post explains why the First American Republic is dead by drawing the comparison the the nascent American government and economy of the early 19th century.

I came across a FASCINATING historical tidbit today on the internet. Historians regard the year 1811 as the year that the United States matured from fledgling former colony into global industrial and moral power. Do you know why?

In 1811 tensions were building between the U.S. and British. We were on the run‐up to the War of 1812. While this was going on, the First Bank of the United States, founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1791, was liquidated because its original 20‐year charter expired. Many of the bondholders of this bank were . . . British. There was enormous political pressure, given the hostility and tensions with the British, to give the British bondholders the shaft and pocket that money to help finance the coming war. The leaders of First Bank refused to go along with the desires of the politicians and repaid every penny of their debt, including their British creditors.

Why did they do this? Because it was the LAW. The Rule of Law came first to these men.

This one act of integrity had a cascading effect that essentially set the course of this nation and its economy for the next 198 years. Word quickly spread throughout the business districts of Europe that the words "Backed By The Full Faith And Credit Of The United States Government" meant something, and meant something real.

European investment dollars came pouring in to the "fledgling former colony", the industrial revolution was born, and The United States of America that we all know and love was born. We are indeed the children of integrity, the children of "full faith".

That era ended earlier this week.

Without the rule of law, the words "full faith and credit of the government of the United States" are meaningless words. And, just as money came flowing in 198 years ago, money will now go flowing out. Our government is now fascist and is run by gangsters who would not know integrity if they were being beaten over the head with it.

God help us.

Starting Friday Night Off Right
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 21, AD 2012 7:04 PM MST
† Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

And she said, 'I refuse to live in a bubble.'
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 20, AD 2012 10:45 PM MST
Last week a cattle industry colleague of mine called to relate his afternoon's activity. He was driving with his four children, aged 9 to 1, when the following conversation took place in the car:

4 year old girl: Can two girls get married?

6 year old boy: NO, SILLY! Two girls can't get married. It has to be one boy and one girl.

9 year old girl: Nuh-uh. I saw on TV where two girls got married.

This is what it finally took for this man, this husband, this father, this guardian and protector, to FINALLY understand the full horror of what is being done to his children. This is what it took - having the sword of his 9 year old's parroting of Marxist-Sodomite propaganda pierce his soul. He could pretend that he had it under control so long as it was only the people on TV saying it. He could lie to himself and tell himself that "it is all going over their heads" and "we're a good Christian family, and we are raising our children in a Godly home in rural America," ... until he heard the Sodomite filth come spewing out of the mouth of his firstborn child, contaminating two of his other children in the process.

This horror was what was required for the Holy Spirit to finally get through. And this is a big lesson: if you need to get your heart torn out of your chest and stomped all over in order for you to comprehend some essential truth, God will permit that to happen. Don't you doubt that for one second.

As soon as they arrived home, my friend dug out the last satellite bill, called the customer service number, and in no uncertain terms told them to TURN. THE. SHIT. OFF. NOW.

It's over. No more. No more satanic Sodomite agitprop and pornography will be coming into his house. It's over. No more Marxist pagan filth. It's over. No more mind-numbing soul-killing innocence-destroying lies in his home. No more open attacks on his children while he sits by and watches. It's over.


"But sir, what if we offered you two months free? Are you switching to cable? We can beat any cable package. What if we upgraded you to our premium high-definition package at no additional charge?"


Praise God. Praise God. Praise God.

Significant damage has already been done, but that damage can be fixed, and this family is now on the road to healing. The lives of four children and two parents have just changed, and changed for the better in ways that they cannot yet imagine. Games of kickball and baseball will now be played that never would have occurred, forts will be built, books will be read, skills will be learned, adventures will be had and CONVERSATIONS WILL NOW TAKE PLACE that would have all been snuffed from existence by the godforsaken Marxist-Sodomite agitprop and pornography vector that is called "TV". Satan's main entrypoint into this home and family has now been firmly shut, and it was shut by the ACTION of the father in MASCULINE IRE IN DEFENSE OF HIS FAMILY.

Now to the flip side of this anecdote, which happened just this morning.

I attended a conference about Catholic ethics, and toward the end discussion opened up a bit. An upper-middleclass suburban woman raised her hand and complained that her 13 year old daughter persistently wanted to dress like Kim Kardashian, I believe the word "whore" was used, as the daughter has been regularly watching the Kardashian filth on TV and wants to be just like Kim Kardashian, who is, for those of you who do not know, a sociopathic moral degenerate de facto prostitute who is also teetering on the precipice of being mentally retarded.

I tend to keep fairly quiet in venues such as this. If I am not "the speaker" then it is my job to listen, but with the anecdote above fresh in my mind, and since discussion had opened up, I did lean forward and asked this woman why she allowed cable TV into her home in the first place, and why she allowed her daughter to watch evil filth. Some response was made to the effect, "Well, I can't control . . . " at which point I cut her off and told her that she could call and cancel the cable feed this afternoon, at which she bristled and snarled back at me, "I'm not going to have this discussion. I'M NOT GOING TO LIVE IN A BUBBLE."

Understand, this woman had no clue who I was, so the bristling and snarling was not because she was intimidated by me - it was an organic response to the thought of taking away her precious Marxist-Sodomite agitporn (new word!) delivery vector. She then got up and left.

Had I gone blowtorch on this woman, here is what I would have said:

Madam, you just raised your hand and volunteered that your 13 year old daughter is emulating as a role model and dressing like a whore in an effort to elicit sympathy from this group. When I asked you why you simply don't do the absolute minimum of what any parent should do, namely removing the evil of TV from your home and thus protecting your daughter, you snapped back that you refuse to "live in a bubble."

Madam, from what little you have told us, it sounds like your daughter, being 13 years old, upper-middle class, living in the United States in 2012, and already EMULATING WHOREDOM, is well on her way to being lost to hell for all eternity. Her soul and psyche are being formed in profound ways, especially now as she is in the throes of puberty, setting up who she will be and the choices she will make for the rest of her life. And you, her mother, refuse to do what is clearly the BARE MINIMUM to stop your own daughter's descent into the grips of hell, namely eliminating cable TV from your home, because you don't want to "live in a bubble?" You would watch your own child be lost to hell before you would go without TELEVISION? Do you realize that in this you are also putting YOUR OWN SOUL at profound risk for eternal damnation?

I don't know your daughter, and probably never will. I don't know you, and to be frank, I don't like you and we will almost certainly never be friends on this earth. BUT, for some reason which I cannot explain, I CARE whether or not you and your daughter go to heaven or go to hell. I am not indifferent to your fate, and am intensely desirous of both of you making it to heaven. In fact, it appears that I care more about the eternal fate of your daughter's soul than you do. This is charity: not being indifferent to our fellow human beings. I do not like you, nor am I obliged to, but I am not indifferent to you, which IS my obligation.

Madam, you are the walking personification of the Marxist goal. You are a totally sensuous, self-absorbed person who can only see the world through the prism of your own faux-victimhood, so much so that your self-centered sensuousness even takes precedence over the eternal fates of the souls of your own young children. The last wedge, the wedge between mother and child, has been driven home, and you are the proof of that.

Madam, that "bubble" that you refuse to live in, that "bubble" that simply asks of us that we reject evil, is what the rest of us call "The Sacred Heart of Jesus", pierced and burning with love for you, your daughter and everyone else. But, if you don't want to live in that "Bubble", then I can promise you Sister, YOU WON'T. EVER. If you find the "Bubble" too boring, too isolating, too embarrassing and too socially awkward; if you hold that "Bubble", all who dwell in It, all those who seek to dwell in It, and those who are truly desirous of you and your daughter dwelling in It in scathing contempt, then Madam, I can promise you that you will never, ever have to experience It.

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