On First Day, Democrats Propose Eight Anti-Gun Bills

What part of *SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED* do these people not get?

On First Day, Democrats Propose Eight Anti-Gun Bills

With the left looking for its next big cause, Congressional Democrats have latched onto the Sandy Hook massacre as an opportunity to push gun control. Yesterday alone, eight new bills were introduced relating to gun control. Two conservative bills were introduced relating to ending “gun free zones” under federal law.

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) led the way with four bills introduced. Her husband was shot to death in 1993 and her son was severely injured when Colin Ferguson, a mentally unstable black militant (he spent time in his apartment chanting, “all the black people killing all the white people”), shot up a Long Island commuter train.

She has been a longtime gun control advocate. In 1997, she tried to push a federal law that would have mandated trigger locks on all firearms. She introduced legislation that would have forced gun companies to produce firearms that were “child-resistant.” In 2007, she tried an “assault weapons” ban that would have targeted some 65 types of firearms.

The measures McCarthy introduced include:

• Significant restrictions on gun show transactions, which would in effect end gun shows;
• No online purchases of ammunition, and licensing of ammunition dealers, as well as reporting to the federal government all bulk ammunition purchases;
• Prohibition on the transfer, sale, or possession of ammunition clips beyond a certain size.

Read the FULL STORY here:
On First Day, Democrats Propose Eight Anti-Gun Bills

This is a copy of the email I sent to Pres. Obama, Sen. Cornyn (R-TX), Sen. Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Sessions (R-TX). I don’t just BLOG, I get involved and I let our elected officials know exactly what is on my mind. I don’t hang an anonymous BLOG out there; I put MY butt on the line, every day! I just hope the *R* behind these names doesn’t truly stand for RINO…


I realize that the job of a hard-core Liberal President is to make as much traction as possible any time some idiot goes off and uses a gun to kill people.

That is NOT the job of Conservative Senators and Congressmen.

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A Conversation Recently Overheard in D.C.

A Conversation Recently Overheard in D.C.

The telephone rings in Harry Reid’s office:

Ring… Ring…

Reid: Hello, this is the Senate President Harry Reid speaking…

Boehner: Hey, Harry, old pal, this is John.

Reid: John, buddy…How ya doing?

Boehner: Not really too good, Harry. I got some conservative asshole representatives that don’t want to play ball with us… In fact, these sons-of-bitches even want to take my gavel away. (chokes back a sob and begins to tear up)… Damn it Harry, I like my gavel and my plush office and all the perks I get with being Speaker. Ya know I’ve been going along with you and whatever ya’ll want, so I need some help with this “situation”. (starts to weep) Pleeeeeeease help me, Harry.

Reid: OK, John, quit yer bawling. If we can fix a presidential election, handling a few redneck crackers for you isn’t gonna be a problem…

Boehner: I just knew ya would help, Harry…. (sniff, sniff) I don’t wanna go!!!

Reid: OK… First we got to do something to make the rube voters think that you really dislike me and everything the Democrats stand for…That’s gonna take off some heat back home for the crackers that are bothering you…

So this is what we will do. I’m gonna hold a press conference where I will call you a dictator…Shit…Dictator, my ass …Hitler and Stalin could have learned a lot from us (maniacal laughing)

That will start the ball rolling … then a couple days later, I will have a few of ‘our’ media boys just happen to be in the hallway … You come down the hall and I will say something and then you reply; “Go f**k yourself!!!”

That ought to get their attention, and I will make sure they get that on CNN and all the other networks.. That’s gonna make the dumb-shits think we are bitter enemies and hate each other’s guts… (more maniacal laughing)

Then to grease the skids a little more, we can ‘pork ‘em’ with a few more pet projects they can get in on and make a few points with the voters back home..

Boehner: Uuuhhhhh … Harry… Let’s don’t mention ‘pork’ em”.. Ya know after all that business with Weiner and all the jokes that got started like, “Weiner and Boehner were talking one day”… Well, I even had to change the way the press pronounced my name…ya know.. .It’s really “Bone-er”…then the dirty jokes about Weiner and “Bone-er” started up, got to remember to answer to “Bain-er” these days … Nobody cuts me any slack. (starts to cry again)

Reid: Now don’t take it too hard, John… Ooops… Sorry, I mean, don’t take it too badly, John… We will be careful about reminding the press about that. We got ‘em in our pocket anyway… They will say what we tell them to say or have their White House pass jerked … and ya know Barack likes his high living with fancy food and expensive wine… Just thinking about all the parties and banquets they will miss will take care of that.

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“They took the easy way out” ~Pete Sessions~

“They took the easy way out” ~Pete Sessions~

Pete SessionsOn January 1, 2013 the U.S. Congress showed the American people exactly WHO in their ranks it is that are taking up space and not fighting for the American people and their wishes. That is MY personal opinion anyway.

Of course there are many *progressives* that immediately fall into line on anything Barack Obama and his ilk want, I include Democratic Senators and Congressmen in that accusation just as much as I do Democratic voters, Libbers, Progs, Leftists, whatever they are going by now in order to avoid being called Socialists.

That’s OK, it’s what we’ve come to expect from the Left, but NOT what I expect from Senators and Congressmen supposedly on the RIGHT.

Texas Senators John Cornyn (RINO) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (RINO) went for this deal dangled by Obama and Harry Reid like a duck on a junebug. Yeah, that is one of those Texas and/or Southern colloquialisms. Local folks will understand.

Hutchison is GONE, she is now retired and that is the best thing that can be said about the woman that was once thought to be the greatest LADY Texas could have offered. I’ll leave it at that.

Several Texas Congress Members from my part of Texas voted against this Obama TAX bill, the so-called *Fiscal Cliff* thing, Congress Members Kay Granger, Sam Johnson, Joe Barton, Kenny Marchant, Jeb Hensarling, Ralph Hall and Louie Gomert ALL voted against the wishes of Barack Obama in this matter.

Sam Johnson has been my Congressman for a very long time, Mr. Sam Johnson is a Conservative, about as Conservative as they come, and he too voted against the Obama foolishness, but today I am getting a NEW Congressman due to redistricting. Today the good folks in my part of Texas get Pete Sessions as their NEW Congress Critter.

I have met Mr. Sessions, had the opportunity to talk with him and I have maintained a very decent rapport with his staff. I had nothing personal against Pete Sessions until the YEA vote he cast regarding the *fiscal cliff*.

It is NOT my intent to neither denigrate nor disparage Mr. Sessions for his vote; he is, after all, as entitled to his opinion as am I, it just happens that I am in complete and total disagreement with him ON that vote, but that in and of itself is not my biggest issue.

When I spoke with Mr. Sessions yesterday regarding his vote I almost felt that he was talking *down* to me, like I was one of the ‘unwashed and uneducated’ rabble.

I bathe daily and I pride myself on keeping up with political issues that can affect me, my family, my income, my state and this nation; it’s what I do as a political blogger and when Mr. Sessions told me that the above mentioned Congress Members had ‘taken the easy way out’ by voting against the Obama sponsored TAX bill I was LIVID and I make NO secret of that.

Mr. Sessions vote gives me great pause as I wonder where We, The People, go next.

I also know that We, The People, have a huge fight ahead of us on this fiscal cliff thing, and it will be coming within the next 2 months when the nation once again is up against the edge of the cliff and about to run out of money again. We also have another battle in the fight against ILLEGAL immigration, where will Mr. Sessions fall in on that?

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